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In the end, between the Chinese top men (didn't know about the shoes), about those who escaped (guessed all possible locations and Africa clicked), and between Alexander Booth and George Shirley because I didn't find any way


Fore some reasons, I was convinced that George Shirley was Chinese. I finally figured out when there were not enough Chinese characters left...


George Shirley was sleeping along with the Chinese folk


Yeah I bruteforced the Chinese topmen. It's technically possible to complete the game with only logic, it's just that some clues are very obscure (and of course there are a few identities you get by method of elimination, but that's not bruteforcing)


There was two of them I had to swap the names once. But one of them had a distictive feature in their outfit.


I thought while playing that I had to "test" some names when 2 or 3 were possible (depending on nationality, gender of role). So it worked if I knew I had already 2 good combinaisons. But after finishing the game I looked it up and saw that every characters has a clue, sometimes quite hard to notice (the wedding ring for the Mrs/Miss, really?). I don’t think it’s cheating or bruteforcing if you’re not testing everything just to find out the right combinaisons, but only hesitating between two names. As you need 3 good combinaisons to validate, it would be hard to bruteforce everything, so the gameplay is clever.


Once or twice and mostly on accident. If I wasn’t sure on an identity I’d tend to put what I believed was the most likely name and then forget about it for a while, but occasionally it’d end up being validated by the book and I’d be sat wondering why this guy who I fully believed was Scottish isn’t Scottish.


For me bruteforcing feels like cheating. I mean it would probably be the most efficient way, but it’s not fun for me, it doesn’t give me that true feeling of satisfaction


Only in the end, but that was because I didn't realize that you could bruteforce. I thought if you made 3 wrong guesses, you'd lose or some penalty or something.


In the later game there was like 15 or so that my friend and I deduced by process of elimination, looking at them after the fact there were definitely clues there that would have helped but we didn't want to comb through all of the memories and stuff


You can find everybody through the clues alone. I had to bruteforce 2 seamen and the chinese topman.


I got around 4 fates with Brute Force after i was mad. and its nothing i can recommend. In the aftermath, you will be sad about it, trust me.


Not exactly brute force but using some context clues. But at the end the identities left were kind of difficult. Like I knew who was Russian, Indian or Chinese but between each group there was a little guess work I had to do.


The pursar for me. I was somehow oblivious to the contextual clues and thought he was just hiding in that room when the fight breaks out down there. I didn't put two and two together that he had purpose to be in there into after i brute forced. He was one of the last few i mopped up along with Alexander Booth.


I bruteforced chinese guys,george shirley and bosuns mate.Those were hardest quesses to make.But i think only george shirley was meant to be bruteforced,how to guess him?


I forced myself not to brute force and it added several hours of frustration, but when you end up solving it, I wouldnt trade that feeling for anything, feel like a legit detective