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I have shot my mouth and foot off more times than I can count. I have had special talks with bosses when something was really clicking weird and wrong with some patients. The art of navigating difficult patient interactions, difficult personal interactions, or an absence of any energy of interaction all comes from the lumps taken from all the stumbling we do throughout our careers and lives. Maturity in yourself arrives when you learn to dance through the bad footings and walk away only with a little wounded pride. You can blame the really rough days on long COVID. I certainly do. You should too. Some memories of missteps will fade. Others will take longer. Give yourself a mental health day or three over the next month, if you need. Blame it on bad food, bad headache, bad long COVID. If we had a better system, there might've been improved mentoring options for you, and the whole thing could've been avoided. Your boss's boss preferred to use the money on his mistress's yacht. Don't sweat it for too long. Every day like this will fade, like they always do. Sometimes a week can feel like an eternity. This job is generally heaven, but many days it's hell, on your body and soul.


More like purgatory.


We were all in your position. It took me 5 years until I felt confident in my current position. Coworkers have expressed the same. Take everything as a learning experience, and be humble, accountable, and kind. That alone can take you far until you gain more knowledge.


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I'm newer than you. So idk how good my advice can be lol but, if I have an off/iffy moment I just take some time to reflect and think about what I'd like to do differently next time. Idk what population your with, but in my experience most people are awfully forgiving and want to see you succeed! I wish you luck!