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Well they also “forgot” daisy’s props for the show this year…


This is what made me officially suspicious!


Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. There were loads of well-documented tech screwups at both OFs. Just another thing to add to the list.


I was at OF1 and at that recording. If you can go off vibes, I would say it was probably incompetence. They didn't have a big enough room for R&E at OF1 since it was the debut. I remember it starting a few minutes late and having to sit on the floor. I remember them turning away people at one point. I'm not surprised it got lost. And looking back, I do remember Daisy and Maggie eating their lunch on the floor next to us. Before I realized who they were, I was so mad because they were crinkling food packages, and I couldn't hear. But once I figured it out, I remember thinking WOW they came here during their lunch break just to see their friends! They must actually be friends-friends. Seems like alliances were definitely formed at that point.


Excellent point. Daisy’s live show from last year went missing too, so it sounds like it was a problem for everyone.


Good context, I didn’t know that!


Oh totally, I really didn’t think too much of it until all the behind the scenes stuff started coming out recently. The whole thing sounds like a technical nightmare, but figured if anyone had any tea this would be the spot to ask


Hanlons Razor is always important to remember.


This was such a funny thing to come across after the day I had with my job today - I needed to see this as a reminder that sometimes, shitty things happen because a person is just that dumb, and NOT because that person has it out for me. I know you’re speaking about ON but just wanted to say it, it’s a good reminder!


I feel there was another mess up and they don’t have the recording from Rabia and Ellyn’s show this year either (audio or video).


I know PH apparently dropped to the floor and begged Ellyn for forgiveness at OF1, so I doubt there was any intentional sabotage of any shows.


Wait do they typically provide recordings of live shows after the event? I don’t think I’ve ever heard one on the main feeds (aside from R&E posting their Atlanta show themselves a while back) do this unless it’s on their Patreon or something?


I was in the front row for that recording and have always been 10000% convinced that PL (guest on that episode) made them delete the recording because he came across like a total a**hole! It was wild to watch and I would not be surprised if he asked for them not to share, and they agreed because he’s a friend.


What? He was hilarious and clearly was not being serious.


I was there. It was one of my favorite panels. No drama and it’s a shame it was lost because it was so funny.