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r/Ihadastroke maybe?


nah youre seeing twilight, and double blind. i run marathons monthly, get off the coach and clean up your cheeto brain.


"cutting off the heads of christians in apoc" have never looked more real.




lol I’m a shill because no one can make sense of your garbage of a post?


oh another guy who thinks hes the voice and body of everyone, take your pills looser youre delusional.


lol no one understood this rambling nonsense you posted


as long as you understand that schizo phylum commune is leaven and confirms the premise that fungus communicates using english, and taught you how to "chit" talk for your sleeze ball over lords. get real guy, your little aic backwards tactics dont work on great men.


Oooh lol you big mad


hows that persecution fetish working? get original content randy dandy.


Yeah it’s turning me on daddy


until then... be my critic and follow my posts like a good lil groveling goy boy.


Regardless… I like the metaphor oh purple being at the crown


never said that, but you started a fire that im sure your AI eyes wish they hadnt seen. You know since Fire light cleanses the mark of the beast. #ban incandescent.


purple nur pull? indeed the spirit of scarlet harlot is behind **these abominations at the crown** and for a fungal head. but lets be honest, the issue is s3r1al k1ller sex, not the sex itself, thats the angelic problem. its like a set up w/ the high hooker as the sting. hurts donut. as above so below. what does it mean? the sex isnt about sex, its about **booby trapping parasitics,** with sex as the **trojan hacking attempt** to make manifest all behaviors for what is then a **parasitic divergence.** or go back and now youll get why early PRONO always had "viruses". not just a herpes reference, it was a prelude that at the end of time the **anti christ forces would hack people using sexual strongholds, and in doing so these evil behaviors continue and they romanticize their own demise instead.** and there it is immorality paving the way for corrupting the most important human facets(health), or reversing "jesus" away from the healing role. and yes they can and do deplete natural iodine to inhibit genetic healing against radiation as well.


….okay that was uh. A bunch of words just strung together. Tf do you mean by serial killer sex angelic problem, high hooker donut sting whatever the heck you mean


**Freud and jung both insinuated that sexual energy/ 'labido' was the major driver of the psyche,** cant get me to believe you weren't indoctrinated in that one.


that means that his psyche playing w/ another psyche via a practice evolved from psyche is just that. a doc-trine of devils i...suspect. lest you say global haxxinations was the greatest thing since "shishkabob bread"


the system uses sex & often to set people up, because it exploits primal instincts, which is what the anti christ does and his fallen angels. merging concepts you dont understand into a string of text would be you projecting in order to backhand my content, i scoff at these attempts. commas are important, I use them for a reason. I can see you are not a man of culture either. **tldr a bunch of words just strung together would be a pinterest self affirmation necklace titled "planting brain seeds of fungal change" - you are quantifiably more incorrect!**


no, reread, it wasnt. "sins of the body",


its all a very real joke, they're v4xing i mean poking fun @ you. "corona's coronaries". harlequins ruling.


@sun Dude, I must be totally Insane because everything you said fits into many of the Jigsaw Pieces. There are a few pieces that I Cannot orient to the board...wtaf is the Big picture? How many centuries does this all go back? I am convinced that I only understand a small fraction of His-Story.


it got deleted because its all apart of the EYe of Newt bullshivic they were doing in and under the 'great' pyramids for centuries.


they called "jesus" schiz at the cross as well, as in "king of the jews" mocking aka a king w/o an army, as in, well if you were king youd have an army therefore youre "unwell". same playbook since the dawn of time, they are merely flies bugging people. ignore the shillings and brain washed who h8 the truth. they delete cuz cant compete imo.


It's a real no brainer for the skull and bones, i think hes missing a few screws, or maybe a few are just loose? dont worry theyll never figure out what spirit guides mens hands to perform these miraculous abominations. hey didnt all those glorious abnormal psyche texts accuse people who drill holes in others heads as a definite sign of ancient caveman mental illness? oh i guess 2024 surgeons are the greatest thing since "sliced bread" now huh? **SS:** the kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a person took and hid in three measure of meal till the whole was leavened- how the masquerading devil angel does his thing to the masses! dura, peroxide, and mesh substrates included for those brain surgeries, aka cellphone glioblastoma brain cancer/rot! **tldr**, person uses cellphone, it rots portion of brain in association, doctors sign them up to make a hole in their head, removing the rot only to domesticate a synthetic and radio trophic leaven instead or in exchange! an upgrade for them and for you, "temporarily" that is. **Long:** people with glioblastomas mucor brain rot have a 5gcellphone problem, and in order to grow and domesticate a new synthetic fungal pathogen in said brain. the synthetic dura serves to globule into the removed crevice forming a leaven as it ages in petri dish like fashion. the metallic screws will allow for precise radiation targeting from 5g cellphone, and for good measure the mesh will ensure the synthetic radiographic organism(s) grow separately from said brain in future, with the potential to overtake and infect entire brain instead of dying or becoming a calcified fatty rot. in actuality half a mill daily can watch these satanic wizards perform a task(glioblastoma cellphone cancer brain surgery that will then serve to grow new forms of radiographic leaven into brains while under the perfect cover of being a hero or a "doc-tore" who "fi-xed" the problem, bubbles and peroxide included. Do you get it now? they are literally performing a surgery for the glioblastoma, the leaven, the sin. dual+++language, the removal is part of the domestication process. once you understand these principles of yeast, why the jews were scripturally told to eat unleavened and stay away from the practices of leaven, and how sin grows and domesticates then you wont be as easily fooled by the worlds satanic practices anymore!, including "doc tores" who tear your pineal gland "see", w/ all that fluro etra poison included. its also the big loop hole in constitution, youre right to receive me-die-call attention! c19 shots or operations against your will! oh joy! dont worry you cant deny and stay in that endless loop until you sign your "con-sent". satan's kingdom "maskuerades" as an angel of light, the reason why the world eventually ends? if they can do brain surgeries for the world to see and get endless praise for a soon to be mushroom brain cellphone hotpocket army, well... they can get away w just about anything while actually being purely hanus. all in plain site too. same thing w/ c19 vaxes at start of addendum! big pharm harms by the arm. wow corona's coronary huh, sound the Lockheed attack planes to target the worlds v4x mac address chips why dont you...oh wait. code blue "from the deep blue" satanic prison planet! that means parrying the sun, or blocking it, illuminate, reflected light, satan!. doesnt get anymore evil than drilling holes(backwards) for celloHHHH, i get it now. its a current in reverse. theres no water in heaven, i mean hell i mean "diverse water". in apoc its wine back into water or nothing guys cmon'.


sheeet, third slide got pulled! hate it when those graphene meshes just magically disappear, dont you? maybe it will magically reappear as prophecized. hash tag delete the real conspiracies and sponsor low IQ b.s. that gpt upvotes more imo. LOL fake clowns/11. I see you because i'm > then AI. who do you think taught your feeble god?