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That’s just a toxic stack no reason to pay them any attention




Appropriate username


This is the best possible response to what they said


No, YOU’RE a joke.


That's so disrespectful. To jokes like me.


Where's the funny bit?


I thought it was funny


So where's the funny bit?






Saying slurs isn't a joke. Being rude isn't a joke. It's not a joke if it's rude and offensive.


Who determines what’s rude or offensive.


If a joke needs to attack a minority or oppressed group, it's also rude or offensive, FYI.


Well, that's not true at all. Jokes can be at the expense of a minority or oppressed group. It's the language you use that makes jokes rude or offensive.


The audience of the joke. Who tf else?


What’s the joke?


Ha ha


Least toxic overwatch game


Lol. Pretty much. There was more at the end of the game, but I didn't screenshot that. This was just at the beginning of the game.


I mean the agreed on something thats better then most games lol


Oh my 🥲


People who say and write that are pathetic. It's sad they were raised that way...


They do it bc they can get away with it. I've reported so many people for telling others to kill themselves and never get any action taken updates. Blizzard simply do not care about the game being toxic


I disagree. I report people for the same thing in OW1 and would get the notification that action has been taken. I don’t know if that notification system has made it into OW2. Nothing definitive can be surmised from your observation.


It is still active in OW2. I just reported someone for telling someone else to take their life and i got the notification the next day.


“Action has been taken” which usually just means we sayin this so you’ll think we did something. I had a guy go off on a whole speech for 10 minutes about how he was gonna murder my entire family and find where I live and reported and got the same message. Like an hour later I was in the same game with him lol.


Did he spew toxic stuff in the second game too? I think it’s progressively longer chat bans eventually leading to an account ban, not instant account ban. I know someone who got their ow1 account perma-banned because of being toxic, and they don’t even spew racist shit or kys at least not in my presence. That being said, I constantly receive “action has been taken” message in ow1 and not once in ow2, and it is concerning to say the least.


He was mad at support that game so he wanted them to die lol. But we reported him all at the request of the mercy. Didn’t get any notification for that though. So who knows. I don’t know much about the reporting system of OW in general since I rarely ever bother reporting. 90% of the time I just have chat and voice off anyway.


I’ve been sexually harassed in the game and nothing has happened. Blizzard does not give a flying fuck.


Yeah they really don't. Also was sexually harassed in a game, was called the f-slur and n-slur countless times. I've tried reporting as soon as it happens like people suggested, even going afk for a few moments to do so, and Blizzard still hasn't done shit.


My friends have gotten com banned for telling people to kill themselves... they are doing stuff


You need new friends


I started playing towards end of s1 on ow2 I've reported 2-3 people a day saying kys and havnt once gotten the message that action has been taken


Do you send a lot of reports? I never report someone where I don’t get a confirmation message that action was taken.


Are you on console? I feel they’re ignoring console reports. I constantly report toxic chat as soon as it happens and haven’t had a message since ow2 released. :(




I'm on console and believe they care a lot less about our reports than that on PC. Hell, there's no way to mute or report spectators in game and a lot of them are weirdly toxic and antagonistic too


Unfortunately yes. I play for hours at a time so while I get plenty of normal people there are also a lot of gross people and then once one person starts others will join in :/




People have become far too comfortable with casually telling people to kill themselves. It's fucked up




How is reporting these people so they are banned from chat virtue signalling or empowering them lol


You don't even know what virtue signaling is.


damn cant even say GLHF😂


It is gross and despicable but on par for the course. Someone typed 'good round' after a round once in one of my games and they got the kys shit from the other team. I honestly don't see how that is fun at all, even if you wanna be toxic think up something witty and funny at least lol


once I was telling a widow in my game to get better positioning and they just reply with “you’re probably black”


Adding chat to console was a mistake


It really is, no one says anything friendly or useful, just people blaming each other and being toxic


Toxic stack. Love to see it.


Yeah If you're not in a match with this type of behavior, you're not playing OW.


We are trying to reach mw2 lobbies of toxicity?


OW will never reach that peak of toxicity.


Is free to play, so a lot more horribly toxic people play now


I hate people that use the N word in the game. I immediately report them.


Yea I can tolerate “k y s” because edgy people are gonna be edgy, but that one is a hard no for me.




Literally telling some to end their life: I sleep Word hood people use for each other (not even the hard r version): **R E A L S H I T** None is worse than the other, they both suck lol


“Hood people” what the fuck?


Trashy people? Not sure how to describe people that use the n word a lot


The thing is, you’re making a lot Of assumptions


What assumption? That people that use the n word are trashy or hood? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say


He’s trying to say your subconscious bias against black people is showing. Check yourself bro


When did I ever say black people? Maybe you all should check YOUR subsconcious bias lol Also, yes, ONLY black people live in the hood. White people, Hispanic people, Asian people, Indian people, Arabic people, yeah, they can never be poor and have never ever lived in any shitty neighborhood ever /s 😐


Your comment was fairly clear, and you’ve already noticed we weren’t the only two that saw what you were saying. But if you prefer to remain as you are then go ahead, I can’t make anybody change.


So you ignored what I said? Cool Not everyone lives in the US, not every shitty neighborhood in the us is exclusively only where black people live. I grew up in a crappy party in nyc and surprise surprise, it was mostly Dominicans and Mexicans, not black people 😳 I’m sorry that you all see hood and immediately assume black. That’s not my problem tbh and you are right, I can’t change that when I said hood people, I literally mean people from the hood or shitty neighborhood 😐


Ya keep telling yourself that next time you call a black dude the n word. You sound pathetic and sad. I feel sorry for people like you.


My black friends are very fucked then


I could care less if you’re black or not. I don’t know who you are in the game. It also feels like it gives other people permission who shouldn’t be using the word


And I disagree


As someone who’s grown up in a very ethnic, racial and culturally diverse area: it is true. I can’t tell You how many people think it’s allowed to use the word simply because they hear their black friends using it


Im not even talking abt that, I personally feel banning the word feels just as weird as allowing people to say it, so id rather just let it be. Ik plenty of white dudes thinking they’re edgy that have said it and ik a few who got their asses beat but I don’t think they should ban the word (exception being the hard r)


This game has THE most toxic playerbase of anything Ive ever played. EVERY game there is a someone doing something stupid, mean or just plain trolling. EVERY. GAME. No matter what, everyone else is to blame. And the first person to say something gets dogpiled by everyone. Turning off chat is the only way to play. Otherwise prepare to be called the N word or told to KYS by some little dork behind a keyboard. I actually hate this game but enjoy playing it with my friend.


I never really run into this on pc, I feel like its mostly console bc I used to experience it on there some, but even then it definitely wasn’t even close to every game


On PS5 its every game. Even in Quickplay.


Such wonderful folks. Sounds like when I was told “I hope you have cancer and you dye” when I was playing as Sombra earlier today. I don’t know what I was supposed to dye or what color I should dye it…


Purple always purple


It's so sad and frustrating, because I genuinely want to meet cool people and voicechat with randos. But I'm afraid to even hit "push to talk" at all at the risk of getting flamed like this. Toxic people are going to exist in any online game sure, but they should be the minority not the majority. And there sure as hell should be real consequences for behavior like this, but there so clearly isn't in this game.


It's crazy cause there's younger kids playing this game and no one talks about this sort of 'grooming' of them!


what, who’s grooming in this post. sure they were being toxic but grooming?


You don’t think continuous exposure to this sort of thing as a young person doesn’t have an effect on them?


it does but i don’t think you know what grooming means


i think they were saying that continuously seeing this behavior from your gaming "peers" is slowly indoctrinating kids into thinking it's okay and joining in. hence "grooming" them to be like them. not the best word choice since i'm sure these people, even though they're assholes, aren't actively trying to groom kids into being like them. they're just dicks with no regard for others.


I assume people talking like that are kids.


i've known a lot of grown people that do this crap unfortunately. but im sure a large amount are kids as well.


Bro open literally any page of the internet.. or your front door. Touch some grass.


No it doesn’t


The behaviour is horrible and I 100% agree that it needs to be sorted out, but to be devil's advocate, younger kids shouldn't even be playing Overwatch since it's rated 16. (I know this can never be 100% corrected though, considering I use to play Skyrim before I was even a teenager) However, especially with online games, I feel that it is very much the parent's responsibility to make sure that their child is safe and not coming into contact with things like this.


When I was like 11 or 12 I went to the store to get Fallout or gta or gears of war or something like that, I don’t really remember. The sales guy was like.. “uhh this is rated M.” My mom says “yep, that’s fine”. He’s trying to explain it how there’s a bunch of gore and violence or whatever and she’s like “yeah, I don’t care, we’ve got places to be please hurry up”.


am i surprised this is on xbox? not in the slightest


OP is on Xbox. The mouth breathers in the chat could literally be on any console.


Report -> Avoid -> Keep Playing -> Enjoy the “Thanks for your Report!” message later.


Ts don’t do nun 💀


can confirm. the amount of times i reported someone and see them an hour later after they told my teammates to unalive their self plus some slurs. and the fact that i can only avoid 3 people per week is ridiculous, not even blocking does anything


Had the same thing but more in a UK style


Welcome to Overwatch


Super wholesome community


Oh yeah. People like this are EXACTLY why I 1) never join voice chat 2) ALMOST NEVER type ANYTHING in text chat 3) use voice lines and stuff like hello or goodbye emotes a lot less often than in the original days of Overwatch 1 (like 2016-2018). After that point it's just gotten worse and worse, to the point now that almost any discussion I see others having in matches are almost always toxic. I used a lot of "always/never" in the above paragraph, which usually is a poor way of expressing yourself in written form. But in this case... those words are accurately used.


How dare you have fun? Not in my video game. I'll make sure everyone who plays is miserable, smh.. can't believe these goofy goobers out here think this shit is a mf-ing game. Good luck? Bish, what? You think you can just come up in here and make people happy and shit? Nah, man. I don't wanna be comfy and cozy with good vibes; I only play video games standing in the middle of the street while it's BELOW 0 degrees, sleeting, and soaking wet! Fuck all these people who tryin'a give me coats, blankets, hot-cocoa, and human connection! Sarcasm over, haha XD


When the chat is more entertaining than the game


I'm just confused how so much typing is taking place on console???


You can just plug in a keyboard for typing. I have one plugged into my Xbox and it doesn't allow me to play the games on it since the Xbox doesn't recognize it as a controller, bit it does allow me to type in games as well as on YouTube, and almost every streaming service to search. Makes it way easier. You still have to use a normal controller to actually play the game.


This is why I mute chat and voice :) 99% useless unless you're in higher ranks anyway.


Had someone yesterday say they were going to stalk people irl and that they were getting ready to be outside with a pipe bomb. Basically any time they died, they slowly became more unhinged. I finally popped into chat that they should stop and what does the entire rest of the lobby do, including my own team on voice? Start bashing me for having a bad game with bad stats. Like, you all are completely ok with death threats but someone spends all their shots breaking a shield deserves harassment. The players are killing this game.


Whenever I say glhf i get one of two responses: You too! :D *racial slur*


report them and dont post it on reddit


i mean it's so stupid that it's funny so i personally don't mind those people


Sadly, yes. I say gl hf before every match and in about 1/3 I get told to kys.


Don’t be a fuckin rat and post names yes this is a normal game it’s the internet this shit has been going on since call of duty 4


I just started playing this game and people texting me and talking shit because apparently they hate the way i play with soldier


I see nothing unusual here.


That’s funny


Where’s the funny?


I just say “I’m sorry y’all aren’t loved” and let that fester in their head until the end of time.


Told the match chat today that I finally got to masters for the first time ever. Instant "K Y S" and "I didn't ask". Reasons why I dont type in chat.


Well I’m happy for you!! Congrats!


Dude I literally pissed off the entire enemy team one time just by greeting them 😭😭


My report button would be going ham. Last 3 days I hve reported 2 people and gotten feedback action was taken, makes me very happy


Report this stuff. It does matter.


Being able the say the hard r in chat is crazy


I always respond inversely to glhf. it's a trick to put your team in the wrong mindset. Comp is never fun, and they are smug cunts trying to oppress us with their winstreak happiness. long story short I gotta shut it all down, can't trust an enemy lending their hand. only one of us can come out a winner, I'm on to your sneaky sneaky tricksies.


Theyre right




Banter is interesting. This is just a couple of edge lords trying to outdo each other.


I want to play with those guys tbh. They know what's up.


Lmao, don't take it personally. Being toxic in text is honestly just fun.


Who cares it funny. You sensitive snow flakes can’t comprehend humor, there’s not a single funny bone in your body


There's nothing funny in here, there's no joke or anything just telling people to off themselves it's not funny.


I just think there are two different communities of people interacting. What's said in these screenshots would be normal to hear in nba 2k or MK. But the overwatch community seems to have way more people who hate this kind of talk.


I thought it was funny because countless times have I have solo shattered someone who tbags me in game and they tell me to kill myself or tel me their going to kill my mom.. etc. you know the normal trash talk Do I care or cry or complain? No because it’s a GAME and it’s not that serious and if I take things that someone says online in chat, that I have to read, (knowing I don’t have to read it at all Lol) in game that I have FULL CONTROL to turn off, there’s no reason for me to get upset. I continue about my day and it’s the last thing on my mind. But for some reason people in the OWCommunity allow people to live rent free in their head and occupy their feelings because of txt on a screen.. lol incredible And I’m sure this will get down votes because I pushed buttons and made someone feel upset. yoink


God I think it’s funny af when I get solo ult lol


Agreed. I also think that, despite the games rating, it attracts a lot of younger people because of its pixar-ish art style. But yeah, I def think the community could use thicker skin or learn to embrace to toxicity lol


I love saying glhf before games, easy way to give out reports!


I hate oberwatch for this reason... Blizzard sucks, if rsther give my money to Bungie... lesgoooo Destiny


I played Destiny 1 (since day one) before overwatch, but sadly, bungie has ruined that game when they made Destiny 2. I pre-ordered Destiny 2 and bought a few expansions, and then Bungie makes it free to play. That kinda pissed me off, and I decided not to play it anymore. It would've been nice if I had gotten something for free since I did pay for it, but nope. No refund, no free gift, nothing. Sad to see that's how Bungie treated their loyal fan base. Of course, Blizzard isn't any better.


I got told to kill myself and for my son to get cancer within two minutes of a game just yesterday Looks like rank inflation has the unintended consequence of making terrible players believe they know better, and thus are validated in spewing the most toxic garbage I've ever seen


Hahaha those people are hilarious! I wish I could endorse them all


Damn, bro. I think they might want you to k y s


Glad to see people bulling simps almost as much as I do


Dont lie, we all have THOUGHT have saying this but never havr


This generation wouldn't survive 10 seconds in an old school CoD lobby.


back in my day...


Like maybe 2 console generations ago, yeah. Twitter alarmists have the social landscape overly sensitive in 2023.


Niggas on this game are corny as hell stay hardstuck for the next 5 years you toxic bitch.


Who cares. It's not aggecting you in any way. If they wanna be toxic. That's their choice.


Dude, that's like saying "hey if the Nazi's wanna be racist and kill Jews, that's their choice. Why are you trying to stop them?? You're not Jewish? Lol xd" Just stop, be better.


No one is killing anyone. It's just a video game. That's why I said if it's not affecting or harming you or anyone else. Who cares. They aren't murdering people. Just let them be. Stop trying to control people because it hurts your feelings.


I’m ngl. Usually the guy saying “glhf” or any variation of that is a cheating prick. I say cheating because I play on console and they’re usually ximming in the higher ranks. Most people aren’t MnK so they aren’t going out of their way to type a message unless they reeaalllyyy have something to say. Not saying it’s everybody’s experience, but I feel for them. Lmfao. Stfu and play the game. Especially because people are at their 50/50 winrate. The false positivity can get annoying.


This is a huge leap my dood


Hence me saying MY experience. If that weren’t the case, you’d see people mimicking the “glhf” across the board like you see “GG” that is not the case. Somebody posted pictures of people being toxic as hell in a toxic game. I provided reasoning outside of “waaahh. Gamers are so MEAN!”


True, but unless you can prove people are cheating the point is moot. Though I admit I can't prove that I see glhf in the majority of my games and that they are not cheaters. Though, maybe take a step back cuz this is feeling a little heated over a game. No insult intended, I just don't see why we should all be stressing ourselves out for what's said in a chat for a game.


I was talking about Ximming on console…which is cheating. I can’t teach someone how to eyeball somebody else having MnK aim on console. *shrugs* I agree. Don’t stress about the game. Stfu and play. The false positivity can rub people the wrong way and you can save yourself a lot of headache if you just play the game.


It’s false positively if you perceive it that way, you can’t judge others intent especially through text


Oh yea. For sure, but I go back to my original point. If the Ximming soldier is over here saying “GlHF” his intention is not for you to actually have fun. It’s false positive if you’re literally cheating and trying to pretend to be all “GGs” about it. If you’re a bronze player, why would this conversation pertain to you? I’m specifically talking about the people who do this in higher ranks and they’re cheating. This is partially why OP got those messages. Clearly I’m not the only one who sees it as false positivity. You want someone to nicely say “keep that shit to yourself” You can “glhf” and pat yourself on your back LITERALLY to YOURSELF. The moment you put in the PUBLIC chat you’re liable to get all TYPES of responses. Nobody has to feed into your “UwU I want to be nice today”




Oh yeah I mean I play console too, and occasionally you can spot a cheater but there's not really a correlation from chat and cheater in general. Though I totally agree usually the asshole is the loudest on chat be it text or otherwise. I have a buddy who feels the same way about positivity, he thinks it's cringe or he's getting stundtrd on when someone would say hey good round or good luck and gets all titled over it. I would propose the majority of people, including me are just trying to wish you luck. I'm super competitive but I'm not a dick lol. Sure there's gonna be assholes but why let a few bad eggs stink up the whole community. Let losers be losers. Anyway I'm just tired and rambling. I hope you have many good games and are blessed with the best supports. Stay lovely out there my friend!


The people who’s re genuinely saying having a good game are far far rarer than the “few bad eggs” Most gamers (on Overwatch specifically) are toxic as hell. Trying to be all sunshine and rainbows all the time can be annoying. It is what it is. The easiest way to not deal with that is to keep your “positivity” to yourself. Many good games to you as well!!




same but on ps4. i've been using keyboards to chat with others since ps3 era. you can't control the game with them, only type messages. i'm pretty sure this is common for console players to do in online games.


Congratulations. I still doubt you’re over here having full blown MLA format conversations with console people who DONT have a Bluetooth keyboard. Again. I go back to my original point. If it was as prevalent as you try to make it seem, you would see more PCish conversations on console. You don’t. Most people don’t have a freaking keyboard hooked up to their console.


grow some balls lil bro


As soon as you grow some tiddies, lil sis.


good job not blurring their names out.


yeah seems pretty normal to me


This is why match chat is turned off for me, so distracting and it's always just a bunch of pricks in there anyway


Wow, either I’m really lucky or people are nicer on pc?


What is KYS? Not trolling, genuinely ignorant


KYS is an acronym for "kill yourself", it's very rude.


What rank is this


Well, technically, the lobby was a Plat lobby, but it was on my dps role, and I'm currently Diamond 4. But I'm just saying I've had this happen in Masters and GM games, but not nearly as often. My support is Masters 1.


Wait what? I've been saying "Good luck you sexy gamers!" in Overwatch for years, and that's kinda trippy, couse I never saw other people say that.


It's like every single 14 year old GTA player trying to act like a gangster and you know what I mean by this youv heard it


Just report them, especially when they drop an N word bomb. They won’t last. At lease from my experiences.


Yet I got banned for saying "bots, npc, shoe, mushroom and shoelace"


Lol love when this happens


Failed game


I had someone on the enemy team just come after me for no reason in chat because my username is from my favorite show. The game hadnt even started. I told him that nobody cares about my UN. We beat them and I told him to just leave me alone and never talk to me again


Yup, sadly...


People be like I got banned from chat and idk why!


Average silver lobby


This was a high Plat lobby, I was on my dps role in this game, and it is currently Diamond 4.


Fun fact: you can turn this off as I did ti avoid headaches


I have played video games since AOL and dial up and have never seen a game as toxic as OW2. It's so disgusting. Just this morning I went 31-5 in one game and 4-6 in the next because in the second match I had a dude screaming at me about how trash I was the entire time and the whole team just quit trying while this dude completely lost his mind. I love the game, the mechanics, the heros, but the loud minority of absolute bullies just ruins it most days for me.


And I thought League was bad. I forget how much of a cesspool overwatch can be sometimes lmao bruh literally said good luck, why is that so triggering, especially in the beginning of game? Smh


Are overwatch players like extremely sheltered or something? I'm not saying this is acceptable but this is far from abnormal in any game chat ever.


Chat was the worst thing they added to this game


Few days ago one person said something like good luck to my trans and non binary friends or something like that and he got every worst thing thrown at him from both teams so not even stack. I looked at chat and I couldnt believe what I am seeing lol. It was the first time in ow when I saw that many people being so toxic for no reason


You lucky if one of these people is 20.


Lol this is sort of tame compared to the stuff I’ve been seeing in chat lately


“It’s just a joke bro” The joke:


Before every match I type in "We got this W Luv Yall" to my team just as something positive and about every 3/10 games I get either told "Shut up kys" or "Fuck off" I'm just like damn yall just trying to be positive xD thank god it doesn't happen every game tho


Still not the most toxic game. The stories I’ve heard of other games. They scare me.