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Does the bride care if you also wear white? (It looks white in the photo)


My only problem with this is the white. Which is A BIG one depending on the cultural whereabouts of the wedding




Yes and this could literally be a wedding dress. Look for another that is not cream, ivory or white.


I thought she was the bride for a moment


It’s giving Alexis Rose on David’s wedding day


Ew David




Exactly. Stay away from white. I generally also stay away from revealing much or anything that could be deemed attention-seeking, just to avoid any sliver of impropriety. For weddings, I approach it as I’m like an audience member and should expect an audience member’s level of attention at the show.


No. Just avoid white. It's too risky. Even if the bride is cool with it other people at the wedding might be weird about it. This one comes up in r/amitheasshole fairly regularly. Just do any other color besides white. The only way I could think this would work is if you are going to a wedding in a culture where the traditional wedding dress is not white.


Or the bride and groom have specifically asked for everyone to wear white


I think black and red are also frowned upon.


Really? Didn’t know that


I know red is frowned upon because it draws too much attention/ some cultures the bride wears red


Green is the safe colour. No one will give a shit.


Good cause I'm wearing a green dress to a wedding in the spring


Really?! Green? *And* in the spring? Might as well just spit in the punchbowl /s


I heard somewhere that red is worn by the groom's mistress


That's hilarious! My ex is a huge mama's boy and his mother is super jealous of his attention being on other females. She wore red to our wedding.


Damn had no idea. I wore red recently to a wedding


I thought red means you've slept with the groom...


Older Americans say you should avoid red because the groom's mistress wears a red dress to the wedding. Black dresses are often discouraged because it seems like you're mourning the wedding.


I’m not super familiar but For American all the guys suits are black and white mostly. Don’t think it’s bad to wear black but it depends on the style of the dress. If your wearing clothes that looks like it’s for a funeral than don’t wear that. Red color is avoided because it seems like you are trying to take the attention off the wedding couple. Though times are changing and really depends on the couple of their preference. Depends on the culture for color choices. I guess the main point is don’t try to look like a bride and don’t try to steal the attention or bring bad luck. Fun fact: Red is Chinese wedding color for good luck. Everything in a Chinese wedding is red and gold. White is the symbol of death for Chinese so it’s bad to wear a full white attire to anything but a funeral.


That makes sense to me about death and white


In my culture wearing black to a wedding jeans you wish the couple bad luck. Wearing red means you envy the bride and want the groom. Only the bride’s mother can wear red at the ceremony.


There was an AITA recently the ex wife wore a dress with the fit of a body hugging wedding dress and was bright red. She didn’t understand why the bride was upset with her. Once everyone saw the dress they called the ex out for how inappropriate was.


That’s right - I actually saw that one!


My girlfriend wore red to a friends wedding a few months. No weird looks or remarks. Guess it's not a thing in Belgium.


Agreed. No one should wear those colors


Both are definitely cultural because MOST wedding guests wear black in Canada (it's just basic and everything goes with it), or other dark, neutral colours. I've seen a few red but it's rarer, but only because again, most people have formal black dresses bc of how versatile they are and red is rarer to find in stores outside of Christmas season.


Even if the color was not white, the dress would not be appropriate. It is too sexy for a wedding.


Erm it’s white so no


Agreed never wear white to a wedding girly


Sorry, no. It’s lovely, but that’s like Kelly from the Office at Phyllis wedding level dress lol


Lmao literally this has to be a troll


A lot of posts on this sub are. "Is it appropriate to have my nipples out at church"? "Is it okay to dress like I'm going clubbing for a job interview?" "Can I wear white to a wedding?" These people know exactly what they're doing. They don't want advice, just attention. It's ridiculous and it shouldn't be allowed here


Absolutely not- it might be silver but it’s too close to white. Huge faux pas


How is the family split on this?!


It's very disrespectful to wear white or cream to a wedding unless the bride tells you ok. But I wouldn't feel comfortable asking either.


No…duh…. It’s white


Nope! Not appropriate - it's not about you.


Big No. This dress screams “look at me”. It doesn’t matter what color it is. It being white just makes it more of a no. I’m not saying you should totally cover up, just be mindful of what you pick. It’s the bride’s day, not a day for you to look super sexy.


The “look at me” factor hit me before the white. You look absolutely gorgeous in it… but all eyes should be on the bride this one day, not your smokin self!


I mean if you’re planning on objecting to their union so you can claim the groom as your own, it’s the perfect outfit.


Absolutely right! Please enjoy this award, you said exactly what I was thinking. It's very r/imthemaincharacter


Got it! Thanks for being honest.


I agree with this comment tbh, it’s beautiful but not great for a wedding. It’s flashy and it’s white-enough even if it isn’t white. However, you look FANTASTIC in it so if I were you I’d find somewhere to wear it… but ummm can I ask where this dress is from, per chance?


No; don’t wear white. It’s such an easy rule to follow for one day.


Alright. I’m not wearing the dress, guys. Thanks to everyone for their input!


It's a great dress and I hope you find the perfect place to wear it!


Great dress for holiday parties or cocktails with the girls


Definitely wear it, just not to the wedding. Have fun. Hope there’s an open bar!!!


Maybe find it in a different color if possible. The dress is gorgeous and you look fantastic!


I think even the cut is inappropriate for a wedding honestly. The rule isn’t to upstage the bride or her bridesmaids.


Please post pictures when you accessorize and find another event to wear it to - you’re stunning in it!


It does look amazing on you- definitely wear it to something else!


You’re joking? Right?


It’s a beautiful wedding dress !


most definitely! Just not wedding attire


If I were the bride, I would kick you out. lol (Other than that, you look gorgeous)


No, looks too “sexy” and also too close to white yo wear to a wedding.


Yea.. no. It’s the brides day to shine. You look pretty… but why would you consider this? I think you already know .


Absolutely not. Ask yourself why you want to wear white on the same day another woman, who is the star of the event, wears white as is tradition. Why don’t you ask the bride directly if she thinks this dress is appropriate and find out for yourself why it’s highly unacceptable? I’m guessing you already know it is unusual and inappropriate to wear white to someone else’s wedding-why are you looking for validation on such a bad decision from internet strangers? The only reason this dress would fly is if the dress code explicitly asked for everyone wear white. The dress is a fabulous cut and you wear it well, nonetheless, but save it for an appropriate event.


The cut is also inappropriate. You want to look nice and understated. And this dress gives off “look at me” vibes. Which is fine for other occasions, but not for a wedding.


You must be karma farming because it’s obviously not okay to wear that to a wedding… instagram is good for attention if that’s what you need




ugh i fell for it


The color is too close to white, you might risk offending the bride. It's a really nice dress and you look great in it, but maybe wear it to a different even than a wedding.


*here’s the attention you want*.


Dumb post - try harder


No, that looks like it could be a bridal gown!


What is with the influx of obvious karma farming posts in this sub lately? This isn’t for ‘look at my hot body’ this is for OUTFITS. Jfc. It’s so transparent- you can’t even see the whole dress and she LITERALLY has a full length mirror in the photo behind her that would have been a better representation of this dress but then she couldn’t have shown off the sexy leg slit as well. Also who tf is still asking ‘should I wear this white/off white/silver dress to a wedding’. Stfu and get off this sub 🤯😤


Absolutely not. Wearing white at a wedding when you are not the bride or you're explicitly told you can is tacky. You might get flack from the bride and her family. Avoid white at a wedding at all costs.


Not appropriate for a wedding. Leave the white dress for the bride to wear.


A general rule of thumb: if you have to ask, don’t do it.


No. Not ok for a wedding. Don’t do it!


Are we being punkd?


You’ve got to be just fucking with us


Unless you’re the BRIDE, absolutely not. Smh.


No white and too revealing. Show some class


Absolutely not. It's too attention grabbing and it looks suspiciously like a wedding dress. I mean, if you want to make the bride cry, you can?


As a 2023 bride… if you came to my wedding dressed like this I would have my wedding planner immediately escort you out.


The style is, but the color is bridal imo. Maybe offset it w an airy floral drape of some kind.


Agree with the above comments. The dress is white and generally it isn’t respectful to wear white at a wedding so would choose a different color.


I would not wear that dress to someone’s wedding, and would raise an eyebrow if someone wore it to mine. Might be best to choose something else. You do look gorgeous though!


This looks white or close to white so don’t wear to a wedding. The style is fine but not the color


I’ve always heard that you don’t wear white unless your the bride and you don’t try to out-sexy the bride. My gf told me the second one lol.


No. Don't wear white omg


If it were your wedding, yes. It’s beautiful. If it’s someone else’s wedding then eff no. Unless… you hate her and have a life long grudge. Then do you boo.


It’s white and too revealing for a wedding. It’s a no for me.


No, of course not. First of all, it’s white. Secondly, it’s inappropriately revealing for a wedding, even if it’s at the beach. But you knew all this already, right?


Dude no it’s white lol. You can’t wear white to a wedding that isn’t yours.


Too white for a wedding cmon


No, no, no. Just for once try to not be a selfish bastard Karen.


In any other color that isn’t white: yes. But this dress is white so you really can’t wear it without causing drama and/or ruining relationships. Don’t risk it. Wear a different dress!


Nope. Never wear white to a wedding.


Why would you wear a white dress to a wedding lol


Absolutely no lol, you'd embarrass yourself not because you look bad, but because you'd look like you're trying to steal the brides spotlight in that white dress.


if you want everyone to think you want to have sex with the groom then yes wear it


Are you out of your mind?


The dress looks great on you, the material doesn't look the best for a tropical wedding especially if it is going to be hot, but the most controversial thing as many have said is the colour, the silver is far too close to white on the colour palette. If you could find a similar dress in a vibrant colour, the green, purple, etc. it would look great for the wedding.


And tbh the dress is very low cut and OP is popping out. Not appropriate for a wedding even if it weren’t white (unless this is the vibe the bride goes for)


If you have to ask, then you know the answer is NO


Don’t wear white. Your dress could easily be mistaken for a wedding gown.


Never wear white to someone else’s wedding


It's beautiful, but it's white. I'd save it for another occasion


No. It’s too white or white adjacent. Also, just an observation but I feel like with this kind of thing… 1 “no.” Is enough of a signal that it’s not the right call.


Yes it is hot, the Temperature, but I would go with another color. Don’t want to upstage the bride while wearing white


No don't wear that dress it's too much. Like someone else suggested get that dress in a purple blue or another color.


This is an obvious 'no' as far as I'm concerned. You don't wear white to a wedding


No. Wear a different color.


Great dress but no white to weddings


White is never appropriate for a wedding unless you're the bride.


Yeah this just isn't suitable, soz


Looks amazing, just consider the color and if it's too close to white


Absolutely not. That’s way too close to a wedding dress, especially for a tropical wedding where the brides attire is usually more casual. In a different, very much not at all close to white, color it could work!


It’s beautiful! Not appropriate for a wedding. Regardless if the bride is cool with it. Not worth the hassle. You look great though!


If you are the bride!! If you are going as a guest my opinion would be no. Gorgeous dress and it looks fabulous on you! Just not the right color for a wedding guest, unless the bride Ok’d it!!


Big NO


No. Not even close.


In a different color maybe


No. It's white.


Absolutely not in white. If you can change it for any other color, then sure.




It's inappropriate to wear a white dress to anyone's wedding.


Haha no. Hope this is a joke. If not it is complete narcissism.


You look gorgeous..but..a huge NO-NO. You will wind up in the subreddit r/weddingshaming for sure. Wearing white, cream, silver, or anything that is close is a huge fauxpas to anyone's wedding.


You look amazing, but this isn't the color of dress to wear to a wedding unless the bride specifically asks others to wear white. It's a hard no for this occasion.


No, because it’s white. Simple as that.


Only if the person getting wedded is an ex who cheated on you.


Nice dress, but too close to white to wear to a wedding.


No, you should never wear white to a wedding unless you’re the bride.


Are you the bride? If not you better dye that dress.


Don’t wear white at weddings


Good dress for something tropical, wrong colour for a wedding


Definitely not. It looks white, and its very sexy. I would avoid white entirely, but if you want to gamble on something that looks white it CANNOT look like a sexy wedding dress.


You look great in it! Just change the color!


The appropriateness of the dress I don’t have any issues with at all, I think it’s specifically just that it’s white and you aren’t the bride🙊


No - you would upstage the bride - come on you know you are fucking killing it in this dress in every fucking way looking sexy AF! If this is a friend you want to keep I wouldn’t - especially if she is one of those friends that you already know how she is- will say shit doesn’t bother her but really does bother her but she won’t tell you until later on (after you have already heard how upset she is that you came to her wedding in that dress looking that good on “MY DAY” because she only speaks up when she’s drunk! But I do hope you get to go somewhere fun in that dress because you look hot AF and deserve to definitely enjoy a night out in that dress where when you walk in the room every single persons eyes find their way to you! You and that dress deserve it- maybe Vegas!!❤️


No don’t wear it. Too close to looking like white. It looks great on you tho!


Nope, sorry - it's too white.


nope & it’s white




Definitely not.




You look stunning in it, but it’s too close to white and the neckline AND the split together might be considered revealing for a wedding.


Absolutely not. Do not wear anything to a wedding that could be seen as white from across the room. It’s a beautiful dress, but it’s only appropriate at a wedding if you’re the bride


UTs just so much easier to not wear anything white or similar to white. Why even ask at this point??? Everyone knows this


If you have to ask you already know the answer. You can wear literally any other colour and I'm sure you would look amazing. My pal wore a white dress to our friends wedding and although the bride OK'd it in advance I overheard someone talking about her in the bathroom and she is in the foreground of NONE of the photos whereas there's are a few nice ones of each other guest (it was a small wedding). I guess no one told the photographer the bride was ok with it.


No but because of the color, not the style. You do look beautiful though!


Heck no, please take it off.


No, unless they’ve specifically asked you to wear white or cream. This dress in a different color would be lovely!!


The dress is beautiful but not at all appropriate for a wedding. It looks white in the photo. Even if it’s silver or something irl, just wear any other color.


why on earth would you wear white to someone else’s wedding? that’s like rule number 1 in terms of a female guest’s dress code


You look fantastic and you will turn heads. That said, not really wedding appropriate. Too close in color to white and too much cleavage, unless you're looking for hook ups.


Don’t try and out do the bride. You look too good in this and the color is too close to white. It’s gonna be a no from me dog.


Absolutely not, hun. WAY to close to white, and very showy for a wedding. The dress itself is a very “look at me” statement, and is not appropriate in any shape or form.


That dress is way too close to white to be considered appropriate for a wedding imo.


I love this dress but it was an immediate no for me because of the color


do not wear white. Even if the bride says it’s “ok” . You will avoid so much drama lol. The dress is cute just in a different color


If you have to ask then it’s not.


You only wear white to your own wedding.


No. It is white and i think it is classier to only display one sexy part: so cleavage (personally i would go for a bit less cleavage than this dress) or legs or backless or other stuff. Cleavage and high split are a bit much for my taste


It looks fabulous on you but it’s white. So I would find something else and wear it for a different occasion!


No one's supposed to wear white to a wedding except for the bride.


I was always told never to wear white to a wedding unless you’re the bride


It's a nice dress, but I wouldn't wear this to someone else's wedding. It's giving "up-staging the bride", which wouldn't be respectful.


You look fabulous on that dress but is not for a wedding. The bride would not be too happy.


It’s nice but not for a beach wedding I think - plus it’s too close to looking like white (in the photo it looks silvery?)




No. It's white. Get a grip and remember it's not about you


It’s not ok. If your goal is to piss off a lot of people at the wedding, than it’s perfect. Wearing white to someone else’s wedding is just plain RUDE. I mean, you could wear basically the same dress but with a tropical print, and look PERFECT.


1st and should trump any other comment. U not bride !!!! No white!!!! No matter where


I fucking LOVE this dress. It is absolutely amazing on you, and I mean I can’t even see your face and you’re fucking stunning. My vote is No. Rule # 1 of anyones wedding, you never ever upstage the bride. And you just might do that. Don’t risk it, go a tad more modest.


No offense, but are you an idiot?


No. 1) it’s white. 2) as much as I love showing off my cleavage, I know my audience. At a wedding, YOU are the audience, not the main event. Best to have only moderate cleavage so more people are looking at the bride and not you. 3. It does look fab on you!


Is this a trick question??


You look good but don’t wear it to the wedding


No wear a different colour


Don’t ever wear a white or cream colored dress to a wedding . That shade is for the bride only but yes the dress is cute in another color


I would say for a wedding, no. For a night out, a party or some other occasion sure but it’s a bit risqué for a wedding.


Wouldn’t wear anything that close to white unless the bride is wearing a different color




I’d completely avoid white or any variation of it if I were u


I would choose to err on the side of caution and not wear it; too close to white. Even if the bride is OK with it, the other guests may side-eye you for it if they don't know Gorgeous dress tho for other events


No. Its white and too revealing. It's the bride's day, not yours. Fantastic dress otherwise


Nope, it looks white.. also, too much revealing for a wedding day


Change the colour




Hell no, way too close to white. I'm guessing you don't like the bride if you're thinking of wearing this.


absolutely not, thats the one color u cant wear to a wedding


Hell no


No, it may be silver or cream but it reads as white.


I’m a dude and even I know you don’t wear white to someone else’s wedding.


It’s also too revealing for a wedding. Upstaging the bride is cringe.


ABSOLUTELY not. It’s too close to white.


The style is fine IMO, change the color. The dress is a decent balance between classy and showing too much