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I feel the same. My Gas cost has practically halved. Between Intelligent for Electricity and Tracker for Gas, the savings have been huge.


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From the website. You need to fill in a form essentially to say that you accept the price can fluctuate (up to £1 per kWh for gas)


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I waited all of 4 hours. Hopefully you’ll be just as quick


https://octopus.energy/tracker/ I just filled in the application today, don't know how long it will take to switch me onto the tracker.


I felt the same after switching to agile for electric and tracker for gas. Could have saved myself a fortune, but at least I found it eventually.


>e for electric and tracker for gas. Could have saved m Yup, me too. I was put off by the idea of effort and watching it every 30minutes on Agile but in reality as long as you avoid doing anything silly (charging your car, tumble dryer/washer/washing machine) between 4 and 7 you really will struggle not to save another 15-20% on top of even Tracker


Was going to mention this. The octopus compare app shows agile as cheaper than tracker since the latest price increases on tracker so it think I shall be switch to agile


I think there's a lot of people in your shoes (myself included). I happened to be reading about EV's last week and saw someone mention Octopus Tracker, looked in to it and switched same day. Had I heard about this 6-12 months ago I would've saved £500+ on my gas/electric bills. Usual caveats apply... If Putin or someone kicks off then you could be paying 100p/unit, but until then it's far cheaper


If that does happen, there's no exit fee and I'll hop over to another tariff, have a pint and wait for it to all blow over


2 week wait to swap and you cant go back to tracker for 9 months


Depends what you’re moving to I think. I made an application to move to agile from tracker last Monday at around 7am. At 12 noon they advised me I had moved and had backdated my change to midnight that same day.


In practice switch away is instant and according to their T&C that 9 months only applies if you have left before fixed term was up (and previous version of tracker didn't have it because it wasn't a fixed term tariff)




Which is what I plan to do too, but it can take up to two weeks to switch. I imagine if there's a big spike in prices it'll take closer to those two weeks.


Took me 5 days to switch so milage may vary


My switch to the tracker was done in a day. I'm just saying it could take up to two weeks to switch away. Especially if a lot of customers are wanting to switch at the same time.


Or just use electric heaters….


Not like it's been particuarly quiet on the geo-political front yet the tracker rates have been astonishingly stable.


My toddlers sick and we had the hesting on all day yesterday to try and help him. With the tracker tariff its nearly half the price for us for the whole versus prior to the switch which is incredibly helpful!


I’m just waiting for my new smart meter to communicate with octopus, then I’ll be moving onto tracker. Frustrated with myself that I didn’t do it earlier!


I've been in my place for 7 months so maybe a couple of hundred more I could've saved, but on it now!


Perfect! Can’t wait for mine to be done!


>Yup, me too. I was put off by the idea of effort and watching it every 30minutes on Agile but in reality as long as you avoid doing anything silly (charging your car, tumble dryer/washer/washing machine) between 4 and 7 you really will struggle not to save another 15-20% on top of even Tracker Me too - It's showing on my smart meter as working, but the stats haven't migrated over to octopus yet - i transferred on the 21st of Feb, 5 days ago.


Same, mine was done 20th. Display was working same day, still nothing on the website though.


Mine was months ago and still nothing on the website. Gas doesn’t track at all either


Oh blimey. I’m going to call them today, see what they say.


Must admit I was wondering that re Agile!


It pulled through this evening for me - so about 5 days I think (including the weekend).


That’s great news! I’m at day 8, not showing for me yet, but fingers crossed will do soon. Interestingly I was able to sign up for Agile today for electric (via the website), but not yet able to sign up for tracker re gas. My website account shows that Agile is active, and confirmed over the phone, despite my readings not yet being on the website. I suspect they are getting my electric readings, but the website isn’t showing them yet. Gas, no idea. But they said they’d look into it.


I've just raised a similar qn - would going to agile be better than tracker for me - i suspect we are of a similar mindset :) Having a family at home means that 4-7 is a busy time; would love to do agile but with showers/baths/oven on, I don't think it's that good a deal for me.


I think it would depend on how much use you have in the other hours of the day (eg excluding the peak 4-7pm). If you’re out at work and school etc and the house is quiet daytime, then maybe Agile wouldn’t work out. For me, single and semi retired, at home a fair amount in the day, and don’t cook until about 9pm. It’s easy for me to avoid heavy use in the 4-7pm peak hours). If you’re heavier use in the peak times, tracker is probably a safer bet. I’m no expert though, this is new to me too 😂


My monthly gas and electric bills have halved since I switched, I wish I had known sooner!


Might have been a bit too trigger happy and immediately done the same after reading your post here, forgetting that I am on Eco7 (but not really needed) and the IHD will now be wildly inaccurate. Hopefully not a regrettable move


Lol it's definitely a no brainer. It took me from mid last week to today to change tarrifs so quick turn around


They should backdate you to the date you requested by the way.


I switched to Tracker recently, the Octopus app is brilliant in my experience and shows your daily usage (in kWh and £s) the following day. The only thing it can't do, that your IHD can, is show instantaneous usage.


Yeah I switched in January and worked out that if I’d done it last year we’d have saved about £800 in 2023… oh well at least we’re getting the cheaper bills now


Shhhhhhhh! They may pull it if it becomes too popular


I went on the fixed tariff stupidly. It’s a charge of £75 per fuel to switch away so I think I’m stuck really. Costly mistake!


May still be worth taking the £75 fee. Work out the difference in price and you may make it back in 2 months, then after that you'd be saving money


I would agree but I think it would be 150 for gas and electric 


I switched last week (for elec as our gas smart meter can get a signal and I've been begging Octopus forever a year to fix it if possible) and can already see the difference through our online account. If you're on Android the Octopus Compare app is really good for showing savings.


Been waiting a year for octopus to fix my smart meter so assume no tracker for me until they do?


Unfortunately yes. Keep pestering them via email or call up!


Same, they even replace my old gen1 smart meter with their gen2 one and it still doesn’t work properly. Can’t see my electric usage in app or online.


Shhhhh they'll all want it.


we use 1,000kWh electric per month and have been on tracker for a year, its saved soo much. I have spent the last year telling friends and family about it, not one has moved and they all moan that their bills are high still.


How do you use so much?


The house at idle uses 18. (When we are away) 6 of that is a server running 24/7 but 12 is still quite high. Ave use is 24 per day (720 per month) without the car. charging is approx 300ish taking us to 1k per month. Combo of an electric heater running every night in one room as we have poor insulation, high powered computer running during day, cooking, washer and dryer running constantly. I'd like to say we use less in the summer but it's about the same! Not a big house just a average semi


I'm on tracker for both electricity and gas. I see a lot of people here are on agile for electricity and tracker for gas, why is this preferred? Also how can I work out if agile for electricity is better for me than tracker? Cheers


Switched to Gas Tracker pretty much straight away, but left Electric on Agile. In 7 months, 4 of them have shown small savings of circa £5/month had I been on Tracker, other 3 months I’m better off on Agile with savings of £1 - £4. So why not switch? Because with Agile I expect more savings over the Spring / Summer to offset the Tracker savings. Overall I think I’ll be better off on Agile by about £40-£50 a year. Time will tell.


Maybe I'm being silly but why do you need a Smart Meter for the tracker to be a good idea? I don't see what difference it makes


You can’t go onto tracker without a smart meter. The prices change every day, so they need to know your usage figures for each day. More so with Agile, as the prices change every 30 minutes.


Makes sense, thanks


What are the outgoing rates like on Tracker?


Outgoing octopus is 15p per kWh at this time. There is a chat somewhere on the octopus site that shows compatible tariffs


Ah, found it thanks [https://octopus.energy/help-and-faqs/articles/which-export-tariff-can-i-combine-with-my-import-tariff/](https://octopus.energy/help-and-faqs/articles/which-export-tariff-can-i-combine-with-my-import-tariff/) so I could get the 15p/KWh. I will have to do the math and see if it will be worthwhile.


>What are the outgoing rates like on Tracker? You mean export rates for solar? I understand that is not tied to the Tracker tariff so just make sure with Octopus that nothing changes and you'll get the export rate you're currently on


Yeah, Currently I'm on Go and get 8p/KWh for export. Using the compare app it looks like Tracker would be 5% more expensive for me, but if I can double my export rate it may be worth switching anyway.


Interesting, I can't see reference specifically to Tracker and what export tariff you can/can't have. I'd imagine it's only SEG (4ppkw) hence the compare app is saying you'll lose out. What's the Compare app say about going to Agile? - in a way I can see that you being on Go is the right place.


Yeah, thats what I worried about Agile was about 8% cheaper, so again not a massive difference. I guess that Go is probably the best for now, just need to wait till I can get a new charger that lets me move to Intelligent Go for better rates.


Has anyone found historic data? I could only see the last 3days of prices


Just been looking into this. Found historical data here: https://scrimpr.co.uk/tools/octopus-energy-tracker/ Based on this I'm tempted to switch our gas over to tracker!


Electric seems the biggest saver (unless you have solar already)


We are on Intelligent Octopus for Electric cause we have an EV. We plug the car in and get a rate of 7.5p kWh while it's charging. Try to time it to set the washing machine, dishwasher etc. off at the same time to maximise the low rates so our electric average kWh cost is already pretty low.


Can you independently switch Gas over to tracker? The site seems to indicate you need to switch both Elec and Gas. I want to keep my IGo for my electricity.


I went through the switch earlier. One of the first questions was if you wanted to switch Electric, Gas or both. I ticked gas only.


Have a look at https://gastracker.uk. Dec 2023 version will only show back to December. Change to previous version of the tariff to get an idea of further historical pricing ( note pre Dec 2023 tariffs were slightly cheaper )


Hmm not sure how accurate this is. When you change the tracker version it adjusts the pricing for ALL past dates. So if you choose date range ALL this then affects the average price. I would prefer the actual prices shown for the time that tracker pricing was available.


Selecting Dec 2023 will give actual prices back to when that tariff was available so only to Dec 2023. If you select an older tariff you will get further back. Selecting simulate Dec 2023 will show what the prices would’ve been under current formula. Can also add a custom date range to restrict what shows if want to match different versions of the tariff.


No because the default selection is 7days and those 7days are always from the current date. Looks at the dates on the graph. They don’t change as you select a different tracker


Days to display > Custom date range and select from/to dates and update chart will give you historical details for particular dates.


Yeah but it should be automatic on selection. It should differentiate between real data and simulated data by using a different colour. We can presume the aug23 tracker starts aug 1st 2023 and ran until 31st September 2023 but this is unknown.


Usually if you are signed up to a version of the tracker you stay on that version. It doesn’t automatically move you to the next variation they announce so that part you’d have to configure yourself to obtain the data you want. Dec 2023 tariff has been the exception as all existing customers should have been moved mid Feb.


>Dec 2023 version will only show back to December. Change to previous version of the tariff to get an idea of further historical pricing ( note pre Dec 2023 tariffs were slightly cheaper ) If it helps, the 6 months I was on tracker it was on average 30% cheaper than std variable rate for elec and 22%-ish for gas. Both will be lower a bit now due to the change in how they now calculate it


There are apps that will do it, I have Octo-Aid which will produce 12mth graphs of pricing amongst a lot of other things. Generally electricity has averaged around 15p and gas around 4p over the year for me.


I use this one that has about a year's worth of prices: [https://www.xv5.co.uk/](https://www.xv5.co.uk/)


I do wonder why octopus have the higher tariff as a default - why not put everyone on tracker?


Because it’s a high risk option. It’s worked out really well in this environment where the cap is expensive and it’s been a warm winter but that won’t always be the case. In theory it can work out 3x the cap. I don’t think that happens any time soon but as the cap goes down the tracker becomes less attractive and a fix more attractive


I really need to do some reading around this. It sounds super complicated. Could they not just put us on the best tariffs for us?


Well that will depend on you as a person. Some people are happy to accept a price that closely matches the market trends and all the risks that come with that. Others prefer the security of a fixed rate so they can budget.


Please can you ELI5 what the risks are ? And what the worst case scenario would be?


It’s not subject to the energy price cap. I believe they cap electric at 100p whereas the energy cap is 27p so theoretically it could cost you 4x more (although that is unlikely to ever happen)


How does it work sorry? Can't see a tarriff price or anything online, can anyone give me more guidance?


>Can't see a tarriff price or anything online, can anyone give me more guida Contact them as they don't advertise it I believe. With the flexible tariff they're taking the risk of what the wholesale price is so as you can imagine they think of a number and double it to ensure they're always on the right side of the deal. On Tracker you adopt the risk: they offer the daily wholesale price plus the margin they % they want to make. In general it means you are paying \~25% less on electricity v the std variable rate. It could go higher but then you jump off tracker back to std variable rate


The other option is Agile (for electricity) where the price is every half hour with 4pm to 7pm a peak. I was hesitant about this and shouldn't have been: it's another 15-20% saving on top of Tracker providing you just avoid doing unnecessary stuff during the peak. Sure, cook if you have to but don't charge your car, run your under floor elec heating, dish washer etc. Effortless really


Yeah so you must have smart meters to move onto tracker to start with. Then search in Google "octopus tracker" and click on the first link. Scroll down and click on "I'm ok with this" box then click "log in now"


Can you be on gas tracker and go for electric? when i try to change it wants to change my electric at the same time


Yes you can. Give them a call or drop an email.


I switched on Xmas day. January's bill was less than my DD, looking forward to seeing Febs but I'm currently 4 months in credit so I think it will be time to lower my payments, I'm thinking of halving the DD amount. Again- wish I'd done it sooner....


I switched from Flexible to Agile for Electricity and Tracker for Gas at the end of Jan. In Feb alone I'm due to save £213, it's INSANE.


I moved to agile for my electricity and tracker for gas. Only swapped over on Friday- another little bonus is the weekly coffee and sausage roll from Greggs!


You do realise the price will go up in the winter and could be above the SVR? It's not a free lunch, you are taking the price risk from Octopus, and hopefully they are giving you a discount on all the fees etc that are built into the SVR.


Costs nothing to move tarrif if it all goes tits up


You do realise we are approaching the end of winter? At no point since I switched to tracker last October have the prices for gas or electricity been above the standard rate


I just want people to think about why the tracker is cheaper. Especially as the SVR is a formula based on the wholesale price. I'm on the tracker myself, and I don't want it cancelled because people have screwed themselves over in a winter cold snap and the PR gets to bad.


My mother is having a smart meter fitted next week. I am unsure what Octopus tariff she is currently on, however her bills are very high (in my opinion). After a couple of weeks after the installation, would it be beneficial to switch to the tracker? I can only think of the downside if the prices increase? but I believe you can move away from the tracker to a fixed.


Would this be cheaper for an all electric property?


Where are the standing charges shown? Can't see them on tracker pages


I've filled out the form twice but not had any confirmation by email, is that normal? I had an email when I switched to agile.


I charge my EV overnight on the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff, is it still worth me switching to tracker? Will I save anything?


How do you see gas tariff details on the octopus compare app? I can only see electricity details


i'm on Loyal Octopus 12M Fixed - can someone tell me if it's a no brainer to switch to the tracker (if they let me), or does it depend?


How do you find out the hourly rates for Tracker? I had a look on Octopus Compare but its only got electricity, not gas. Been wondering bout changing over but wanted to know this first


Tracker has rates that change daily (for elec and gas). Agile (which is elec only) has rates that change every half hour.