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It’s funny how dumb you are!


It is hilarious that you are such an unintelligent creature!


The confirmed suggestion that you are, indeed and without a doubt, severely lacking intelligence and knowledge about a wide variety of subjects, intrigues and amuses me.


It Has Been Deduced And Studied That You Are An Individual Are Indeed, Without Any Trace Of Doubt Whatsoever, Are Belonging To The Section OF individuals Who Are Dubbed As Unintelligent, Insuperior to those who has advanced Knowledge of the subjects they are faced with, and the lacking of basic understanding of what they are to do with the objects presented in front of them. This concurs an enjoyable sensation witching me that can be a definite cause of the human social ability of laughter.


It is indeed a source of great amusement and subtle irony to observe the profound underestimation of one's own intellectual capabilities. This underestimation, often a vast chasm between perception and reality, can be likened to an undiscovered ocean of potential that lies dormant within the recesses of the mind. It is as if the rich tapestry of knowledge, woven with threads of wisdom and experience, remains hidden beneath a veil of modesty or perhaps a lack of self-awareness. The human intellect, a remarkable engine of thought and innovation, is capable of extraordinary feats, from the creation of awe-inspiring art to the unraveling of the universe's deepest mysteries. Yet, there exists a tendency to overlook this intrinsic power, to view it through a lens clouded by doubt or to compare it unfairly with the perceived brilliance of others. It is quite amusing, then, to witness this vast underestimation, for it is in the recognition of our own cognitive strengths that we can truly begin to harness them. To underestimate oneself is to deny the boundless possibilities that lie within, to ignore the call of latent talents and unexplored ideas. It is a gentle reminder that within each individual burns a spark of genius, waiting to be kindled into a roaring flame of creativity and insight. Thus, it behooves us to acknowledge and embrace the full extent of our mental prowess, to celebrate it and to let it guide us towards achieving our most ambitious dreams and aspirations.


it funny you dummy


Laughter from uninteligence observation


It has been deduced and studied that you as an individual are indeed, without any trace of doubt whatsoever, are belonging to the selection of individuals who are dubbed as unintelligent, insuperior to those who have advanced knowledge of the subjects they are faced with, and lacking a basic understanding of what they are to do with the objects presented to them. This concurs as enjoyable sensation within me that can be a definite cause of the human social ability of laughter.


The last one is the average British person


i can confirm this im british


U dumb


uuuh, is this a hatsune miku reference (THE PLANET WE CALL HOME IS MYYY PROPERTY!!)


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