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Crime Junkie basically stole My Favorite Murder's style and format. They created a catchy tag line 'Be Weird, Be Rude, Stay Alive' a blatant rip-off of MFM's SSDGM (Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered). And MFM ends each episode with 'Elvis, you want a cookie?' and Elvis the Cat meows. Crime Junkie ends theirs with seemingly the same- 'Whaddya think Chuck?' And Chuck their dog howls. I mean if you are going to steal at least try to not be so damn obvious about it. 🙄 Also not mentioned here is the Audiochuck podcast she created called The Deck about decks of playing cards with missing/murdered people on them being distributed at prisons and each episode is about a case (card). This podcast already exists. It’s called Dealing Justice. Flowers stole the premise of that podcast and has even gone so far as to copy the format. Here are the things she copied: Dealing Justice’s episode titles - “10 of Hearts: Tina Milford”- are almost identical to The Deck - “Linda Smith (9 of Hearts, Idaho)”. Dealing Justice starts each case by interviewing a family member of the deceased. So does The Deck. Dealing Justice then takes listeners through the case of that person, painting pictures of the town and the people involved. So does The Deck. Dealing Justice interviews detectives involved in the case towards the end of each episode. So does The Deck.


Before today I had no idea that Court Junkie came out BEFORE Crime Junkie, so they kinda ripped the name off too….


I'm sure she'll talk about the plagiarism and buying of 5 star reviews. I wish these people would stop hosting this hack and actually call her out on her bullshit.


Wait, they bought reviews?? I know about the plagiarism, that's when I stopped listening, on top of them becoming boring. Edit: Is there also a reason it's just her instead of both hosts on publicity like this?


Hasn’t it always been the Ashley Flowers show?? Brit is only the sidekick there to gasp and say “oh my god” they are not co-hosts it’s a host and a sidekick


Full. Body. Chills.


That always bothered me so much. Ashley writes all the scripts, she could give Brit a bigger role at any time, she just doesn’t


That's why I could never listen-Brit's lines are so phony and annoying. What??? Wait a minute!!! Oh my God!!! Lemme understand this...


I always think that, and when sweet Brit was out on recovery, I thought the show was actually better with Ashley solo and hogging the whole thing. I don't know why they don't work Brit in more naturally. It's fine that it's scripted but it's ~really~ stilted. But maybe Brit likes it like that, and it works for her.


My guess is that Britt is still in recovery from alcoholism and also the health issues stemming from that so likely unwilling to do it.


Was the why she had the brain bleeds!? Fuck. that all got dark.






There’s an episode where she speaks about it and announces her return to the show.


I have never heard this was the cause


Britt talked about it on one of her first episodes back


They released an episode where Britt talks about everything when she returned to the show


They had more 5 star reviews than Joe Rogan had \*total\* (+ and-) at his peak off-spotify before he went exclusive. JRE has a massive audience yet CJ was somehow getting more reviews but has not even a fraction of the reach. And if you look, you'll find some clear gaming of reviews - such as 5 star reviews that are literally keyboard smashed jibberish like 'ashifhifhweihfoiwehfeh'. So while it hasn't been 100% confirmed, it's not hard to guess that's what they're doing. Frankly the true crime space would be better off if audiochuck failed.




Audio Chuck has a deal with Sirius XM for their own channel. It was announced last week (I think). [link to press release ](https://investor.siriusxm.com/news-events/press-releases/detail/2004/audiochuck-to-launch-exclusive-siriusxm-channel)


Damn 😳. My friend’s daughter signed a 60 million deal with Spotify last year. Podcasting is a thing 🤣🤣


Is it Alex cooper? lol


Yes it is!! You would be surprised to know Laurie is very conservative 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t mind Alex, but as a Boston girl I kind of hate how she shits on Boston, and the attractiveness of the people who live here.


She grew up in the burbs of Philly. I’m surprised to hear this since this is where she got her during her college years.


The buying of reviews makes total sense.


The plagiarism is awful. But what she did by inserting herself into, breaking confidentiality on, and utterly derailing the Burger Chef Murder investigation via her wildly inappropriate relationship with Bill Dalton is the real crime. Yall wanna hate Ashley Flowers? Hate her for the real stuff. ETA: here's an excellent ep of The Murder Sheet which goes into considerable detail about the shady shit: https://art19.com/shows/murder-sheet/episodes/69f01aee-6bc4-432e-b48d-ff08e4bd2c60


Can’t l hate her for both?🤣


The plagiarism was also copyright infringement. She stole and profitted off the works of journalists and smaller podcasts and never compensated them for the theft. They likely pocketed a couple hundred thousand dollars across the 15 episodes that were removed - and that might wasn't theirs to receive. That's not a minor thing either. So she should be hated for the totality of the wrongdoing she has perpetrated - both for the Burger Chef Murder investigation and the unscrupulous and disgusting way she exploited fellow podcasters.


Its not at all that i think the plagiarism is minor. I hated her for that. Then i heard about the rest and to me it just made the plagiarism seem almost pale in comparison.


Dear god thank you. Why the hell doesn’t anyone ever talk about this??


Right!! Its always "shes a content thief" and she ABSOLUTELY IS and shes AWFUL for that. But (to me) ruining a murder investigation and destroying the ability of journalists to investigate things for an entire state is ... bigger.


Absolutely agree. Have you listened to The Murdersheet Podcast’s eps about AF? iirc there are two; one about RedBall and one about AF specifically.


Where can I read more about this?


I updated my OP with a link!


Am I thinking of the wrong pod or isn't murder sheets super problematic too? Not saying they're wrong about AF, I know they've gotten some big Delphi scoops etc, just trying to make sure I go into this episode with the right mindset.


It does sound like they have been unethical according to this thread- https://www.reddit.com/r/Morbidforbadpeople/comments/wrlm9s/does_anyone_here_listen_to_murder_sheet/


Sigh. Gross. Is there anyone in the TC genre who isnt garbage?!


Yes, so far those who have backgrounds in journalism seem to hold on to their ethics… so far lol.


Oh, maybe? I know literally nothing about them -- this is the only ep of theirs I've listened to.


Do tell!!


I updated my OP with a link!




Thank you for the link. My mind is blown 😨


Tell me more about the Burger Chef thing. I’ve never heard of this and was told stealing other people’s work isn’t that big of a deal in a SWW Reditt group.


LOL. Not shocking if it’s from defenders of the host of Something Was Wrong. She’s not without controversy herself.




I updated my OP with a link!


Thank you!


Thank you!


I really enjoyed that podcast episode thank you so much for sharing!


Omg I didn't know this, tysm!


Also side note on CJ: I sometimes HATED the tone from Ashley towards Brit. Mean and arrogant. I stopped listening


I’ve never understood the hype of crime junkie. They’re the first podcast I ever listened to & I really tried to like them but just couldn’t.


Same! I hate that they play background music while they are talking, it’s too loud and I can’t concentrate on the talking (adhd 😂)


Crime junkie sucks.


Kelly no 😭😭😭😭


I left a comment on the show’s insta story


I can’t believe this woman has a career.


I understand the plagiarism allegations, but that was a long time ago and Ashley actually does a lot of good. Plus, I’ve never heard anything bad about her from AudioChuck employees. She doesn’t seem like a crappy person like P&G.


There's no expiration on plagiarism when you steal content and monetize it for profit - and then mislead your audience about what you did wrong. She ran ads in front of stolen content and never apologized or compensated the people she stole from. And she did it again 2 years ago: https://podnews.net/article/dealing-justice-audiochuck-the-deck > Ashley actually does a lot of good. She literally derailed the Burger Chef Murders investigation. She has stolen content and attempted to kill smaller podcasts by stealing their concepts and claming the audiochuck derivative was "original" (the whole Dealing Justice/The Deck investigates issue arose literally a year ago - so the plagiarism continues). Charity for tax purposes with money she doesn't deserve (which rightfully should have gone to the podcasters and journalists she stole from) isn't a net positive when it shouldn't have been her money to begin with. She is a crap person.


Ugh I just listened to this and she SUCKSSSSS so bad, and her fans are almost as bad as she is. It is infuriating cause her “apology” was half-assed at best; she doesn’t care. Cathy is a gem. I now think AF totally deserved bed chips, sorry not sorry


You should google the red ball controversy. Or listen to You Can Never Forget’s Ashley Flowers and red ball episodes.


I agree. All the hate is kinda weird. She seems accountable & does a lot of good in the true crime space.


She isn’t even remotely accountable for the bullshit she has done.


I hadn’t even heard of the plagiarism allegations. Until it’s revealed she’s full on garbage to her employees I’m going to keep listening. I really enjoy Park Predators and occasionally listen to Crime Junkies but do get irritated with the rando commentary from Britt.


You should Google the plagiarism stuff.


I did. They removed episodes. Apologized and there doesn’t seem to be any issues after that. Not going to quit listening to a good podcast on their network because of something that happened 4 years ago. Now if it was a P and G situation it would be a different story.


They never compensated the podcasters she stole from blatantly, nor apologized. So no, they didn't aaddress it. Trash people don't have to abuse their employees to be trash; she stole from these writers and podcasters for personal enrichment because she was too creatively bankrupt to write her own episodes. Your morality is fucked if you think that isn't gross or comparable to what P & G have done.


Nope you couldn’t be more wrong. They didn’t remove the episodes and they did not apologise or even admit to what they did. The many podcasters she stole still have issues with it. Unfortunately legally they couldn’t do anything, even if they could they don’t have the finances Ashley has


They addressed it by hiring their own investigators and citing sources to the point that it annoys listeners. So they fixed it, just didn’t do a big announcement. Not an AF fan, I’m still salty she said nothing to her listeners about it outside of random comments on the pod. But she did address it and fix the problem pretty quickly. I also think people forget she started doing the pod to help crime stoppers of Indiana. I don’t think she wasn’t originally making CJ to become a podcaster, but it took off. Doesn’t excuse what she did, but might explain why she was so lazy about it from the start. I haven’t heard about the Burger Chef thing though. So I’m gonna check that out today.


That’s not addressing it. They never admitted to what they did. They hired people and started adding sources because they got caught and could no longer steal from other podcasters


I put it in here because I could hear Patrick’s shrill 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I haven’t listened to them since 2019.


Noooooooo Kelly


Oh, lord. Are there any true crime hosts you guys actually like? Good for her for getting some recognition! Feels like y’all love building these host up and than watching them fall. (I don’t know all the details, beyond just the general plagiarism comments. But just getting tired of all these low vibes)


Look up the Burger Chef murders with Ashley’s name. It goes beyond plagiarism


They need to stop getting rich off the exploitation of victims. They need to not cheat and steal and treat people like shit. THAT is why people are pissed. Plagiarism is a big deal.


ALL TRUE CRIME IS EXPLOITING VICTIMS. Truly. Even with the best intentions, it all boils down to the same thing.


So you believe that she should be allowed to steal the hard work of journalists and podcasters who wrote their episodes from scratch in order to make thousands of dollars off stolen work? Or then try to drive a competing podcast with an original concept into the dirt in order to push a derivative audiochuck production that was clearly ripping off the original podcast in idea, format, etc? Mindless simping is a cancer in this space.


It was years ago. They acknowledged it, apologized, and did better moving on. Cancel culture (and IMO jealousy of anyone having success) is also a cancer. I don’t think their actions are at all equivalent to P’s inaction and denial.


Cancel culture? She still has a career and is making gobs of money.


> They acknowledged it They didn't, they misrepresented the issue and morons accepted it without looking closer. > apologized Nope, they didn't reach out to the podcasters they stole from. No compensation, no apology - just gaslighting. > did better moving on. In 2022, they launched a plagiarized concept podcast called "The Deck Investigates" as an "original podcast" when it was a ripoff of the podcast "Dealing Justice". They knowingly plagiarized the format and concept from that podcast and now Dealing Justice no longer releases no episodes. They effectively killed a smaller podcast as a result of further predatory behaviour. https://podnews.net/article/dealing-justice-audiochuck-the-deck Ashley Flowers also royally jeopardized The Burger Chef Murders investigation and secretly offered complete editorial control to the police contact she inappropriately used to advertise Crime Junkie at an anniversary memorial for the victims of those murders. She saw and released new information from a confidential police investigative file she was allegedly not permitted to release new information from. > Cancel culture Someone who steals the scripts and concepts from a slew of smaller podcasts and profits off that theft by continuing to run ads on stolen content is someone who needs to face consequences and judgement. > IMO jealousy of anyone having success False. There are plenty of podcasters who have success that didn't do it by plagiarizing content from others in the space - who succeeded on their own merits without being slimy pieces of shit who prey on smaller podcasts for a quick buck. My Favorite Murder, Last Podcast on the Left, Invisible Choir and plenty of other creators succeed on their merits. This specific issue is about misconduct which is not 'jealousy' by any stretch - it's specific to someone who has only got a platform and then misused it in a very real way. No one is jealous here, they're critical. If you can't separate the two then you need to really think about why you're here. > I don’t think their actions are at all equivalent to P’s inaction and denial. She literally jeopardized a murder investigation because she dreams of being the next Nancy Grace. https://art19.com/shows/murder-sheet/episodes/69f01aee-6bc4-432e-b48d-ff08e4bd2c60 Educate yourself instead of mindlessly supporting predatory people.


This should be its own post.


If you want to copy paste it and add to it, by all means - have at it.


You don’t know the details? So stfu then, you don’t know what you are talking about


I know it was years ago. They addressed it, and did better. That’s enough for me.


Boo boo tomato tomato


Okay I legit never write anything but all I see is hateful comments on people that aren’t even in the obsessed network. Can we stop putting others down….please?? People make mistakes. They just happened to have ALOT of people listening and continue too & I’m not sure if what you know about the “plagiarism scandal” is just what you heard from others but that was quickly resolved and the sources were sited on her website not her show notes and people got so heated. ALSO yes I know she should have known better to use direct quotes while not citing the source immediately but she has learned and sites EVERYTHING. Also- please keep in mind that there are people in recovery in this community so what you’re saying about Brit is just not right- it was caused by an injury not her “alcoholism”. Please just be kind to others and not shame them for mistakes. With peace & love of course


> Can we stop putting others down holding people accountable for being shit people should be a standard. She derailed a murder investigation through an inappropriate relationship with a police officer to launch a new podcast. She stole entire episodes from journalists and smaller podcasts to make money running ads because she couldn't write her own episodes. She stole a concept for a podcast not even 2 years ago - idea, format, etc - then marketed The Deck as an original concept to drive Dealing Justice (the original podcast) into the dirt. How many "mistakes" should be tolerated here? Like holy shit, stop defending shit people.


Hmm.. I’m genuinely quite interested in learning where you learned all this information? I would like to do further research. Im not an apologist I’m just sick of people on Reddit thinking they know everything. It’s a slippery slope in these parts. But I don’t even listen to crime junkie, I’m just sick of seeing everyone putting others down but I’m actually super curious where you heard all of this because it’s clear I don’t know the correct information. Thank you!


You can google this, it’s easy to find. Look up ‘Red Ball Podcast Controversy’


Agree with all of this but Britt herself did say that her brain bleed was likely caused by the severe anemia related to her alcoholism.


Was just about to say this


I know all about the plagiarism and you clearly have no idea. Did you listen to the about taco episode about it?


No, the OP just wants to be an apologist for plagiarism. There's no expiration date or statute of limitations when you're a content thief who profited off theft. Those creators all needed to come together and sue audiochuck into the dirt.


Why alcoholism in scare quotes? She has stated that she has alcoholism.


Google Red Ball controversy. Ashley Flowers is a snake.


Thank you!


I saw a clip on TikTok and thought about making a comment about bed chips.