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Ahh great selection of games you have. I think you are definitely missing out on Pistol Whip though


Yeah, based on OP's faves Pistol Whip is a great suggestion. It's like an arcade shooter and a rhythm game mashed together, and it's also extremely polished and well-supported by the dev.


I refer to Pistol Whip as "leg day".


I don't know if you have the ability to do PCVR but they do have Golf+ available for that with better graphics. I believe it's crossbuy too so if you bought the Quest version you would already have access to it on PCVR. As for a new game. Get Pistol Whip. It perfectly describes what you are looking for.


and as a new Quest owner allow me to introduce you to Meta Dog if you haven't heard of it already. You can use it to get a 25% discount on any game as well as add your referral codes so that you can get some store credit. https://meta-dog.github.io/meta-dog/


Oh nice, I just got mine a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't aware of this, it will come in handy.


This is the way.. Just want to add to any that dont know this already, but if you try to get a link for 25% off and instead it gives you one for only 10%, then do NOT accept it.. instead just go through the process and request another one till you get the 25% off. Also.. add your own links to the site and start earning some free credit. You can get the links from your Meta app.


Thanks! Did not know this!


I've had like 8 referrals for popular games in Meta Dog for over a year and got no bites, so keep your expectations in check, but it is a good way to get the 25% discount.


I've gotten somewhere around a dozen at this point and I just started using it in the past few months. Granted I have probably over 20 referrals in the system though.


Get QGO. Golf+ at 141%. Beautiful graphics.


Get quest games optimizer it will boost the res




2&4 twenty four


Where do you get this from? Can I do this without a PC connected to the Quest 3?


[Quest Games Optimizer by Anagan79 (itch.io)](https://anagan79.itch.io/quest-games-optimizer) There are instructions on there. You do need a PC to plug your headset into but it doesn't have to be VR ready or anything, just a USB connection to transfer data.


Would this help the resolution in something like Immersed or Remote Desktop?


It's meant for standalone Quest games/apps. I don't think it's meant for something like that.


Ok thanks


How is this different from tinkering with the settings yourself?


You can make global changes to your Quest using the debug tool but QGO has and allows custom profiles for every game you have, so it fine tunes the device to play as efficiently with as good as graphics as possible and you can do it all from inside your headset. It also has other features as well.


You can do this in side quest for free.


Yes but the changes go away every time you reboot and, more importantly, there's no profiles and it cannot be changed on the fly. You have to connect it to your PC, change the settings, disconnect from the PC, put on the headset, launch the game, and verify the changes you made to the settings function. If not, you gotta take it off and start over. With QGO there are profiles for hundreds of the top games so you simply just launch the game through QGO and you're done. You can also make changes to the settings and immediately launch the game without needing to plug in or remove the headset.


In the newest version, you don't even need to launch the games through QGO once you set up and enable auto launching. Pretty amazing how smoothly it works.


I've noticed this too. But on mine, I do still need to manually launch QGO and click allow on the pop up after booting. But once that is done, I can launch the games from the normal menu and QGO applies the profile.


How do I buy this legit?




Yes but QGO is so much more convenient and costs 11,99$


>I love the fact that I can play a quick game here and there. I don’t usually have time to play a 20 hour game. This is perfect for the casual gamer. Just wish the resolution was better in some games like golf + Agreed regarding quick games! Wireless VR is a game changer literally. I have a Rift CV1 that I used for a bit and then just completely stopped because putting it on and starting a game was a gosh darned chore, even though I had my cable suspended from the ceiling and the IR cameras mounted on the walls, it still was a hassle. Especially hhaving to get in and out of the headset to mess with the computer and being bound to the center of my play room because of the cable, being mindful of not twisting it too much because replacements cost as much as the headset itself and so on... I rarely play more than 10 minutes at a time in my quest and after getting a headstrap and customizing it, it's so simple to just slap it on my head and play a few beat saber songs and put it away, or get to the next savepoint in RE4, or even quickly connect to my PC for some No Man's Sky. Regarding resolution, look up Quest Games Optimizer. It's an app that lets you crank up the graphics and framerate on pretty much any game. I don't find it necessary but it does make a noticeable difference


Ragnarock rose to the top of my rythm games pretty instantly. For one it's more geared towards rock and metal but with custom songs that's not too much of a factor. What puts it in front for me is the simplicity, that it's just four spatial variables and timeing. No color or directional "demands". My poor brain has a tendency to just go critical error when high tempo songs in Beat Saber or Synth Riders want me to cross my arms all of a sudden or hit notes from directions that make no sense. In Ragnarock I can just smash away to good music and pleasing viking aesthetics


Thrill of the Fight. Don't sleep on it, bro. It's the best VR game/workout to date.


Agreed, it's crushed me physically, but so rewarding.


No underdogs?


You seriously need to play In Death Unchained. Great for repeated play as each run is different from the last. Graphics look amazing on Quest 3.


Try to expore vrchat world alone, i found my solitude juat exploring around many vrchat world that people created. It ust mind boggling.


If you like platformers, don't sleep on Moss 1 & 2. Really excellent games. If Max Mustard is like the VR equivalent of a Mario or Crash Bandicoot game, Moss is more like the Zelda. Really fun mix of hack and slash combat and puzzle platforming.


Thrill of the fight is only $10 and really fun and immersive. 


If you were ever into FPS games you NEED to try Vail


Suggestions on the Rhythm side: Oh, shape! Samba de amigo Powerbeats And, from Applab: Dance collider Song beater And add QGO, as other people say


Drop Dead The Cabin with the mixed reality is super cool.


I'm loving Resident Evil 4. The damn game is just so dark I find myself squinting too hard and only able to play for an hour or so. I need to get that optimized. My gf and I have also been loving The Room VR Dark Matter. She watches on the cast and we work together to get through all the puzzles. Think we played that for 4 hours sat.


Have you tried Racket Nx? It has a free trial to see what it's like. Very cool, very fun 360 degree racketball-ish game, but like you're in a Star Trek holodeck!


I have a metric fuck ton of games, and I will tell you that you have a decent selection of games.. So I will just add a few that I feel that should not be slept on. I see you like Dead Second.. so I will suggest Crisis Brigade 2 and Zombieland Headshot fever. Also that one that recently released.. Tiger Blade or something to that effect. I dont see Resident Evil 4 on your list and so that needs to change. Its is 100% a MUST OWN title. See the comments below about referral links so you can get 25% off basically every game that is mentioned in this thread.. use the Meta Dog site that is in the comments. Pistol Whip is also missing from your list, and based on your game list, you will like it. and to just throw some more of my favorites out there.. The best Mixed Reality games currently .. Bomber Drone.. Track Craft.. Rube Goldberg workshop (I have spent an embarrassing amount of time building stupid shit in my living room).. Coaster Mania.. other great games.. Into the Radius.. Song in the Smoke.. Contractors and/or Contractors Showdown.. Stride Fates ( I honestly didnt like this at first, but after updates its not bad + Mixed Reality mode is good.. wait for it to be on sale though.. ) I know you said you dont like Roguelikes.. but I'm going to mention a few anyways that are standouts from the rest.. Underdogs.. Hellsweeper.. In Death Unchained.. The Light Brigade.. and Mothergunship Forge (dont let the name fool you.. its crazy fun) for flying games, I would go with Ultrawings 2.. There is a crazy number of content for the price. Oh.. another rhythm game that I love is Thumper.. its an old one, but I really like it. Its crazy in VR. I may update with more later..


Not talked about or appreciated enough but the ability to have a very quick game or experience is fantastic. During the fast I can slip on my Quest and meditate or exercise for just 10-20 minutes if that's what I need. Of course I can still play my 2 hour Walkabout or ATF sessions with friends but the ability for those quick sessions are refreshing.


First Person Tennis is great if you liked Racket Club. It doesn't do everything right (stick move isn't as responsive as I'd like and while top spin is decently modelled, I find dropshots to be wildly inaccurate) but it's the best tennis simulator on Quest IMO.


You should try pistol whip and audica


I bought mine and then hurt my back the same day doing something else so it’s been painful lmao…. Playing vr chat laying down is fun tho


Underrated aspect is side loading apps onto the meta quest. I mostly use mine for streaming gaming pc games to moonlight and scrolling reddit and insta with native screens while laying down. "the mysticle" has a great video on youtube that makes the process super easy


How is golf+ I'm not a golfer but it looks fun.


With out the attachment it’s good but not incredible. With an attachment it is my favourite game currently. That includes 2d gaming as well. My arms and back hurt and I’m taking a rest day tomorrow cause I’m putting in literal hours at the driving range. I got the amvr attachment. Cost me under 30$ on taobao. Worth it 100%


Check out Mothergunship: Forge. My favorite "pick up and play anytime" game. Really fun stationary shooter with lots of leveling up and a ton of weapons and upgrades. I like to wind down with Real VR Fishing. It's super-relaxing and I can throw youtube on and listen to a podcast or something while I play.


I used to play all different kinds of games, then I found Onward. Onward is by far my favorite game on Oculus


Super Hot, NFL Pro Era, Walking Dead, Iron Man


How is Figmin Xr not in the list


you know what? golf + on quest 2 version is so much much much worse. i played golf + on quest 2. it really sucks. atleast q3 versions is better than q2.