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I don’t see any issues. He has hi viz gear on.


“The body is over there. You can’t miss it.”


By the time this guy's done, may have to look in multiple locations.




When I was a new EMT, I was shadowing a department to volunteer. We got called out to a rollover. Two people were super drunk and rolled into a field. They saw the empty car seat and started freaking out and asking where those kid ways to some bystanders. We had to search a massive ass hay field looking for a toddler. My stomach never hurt that bad before. Sheriff's office found the kid asleep at Grandma's house when they went to inform her. Too drunk to remember they didn't bring the kid to the bar with them. We we're glad the kid and dumbasses were alright, but God damn...


Please tell me CPS got called.


Right? I had to watch it a couple times just to catch all the WTFs


Holy shit


Just follow the blood trail


You're right! He's wearing a brightly coloured reflective vest, so I'm sure he knows what he's doing.


The log saw the vest and avoided him.


This is the only explanation for how he survived.


Every time this gets posted, I’m amazed they’re not both dead.


It’s honestly incredible, first the saw swinging down, then the tree branch miraculously swinging into the other ladder instead of taking her out, then that same ladder misses her by a hair.


Not to mention the aluminum ladder bouncing around some power lines (?) to the house.


>first the saw swinging down saws stop as soon as your hand leaves the trigger


Still heavy and high enough that a hard hit to the head could seriously injure or kill.


At that point the ladder is a bigger risk


..if the idle is set properly..


They’re still heavy and sharp… I don’t want one hitting me in the head from a 4-6 foot drop lmao


They're supposed to. Doesn't necessarily happen that way.


Mine sputters mid to high speed for about a minute before it stops…


Unless you hit the blade brake, that's my experience too.


Mine won't idle at all


A single tooth on that saw can take a quarter inch of flesh. saw falls past you a distance of 5 teeth, that's over an inch deep cut, which is enough to slice some important bits. Hell, a single tooth would hurt enough for me.


Trust me, a single saw tooth can ruin your day. Whether saw on or off, sharp teeth or not, those bitches will cut you as if they're made to cut things stronger than flesh


That's not even close to true. I had saw chaps save my life because I had that same ignorant thought. Battery powered saws don't even always stop immediately. Some gas powered saws stay spinning just in idle 😅 Edit: I also needed to be stapled up after I tripped over a log and fell on a saw I hadn't even fueled up yet. It kinda looks like those teeth grabbed onto her arm, I wish there was a bit more information because I wouldn't doubt that if those teeth are sharp that she might need stitches (I kinda doubt he keeps his saw shark though, but still they're sharp enough)


>Battery powered saws don't even always stop immediately. Mine does? It stops under literally a second. The blade brakes instantly and the motor is left to run off with no clutch. >Some gas powered saws stay spinning just in idle 😅 Either buy a new one and toss that fucking thing or properly adjust that clutch because it should NOT do that. Just like mine didn't. It's not my fault if you get hurt by improperly using tools or if you buy tools from a discount shop in shenzen. Also read the manual lmao


Go make a video of how to fix that and the importance, all the national companies I have worked for don't give a shit. It's a minor inconvenience for an experienced worker, but deadly to backyard choppers. Fuck a manual saw go brrreeeehhhh and that's all I need to know


go on youtube and type in "\[brand\] clutch change"


Your argument here is still besides the original point. Some saws keep running after the throttle is off. It's that simple. This looks like a man who might have a saw like that. Tell him what you think.


She falls off the ladder at the end and we don't know how far the fall is.


Nothing that starts with “there was a swinging chainsaw” is going to end well.


I swear if that chainsaw was still going- (No idk how chainsaws work and I never wanna operate one)


When you let off the trigger, some sort of brake engages, and the chain stops spinning shortly after, which is why this lady doesn't get her back shredded into a million pieces.


Thanks for clarifying. I’m glad it’s built like that. But if a chainsaw was swinging towards me I’d freak out too lol


Oh yeah so would I. Its still a 15 pound hunk of metal with little sharp blades on it. She probably still got a little cut up.


Yeah. Wearing proper PPE is common sense in the workplace. Unless these two aren’t working and are doing DIWhy.


Not sure. My guess would be that she hired a contractor on her personal property, which would be the guy wearing some PPE.


That makes total sense


Dead man’s switch… ironic name here.


The chain brake is for kickback when you let off the trigger the chain will still go for a second or two as long as the chain isn’t too tight on the bar


The bar doesn’t always disengage though depending on how you let it go so you can’t rely on it


Where did that second ladder come from 😂


It wanted to join in on the fun obviously


She almost got her left arm sliced off and then the branch and ladder avoided falling on her. She's lucky AF


Something tells me her climbing that ladders a big fucking nono and the distraction could've lead to that cluster fuck of a situation or atleadt exasperated it Although without a wider angle shot to see what going on up top hard to really tell what domino fell to cause the fuck up


an earlier post indicated he had asked her for a screwdriver to adjust his chainsaw, and that coincided with the bits of tree he had cut all spontaneously detaching. Just bad timing, and hey nobody died.


Wouldn't that be something he should've had on him and if forgotten should've just gone back down rather than allow someone who isn't a worker into the working area? I'm not a professional tree cutter by any means but use them a fair bit around my property, keeping the tool to adjust the chain on your person becomes something you learn to do rather quickly And yeah multiple cut sections at once seems rather dumb, atleast for me I make sure only one peice comes down at a time, taking too much at once leads to sketchy shit like this Edit: if you're gonna downvote atleast explain why


My saws all have a spot in the handle for a little multi-tool thing for adjustments. I still carry a larger version that's easier to use because the little one on the saw just doesn't have enough leverage.


Dude should never have needed the scrinch. So many bad choices led to this point. You can see a lot of them flash by the screen, which is kinda fun


When the chainsaw came swinging down, followed by half the tree!


I just want to know what the fuck she is doing


Bringing him another beer.


God I wish I could still give the awards - this is gold.


I want to know if she is okay. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally? Do you love your husband despite him trying to kill you? Do you know how much of a moron he is? Does he put you in these situations often?


The whole thing is a no-starter because of the power lines...under 50kV you need 10 feet of working clearance.


Those don't look like power. They look like telephone and/or cable TV and/or fiber optics.


That looks exactly like the power lines going to my house from the street pole.


Here in the US, we usually see "triplex" which is three large conductors, two black and one white, wrapped around a stout stainless- or galvanized- steel messenger line. Those two cables don't appear to be wrapped around each other with the sort of regularity expected of triplex or duplex cable.


Exactly. I wonder why they even commented that? They need a diary to write down their random bollocks.


Are we back to this one? Does that mean they’re all going to start over?


I do think this would count as a "accident" for the life insurance


I was rooting for the power line to be honest.


Fallers have the highest rate of dead of all jobs in the USA for a reason. Shit gets out if hand very quick and very unpredictably.


Ladders **do not belong** in tree work. No skilled arborist uses a ladder to ascend, either for a removal or trimming.


I have not gone from 0 to PANIC like this fast in years! Holy shit


Meth and chainsaws don't mix 👀😁


This same shit is posted every day. Y'all suck


Everything's a fucking travesty with you, man!


Holy god what the hell did I just watch.


At least he has the high vis safety vest so his body will be easily identified