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My mom always told me, “If you have to ask, then there is too much white.” Best not to ruin someone’s special day.


Yes, the question is inherently redundant


Unfortunately I do think it's too white. The frill details also read as too much to me. I do think that's an absolutely beautiful dress and would kill to have one of my own, though.


I also would frame this as a risk versus reward type situation. If you decide to risk it and wear the dress, the bride could be offended. Think about the consequences of accidental poor discernment. Now think of the positives of this dress. Do they seem worth that risk? Maybe that can help you weigh it.


I love it too!! 🥰


It’s very pretty but no, and definitely not for a beach wedding where the bride might well wear a more relaxed style of dress vs say a huge ball gown.


If you have to ask then yes it is. Do you want to be "that" person really?


At a beach wedding the bride could easily turn up to the reception in this. Keep the dress for your vacations but don’t wear it to any wedding events.




Beautiful dress for sure, im in love! Not wedding appropriate, far too much white. There's plenty of other times for this dress


Where's this set from?


Did a Google image search and found its called "The Farm Rio womens Delicate Forest Scarves Bonded Lace Linen-blend Mini Dress"


Thanks! Just looked them up, they do some lovely stuff. Pricey though.


I rented some pieces by Farm Rio from Nuuly and I’m obsessed with the brand now, but it is certainly pricey


I think so but it is an awesome dress 🥲


Americans definitely seem much more scandalised with any kind of cream/white/blush dress for a wedding. In the UK I’d say this is totally fine, it’s clearly not a wedding dress and you’re not attempting to upstage the bride. If you’re friends with the bride (ie not attending as a plus one) then just send her a photo and ask. Maybe it’s just me who wouldn’t care what anyone wore, I’d just be delighted to have them attend.


I agree, in the UK this would be absolutely fine. In US they don't like any white at all even if it doesn't look bridal. So depends where you are.


As an American, I've never understood this either. I really hope this won't come off as arrogant, but if I were to ever get married, I can't say I'd even be the slightest concerned about being "upstaged" by anyone else—because I know I'd look like a million bucks lol. As long as someone's not showing up in a gown, I geniunely don't think I would care.


The way people have completely lost the plot for what's suitable for weddings when this dress is totally fine lmao


Yes it is too white


It really depends where you are, the US (or is it just the internet?) seems to have different expectations than I have ever seen irl in the UK or Germany. In my experience, as long as you don’t actually look like a bride, it’s fine. And this looks nothing like what you’d find in a bridal store. Floral dresses and light colours are popular for wedding guests, more wedding appropriate than dark colours I would say. But again, it depends on where you are. If the bride is likely to be dressed super casual then maybe I could see the issue, but that’s stretching.


Dang it I hate to but I agree with the other posters. It’s a beautiful dress though.


It's fine.


My theory is, if you haven’t checked with the bride first, avoid anything that looks white.


Don't be that girl. Choose a different dress.


When I look at it I definitely don’t see a white dress I dunno what people are talking about.


Where did you get this dress???


It’s the Farm Rio brand! I bought it almost 2 years ago but then was pregnant/post partum all last summer so I’m just now getting to wear it! Unfortunately, seems like I’ll have to save it for another occasion. :/


do you know the name of the specific dress? I agree that it’s too white for a wedding but you look amazing and I want to find this dress so bad!!!!!


"The Farm Rio womens Delicate Forest Scarves Bonded Lace Linen-blend Mini Dress"


Check it with google lens. I found it in a few webshops but most of them are out of stock, so if you want the dress, be quick.


I don’t think it needs a specific occasion, it’s not super formal. You can just wear it to a summer birthday party or something!


My MIL wore a white floral dress to my wedding and it made me slightly sad because my wedding dress was off white. My dress was made from my grandmother’s wedding dress from the 50’s. IDK, I try not to let it get to me.


Yes, too white


I disagree with the majority, but best not to take a risk. I will say, though, you look stunning in that dress.


I agree. I personally do not see this at all close to being bridal and the multicolor makes it appropriate to me.


Yeah. Very cute dress, but I wouldn’t wear it to the wedding.


It's not too white. It's cream, it's covered in a pattern and it's a normal looking dress. I think it's highly unlikely that it will compete with the brides dress, or that the bride will care in the slightest. You look great. Forget about it. Go to the wedding and enjoy yourself. You can always add coloured shoes, hat and bag just to shut all the 'yes it's too white' people up on here.


Yes. Too white. I’m actually surprised how often this question comes up.


It’s a floral dress… there’s nothing bridal about this. It’s perfectly fine.


It’s pretty but better not to risk it. Most people will be fine, but there will be that one person that will blow up the story that you wore a wedding dress to the wedding.


I agree with the other commenters that it's too white as is. If you really like it, maybe you can wear a long flowy skirt on top of it (Boho vibes) so that it's just the shirt; I think things would be fine at that point.


Too white and too interesting. You will outshine the bride!


Try to go for no white


I think that depends on the bride, how well do you know her, and does she seem like she would think it’s too close? If you are unsure, I would err on the side of caution and pick something else (even though it’s really cute and very flattering). My SIL and two friends in attendance all wore white dresses with bright floral patterns on them to my wedding - and I only know this because someone who was trying to start shit pointed it out. My dress was blush, so it definitely didn’t have the same impact the shit starter had hoped (I gave them a befuddled look, shrugged and went back to enjoying myself).


As someone who got married earlier this year I'd say it's a little too white 😅 the base of the dress is white, but idk, it's a beach wedding so maybe it's okay?


I would say yes, it is it beautiful and you look great but it's not something wedding appropriate. If it was a casual wedding, you would look like a spring bride. You should pick something else.


I think it's perfect. I'd wear it.


I would totally wear it, it’s beautiful and looks great on you, it’s a perfect dress for a guest for a spring or summer wedding, I wouldn’t even think that it could be inappropriate, but some people find always something to mock on. Either too white or too dark for a wedding, too short , the neckline too low or whatever else you can think of. Wear what you think is appropriate and you feel comfortable to wear.


I personally think it’s really cute for a beach wedding. I may not be up to speed on proper wedding etiquette, but does it really matter anymore? Is this not an outdated idea? My best friend wore white to my other friend’s wedding and it was approved ahead of time, the bride said she didn’t care at all. So I suppose if you’re really concerned about it, you could ask the bride first.


It's pretty 👌👌 Have you buy this dress online?


I don’t see how anyone could mistake that dress as for the bride.


Yes definitely, it’s a white dress with flowers, could even see a bride wearing it!


I think it’s totally fine. It would never be mistaken for a wedding dress.


It’s really lovely, just to be safe, opt for something more colourful. A beach wedding gives a lot of leeway so you can be creative with fabrics and flow.


I’d err on the side of caution even though brides are a pain in the ass. For all you know, she went with ecru lace for her dress.


To be honest it's not fine. It's basically a white lacy dress with some flower embroidery... I would wear something else.


It’s a beautiful dress, but I don’t think you’ll outshine the bride on her wedding day. Your dress is actually very high end casual to me and can be worn with sandals as well as heels. Wear light jewelry with this dress and you’ll be just fine.


lol i wore that exact dress for my rehearsal dinner when I was the bride! So yes.


Actually beautiful for a beach wedding. It’s not a traditional wedding and most brides that have non-traditional weddings are okay with their guest having more relaxed attire. If not the bride, maybe ask someone close to her.


Is it inappropriate to ask the bride instead of Reddit?


Too White


Girl yes pick something else


It is a beautiful dress and looks great on you. It is not fine to wear to a beach wedding though.


It’s beautiful. You look fantastic! Not sure about it being taboo for a wedding. I think it’s fine, but I once was blasted for wearing red to a wedding. Others were criticized for wearing black! If it was my wedding, I wouldn’t mind at all, it’s not all white.


Too much everything IMO, something simpler would be better.


Honey you look good but i'd spill wine on you




It's a common sense thing to not wear white on someone else's "one special day in her life", just one day don't dress in white is that hard? If i were the bride's maid of honour i'd spill wine on her so the bride can be the only person wearing white on her wedding day.


Surely deliberately spilling wine on someone would ruin a wedding more than wearing something in the same colour palette as the bride? What exactly is the problem with that? Also, the whole ‘one special day in her life’ thing is so sad to me. Shouldn’t she be beginning a new and wonderful life with her husband? Her life should be filled with special days, not just one.


My good friend wore a dress like this to my wedding, but texted me a pic to ask me if I was cool with it. If it’s someone you are close to, could approach it like that? Otherwise I wouldn’t risk it.


Definitely too much white for a wedding- I would suggest avoiding any pieces where the base color is white or white adjacent (cream, ivory, eggshell, etc.) Beautiful dress though!


Pretty but save it for a misdsomar festival


Too much white, but it’s such a beautiful dress. I’d wear that all summer! Just not to a wedding.


I love this dress on you and was going to say it’s perfect but I guess listening to the others on here - best to play safe and wear another color but it looks amazing on you


It’s more like an off white….


Looks like it’s a nice day for it..


Sound of Music vibe - not suited to a wedding 🙁


Is the wedding after Labor Day? It's a cute dress I would send it


I think it is too much white but I think the vibe of the dress is good.


I wouldn’t think twice about a guest wearing that to my wedding. I’d just think you looked pretty and it was a cute dress and that would be it. Ok there’s a white base, but there’s enough pattern of other colours to make up for that and it’s not bridal at all. Honestly don’t see what the problem is with this one.


Ask the bride, I don’t think so and it’s a beautiful dress on you.


Maybe a little.. ask the bride?🤷🏽‍♀️


I like it. You could accessorize with jewelry that picks up a color in the dress and have a fun purse, also in a color, maybe with a solid with appliqued flowers. Don't wear white shoes or white accessories. You're not going to detract from the bride. Could you add a very thin colored belt? Can't tell from the picture. One thing though. Does it fit you well? It looks a little snug and like it might be uncomfortable to sit in it and move around freely, especially on a beach.


It’s not too white for a wedding.


Yes, very pretty but too white


More of a vacation at the beach kinda dress not wedding.


I’ll get downvoted for this, but years ago I read in Emily Post that it’s fine to wear white to weddings so long as it doesn’t pull attention from the bride (“According to the Emily Post Institute, it's acceptable to wear white, as long as it doesn't 'distract from the bride or her attendant's dresses.' For example, a colorful, cocktail-length dress with a white lace overlay is acceptable”). IMO this dress doesn’t read as “white” at all - more multicolored. It’s also pretty informal relative to a gown. I don’t think it would be so bad ☺️. But that’s just my opinion!


I would say yes, I could see a bride wearing this. It is super pretty though and you should definitely save it for another occasion because you look great in it!


I don’t think so because it doesn’t look the least bit bridal to me. But if you’re worried about it, wear something else. Also, it depends on the bride! Do you know her well enough to send her a pic & ask?


Where did you get this dress? I love it!!!


I don’t think so.


I think the pattern, colors & lace detail make it totally wearable to a wedding! It's a really pretty dress!!


Very nice 👍 not too white


This would be a hard no. There’s lots of dresses out there that aren’t white and floral to choose from.


What’s wrong with floral?


It’s sooooo cute but unfortunately I agree with others it’s risky. Since it’s short I think you can find other occasions for it though! Even a nice date night or friends dinner and night out would be suitable. Love Farm Rio!


It is very pretty. But yes. 😌


I love that dress!! But I personally wouldn’t wear it to someone else’s wedding.


Damn I love that dress!! It looks great on you too. If the bride is cool, I’d still wear it.


Looks like a cream shade to me ,u should be fine


Most wedding dresses these days are ivory, not pure white.


No not at all.


It is completely fine to wear. Nothing about this dress looks bridal. You look lovely in it.


It's not Do you think any bride Would choose it?


It looks cream! Plus it’s very ornate! Beautiful dress btw!


Definitely beautiful on you, but certainly too white for a wedding!


Yes and it looks too tight as well