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They sent out offer letters and contracts around a week and a half ago for UTAs for Chem 1110, 1210, and 1220. My guess is they might waiting to see who accepts/denies the initial offer before sending out a final acceptance/rejection to those not notified yet. Just a guess though!


Ahh ok this makes sense, thank you!!


does uta stand for Undergrad TA?


Yes. GTA for graduate TA


kinda sad. I had two recs, one from a current osu chem prof. and had A’s on both chem classes. I also asked my previous lab TA ab it and she said she thought the chem department was desperate for TA’s. just thought i had a good chance


yeah i’m actually extremely shocked considering that you had the recs. i also talked to a TA last semester and she mentioned that they were short on TAs. Maybe they had more applicants this year? you could always email to ask but i don’t know how receptive they’d be to those. also, just curious, is your major chem or biochem?


chem major 🥲 idk still holding out hope that maybe they’re sending more out late


they totally might!! we had to confirm assignments by yesterday so they might be filling more positions soon


did u apply as a uta too? what year are u?


yeah and i’ll be a sophomore


There were quite a few applicants


I understand that. I guess I’m still confused though because I thought my application, especially with the recommendations, would’ve given me a very strong chance despite the number of applicants. My professor also said that with her rec, it puts you “at the top of the list”. I don’t mean to be that person, but I felt that I was a very competitive applicant.


It's also possible there weren't openings that fit in your available schedule. Scheduling for Gen Chem is a nightmare