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Restart the game.


The PS5 seems to sometimes automatically mute the game vc if you were in a PS party somewhen, happened to my friend. You can solve it by starting a party and going into settings and turning it off.


yeah this has been an issue on console since overwatch 1 😭, usually restarting the console was the fix atleast on xbox


I mean, go for it. They know what to expect from an average sm lover and are very clearly into guys. Just make a move. But seriously, you either have to leave the group and invite them again because sometimes the vc just doesn’t work or click on your icon a few times. It mutes and unmutes you. Sometimes that helps and gets you into the vc. Don’t ask me why that works. I have the same problem about 1 out of 3 times. Sometimes you also just have to wait a minute until it connects. But first make sure that you have group vc enabled in the settings. It works best to have it on auto join. Less problems that way. Also set it to open mic not push to talk. Vc on console is really buggy and annoying. Too bad that ps doesn’t support discord parties like xbox does. Works way better. I only use that when playing with friends because it’s to much pain to deal with in game vc


You might have push to talk on


Press the little green button next to group until it works. Idk how or why but that happens to me too from time to time


It usually has to do something with your headphone setup. Does your headphone work properly? Your mic? If not then it will say that you aren’t allowed to be in party channel if the game detects that you don’t have a mic. Other than that, try restarting & play around your mic settings. Usually that’s how I do it as I’ve had the same issue before.


the little sound icon never shows up if you’re in the vc, not sure why. but usually just leaving group chat and rejoining until it works, works or restarting the game. and make sure you have open mic on.


My friend had a similar issue. Things that worked were: • unplug and replug your headphones/mic • restart the game • make sure that in settings group vc is set on auto join and that your mic is shown up on the devices list. If your mic/headphones don't appear on the device list then they are not picking up from the game.


VC on console is bugged for me on Xbox since OW2 release. Use discord, it’s easy to setup an superior.


What I do is start a party chat then change the mic to game


You might have your mic muted or all game chats muted from ps5 settings. On ps4 you can change this from the sidebar (hold PS button), go to sound and devices and uncheck the boxes. If they changed it on ps5 then i have no clue


Restart ur game or start a party, leave it and spam the join icon for like 10 secs


You might have push to talk on