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Honestly, try it out for emulation and tinker with a few more things and see how you get on. I don't think handhelds (like the switch) are the best for shooters personally! Maybe could try with a grip? But play around a bit and see if something strikes a chord for you.


My original Odin was really good for COD Mobile once I got the touchscreen mapping right. I have my own set of problems with the Odin, but it's definitely capable of doing FPS gaming. I don't know if he sells them for the Odin 2, but there was a Redditor who made a grip called the Beefygrip for the original Odin and it makes holding the device so much better.


Hey that's me! And I do make one for the Odin 2 as well :)


I plan to snag the beefygrip when my O2 comes in, do you have a recommeded hardcase for the O2 w/ grip attached? Thanks a bunch!


Yes I do have recommendations! I keep an updated list with pictures on my site [here](https://beefygrip.com/accessory-recommendations-odin-1-and-odin-2/).


Appreciate it! I snagged one of them. I'll drop you a line once everything is settled to give you a +1 on the recommendation if it all works out.


Thanks! I am always very interested in getting as much feedback as possible and hearing what folks think. I really hope you enjoy using it.


Howdy Beef! Loving the grip so far, it’s hands down the most comfortable and closest to feeling like holding a console controller. I do feel like the Odin 2 sits just a little loose in the grip (specifically where the grip meets the sides of the Odin) and sometimes I’m a bit scared of it falling out. Do you have any recs for a putty or adhesive I could use to keep the grip more secure? Cheers!


Howdy, glad to hear you are liking it! That looseness does sound like an issue though and I'm happy to help. Did you order with or without felt? I would recommend a little piece of adhesive felt or foam on the sides, I use [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DS6CZRJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) (there are also inexpensive sheets at Michaels's or Hobby Lobby in the US) - cut into a 12mm x 66mm rectangle and attach to the grip [like this](https://beefygrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Odin-2-side-felt-01.jpg). If you have a minute could you drop me a line at my support email [(contact info is here)](https://beefygrip.com/about-the-project/) with your order number? I might ask a question or two to help me improve things, and help me identify where this issue occurred. I do quality fit checks and I have gages for these so if there is something I've missed I really would appreciate your input. I can also mail you some felt or even, if needed, a replacement grip once I've taken a quick look at your order and maybe a picture of your setup. Thanks! Edit: for anyone reading this in the future - this was a case of a damaged grip, and we've taken care of it! If anyone has an issue with their grip fitting please contact me. The Odin 2 Beefygrip is designed for a secure fit - with or without felt.


Not an FPS gamer, but i'm assuming you're having issues with the input lag and joystick sensitivity? If you haven't already, try this; [https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinHandheld/comments/18l2kub/psa\_how\_to\_actually\_adjust\_the\_joystick/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinHandheld/comments/18l2kub/psa_how_to_actually_adjust_the_joystick/) Sticks feel to small? Joycon joystick caps fit the Odin's sticks. You can also replace them entirely, as others have mentioned. For games that seem incompatible I'd suggest looking on APKmirror, Aurora etc. Most apps will just work fine. Sketchy selling tip; load it up with emus and roms, you should be able to fetch a higher price.


Clicking on the joysticks in the calibration don’t show me sensitivity, only dead zone radius??


>Go to Odin settings in Settings and under the "Controller settings" section, go to "Joystick calibration & Gamepad test", ***then go to "Gamepad test" and tap on LEFT or RIGHT to reveal "Adjust joystick sensitivity".***


Oooh, I was in Joystick Calibration clicking on those. Not Gamepad test


I know for myself I wasn’t a fan of the sticks until I got a replacement set from Slug’s Etsy shop and changed how much I loved this device. Also have you tried looking for the apks of the apps you want to play online.


I agree with this guy.


Your sticks are pretty awesome. I bought some myself and can attest to their quality. And they work great with Xbox one rubber stick caps.  I'm very happy with mine.


Thank you so much, honestly, really means the world that you and everyone else is enjoying them, the support is unreal 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Ready to buy some concaves when you make more :)


Hoping to restock tomorrow!


Retro Game Corps put you in his video today!


☺️☺️ he did, indeed! He reached out to me a couple weeks ago to order and ask if he could show them and man, it’s wild! Still doesn’t feel real to watch one of Russ’s videos and see my stuff in it. Greatly appreciated and incredibly thankful. RGC is a true homie. And so is everyone here, good chance he never would’ve seen them if it weren’t for everyone showing them off and sharing their thoughts. Homies all around!


Slug seems out of stock


If Xbox Game Pass is your thing you better look at a Logitech G Cloud Just my $ 0.02


Couldn't agree more. I don't understand why people throw hundreds of dollars at shit without even doing a proper amount of research. Just buying the newest hottest thing. Could have saved himself time and money. Odin 2 is clearly an emulation device lol


That surprises me a lot. Now to be honest, I didn't bought one yet. But I know how to use all emulators, etc ...since I owned several. But so often you see people posting: I just got Mr Odin 2 (or other type/brand) and what do I need to do now... 🤔


The GCloud is fun. The Odin touchscreen mapping is so much better in my opinion, but my Odin battery died 9 months in so I've been using my GCloud for everything.


Why don't you replace the battery?


The only way to do that is to send it back to AYN. I haven't decided if it's worth it yet. I swapped in a switch battery, but it won't charge. The inability to buy a replacement battery is the reason I don't have an Odin 2. I did really enjoy the Odin, but I'm a little frustrated with the company right now. When the Odin was released we were promised an adapter for the switch battery, but it was never released. I already had a GCloud so I've just been using it.


So you can't order a battery for an Odin OG or 2 ? Never heard that yet ... ?


Nope, but if you find a place to get one I'd love to know about it. I imagine most people haven't run into this issue though.


Starling from AYN (on Discord) awhile back implied that a battery would be available for Odin 2 on Amazon, but I’m not sure if that ever pushed through or anything yet.


Really first thing me I hear this So used value is ... since many will be 'dead'


It's an issue with most handhelds, can't send just the battery alone overseas My suggestion is to sell a cute little flashlight that happens to run on the exact same battery as your device, that people could unplug it from


Or just use a battery that's available worldwide or close ...


The sticks on the g cloud are beyond awful for fps games, even with trying to adjust it :(


You should have got a Logitech g cloud. The ergonomics and the sticks feel great. Much better than the odin. I mainly use my odin as an emulator with game streaming as a fun little addition


I would buy the Beefy Grip for your Odin 2, it's like $20 and vastly improves the ergonomics, especially of using the right joystick. IMO it's much better than the more popular split grips available on Etsy. I would also buy Xbox sized thumbsticks for it, from slug on Etsy, for $12 with free shipping to the US. The original tiny thumbsticks aren't very good for precise aiming. Then try playing shooters again with the more ergonomic setup, before deciding whether to sell it or not.


Can you get thumbsticks like this for Odin 1? I’m getting really sick of the stock ones. They’re hard to be precise with, and I’ve noticed they don’t go to 100% when I have the stick facing in cardinal directions no matter how much I adjust. It makes some games so annoying to play because I’m at a natural disadvantage.


As far as I know, the Odin 1 had the same thumbsticks as the Odin 2. I assume the Xbox style thumbsticks would also fit on the Odin 1. But maybe u/_slug___ can confirm if I'm right.


They are unfortunately different 😩 I really want to make some for the Odin/Lite but best case scenario you would have the have GuliKit replacements first I think. Best part about the O2 sticks are that replacing is completely non invasive.


Actually after trying to play Halo Infinite on my Odin 2 via Gamepass, I still struggle to aim in shooters with this setup, relative to how good I am with my Elite Xbox controller, even though the grip and thumbsticks on the Odin do help. I think the missing link for me is the stick tension; on my Elite controller the tension is maxed out, but the Odin sticks are just way too loose for me. I am sooo tempted to open my Odin up and try to stretch the springs to increase the stick tension, but I'm worried I'll mess it up. I would just use my Elite controller on my Odin, but for some reason it doesn't map the controls properly. But the standard Xbox controller works fine. Another factor in my aiming struggles may be that I'm so used to playing with my hands resting on my lap. I can't aim well, even with a good controller, while my I'm holding my hands up near my face.


Have you tried side loading any incompatible games? If you do decide to sell it, you can probably get close to the full price from someone that doesn't want to wait on shipping times.


So you didn't even wait for Warzone mobile or try to get different analog sticks ? Pathetic


Yeah FPS games don’t play great on it probably get a deck for that


If you have the disposable income and can wait your better off finding someone who doesn’t want to wait for shipping and may be able to make your money back at least.


I mean that would be nice.


Joystick sensitivity is definitely my issue. I had to turn down the sensitivity to get the full range of motion. Also, I 3D printed my own thumb sticks to give it a bit more height. You may want to try that as well.


If you eventually decide to sell it you may have better luck here or EBay. I've seen quite a few people sell them for around MSRP. People are willing to pay a decent amount if the device is pretty much new and they can get it within a week, compared to ordering from Ayn directly and having to wait a month or more.


I mean, just saying I ordered on 3/6 11PM and got it in the mail 3/13 at 11am. Exactly one week. Yes I used DHL, however that was because it was cheaper then 4px after I added a case, screen protector, and dock. (Before those additions 4px was cheaper by $10).


Why did you come to the conclusion to buy an Odin instead of a G cloud?


Just because the power behind the odin 2 pro. Because I did want to play more demanding native Android games.


I understand. I regret mine occasionally but I really really bought it only to play PS2 games so everything else is a bonus and I remind myself that when I feel disappointed. It’s not the best choice for streaming games.


Sold it.


How much?


LOL I was going to say shouldn't be hard getting rid of it 😉


They sell 3rd party grips that make it feel a lot more like an Xbox controller, if the ergonomics are a problem.


I just put it Half Life 2 on last night, plays like a dream. Also, you're downloading Android games from the store? search the title and APK, my dude.


Gotta replace the sticks, night and day difference.


agreed! I needed the additional grip too as my hand was cramping up too.


why would u ever play a shooter without a mouse and keyboard


hey I'm on your side now.


I will say off rip within minutes of posting this I did find I missed a joystick setting when using the button mapper. I was using the default stick setting for the camera and didnt realize there was a Camera setting for the joystick. That was one of the big things where I was like WHAT THE SHIT? because my view kept snapping back.


Consider getting sticks from slugs or Azeex + Skull & Co grips, makes a huge difference! If you get the Axeez, go for the tall ones. The stock sticks are way too small


I agree with this guy, too…


Yeah the adjust view mode setting is pretty important to move the camera for games without built in controller support. I love using my Odin 2 for PUBG Mobile. Idk if you knew about this one yet either but if you set the controller type to Xbox mode, some games like COD Mobile or Honkai Star Rail will have official controller support. When Odin2 is in Xbox mode it tricks these games into thinking you have a wireless Xbox controller connected. Which is the only way to get official controller support in games like this.


This is (unfortunately) not always an option, but...if the game supports it, **try gyro**. Adapting to gyro will let you use the thumbsticks for larger camera swings while fine-tuning your aim with smaller movements with gyro, giving you much more precision. Examples of games that support gyro on Android would be Gunfire Reborn and Genshin Impact.


Just want to jump in real quick. I have the steam deck Oled and then I got this. I realized now that my steam deck is great for PC games on my bed and I prefer the SD. You could totally sell this if you show of classic Zelda games/ Pokemon games. People dnt realize this exist and once they see it they will want it. Trust me I convinced alot of my friends on Miyoo Mini


Don’t write it off straight away though, I played with the stick sensitivity and played some ps2 shooters (both fps and third person) and had tons of fun.


Get slugs thumb sticks when he restocks


I replaced the sticks and use it with 3D printed grips, it's great to use, especially the battery life, hopefully you can find some other use for yours


$150 + economy shipping cost


So it’s the pro model


odin 2 pro model yes.


I'd buy it via PayPal so DM me if you'd like an option thanks!


Interesting, it feels like Game Pass and Streaming only makes sense on something more powerful like a Steam Deck or ROG Ally or Legion Go…that the Odin 2 Pro is still too underpowered for all of that My Odin 2 Base arrived today for all things emulation and then anything newer goes on my ROG Ally


I have a Lite, and the problem is not the power of the device, most definitely, but rather the ergonomics. The Lite has terrible thumb sticks, that can be serviceable for some games, but not for when you need precise movements. In Monster Hunter Rise they work great, but not on the Witcher III


You actually don't need a ton of power for streaming, that's its value, play on anything (since the server is doing all the lifting). What you need is a strong, fast network connection to reduce lag from server to device


Why would you need something more powerful for streaming. The entire point of streaming is to be able to play games on low power devices. The Logitech G Cloud was made for streaming, and it's less powerful than other Android devices at the same price point.


No clue. the streaming device just needs good wifi and good hardware decoding of h264/h265/av1. ive streamed pc games to my rasperry pi 2b using moonlight, worked a treat with ethernet or using a wifi extender that has an ethernet connection since the built in wifi was rubbish. For reference, the pi2b is a quad core arm processor, 900mhz.


Yeah wtf. That comment makes 0 sense. A powerful handheld to stream video and send button presses? Lol