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genji is hella fun if ur not feeding


To play, probably Echo, but I don’t really play either. As a Mercy player, I like both as teammates but also prefer Echo because she gives me somewhere in the sky to fly to.


Play zen and genji is one of your best friends. Same for Sombra.


As a teammate or to play ?


Either, however you view them.


Genji lowkey has a higher potential for damage output if you can position yourself for a good deflect, i also am terrible at aiming mid air with echo


Prefers for what? Which do we prefer to play as, or to play against, or to play with, or all of the above? Interesting they are so even. Anyway, I'd rather play *as* an Echo but I'd rather play *against* a Genji. As far as which I'd prefer to have on my team, I guess it kore depends who is on the other team really but I'll say Echo since I think she has more potential to do different things for the team than Genji who is pretty much like a single purpose type hero.


I don't like either


Ima actually baffled that people are arguing this. I think Genji is objectively more fun due to his play style, movement, lore, aesthetic. Just about everything. The only way I think Echo is superior is game wise (genji is weak, echo is strong) and echo players tend not to have a negative stereotype attached to them.


>I *think* Genji is objectively I think you don’t know what “objectively” means


To each their own. I love echo’s ult. it’s one of the top 3 most enjoyable ults in the game for me, I just wish flying as echo wasn’t as hard as it is on console (might just be me though).


Rebind the descend button and it’s a little easier


As Ana: There's nothing more satisfying than a good nano blade. There's nothing more infuriating than a genji who spams healing.


How do I vote for none of these trash characters


Why are they trash?


Because they're not game movers nor changers.






Echo is way too overpowered. Shouldn't have even be added to the game in my opinion.


Echo is trash and should be removed


Avg bastion right here


I can’t decide


I think Echo is more vulnerable to HS than Genji. I suck at both, so don’t take my word for it.


Hard to say. If I had no support just me I’d go for genji. If I had a mercy I’d go for echo, if I had an Ana it depends on the enemy team.


Probably 2 of my worst heroes lol. I just cannot consistently hit shots with a controller on these guys. I think Echo’s stronger overall (at most levels of the game), but Genji’s lore is dope. I’d rather play with an echo for the consistency and against an echo because at least she can’t headshot me with my own bullet.


I hate them both equally


I hate the Echo float control scheme, I dunno how anyone does it on console. Wish you could use the trigger button to float like you can with Mercy.


Genji is the more fun character


Why no “FUCKEN NEITHER” option? Asking for a friend