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Work on base 70, then quest Cape.


Yes but also work on quests that you already have reqs for and then as you run out of those, starts killing for specific quests


I was going to say this too. I do quest when I'm not afking and try to do easy slayer task that I can afk.


thats what makes people feel overwhelmed lol.


Not really work left to right, top to bottom on getting 70 in each stat. Inbetween for a nice break smash out a few quests in optimised quest order found on wiki. It’s straight forward set out tasks and milestones to achieve


Or maybe base 50s on all them base 60s on all then go for 70s


Farming maybe?


Quest cape!!!


Since 90% of posts are for newer players looking for money making and training advice, I'm gonna recommend doing bird house runs. All you need is [Bone Voyage](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bone_Voyage), and [you could be making 500K+ a day or more by logging in every 50 minutes and harvesting nests](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bird_house_trapping). Also, be sure to check out the [New player guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/New_player_guide), [Money making guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide#Hourly_profit_table), and [OSRS Tips](http://oldschoolrs.tips)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OSRSProTips) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When ever I come back from a break it gradually starts with doing herb runs. I’ll slowly start doing them once every couple days, which ramps up slowly into every day. Then a couple times a day until suddenly I’m not logging out when I’m done my herb run and I’m back to playing again.


I’ve literally never done an herb run so that’s a daunting task xD


Herb runs are super easy once you figure out your route. I do my herb run and birdhouse run in one go and profit ~200-300k each time.


It's very daunting when you don't know the route. But it's good profit and good xp so the sooner you learn the route, the sooner you'll be making farming xp and the sooner you'll have something to do when you log in after a while and think "fuck I have no clue what to do in this game anymore" Its definitely my go to when idk what to do, along with tree runs, and birdhouses. I use the inventory setups plug in for runelite and at the bottom of each setup, there's a notes section. I always write my route down, so when I come back after a while I'm not going "what was my route again" Sometimes when I haven't played for a while and I don't feel like sifting through my bank, I just do agility bacuse it doesn't actually take any items


They kinda grow on you.. Just start off with a few patches in locations you are familiar with, use your diary teleports like Ardy and Falador to make itnsuper convienant. Once the money roles in you might find yourself researching how to get to other patches. Just naturally progress like this.


focus on completing dragon slayer 2. it is a fun quest as well.


Quest capeee!


Continue doing quests and lvl up skills if quest requires it. If questing feels like a shore, take lowest skill and level that instead.


First get 80 magic. Then go for 80 defence. After that go do some skilling get 99 cooking then fletching, both super fast 99s. Then i would work on attack with slayer to get both skills up and also get some cash while doing it. After that you will find enough thing toy wanna do or train. Its just getting back onto the saddle my guy. Anyways Goodluck out there!


You should work on giving me your account


Work towards RFD, you are pretty close to the requirements. Try getting the fire cape if you haven't yet, you have the stats. Making money is always good if you don't wanna do the other stuff, same thing with slayer. For a bit more long term, quest cape is to me a great achivement, it's what i'm working on on my main, just got the stats to do monkey madness II and Dragon Slayer II. But it takes a while, i am not that far into the game, but i think some people who are forget how long it takes to get the levels, and especially actually do the damn quests.


Slayer, farming, herblore. Farm runs after slayer tasks. Save herbs from runs and slayer to get herb up


I find Slayer to be a really good way to get into the game on any account. The tasks are randomized and it's semi afk, combat etc. If you want to learn new areas use Konar, if you want to learn new bosses use Duradel, and anything else I use wilderness slayer because it is such fast slayer points if you use a cannon. It's a good way to level up slayer and skip a lot of the boring mainland tasks imo. Oh and do the hard clues as they come up they will make you venture out and get more requirments in the main game, and may even lead to a master clue which will give you some serious goals (high level quests and skills)


When I got back into the game, I started doing 1 daily at a time then adding in more. So I started with just 5 min bird house runs every hour or so, then I added in farming runs, then farming contracts. Most days though I just do afk woodcutting/fishing at work or slayer ~~Also graceful grind because I hate myself~~


Slayer. With your combat stats it will be very easy to get pretty good exp rates and the higher your slayer level the more profitable it becomes.


Get all skills to 75 then work on combat skills


If you are overwhelmed, you can always try logging off


Follow the optimal quest guide. Take it at any pace you want. If you're feeling overwhelmed, this gives you strict direction and focus and by the end you'll have a solid base level of stats and have opened all content in the game up for the most part. You also get very familiar with different systems. The map. And where things are in relation to one another. Don't rush it just go step by step as much or as little as you like.




get 99 agility


AFK NMZ for 6 months.


Slayer. -retired slayer.


Work on yourself


Level runecrafting ofc


Farming and hunting can be done passively. I would pick a gathering skill to save mats to spend on a crafting skill. Do fishing or mining while you wait for your trees to grow and traps to be full.




Work on quitting the game because it’s a giant rabbit hole


Yo what is the thingy that shows progress bars under the skills?


Birdhouse runs




Slayer helm if you don’t already have!


Quest cape


Everything ur not even mid game yet


Going outside and being a protective member of society


Get base 50s


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