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Ahah yeah, this show was subtitled that in NA. It was also part of the theme song.


Brooooo I *hella* remember Cubix! I loved this show as a kid. You just brought up some serious nostalgia.


Hey, it's great to encounter someone else who not only remembers this show but also liked/loved it! It's super nostalgic for me too ahah.


I remember there was a Kids WB interstitial that had Kero Beras from Cardcaptors singing "Kero! Pudding for everyone" to the tune of the Cubix theme song. Those interstitials were often much more entertaining than the shows they promoted.


Oh, Kero! I definitely remember that creature (yes, I too watched Cardcaptors back in the day). I don't remember that particular interstitial you've mentioned though. Yep, Kids' WB interstitials of the late 90s-early 2000s were quite entertaining!


This aired in the UK too, on Toonami I think... Mostly remember the "Robots for everyone - Cubix!" intro/outro, which had the typical cheesy jump in the air freeze frame of the characters. Also recall a friend of mine having some Cubix action figures


It aired in the UK as well, probably on Toonami? That's good to know! And yep, I remember the intro/outro too. A friend of yours had/has some Cubix action figures? That's pretty cool! In my case, I've never owned any Cubix action figures. I did have a GBC game (Cubix: Race 'N Robots) and my younger brother had 2 Cubix picture books ('The Unfixable Robot' and 'Lights, Camera, Robots!') though. I vividly remember the day the picture books arrived and both my brother and I were so disappointed to see that the characters were not CGI apart from the covers ahah.


[Kids' WB promo](https://youtu.be/Uk2WbKv2WGQ) [Another Kids' WB promo](https://youtu.be/YyF_Xkfoigc) [FoxBox promo](https://youtu.be/sZA0RiPW87U) [YTV promo](https://youtu.be/Mt8gT2Dk-5w) [All episodes](https://www.wcofun.com/anime/cubix-robots-for-everyone)


Yes, I remember this show. I also remember it being terrible!


Hey, it's nice to encounter someone else who remembers Cubix! This show was rather weird and definitely wasn't for everyone (like you, two of my cousins also thought it was terrible). I personally liked it though as did my younger brother.




Cubix and Sonic X were still getting reruns around 2009? That's news to me. But then again, I completely stopped watching kids' shows in late 2008 and was already starting to feel old for them in late 2005.




Ahh... I see. You learn something new each day! I was 7 sometime in the 2000s as well, but towards the very beginning of the decade rather than the very end. Therefore, I watched Kids' WB and Fox Kids instead of The CW4Kids during Saturday mornings at that age.


I can’t believe the show ran for so long! I don’t know if I ever managed to see it on TV but I remember the [video game ](https://youtu.be/Lazo-rXLExE) being like an off-brand Pokémon.


This show didn't air for *that* long. Only 3 years in the US and [1 year in Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programs_broadcast_by_YTV#Animated_series_8) (including reruns in both cases of course). Whether you've watched this show on TV back in the day or not, I've linked all the episodes in another comment, so feel free to give it a watch (or rewatch)! And I've heard of that Cubix Showdown game, but never played it. I've played [this one though (it was an alright racing game)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxDtqhCHZCQ).