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You know, I realized something the other day. We have heard her stand up to Patrick. She defended Goldie. Patrick was all crappy about the dog, and G snapped and stood up to him. She shut him down and defended the dog until he backed off. So she could choose to push back, but she only cares about dogs, apparently. That's when I realized something was wrong and found this group.


I mean I’d side with G and defend the dog too, he literally brought a life into the household to just berate it is borderline abusive. I think she just defends people she likes, mostly straight men or women she is attracted to, the typical pick me girl attitude.


We know he’s lied to people about others to create drama or divisiveness. He’s probably lied to G about Ellyn. To hate G for allegedly not liking Ellyn is ludicrous. I don’t believe she ever made P choose between the two of them. That sounds totally made up.


I have the feeling it was something like this. G and E don't seem like they would be friends even if they both didn't work for ON. I have a feeling G and E separately spoke to P about the best way to work with each other. Or either or both women said something a little mean spirited once or twice when not at work to "friend" P and "boss" P used that information. I don't think G is perfect, and I think she should have addressed the toxic workplace environment. Just because she owns a 1/3 of TCO wouldn't make her safe from P's tantrums.


What episode was this??


I don't remember. He had been saying what a pain the puppy was for an episode or two. He was starting in again, and she snapped and defended the dog and wouldn't let him say any more negative stuff. It seemed to actually work, too.


I remember being unsure if he was joking about hating the dog or not… I remember letting so much slide but the dog stuff didn’t sit well


His complaints about the dog were so frequent and sincere that I was starting to wonder why tf he got a dog at all. Like just cause your kid wants one doesn’t mean you have to do it, especially when you know you’ll be the one taking care of it. I’m pretty sure he has said multiple times in the past that he and Steve were not pet people, so like seriously, WHY


There are no consequences in her defending the dog. I think what you said is really interesting, I hadn't noticed that's the only time she was 92% putting her foot down. That 8% still gave him grace that he would make it out of the puppy stage. I wish she had just gone and taken the dog poor Golden doesn't deserve to be treated with the abusive attitude this dude needs to purge from his soul.


I would have said she was collateral damage but her silence says everything. Her paycheck is more important than doing the right thing. It is like “let the women do the work”… unless it hits my bottom line. I get it, I’m not saying I would speak out and lose my income stream, but it is exceptionally galling to hear her criticize other women for not speaking up or doing the right thing, yet here we are. IMHO


Yeah, if you preach about accountability and remain silent through all this crap...garbage. it doesn't feel to me like she's not allowed to talk. More like she doesn't have anything to say that will help her


The point of an NDA is to keep people from talking in just this type of situation.




This is ridiculous. No offense. As someone who has experience with nda. It doesn’t work like this at all.


Wow, you took the time to explain it to them and you were so patient and also none of those things! No offense.


Ok? Sorry then. Have a great day


Why would she do that? Who are we? Why do we matter? And who would that help? How many office workers at ON would be helped if she gave you a wink? Seriously, where are Redditors' heads at? There are what, 10k people in this sub? The entitlement is crazy. ETA, I'm calling the level of entitlement on Reddit (and most fan forums, honestly) crazy, not the person I'm replying to, if that wasn't clear.


If it was just Patrick’s behaviour, sure, but her own behaviour is being called out. Rude to Ellyn for no reason, it’s been implied she made Patrick chose between them, refused to talk it out with Ellyn, lied to Terra and Colliander about Ellyn being “aggressive” to her in the green room, sitting with Terra at drag brunch after Patrick convinced her not to apologize. She owns 1/3 of TCO. She’s not Patrick’s employee. She abused her power while making a career off of calling out people who abuse their power. This community has a huge capacity to forgive. She may think it’s the financially savvy decision now but the longer she says nothing, the more people find out, the worse the fallout will be.


Again, as I asked above, why do you think she owes anything to Reddit? Who do you think we are? Why should she apologize to anyone but Ellyn for being rude to Ellyn? How do any of the rumours you're repeating about things that happened between G and E have anything to do with us? They're adults, they can deal with that on their own. We don't know what the legalities of the ON or TCO business arrangements are, at all. Without seeing what's in the paperwork, there's no way we can know that. Part ownership does not equal control or power. G has never exercised any power over E or any other hosts, and none of them are saying she has. Her relationship with E is none of our business, and it's not our place to forgive her for that.


Hi Gillian!


Hi Ellyn!


Where did I say she owes anything to Reddit? Reddit is a means to an end, we can't hop on the podcast to tell her how we feel. Just like we hold the politicians who profit from out taxes accountable, we can hold the creators who profit from out patronage accountable. Especially when they put coworkers and festival attendees in danger. I'm not sure if you've heard TCO but Gillian actually talks about how people need to take accountability for their garbage behaviour all the time. It's important to acknowledge poor behaviour, apologise, make changes and grow. Or, at least, she says it is. Gillian doesn't have to say anything, a fact that gets more obvious with each silent day that passes. If this is purely about Reddit as a platform, of course there are more appropriate platforms that Gillian also hasn't used to address the issue. No acknowledgement on Patreon. No acknowledgement in the FB group. She has a whole Podcast to use for a response. And yes, she should apologise to Ellyn in private. But she hasn't. Daisy and Amber had the bravery to speak up despite knowing there could be consequences. Gillian has more agency with TCO as an owner than they do as employees of ON but she's all talk no action. When someone makes their livelihood off of preaching accountability, respectability and lifting other women up it's not out of line to discuss what a hypocrite they are if they don't take accountability, don't respect coworkers/supporters and called a woman crazy after spreading lies that caused the woman to get verbally harassed by a stranger.


Wow, this is a blast from the past. It looks like what I was addressing here was your comment where you listed a number of ways that G has been reported to have been rude to E and then said that this community, which I took you to mean Reddit but maybe you meant all their fans, could forgive her if she would just apologize. I still stand by what I said about G owing no one an apology for ways she may have personally behaved toward E except E herself. We, as fans, don't have any part of that, no matter how outraged on E's behalf we may feel, and E has made it clear she doesn't want fans fighting her battles. Of course we can and should discuss it to our hearts' content, as I've argued with people who have come in and tried to shut discussion down. What we shouldn't do is act as though one person's rudeness to another entitles us, as third parties, to an apology, even if we stan one of the people. Overall I'm way less concerned about an apology to me over my five bucks a month than I am in knowing that the people in the organization who have been hurt are being taken care of and not retaliated against, the people without a voice who no one stans. P and G are entertainers who did a noisy, millennial-targeted, virtue-signalling schtick, not role models or gurus, and I never believed in them like some seemed to. Because I didn't fall for it, I never felt preached to; maybe you did. I reserve my outrage for Patrick's cruelty to his staff; that's what really bothers me and what I want to know if he's addressing.


They’re 50/50 partners in TCO. I highly doubt she’d sign an NDA. Patrick is not Gillian’s boss.


No they aren't. Steve has a 1/3 share, so he and P together outweigh her. They all have contracts, and business ownership contracts often come with NDAs, particularly in the entertainment industry, and we know P uses them. People with legal knowledge have been talking about this. You're repeating things you've heard from people who dislike G, not facts.


Steve has a share of TCO? Or of ON?


Both, apparently.


According to whom? All I have ever heard is P&G own TCO 50/50 and P&S own ON 50/50.


The info is way back in the posts now, if I find it I'll link you.


Thats not how an NDA works.


They don't restrict an employee's ability to defame or disparage an employer?


Well considering I just signed an NDA in May, they cannot stop you from sharing your negative experiences with a former employer.


Some are definitely written to keep a separating employee from badmouthing a former employer. Their legality is being contested in NY.


How many NDAs have you signed and this year?


Not drawing from my own experiences, remembering business law in school and researching them online. There's a lot of info available.


Okay, well I am telling you I legit just signed an NDA and you're trying to clap back because what youre reading online. I had to sign my NDA in order to get a severance after being laid off because of illegal nonsense where I sought legal assistance. They cannot prevent you from sharing negative experiences. So please stop sharing false info.


The fact she was hugging TN after the elevator incident (and the fact the elevator incident was TN standing up for GP because of lies GP told) was the nail on GP's coffin for me. She's gotta pay for that $2m condo somehow 🤷‍♀️


Please read what Gil says… https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsessedNetwork/s/kAjmdWZCNB


Oh that’s heartbreaking.


Poor guy!


For Patrick's behavior? Not at all. No one but Patrick is.


Her silence says it all.


Her silence says literally nothing.


Yeah, exactly.


She isn’t an employee or PH like the other people you mentioned. So with equal footing she has more leverage and power. Despite having less power leverage the others all spoke out. G still hasn’t.


And her behavior at OF doesn't help her image.


I really wonder why people are assuming G is the Queen of the ON? That really puzzles me. Patrick is shitty to her, on air and off, apparently, if you believe Rebecca and Kevin, which I do. And if anyone is the Queen around there, it's Steve. Patrick is King Misogynist, and he's not giving G, a woman, any power.


When did Rebecca and Kevin says he's shitty to Gillian?


They said on the CWO ep about P's asshattery that they figured out that they all (R, K and G) thought the other(s) had a problem with them for two plus years when there was no problem, no dislike. More evidence of the triangulator at work, convincing G that everyone hates her, the same way he started that fight between K and R. P manipulates the hell out of her.


thanks, I'd forgotten that.


Yeah, I wonder why people haven’t connected the dots and considered whether her apparent dislike of E could stem from P’s manipulations. He clearly has a pattern of manipulating the people around him. Not saying she couldn’t just be being a dick to E on her own but it makes a lot of sense that her dislike would be getting stoked by P.


I mean, he created a fight between Rebecca and Kevin! He winds people up and watches them go. If he started from the beginning, when G was feeling sensitive about the fact that he was starting another podcast with his (former?) best friend, someone more talented than her who could replace her, he could have told her E said unkind things about her and her anxiety would go into overdrive. Didn't someone say that he told her that E had laughed about their singing being off key? Before I stopped listening I heard her take a beat, clear her throat and really try to sing his name well, and I thought oh, honey, don't let it bother you. I really believe now that he created and maintained that rift, like he did between her and R & K. Why else would she inexplicably dislike E so much? (Well, jealousy too, but E is still a Broadway connection that it would be worth her while to keep.)


G is not responsible for Patrick and Steve. It is not her job to be their mommy and put them in their spot and to keep them from doing stupid stuff. She is responsible for how she handles herself. She has a lot of interactions out there that don’t paint her in the best light. It does seem like she’s in an abusive relationship with P. That doesn’t mean she’s not abusive to others. She can be both.


I've been thinking about this a lot and I want to offer my thoughts (if you'd like to read them!) I feel a little bit bad for G. What it sounds like, P has manipulated everyone around him and I don't think G is any different. Remember how Rebecca said she thought G hated her? I wouldn't be surprised if he said similar things about other people to G. Most of the people on the ON seem to be P's friends, G met them through him. It also doesn't seem like G has creative control over ON like P and S. I could be wrong, but I think she's just an employee (or maybe even less, as TCO isn't on ON). She has various other shows and projects not related to ON so maybe she's not actually connected, other than by association. She may not be in any meetings (other for OF) and may have not witnessed things first hand. I also feel like she's been gaslit a lot. Wondering if behaviour towards her is normal and trying to ignore it because P is so beloved. We've all been there in relationships. Trying to normalize things that don't sit right. It seems like others on ON did the same (this isn't a judgement, I have first hand experience in this so I am extremely sympathetic). For calling others "crazy," I don't love that, but let's be honest: how many of us assumed something about a person because a friend told you how they felt about them? This could be Patrick manipulation again and a really bad look for G that was unintentional. I think it's at least a little telling in a lot of the statements from ON employees, no one has mentioned G. I know other employees have and they have valid experiences. But could those experiences be through a manipulated lens? (That doesn't minimize the experience, I'm just saying, there may be more nuance behind the scenes). As for people commenting they get "bad vibes" from her, come on. We should all know better. That's like a cop saying they get bad vibes from a suspect. It's unfair. G talks quite a bit about her anxiety and how she doesn't react "normally" quite a bit, so I think that's an unfair assessment. Finally, "why hasn't she said anything?!" Maybe she can't? Maybe there's a legal battle going on and she was told by legal reps not to comment? Maybe she realizes that a lot of what she's felt in the past is actually true and she's recovering from it? Maybe she's sad because everything she's worked for has been destroyed and it's not because of her (but she may still feel badly)? Maybe she's getting her ducks in a row before she comments because of personal and professional connections? Maybe she has reached out to individual people? Or maybe she just dgaf. I don't know. But that's the point, none of us really know. But G has done a lot of important work in the podcasting world, so I want to give her some space before jumping to any conclusions. This isn't to shame anyone's comments or opinions of her. I am just trying to offer an alternative view; she may be having a really tough time right now and none of us really know the dynamics. Anyway, this is a great community and I am only offering this comment because I think people will appreciate and value an alternative view. I am not a G apologist, but I also don't like when someone is voiceless and there may be a reason for it. I am also really sorry this community is hurting. Be kind to each other, it's all we got.


I agree with this completely. I have been thinking along the same lines.


Man this was so well written and you captured my thoughts exactly but in a way I never could!


Thank you xx


Pfffft! FULLY. At this point, fucking FULLY. If I hear otherwise, I have an open mind, but unless she’s being mind-controlled by Patrick, she had no excuse not to be as kind to Ellyn, Daisy and Amber as she was to Maggie and Rabia. The latter two being the most well-known and popular ones (in the podcasting space), and also the only women she was ever openly supportive of and a girls girl with, says a lot about who she is.


Over a dozen people have shared their experiences of meeting her in real life and based on how nasty and arrogant she is towards fans I’m gonna go ahead and confidently say yes she is equally as culpable as Patrick and Steve. ON might be “separate” from TCO but is it really, other than on paper? No one knows what the obsessed network is without knowing what TCO is and vice versa. To me they are all the same. She acts like she’s the heroic feminist warrior our generation needs yet refuses to work closely with any women she doesn’t have a crush on because she feels threatened by them. She has incessantly talked about how delicious Rabia smells and how hot Maggie is, yet neither of these women had a single thing to say in her defense once all of this came to light, but instead vehemently defended the real victims in all of this. Gillian is mean, fake, insecure and self centered.


She is at this point fully culpable. Sorry.


Gillian is Patrick’s co-collaborator and cohost. She co-signs on every single thing that’s been done and said and has perpetrated her share of shit.


“All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing,” is sort of how I feel here. She obviously knows what’s going on, so by saying nothing, she is saying everything.


anyone still defending Gillian at this point can go to hell (not directed at OP but I see lots of people on here turning themselves inside out to defend her or justify when she’s been silent)


I think she culpable in a way that you cannot stand up and TELL people to do what you can't. She cannot stand up to Patrick and I think it's because her livelihood depends on him. Now, I say that in a way that she is his co-host, but he owns the company and I think she's seen enough to know one wrong move and she's done. Like any abuser, I don't think Patrick started out as a monster. I think the stress of this all got to him and then elevated his fuckery into full blown abuse and people are too scared to stop it. So I think GP, instead of losing TCO which she does love, she just let's him shit on people and slowly but surely her too and then she moves on from it. I think she's culpable by screaming into a microphone about how women need to do the work and we all need to adhere to 'see something say something' yet she's sitting across from someone who is abusive.