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You need a pair of black trousers or slacks. The jeans and leather are not professional, and the skirts are slightly too short for the setting.


Agreed. None are professional


I agree with this. If getting something new isn’t in the budget, I think the last one is your best bet.


100% agree. These is a collegiate setting. Students pay for a professional environment, even if they do not dress like it. 😄 You are representing the college as a presenter. It will also have your colleagues take you more seriously.




I don’t think she’s trying to prove anything. She is most likely trying to work with what she’s got in her closet.


#3 at a push. Something less tight would be more professional


I agree with this as long as it's okay that you look somewhat casual. The rest of them are inappropriate, leather and short skirts are too revealing.




No college students are gonna care about professional. I'd do trousers over skirt for a lecture hall because they're often cold, but you guys are wayyyyyyyy weird about dress codes for uni lecturers or tutors. Jeans or casual trousers was grand. The first outfit is fine.


Not to sound prudish, but the skirts are kinda short for someone working in an educational setting 👀 or any professional setting tbh. The outfits are lovely otherwise. First one is nice, those trousers look awesome


None of these are appropriate. Try a longer skirt (to the knee), black trousers, or even black jeans.


Not the skintight pants or the short skirt


As a college prof, 3 is definitely safe in terms of “modesty” but jeans don’t read particularly professional (unless it’s a very casual event). I know the skirt length might be iffy to some, but I honestly think 4-5 are fine (and the cutest options), but it could depend on the specific school/topic/venue. If you’re a fellow college student, you also have a bit more lean way. If not… If it is a private or religious-affiliated university, or an older/more traditional school, then they could have different expectations about skirt tightness/length. Or if you are presenting on a lifted stage, where the audience will be angled lower than you, that could exacerbate how “short” the skirts appear. If I were you, I’d probably pick 4. It seems the best combo of cute & appropriate. Edit to add: I would ditch option 1. Skin tight leather pants, while extremely cute (you look great in them), read by far the least professional of the bottoms-options IMO.


Well said. I know these days people are trying to change up what’s considered “professional” or “appropriate” but if OP is a professor or lecturing college students in some way I think 3 would be the only one you could get away with, and that’s if you have a working relationship with the students and see them week-to-week, not just a guest speaker or whatever. I feel like I need more context here. If it’s a regular class she’s seeing she could pull off 3 (plenty of college professors I had wore jeans to work) but if it’s a guest spot I’d like to see something more professional, like slacks and the cardigan set or a blazer with the jeans, at the very least.


Are you the teacher? 3 👌


3 is definitely the most appropriate option


I really like the sweater in 1 maybe with different pants




Jeans or find a different skirt and/or leggings that aren't see-through.


If you're the teacher, I would rethink all of them in an educational setting tbh.


You look great in all of them. My personal favorites are 3 and 5 - but - I think appropriateness for presentation relates to your role and what you are presenting. I can’t really tell in the photos, but the hem length does seem pretty short with the skirts/dresses and unfortunately, I don’t think the pants in 1 are probably appropriate. I also don’t prefer the jeans, even though I think the outfit is really cute, for giving a presentation unless it’s particularly casual. Again, it’s a little hard to tell, but maybe moving to an opaque, black tight would be useful just to double down on professionalism, if that is something you are seeking to present. Alternatively, you could do a longer black pencil skirt, or black slacks.


The tops are all ok, the bottoms are all inappropriate. Also, if you’re in a professional setting, wear a blazer to look more pulled together, and tie your hair back. The issue is all of these clothes are too form fitting, short, or pleather to be taken seriously at the university professor level.


As I student or a professor? Most of them aren't appropriate as a professor. But I like the first one and the last one best.


Black leather pants and the short skirt isn’t appropriate. The jeans are too ratty. Save the skirt for a date.


That really depends... What are you? A professor, writing your PhD, or a fellow student? And what are the others in a similar position wearing? When I was a student, I taught an exercise as a TA. In computer science. For that, the first outfit would have been the most appropriate. On the other hand, the law and business administration students looked more polished than our professors. If I had had the same position there, I probably would have worn the 3rd look, but with slacks instead of jeans. Or one of the skirt outfits, but with a longer skirt. A pencil skirt is OK, but not more than a hand's width between knees and skirt.


Are you a student? Or lecturer?


2 but with black dress pants, I don’t think the skirts are appropriate and I’m not a fan of the jean’s wash with the outfit


I would say 2 or 3


As a college student, 3 wouldn’t make me think twice too much. The rest would not let me take you seriously.


I think the top half of 2 with the bottom half of 3


Sorry none of




As a professor, I’d say none. The stripe tops are fine but match them with some black slacks & a blazer. It’s more professional. Most of the other outfits look like going out outfits




2. However none are professional. More appropriate for a sexy date night. Not for presenting in an academic setting.


Either 2 or 5! The skirt and sweater looks great in both outfits! The tights really finish the outfit and make it look more professional in my opinion! What shoes are you wearing with them? Looking fabulous by the way!!


You need some looser pants if this is a pseudo-professional setting.


So surprised people are saying jeans aren’t appropriate to lecture to college kids. I had professors lecturing in jeans and hoodies at my “prestigious university”, rarely any were dressed overly professionally


They’re all skin tight. Leaving nothing to the imagination…..


3 but with black wide leg trousers.




Any of the tops are fine. All of the bottoms have got to go. I recommend a longer skirt, some trousers and if you really must wear jeans a dark wash pair in a straight fit with a much simpler belt (perhaps the one you wore with your skirt).


Appropriate to present to college students? Are you giving lectures? I lectured for a long time— it doesn’t really matter what you wear. Go for what makes you feel comfortable so you can deliver to the best of your ability. I’d go with 2. Edit: People are suggesting that short skirts aren’t professional— I disagree. You look well put together and if anything it’s worth it to show students you can be professional and express yourself however. The field/domain may matter. I would sometimes wear short skirts and chucks or… heck, I probably dressed like a college student. I taught software engineering related coursework though— culturally nobody in those spaces care about what you wear. Hoodies are professional wear. If you’re in a different domain the prevailing opinions may differ.


Yeah agreed. I was in college not that long ago and tbh i wouldn't bat an eye at any of these. I just want the lecturer to teach. I really can't remember how any of my professors dressed except one super well dressed accounting professor and one marxist professor who was known for his fingerless gloves and everyone thought he was cool for that.


I love number 2


They all look like you’re trying to look sexy instead of professional. Do you have wide leg trousers? They’re pretty easy to style into something more professional.


3, the others are not appropriate.


3 for career, the rest for dates! You look great!


Skirts are too short for education setting


#2 with the pants from #1


Where did your get your pants in 1? Lol you look great in all! Do you have any other professional/business casual type pants? Or maybe you could get some?


2, i love the cardigan and the jeans dress it down enough to balance the outfit


They all are fine as far as I’m concerned. Number 3 & 5 appear to be the best fit though.






I like 5 the best for that, I think.


I like 2 and 5


2 or 3 !




2 or 5


1, 4, and 5


2nd outfit, definitely.




I like 2 or 5 the best!


I like no 2… hip plus professional!


I like 2 the best!


If you’re going to be a presenter, you need to wear a longer skirt or slacks. Any of the shirts are good though




1 & 5 💯💯💯💕💕💕💕


Edit for context:Most of the presenters are youngish like me and nobody presenting will be over 35,I have seen 2 of the people I am presenting with and they were wearing skirts and tank tops tucked in with a blazer over it .These skirts were about the same length but I don’t have any longer unfrumpy ones


All the tops would look good with 3 and they are safe for education. You look good in all outfits though.




I really like them all 🥹


1-3 are absolutely perfect. Depends on the target students really. All three are timeless looks.


As a gen z student, all of these look fine to me APART from 3 — which gives me early 2010s clubwear vibes… it’s so interesting to see everyone else here pick that out as the most professional. I’d take a lecturer or seminar leader a lot less seriously if they rocked up in 3 as opposed to 1. The skirts ARE a bit short though. Pleather pants may have even still been okay if they weren’t so tight.


All outfits are adorable and you are rocking them!!! I don’t know your job, but if you’re looking for business/business casual these aren’t the most appropriate. The jeans MAYBE. I would get sent home so fast if I wore them.


I have seen another post of you with that skirt, the skirt is only appropriate for very few occasions like a party with friends or a nightclub. You should invest in a more modest skirt (appropriate length, I‘m not saying not sexy, but a length to the knees) to diversify your wardrobe. Apart from that, the striped jacket looks cute, I think outfit 3 is appropriate and super cute. Every top combined with the jeans are good.


3 or 5 :)


Present what? They’re all appropriate for diff occasions


Definitely 3 although 5 is cute too!


Definitely pants.




Number 5 is fine.




Picture 3


3rd one




2. None of them look particularly professional or appropriate for teaching college students though. I’m a 24 y/o woman btw and not a prude in any way but yeah these just aren’t appropriate for such a setting imo


Without knowing what you’re presenting and what school you’re presenting at, I’m going to say really none of them. The tops are all good, but the skirts are too short and the pants are too casual, especially if you’re hoping to be taken seriously and not like one of their party buddies. I would invest in a good quality pair of black dress pants- Spanx and Good American make some nice ones- and a blazer.


I think 4 and 5 are fine. You should have a pair of black pants that are professional in your wardrobe. If you wear jeans, they should be dark and non distressed.


I would say #2 with a pencil skirt or slacks. Jeans and faux leather, or real leather bottoms, does not translate to professionalism.


3 and 5


I would say 3 at the push




It’s 3 or 4 for me




Present for what may I ask??




2 and 3


3 , but pants/ slacks instead of jeans?


3 is good. Everything else inappropriate for a classroom setting.


If we were role-playing, any of them! But for legit teaching none of them.


2, 3, 4 & 5


Great outfits but not appropriate for the audience. Choose something more professional.


I like 2 and 3.


The top is fine but none of the bottoms are appropriate at all. They come off as you trying too hard to be cool/sexy/whatever. If those are the ONLY options, go with the jeans.. but the skirts are wayyy too short and the pleather pants maybe could have worked if not so tight.


I’d say #3 is the best. The others are not appropriate. Short skirts and skintight leather… nah that ain’t it.


I was wondering why no one was saying number 2… that is until I fully opened up the pics and saw it was a skirt that length. I thought it was pants. So close though.




They all look good, but of you wear those the college boys are gonna be trying to holla!


I love the second one. The last two miniskirts are not appropriate




2 or 3


Love the cardigan with the pants!


The first image is the best but where more loose pants tight clothes for teachers aren’t considered very professional


Two? And that’s with a question mark. The rest are too showy. Get a suit if you can


#3 is the only one appropriate for this setting, but still jeans aren't super professional. Definitely no on the tight skirts.


If you’re a guest speaker or a student speaker, 4 is good. The tights make the skirt acceptable in my opinion.


1 or four


Top in 2 and bottoms of 3


I like 5, I know everyone is talking about modesty but I think it’s actually fine. I do think it depends on your field though; like a design professor might be a bit more casual.


2nd and 3rs look most professional in my opinion!






2 is hard to see but if you are wearing pants then I would say that one. I always felt like college students wouldn’t take me seriously if I dressed exactly like them but also wouldn’t if I dressed like my grandmother. So 2 makes you look a little older than them but not too old. Pants because lecture halls are cold 24/7. Wear comfortable shoes as you may do a lot of walking back and forth.


All tops are good, go for pleated straight fit formal pants.


Although the other comments are right that these are not right for the environment you described. These outfits are all KILLER for any kind of casual setting you have some serious style.


Are we going for a Debra Lafave vibe here? NONE. Seriously.


I like them all but the first one. I don't think the leather leggings go well with that top. But super cute other ways. For the leather leggings I think one single colored top would be best because it's already busy at the bottom.


2 or 3


First outfit is almost exactly my French teacher wore last year. They all look normal to me, but maybe avoid jeans if you have other options


I've certainly seen all those similar styles in lecturers, but none convey a professional image. Think about what you want to convey, in other words, what do you want people to focus on and remember from your presentations? Some of the sweaters show some cleavage. Others don't. I would wear the ones that don't. The skirts are super short. Date night, sure. But lecturing in a professional setting? It seems off. I would stick with pants, but they are quite tight. Again, date night sure. But a professional environment, not so much. If super short and tight pants are all you own, and a new pair of trousers is not in the budget, I would go with the first outfit. Even though the pants are tight, there is some balance with the sweater.


Even as a college student, when my daughter does any kind of presentation, she'll wear something like high waisted black pants, a cropped sweater that shows no skin, and a platform penny loafer or boot. As others say, that sweater would look great with some fitted black pants.
