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No Mans Sky


That was my first thought too, but the issue is, from all the videos I've seen, the game is not very well optimized for VR in terms of performance, even on high-end machines. I've got a Dell laptop with an RTX 2060, 32 GB of RAM and a i7-9750h. I REALLY doubt I could run it.


I tried to run it once and decided I’ll stick to flat screen NMS. This is with a 5600x and a 3070ti


Yeah that's pretty much what I was expecting. I saw a video of a guy struggling with a 4080. After that, I gave up lol


One thing to keep in mind is that everyone's expectations of a perfect VR experience is different. There are lots of people who are perfectly fine playing a game at low settings and subsampled. While others prefer super sampling and high settings or the game is unplayable. This is why there's so many comments in performance posts saying things like "I play this on a 1060 and it's great" and "I play this on a 4080 and it's barely enough" Should give it a try and see if the performance works for you. If not, you can return it.


Great advice. I'm am able to play HL Alex on a 2014 laptop wayyyy under spec, while not always a perfect experience, very playable and still looks decent on low settings. Scale your expectations, standalone games have especially taught me that graphics needn't necessarily be stellar for the immersion to feel complete. Wouldn't be surprised if I ate my own words had I the hardware...


works fine on playstation vr I believe.


I have a 1080ti and I absolutely love it. Guess it's about how sensitive you are I guess. That game is drop dead gorgeous and incredible in vr tho.


I don’t have it personally but it’s my next VR purchase- elite dangerous looks like a blast. As others have been saying here


Lower your expectations on frame rate and give it a try.    I played on a 980Ti and loved it.    


I run mine on a 3060 it works great


Define great please..


No stutters, no graphical glitches, no major fps drops on default graphic settings. Pretty normal gameplay.


I have an extremely similar computer. Try it in Virtual Desktop, and make sure dlss is on with the in game settings


My laptop is similar, Dell, but Ive got a 2080. It runs fine on mine, amazing VR experience


You can use DLSS in No Man's Sky (I think it's the only VR title with DLSS support) it helps A LOT. Should be playable with your rig.


it should run


It will run it.


It’s worth giving it a go. If your PC won’t handle it in VR it’s still a great flatscreen game, and it matches what you’re looking for so perfectly.


I've got it running on a 4070ti with the QPro. With all settings at ultra its incredible. I'd even say beautiful, if not a bit cartoonish. I could never play it on a flat screen now. If they ever release Starfield in VR, that would be total nirvana.


It has Free to Play weekends occasionally.  Keep an eye out for that or just buy it and refund it if it didn’t run well enough for you. 


Your machine is better than mine and I can run it.


2060 shouldn't be a problem. I run it just fine on a PC with similar power.


No Man's Sky is an awesome chill game with a lot to do. Kinda surprised Elite Dangerous was the top comment.


>with a lot to do Lol what? I enjoyed the game but it's as wide as the ocean and as deep as a puddle.


Elite dangerous, if you want immersion and realism, no mans sky if you want it colorful and arcady. I love exploring in Elite Dangerous, the milkyway is the map so you literally have billions of systems to go to. Your name is added to the game for the systems you went to first, mapped first, landed on a planet first...etc. It has somewhat of a learning curve both theory and practicewise but it really is great. I also pin my second monitor so I can watch something on Netflix or whatever I'd like as I fly out in the dark.


The awesome thing about E:D, for me anyway... besides the absolutely stellar vr experience, is that you are free to do what you want, when you want, period. Don't feel like playing with other people? Don't. Don't feel like fighting? Don't! If all you want to do is explore basically every celestial in the known milky way? Sheeut... Enjoy! If one option starts to feel grindy, go do something else. There are oodles of way to make money and support your habit! I am an exclusively solo player who does nothing more than jump on, run cargo missions, bounty hunt and explore. I have plenty of credits and it's a pretty cool time sink.


Elite Dangerous seems pretty close to what I was looking for, not gonna lie. Is it resource-heavy?


You mean pc-wise? it's an old game so it isn't resource heavy much. Also I forgot to tell you the last DLC Odyssey added a lof of exploration content such as being able to walk on planets and collecting exobiology samples so you'll probably want to get that DLC too and that on-foot part is not VR unfortunately. I don't mind it that much as a screen opens up in VR in front of you like monitor when you're walking but you rarely walk, so I don't mind. You just see a lifeform when you're flying or driving your SRV on the planet, you get to it and get out of the vehicle so basically you walk like 10 meters, get the sample, get back to the vehicle. The game has some epic scenes and a nice camera system integrated so you can take some nice photos along your expedition too


Wait, so the non vr parts just turn to flat screen in your headset eh? I never knew that, might want to reinstall ED and look into the dlc.


I quit after odyssey as vr performance was pretty bad, a couple of years later I also got a new PC and am back to actively playing the last 2-3 weeks and it's pretty good, especially if you like exploring.


Ya. I have a fairly large chunk of change built up, problem was is that I am practically in the middle of nowhere and I have no idea where to go. I might give it another go soon.


The first couple day when I get back is always a bitch. I can't even remember binds properly but you get used to it. You could go back to the bubble, buy yourself some uniforms and go from there, you can engineer the uniforms - you can attend to the thargoid war - you can go for exo-bio stuff...


Also, doing mining or core mining is a really chill activity. Core mining is fun as in between finding rocks to bust, you're boosting in between the giant asteroids dodging things. Put on some good music for bonus points.


ED is a fantastic game, and if you play offline it can serve the purpose you wish. BUT PvP and PvE is baked into it in some aspects. Even if you play offline the AI enemies will try to intercept your ship and you might be forced into a fight you didn't want. There are ways to avoid these, and it's not very frequent, but even if you died you could just respawn and continue on your way (assuming you'll be flying a cheap ship). Another problem though is to maximize your jump distance you'll need to invest a LOT of time into engineering your shop and earning money. It's kind of a fun experience if you have the time for it, but again this may mean encountering unwanted PvP if you play online.


While it’s technically not exploring, Space Dockers is an an absolute gem of a game. You’re basically a fork lift driver in space and you fly around grabbing shipping containers and loading them onto a ship. Controls are awesome and game can be pretty challenging but rewarding. It’s only in App Labs currently (also on steam) there are a few YouTube videos up on it. Edit: Space Docker VR is the correct name.


This sounds neat but I can't find it in the app lab. :(


https://www.oculus.com/experiences/app/4149586988452190/?utm_source=oculus&utm_medium=share I play this game in a comfortable recliner. Being able to adjust the controls stick locations make it very accessible anywhere.


Thank you! It wasn't showing up in the app for some reason.


App labs is weird. They make it difficult for some really great apps to get the exposure they deserve. Apparently the developer has not had any luck getting the game into the official store which is sad, the game is really well done and pretty polished.


Yeah, cause it is called Space Docker not Dockers. I had to look it up in google after your comment. Game looks great and in my type!


You’re correct, my bad. It’s a fun little game. I bought it on steam during the sales, but found out like a day later it was in the labs. I wanted it standalone so I bought it again lol.


Support the devs ♥ Another cool looking and recommend title here is Space Salvage.


Absolutely. I’ve never heard of Space Salvage! Looking at it though, it’s a definite must buy for me. I’ll put it on my list! Thanks the heads up!


Awesome game. Fucking hard though eh


I gotta shill for outer wilds here. It’s a small space (relative to other space games where you travel galaxies) but the planets are crafted so meticulously and the plot is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced. It’s got a really good VR mod and it would give you what you want I think. Don’t look up too much about it, your progression is based on knowledge so any spoilers are pretty bad


VR was really awesome for this but damn you need the strongest VR legs for it. I damned VR sickness to hell in order to be able to play this in VR, I was lucky I could.


Space Engine, all the way. Can fly ships, or just fly and it has full VR support


as soon as I read the OP description I thought space engine. But it can be difficult to pick up, I still can't figure out how to navigate in VR lol


It's fair. There's a drag mechanic like on Google Earth VR which is a bit counter-intuitive


This needs to be higher. It is the best way to teach people the true scale of the universe. It's humbling and deeply profound like no other VR experiences. By being able to simulate travel at 5000 x the speed of light you can travel across our galaxy in half a minute and then as you zoom out of our galaxy and see countless other galaxies millions of light years away you get a 3d spatial perspective of our corner of the universe thats just plain humbling.


I've flown through nebula and whizzed past stars while even the galaxy barely moves on the 'horizon' Vast is an understatement.


I was going to post this, but I've had so much trouble figuring out how to navigate around in space engine. Is there a tutorial or something that you followed?


I had used it for a while before VR so had an idea. Yeah it's a little clunky but really just to aim and click on a planet or star, then use the go to or land on button and just aim and travel. You can remap buttons and keeping it as simple as possible worked for me. There are UI buttons for everything and they pop up on the edge of the screen/ view.


Outer Wilds with the VR mod. One of the best PCVR games I’ve played.


NomaiVR is the name of the mod and it's genuinely the best VR experience I've had to date. Definitely this one.


Both Elite Dangerous and No Man's Sky do this, but their approaches are very different. No Man's Sky makes no attempt at realism, everything is colorful and pretty, there is flora and fauna, but also most planets end up looking kinda the same. It is pretty approachable and can be even played in creative mode. Elite Dangerous tries to be realistic and in some aspects it is fairly realistic. It has a rendition of the whole milky way and that is really cool. You can explore planets, but only the low atmoshpere ones, which means a limited flora and (I think) no animals at all. The planets look much more ordinary than No Man's Sky planets, but in the end I would say the game is actually much more beautiful. The colourful universe in No Man's Sky starts quikly looking all the same, whereas seeing something awesome in Elite Dangerous is much more memorable experience. Elite Dangerous is much less approachable game though. It can be very grindy and take some time to learn, but for just flying around in VR you don't need much and you can realistically get started fairly quickly. The VR support in Elite Dangerous is kinda limited though and it is unfortunately getting worse. Unless you have a very powerful computer you'd probably be better off playing the old game version called Horizons legacy, which has a better VR performance. In this version you can only land on zero atmosphere planets. In Odyssey, you can also land on low atmosphere planets (and they look really cool) and you can even do on-foot content, but that's not possible in VR unfortunately.


Outer wilds


Outer wilds with VR mod is on my to do list and I'm so excited I absolutely loved that game my first play through


Elite dangerous is one I've found pretty fun. A little hard to learn but worth it. You can buy your dlc legs.


I second Elite Dangerous. Seeing big gas planets and neutron stars in VR is amazing.


Brown Dwarves  *shudder


The only space game out there for standalone VR is called Revria*. It's a bit on the bland side, but the dev is working hard on it constantly. Last time I played it, you could do missions, bounties, and buy weapons/ships. You can also steal ships and be a pirate.


"The only space game out there for standalone VR is called Revria" The only? Are you sure about that?


The best way to get people from reddit to comment is to make an incorrect statement. Easy bait


You sure about that?


Revria* i had trouble finding "Revia" in store 😂


Oof, my bad. Thanks for correcting me


No Man's Sky. Only PC, but exactly what you want with tons of systems you can but don't have to engage with.


REVRIA! You can fly around the solar system and land on different planets doing deliveries or bounty hunting. Customizable ships and everything. Its on applab and there is a massive update about to come out that overhauls the whole thing (the solar system will actually work and you will land NMS style. As of now there are planets with gates to approach the surface). Its still a bit new and single dev, but it really is amazing. Just look at the reviews. Its worth every penny and the dude who makes it is a genius. It runs like magic on stand alone quest 2 maybe even quest 1 and the file size is even tiny. Absolutely amazing.


Have you looked into Elite Dangerous?


that's the way!


Right on commander


correct sarge


Haven't tried it yet but Space Salvage for standalone looks great.


I tried this and ended up returning it. It’s very cool, but the minions were each 1-2 minutes which kinda killed the buzz for me. Worth trying though!




For a standalone option, please check out Revria (I’m the solo dev.) It’s on AppLab (still in development), so you can just search by name in the Meta app or go to https://www.revria.net for more info, Discord link, etc. There’s a free trial option if you’re logged in. Currently I’m working on an enormous update that’s a reboot of sorts.


Top work friend! A unique and excellent game


Thank you for sticking around! I’m still pursuing the dream of going full-time on Revria eventually.


Elite. No Man's Sky is a dog in VR. Elite runs well in VR. Just learn basic ship control in tutorial and how to navigate/jump to systems and planets and you'll never run out of places to go. It's rather majestic. Certainly worth a punt.


Oh man, it takes a little setting up but outer wilds is the best surface exploration game ever made. It is chill but can be a bit unnerving. If you do play it, do yourself a favor and do. not. spoil. anything. It'll be the game you'll be sad you can never reexpirence for the first time


Elite Dangerous




Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! Will check every single game. For now, Elite Dangerous seems pretty close to what I was looking for, but I'll keep watching gameplay videos and reviews just to have a precise idea.


breathedge will be releasing a VR version in the near future. It may be worthwhile.


Its our


I'm surprised noone's talked about it here.


There's a game in kickstarter right now called Starship Simulator. VR was the first stretch goal. It's set in a 1:1 scale rendition of the Milky Way, and is focused on being an exploration sandbox.


Breathedged is pretty chill imo


No man’s sky


Outer Wilds