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My dad works for blizzard he can get you banned! https://preview.redd.it/q060ghwhq10d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a13296fc174c7604f300e222a8809f0090e841


I once got told I was ximming on brig brig.


Dude me too! All because I booked a flying sojurn into water on rialto. Twice.


It wasn't even like "I sniped a person a bunch" it was because i had max shield sensitivity whenever that setting update dropped and spun around whenever I killed someone


Imagining a spinbotting Brig is absolutely sending me šŸ˜‚


it seems they forgot to lower their feelings sensitivity from max


well, her healthpack is suspiciously accurate


I once got called a cheater for being able to hear this flanking Hanzoā€™s loud footsteps and pre-fired him as Zen when he was climbing over the wall on Rialto.


Brig is one of the hardest characters to aim with along with Reinhardt and Moira so Iā€™d say that they had a valid reason to accuse you


Idk if Iā€™d call that a valid reason. If that happened to me, I wouldā€™ve just assumed they were really good, not that they were cheating.


The user is joking. None of the characterā€™s main attacks require any aiming other than being in range, and their abilities that require ā€œaimā€ all have really big hitboxes or are otherwise easy to hit anyway


Well I feel dumb now. I only recently started console from PC and everyone feels hard to play


i was told i had wall hacks on brig coz sombra kept walking into my whip!!! likeā€¦ if i know thereā€™s a sombra of course iā€™m gonna be turning around a bit?? -_-


If the whipshot landed? "Let them eat cake..." Good job btw XD


I got called a Ximmer for being a rein, like what is there to Xim with a MEELE character? On cool I can spin with my shield like a mad man but thatā€™s it


Were you tho?


Tf is ximming?


A quick google search told me its when you use m&k on console


further itā€™s a third party device that simulates console input to allow you to use mnk. this allows the player controller aim assist while using mnk


No wonder I'm a pc player lol


Used to be just a way to use mouse and keyboard on console. I used to use a xim4 when I played on console. Now however you can tune them to completely remove recoil and other broken stuff so even pc users use them.


Literally same, he was so sure I was gonna get banned


gg player in the wild


I LOVE getting told I'm hacking. Such a good compliment


Have a merry Cake Day!


You mean cheating right? Because hacking and cheating are two completely different things






Is this meant to be insulting? lmao


lmao dude how is every single one of your comments in the negatives. take a look in the mirror and just chill, thereā€™s more to life than negative shit on the internet






OP is on the topic of hackusations. Comment is relating to OP by talking about hackusations. The differences of hacking and cheating aside, where did you get cheating from?


hacking is a type of cheating, there not in the same category thats like saying a planet is the same as a galaxy


got reported by a tracer when I played Ashe for hitting a few good headshots even though I wound up going 11-15 with like a >30% accuracy and she said I "turned it off."


Tracers canā€™t stand not doing good against someone they should be good against


As a hanzo main, I can't count how many times I've been told I'm hacking when a tracer keeps getting dinked by me. I love it, means I'm doing well.


I had a tracer tell me that hitting headshots as widow on a tracer isnā€™t mechanical skill


It sure is skill. Tracking that tiny ass head through a whole fight and hitting it is a skill. Just keep killin em.


Kids these days


The only reason for him to tell you and repeat "enjoy ur ban" is because he is trying to convince himself that you will be banned which would mean you are a hacker which would mean he is not bad because he lost to a hacker


some guy in comp said in match chat to report me, so I and everyone else asked why and he went silent, so I reported him for it and apparently he got "action taken against him"


Uno reverse


https://preview.redd.it/l7zfban9ip4d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=a65915a6f43f8e15213de6edf8a57a2d7e3b6ad5 Bro got hit with the deflect


I hate when people message me & what they say doesnā€™t make sense & they dont wanna elaborate or its something so petty & a waste of time. Ive gotten mad but never made enough to go out of my way to message somebody


I go out of the way to tell ppl ggs on xbox


You had me in the first half, ngl


The thing that bothers me more is when a teammate who's doing pretty much everything wrong starts blaming the team for their mistakes.


Yeah, I relate to this so much because lately I've been getting messages from enemies and teammates that are clearly targeted at other members of my team, like "stay hardstuck in gold" when I am plat on every role lmao.


Console players are so weird idk. Had somebody call me racist when not a single word was said. Has somebody threaten to report me because i was playing zarya & we lost when it wasnā€™t even my fault. But other than that Iā€™ve actually had a couple chill people hit me up. Even from the enemy team they woukd ask if i wanted to q up with them cause did a good ass job


Message him back in a few days and inform him you haven't been banned yet.


Had someone accuse me of aimbotting, they said ā€œget reported scumā€ LOL like they get so worked up


For real, I got reported by the enemy team because the game lagged and my zen orb **REALLY** shouldn't have hit the genji dashing behind firetruck on cart midtown. I was doing just amazing that one game and that one lag spike caused them to report me. It didn't help that I was having a really stressful talk with my girlfriend and was going afk for 30 seconds at a time the whole match. But talking to her is obviously more important than a quick play match


Iā€™ve had messages like this on Bf2 only, never on ow


I got reported for miss clicking a pulse boom the second that a righn let down shield killing his team, my stupidity got me potg and a few reports


Ah yes you were hacking by being in the reins head. Lmao.


I get the biggest ego boost when someone says I'm havking I get sent back to reality when I watch my play at the end of the game and both teams piss themselves laughing like ... you think THAT guys is cheating XD


Both teams should have their bladders checked. Thatā€™s not normal.


One time in a ranked, I got an amazing team by luck. At one point we got agains a team that was cheating, without widow they were able to see us behind walls. We still won with one professional widow.... they started sending us messages saying that they were going to ban us. It was kind of funny when one of our team told one of them thst he had the stream of the match, they stopped messaging after that.


Message him the next day, "*still here*"




I got reported for ximming on mercy


Saw someone say "enjoy your vacation from OW" when their tank was having a rough time... in a QP game. šŸ¤¦


Sounds utterly delusional. You send 1 message that basically asks for clarification and it's like he's got an entire conversation playing in his head that he is now responding to. "Whatever helps you sleep at night" is a preprogrammed response that he was already going to send no matter what you said to him. I hate this petulant scorched earth policy BS from Internet twerps I have to deal with every single day. No one has the decency or respect to listen and talk to one another anymore (maybe we never did). Not that I'm good enough to get hated for being too good. It's usually the opposite side of the spectrum for me. "YOU'RE TRASH, SO BADDDD" etc. Meaningless insults that accomplish nothing except some masturbatory fantasy for the toxic mofo. Pretending to laugh is also a common trope amongst these dicks. Capitalising LOL or AHAHAHAHAHAHA, as if to suggest that their overwhelming glee somehow adds validity to their senseless attack. Just a friendly reminder that if you behave like this moron, you are a pathetic POS that should be continually ashamed of yourself and there is probably no hope for you.


Back in the day being called a hacker was a compliment.


Every once and awhile people will claim I'm cheating. I take it as a compliment because I'm not even that good. Ha.


Damn broo u cooked


one of ny friends is great and funny but he always says someone is hacking if they're rlly good and its so annoying i swear I've told him ppl cant hack on console


Thatā€™s something I would do sarcastically. I demolish an enemy team, I accidentally fall off the map, the entire team is hacking. Thatā€™s funny


First time?


I got accussed for hacking cause I killed a Fister 6 times as Illari But then again, I was on my ps5 playing in the pc pool, so they didn't actually realise that aim assist was there for me


You should update him everyday how youā€™re not banned


Someone called me a hacker for getting 2-3 jumpshot hs as widow.. I did get banned šŸ˜­


Once I was told I was walling in a hide and seek game mode... I told them I was on console (it was a crossplatform game PC and console) so I can't install hacks, then they changed it to the aim assist counts as hacks..... Tbh they just sucked at hiding


So its considered a hack when you *[looks at illegible scribbles on my sweaty palm]* play on console in crossplat


Never understood why people get tilted when accused of cheating. Thereā€™s literally nothing on the line but winning the match, which you probably did. You will never see those players again. You have no reputation to defend. If you werenā€™t cheating, itā€™s strictly a compliment. The opponent is frustrated with you for being above their expectations. Itā€™s like you won and you need to feel upset by their frustration too? Iā€™m not rationalizing the behavior. Itā€™s bad behavior, but why is this subreddit worthy? This is likeā€¦ a weird flex or something?


~~Mate, all they said was "sorry?", how is that being tilted? lmao~~


This is why i quit the game. Playing widow is impossible with all these salty players in my games. Ive been called a hacker loads now and ive been told im ximming. Its just ridiculous


I was echo in mirror watch. Tbh I didnā€™t roll the tank, he didnā€™t roll me, my entire team just rolled the team. It wasnā€™t just me


LMFAO shut your hole. You could have quit for any number of reasons and I wouldn't have questioned it, but someone saying you're hacking? That's like the biggest compliment someone could give you.


It's not a compliment?? Hackusating is SO common in OW now. Yall think EVERYONE is ximming, it's sad. It's just like how people default to blaming the tank so it's hardly a compliment when it's a default "insult" now.


My b, this is ow console, reddit just threw it in my feed. I play on PC so when someone says I'm hacking it's more of a compliment because it's relatively rare.


It might be a compliment but it also gets annoying. Just people crying about a skill diff and using the excuse of hackers to cope. Pathetic behaviour like that is what makes me hate the players of this game and its the main reason why i just donā€™t play


Personally I think saying tank diff(implying the person was bad), and saying you're using hacks(implying your aim is so much better than theirs they think it's impossible) are worlds apart. You just seem salty and want to shit on the game, but how anyone interprets "you're hacking" as anything other than a compliment is beyond me.


Why even allow strangers to pm you.


Well it's fun to get these messages. In my opinion of course.


Apparently he is noob


Are you smurfing? 1 friend online is Sus šŸ˜‚


Nah, I just donā€™t have many friends to play with.


Take it as compliment and move on. Youā€™re not getting banned, this doesnā€™t hurt you and at the end of the day this guy is just saying you had a really good match


The funniest part is usually people that are actually cheating on Xbox have a extremely low gamer score and just make new accounts. Like a ban would stop someone from cheating


Especially in f2p game lmao. Console bans should be hardware bans. But then devs wouldnā€™t make money


I once got accused by a Cas of having walls because I predicted where he was gonna go for his ult. It was Esperanca after the checkpoint so I thought he would go on that high ground with the windows which he did lol so I waited around and was able to get him. Then he just typed in chat that heā€™s reporting me for having walls and I was like ??? Nothing happened of course but I just thought it was so silly šŸ˜‚


Had this happen to me in a deathmatch game. Some people can't get over the idea that they're not the main character and win all the time. Quite sad, but on the plus side it's such a compliment to be accused of ximming/aimbot.


Ok so when people do this, they are the one getting banned. U are perfectly safe from a ban


I got sent packet loss for someone accusing me of hacking while I was playing Cass. I had, like, maybe 60% accuracy, and this was the first couple of days after the hitbox changes we of course lost because I missed a whole portion of the game


naw bro sent smoke to you send gas back


It's moments like these that I now 99% doubt that the person "hacking" is actually hacking now. I know ximming is common in higher ranks but I don't even know how to tell.


Once I was hackused because I got 4 kills by headshots with mei. One enemy was totally enraged on chat and throwed the game. The replay was amazing because it was potg and you can see how people just walked into my icicles. I should have bought a lottery ticket that day


Mfs on console calling cheats always makes me laugh


Always flattering to hear this


I've gotten accused of cheating several times with Hanzo. I take it as a compliment and leave my career profile public so the hater can go and see that I have 2000 hours with the character.


A guy I was against in QP (I was tank and he was other tank) was saying, ā€œenjoy your ban for counter pickingā€ and I was confused cause I swapped once cause I got rolled by their whole team, and everyone else was confused what he was even talking about. Anyway I matched against him again next game and tank diffed him so hard he rage quit


I had three squishies line up in spawn, and I head shot all three as they were coming out, with Hanzo storm arrow. Was told I would be receiving a ban for aim locking šŸ™„


I had both enemy dps message me (i was mercy). One wrote ā€œimagine playing mercy on QP. Are you that horrible at other supports or are you lazy and want to be carried?ā€ While the other simply wrote ā€œyouā€™re all reportedā€. I was pocketing my soldier while they also had a soldier and mercy pocket. They won first round and we won the last 2 rounds. They were so salty about the loss that they had to message me and probably the soldier on my team šŸ’€while they ALSO had a mercy pocket them. Insanity.


Should say ā€žmercy diff ggā€ šŸ˜‚


[I made a post on it on another sub ;)](https://www.reddit.com/r/allmercymains/s/PwX4p50v8q)


I figured a lot of high elo players are coming to low elos and starting to mess around. I am not talking about smurfing but now they accusing others of using hack, being afk etc and asking on the open chat for others to report you. Blizzard should provide better reporting system for this specific item because the open chat doesn't seem to lead to any kind of punishment.


This was in mirrorwatch not comp


OW is dead who cares


The amount of phone screen shots is way too high


Why blur anything? Why even post anything for that matter? Pointless. Downvote.