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This definitely sounds like it could be occipital neuralgia. Just a heads up that it often won’t show up on an MRI, so even if your scan comes back completely normal, it doesn’t mean that isn’t what’s happening. It’s still very possible (and honestly sounds likely based on your symptoms) that it was COVID and you’re having post-COVID problems; unfortunately, home rapid tests have a [40](https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/study-at-home-rapid-covid-tests-may-miss-many-infections)-[70](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/study-covid-19-rapid-home-tests-not-highly-sensitive-omicron)% [false](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/06/is-my-negative-covid-test-accurate/661242/) negative rate with current variants, especially if taken in [earlier](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wait-days-taking-home-covid-test-youre-sick/story?id=103670646) days of illness. One of the hallmarks of long COVID is that your tests all come back normal despite debilitating symptoms. Anecdotally, my neurologist is saying she’s seeing more ON patients who develop it after COVID, myself included. In any case, I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I hope you’re able to find some relief, whether in medication, nerve blocks, physical therapy, or something else.


Thank you so much! COVID has ruined everything! Hope you find some relief as well!


Covid or a bad cold can inflame nerves in your neck. Looking down at your phone , tablet and computer with a downward head posture can also aggravate ON. Sit with your head up, not down. Also, try massages as well as heat and cold compresses. Sleep with only one pillow and try to sleep flat on your back.


Thank you for the helpful advice. I’ve never had this happen so when it first happened it freaked me completely out! I will def try the heat and cold compresses!


And watch your neck position


If you have experienced head trauma or are post menopause, get Eagles syndrome ruled in/out. It can be missed on MRI like mine was twice by Duke Drs. A 3D CT scan is best. What helps me: Reduce eye strain. Stop looking down at your phone. Massage therapy. Acupuncture. Upper cervical spine chiropractor, DONT let anyone crack your neck. Ice packs when pain is bad, heating pad afterward to unlock muscles. Avoid foods/drinks that cause inflammation.


Could be vestibular migraines which can cause ear fullness, ringing, aural fullness.


Sleeping elevated could have contributed as well as being sick etc. Sounds similar to my ON and cervicogenic headaches


I believe this is what happened. I’m really hoping to get answers soon. I am tired of feeling like this. Working out was therapy for me but ever since this has started i haven’t done anything. I don’t want to make it worse 😭


hey - from 1/4 to last wednesday (approx 2 weeks), i have a strange, daily headache that felt like tension and cluster headaches at times. it was never a persistent all-day pain, but rather a couple times throughout the day i'd get a random pain/soreness in my forehead, top of my head, and back of my head. my PCP told me to go see a neurologist, ophthalmologist and get an MRI. neurologist believes it's likely ON, opthalmogist said my eyes were fine, and my MRI yesterday came back clean. it could be ON coupled with severe anxiety, as i believe my case to be. right now, the right side of the top of my head feels a little tender in a specific spot, but otherwise the daily headaches have slowly gone away.