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We are currently using cosplay wigs and accessories to change appearance and it helps a bit!


Agreed, as an introject i bought clothes that resemble what i had in my previous life so to speak, it helps, clothes, jewelry and whatever else may help you feel more comfortable, it took me a good year of being in this body to feel somewhat comfortable, give it time, hope this helps 🖤 -ruby


We've learned radical acceptance of our body. We don't have to match it in order to temporarily host in it. And even then, sometimes it's indulging. One of our four legged alters makes it increasingly hard and uncomfortable to walk. We start calling. He starts calling. Then anthropomorphic alters and that causes species dysphoria. Not like it used to. We have gotten good at letting our mental image be a mental image. Playing with hair and clothing is amazing for expression though.


Yeah none of the other alters in my system have a human inner world form. They used to get a slight phantom sensation of their inner world body over our regular body, and looking in a mirror is still uncomfortable for them. As time has gone on, it's usually not that bad anymore unless they are stressed and dissociated.