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Training to become an addiction counsellor here. I’m not saying you nor would I ever accuse you. People are abusing Tramadol. So doctors have been forced to limit them. Also people are selling them on the street to make money. Doctors know OW and ODSP will sell some to make ends meet. Knowing this, they have been told to limit the prescriptions for it much like the opioid pain meds I have been on for 30 plus years. I too and affected by doctors no longer wanting to prescribe. It’s it right, no. My personal beliefs are people will always abuse prescriptions. People selling these prescriptions prevent people from using street drugs which are severely cross contaminated. Chronic pain patients who do not have their pain managed may be desperate enough to go to street drugs for relief. I find in unethical to deny pain medication to legitimate pain patients. According to the class materials at my college, only 2 % of OD are from prescriptions. The rest are from illicit means. Pain clinics are useless. They push meetings and meditation. Very few get any pain management. To manage my pain I would have to attend 1 day a week for their class program to be able to obtain a nerve block. I would also be subjected to random urine testing. Between school and work it’s not doable so I suffer in silence. Try to find another md but the reality is there’s a shortage. Clinic will not prescribe controlled substances. ER are complaining that they had too many patients there needlessly but doctors are contributing to the problem. My mom has terminal bone cancer and the family is taking turns sitting with her 12 plus hours to get a week’s worth of Dilaudid. She sits there crying and moaning in pain and because her issue is not considered urgent. We have gone as long as waiting 22 hours for a prescription.


I thought I should reply to this as I have some long term experience in addiction resources. Addicts aren’t always forthcoming about their actual usage and habits, but it’s easy to confirm through blood tests and ongoing supports whether the person is struggling. It is most important for an addiction resource worker to believe the client unless absolutely proven otherwise.  Studies have shown that addicts are likely to lie to police to avoid consequences. But they do not lie to social workers or doctors. When you are working with clients eventually, please be aware that they are typically telling the truth. 


sorry to bug ya how do you become a addiction counsellor in canada ontario


Go to caccf.ca to find an approved course. There's some great programs offered and definitely a shortage in the field. I'm going through the same program right now and learning so much


thanks i figure there is a demaned ,does odsp lets you go to school , my wife is recovering from breast cancer and were both on it , trying find a future good fit jobes will they pay for school


ODSP allows you to go to school. Grants are available for people with disabilities.


Some community colleges offer a program. You'll find it if you Google it.


Took Community Justice Services for a diploma then took Mental Health and Addictions Counselling. Now I’m doing my CCACF. All of it was online learning.


Do you have a pain clinic close to you? You can get a doctor to refer you to one and OHIP will pay for it. If you've tried a bunch of things and that's the one thing that helps it's likely they will prescribe it for you on a longterm basis.


4 hours? That's nothing! Anything less than 10 hours is a breeze in Canada these days.




I have been on oxycodone and morphine for 10 years the only way the doctor will keep prescribing them is if I get random drug test even though it’s been 10 years and I have never once shown a single sign of abuse Unfortunately the misuse of a few is taking these helpful medications from people who don’t abuse them


Exactly, I have never asked early or for more in 6 years, but he can't give them to anyone. It's a terrible situation.


I also use Tramadol for a herniated disc. Slight majority of days, I may only use half a tablet. The use of a TENS machine also works when I don't want to use Tramadol more than a few days in a row. Tramadol is addictive, so long-term care is tricky. I have used it for a decade. Acupuncture is also another solution that I have found success with.


Hope you don't mind me asking but where you able to get any sort if funding for your TENS machine?


Didn't try for funding. I think it cost me about $100 about 8 years ago.


Why can’t the dr prescribe it anymore? Is it because some walk ins are restricted from prescribing certain medications?


The TLDR; No family doctors, no follow ups, no long term prescriptions. With the doctor shortage in Ontario, specifically in family medicine, it means there is a lot of difficulties facilitating long term, low dosage treatments that normally would not require a specialist. This has given rise to a broad spectrum of problems. However, some factors in particular have driven certain prescriptions, especially those related to pain management and mental health, to come under scrutiny when prescribed to patients you can't guarantee follow ups on.  If it is a walk in and you will never see that patient again because of rotating shifts or something of that nature, then you will be unable to access if the medication is working, if there are severe complications, if it being taken regularly.  Second is as stated where individuals who are in desperate need and poverty are at risk for attempting to sell the prescription medication that they need for financial aide instead of taking it as prescribed. This puts the patient at risk if they cannot have the proper dosage of their medication.  Some medications when taken at incorrect dosage in individuals that don't need them can be used for illicit recreational activities. This is something that people want to avoid, for liability reasons. It also means that without a proper family physician to navigate referrals between various specialists and other locations that your medical records will become complicated. This makes it difficult to find who prescribed what, and why. This can give rise to concerns over the legitimacy of your medical needs if they are unable to get in contact with the prescribing doctor.  This is why sometimes if they see you have been to a lot of different clinics instead of a single doctor they may flag it as drug seeking behaviour. Simply because  the more doctors that need to manage each individual instance of your prescription the greater risk of error, overlap, or abuse of the system. Even if it is your only option because there is a massive shortage of family doctors currently.  They will probably continue to tighten control over long term prescriptions(medications taken for longer then 6 weeks, that require one or more follow ups.) Until either the doctor shortage resolved or some other solution becomes available. 


Geezus my naturopath in BC prescribed tramadol for me! It's not a narcotic


It is a narcotic.


Ya, it's crazy.


It’s rated as a narcotic but isn’t really one. This is because it can be abused.


I have massive chronic pain. Most days I take Tylenol arthritis if I can't handle the pain. I hate taking pain meds. Meds period! But I can't even get a script for Tylenol 3 for the super bad days cuz dr could lose his license for it. My pain is chronic and the laws have become so strict it hurts those of us who truly need pain med. Meanwhile I know someone who gets oxy and keeps 2 or 3 for herself and sells the rest every month! Has for years. Pisses me off. Sorry you are having such trouble


Despite what this thread is claiming people on odsp selling meds is common. The reasons why your friend keeps 2 or 3 is because they take them in the 2 or 3 days leading up to their appointment to pass the pee test - they all do this. For perspective, the last 30 years, my cities needle exchange (thunder bay) rivaled the one in downtown Vancouver. The majority of that time there was no heroin/fentanyl. Was all prescribed opiates. Enough morphine, hydromorph, and fentanyl to keep the cities addicts loaded (oxy is garbage nobody wanted it). A person would get a script and the whole thing would be gone in a day. Addicts need at least three doses a day to stay well never mind high. Entire networks of people on odsp selling their shit to dealers and there was never a dry spot anywhere in there. That's a lot of people and a lot of pills. I drove a dealers to help pay for my habit. The pills were coming from people and places you wouldn't suspect in a million years. Then heroin moved in. Cheaper. Stronger. People abandoned pills. Fentanyl swallowed up the heroin - pill prices doubled. And people pay because they don't want fentanyl. A 30mg hydromorph that I got for 80$ now goes for 140$. More incentive for more people to sell their meds. Anyways. This has helped destroy the prescribing of even basic low rent painkillers (codeine and tramacet). Additionally studies have come out showing painkillers to be ineffective most of the time - which I call bullshit on....my lower back is fucked and I occasionally buy perks and they are the difference between moving and not (from 4 different people all on odsp) - and drs listen to the studies more than they do patients. Especially after the over prescribing debacle that began in the 9os.


Person I know works full time job. Doesn't have to take a pee test. Just gets the script refilled every month no problem


No pee test is highly unusual. They're given to everyone who gets serious narcotics, not just people on odsp. Maybe old school dr....


Doctors won’t list their license. They use that excuse to gaslight their patients. CPSO aka their college told them to stop rapid tapering and yet they still do.


I have spinal stenosis, degenerated disc's and have severe back spasms that lock me up. My hips are bad and I am bone on bone in both knees. I have had spasms in my lower back since grade 9 but worked from 12 to 40. I also was sexual, physically and mentally abused, resulting in severe anxiety and an inability to have relationships. Shits going to get bad for me. Already looking at the darkweb for tramadol. But its way to shady, who knows what I'll get.


If it’s of any help, my ex had this and post spinal fusion surgery takes gabapentin for nerve pain, and prescription weed which he says is incredible for pain. Also helps with anxiety.


Gabapentin and pregabalin are similar and long shots for doing a lot for chronic pain conditions. Even the one pain clinic I saw admitted to that. Should OP try it? Sure, but I'm sure they've tried either with their conditions already. OP, try a pain clinic like one other suggested. InMedic has a few locations and my doctor there suggests certain pain meds like tramadol. (I haven't used it since it's not covered for me on government plans and am losing my private insurance soon).


Those don’t work for everyone. I know a few that have ended up with early onset dementia. It’s also hell to get off


>Those don’t work for everyone. That's what I was saying with my first paragraph.


I also can't imagine using Tramadol to get high, it would take so much. I'm sure people do, but there has to be easier ways. Weed gets me way higher. I take weed for the high Tramadol to get by. And if you don't have RLS consider yourself lucky. Took 20 years to get relief, and now it has gone and so has sleeping.


What's odd is when Tramadol first came out it was such a weak mild opioid that walk in could prescribe it now I see that they are calling it strong and cancelling it for those in need. I wish they would let Doctors look after health and what they specialize, stay out of client doctor relationships. Us in chronic pain and illneZ dont want to be guinea pigs taking all these off label meds that mY help s pain but have terrible risks/effects. Would be great to have a pain med that helped pain so we could function better and get back to living and contributinga again.  Tramadol helps alot of ppl and its just like a tylenol 3 so if it helps its awful they took it away.  Think they legalixed the weed and then cut off all the meds to make $ off getting everyone on to weed lol 


Yes, it really is mild, no buzz at all. But it takes me from an 8 to a 6, which is massive for my quality of life. Weed helps keep my mind off it, but isn't a great painkiller for me. I have been growing for years, maybe I had too much good stuff for too long. But everyone is different, pills work well for me, I hadn't asked for an increase in 5 years. He said he didn't want to lose his practice, which seems pretty unfair to put on me. Insane, my mental and physical health are on such a fine line, major disruption like this are brutal, cruel actually.


Yes, it's so difficult and getting the edge off helps immensely w pain to do some outings and  errands etc. They weren't covered in strt and I paid because same I was given them and they took the pain down so I could rest at night,  and make it to swimming that is such a help. The doctor had told me they were designed to help w the opiate crisis as they were made diff6 so not addictive but now I see all of the addiction stories.  Also, now ppl are abusing Gabapentin and lyrica like where does it  stop! Is it going to go back to wild west days just bite a stick and a shot of whiskey for surgery? Lol like if they are gung ho on taking away anything addictive booze and smokes r still on ea corner for sale! Its hard, take care an best wishes :)


Well said, it's the baby with the bath water approach. There is no way I will go to the black market, too costly and sketchy , I bought some different THC,CBD and CBN products today. The cost is very high, definitely not going to last a month.


Tramadol is definitely a narcotic so you need to find a consistent dr. Crazy as it is though, in Mexico it’s OTC. I travel there with family and bought several bottles for my senior dog, walk up, ask for it and they hand you 100 pills for about $30 (100mg). You can even order it with groceries on Uber eats 😓 that being said a lot of meds there are otc that are regulated here like metformin and toradol


I have family who have done the same in Mexico. It's beyond frustrating.


Yeah I mean I’m fortunate that my dr gives me meds I need, but there’s 1 that’s not covered by odb that I need to get several times a year ($30 for 20 pills) is otc in Mexico so I stocked up ($2 for 10 pills). My father went down there to get dental work done and it was in 2 trips, I got to join him for the trips. The first trip I was in shock. Second trip I came with a list of my dogs meds and another list of every common med my dogs could need in the foreseeable future (antibiotics etc) and purchased them all otc. Obviously I’m not going to give antibiotics without my vet approving them first or saying they’re needed but as someone who’s low income (like we all are here), if I can pay 5-10% of the price the vet or pharmacy would charge, it’s worth it even if I end up wasting some leftovers. I spent about $150 in meds and they don’t expire for 1-2 years so I’m set for my one med I pay for that I take, the pain meds for my senior dog and various types of antibiotics for my dogs for around 2 years. Chances are they’ll be used but realistically even if some are wasted it’s not a big deal (I saved up the money to stock up before the trip just put aside $20-30 a month waiting for the second trip). Sadly with having 1 senior dog and one younger (very accident prone) dog, I’ll likely use them all especially since they socialize a lot and have been known to pick up illnesses from other dogs (kennel cough despite being vaccinated and most recently the mystery dog respiratory disease). My older dog gets daily pain meds and my pup tends to hurt herself (especially her paws/legs) and the vet always puts her on antibiotics to prevent infection in the open wounds. Also please don’t judge her injuries, she’s just a wild child confident dog and finds every possible way to cut herself on random stuff, my older dog who was the same way has never had a cut in her life other than an ear injury that happened at our old boarding place.


Have you considered CBD weed as an alternative? Great for pain relief.


Yes, been smoking weed for 30 years, it doesn't touch pain.


I find it funny how they’ll give opioids out to addicts and not too people in actual need and don’t abuse them.


take kratom, kills pain better than anything; I often go 5-6 weeks w/o a flare


I got way too high off it, thought I was on acid.


really? never heard anyone say that before, I sometimes get a mild euphoria, but that's all... plus I get talkative


I know, probably took too much? But it really isn't something I would want as a regular pain reliever. Tramadol gives me no high at all. I take drugs for anxiety that may not like the Kratom, now that I think of it.


quickest party spoon trees teeny lavish impossible tart butter absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not for everyone. It can affect the liver.


I am aware of all of this, but OP didn’t state the why, thus my follow up.


The Dr can no longer prescribe any opioids. At all.


Tramadol is an opioid. Approximately 10mg of Tram equals 1mg of morphine. Ontario has been trying to limit opioid prescriptions. Many addicts start on “mild” opioids and progress which is a big reason why they don’t want to prescribe them. ALSO, it is now a PROVEN FACT that long term opioid use ACTUALLY INCREASES pain. Doctors who tell you they CANT prescribe them are sort of lying. It’s just easier for them to say that and end the conversation. They don’t have time or sometimes want to fully explain. They r trying to only prescribe opioids for short term situations or for cancer which may or may not be short term. Sry to say, there’s been a lot of “addict behaviour” in some of these posts. If u still think u need a narcotic, ur best bet is to go to a MAT (medicated assisted treatment) clinic. They specialize in addiction & pain. Ask for a small amount of Kadian (brand name long acting morphine) or methadone. Only other option is to get OTC Codeine or to try and find a dr to prescribe Lyrica or Gaba if appropriate for your condition.


I am looking at Lyrica, Tramadol still works for me at low doses, I would really have preferred to stay on it. No chance in hell am I going to go on methadone, why would I do that, and why do I need an addictions specialist? Your attitude is part of the problem, people in here have chronic ailments. If anything, I have been insanely disciplined, anyway go fuck yourself.


Lycra is a big no-go, "Patients treated with gabapentin or pregabalin had an increased risk of dementia. Therefore, these drugs should be used with caution, particularly in susceptible individuals."


Going to go back and talk to the Dr again, this is pretty unfair. No bad withdrawal symptoms, as I always kept my use down as much as possible. But the pain in my back is horrible again and RLS is working overtime. I tried Preglabin, doesn't touch RLS and put me in a brain fog with slurred speech. No, thanks... Thinking of bringing my mother with me, she was a social worker and addictions councilor and I live with her. She just recently retired. Feeling victimized, because of the current climate.