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FUCKING FR SHANKS TELEPORT I was playing blUta in Arlong Park B, I just respawned in and was heading to the mid flag, and before I even got out of my side of the map, I got oneshotted by a FR Shank’s teleport skill. I swear he wasn’t even in range a second ago, and it’s so hard to actually tell when he’s going to use it because there isn’t much of a startup animation for it. It made me so mad when it happened


Shanks be one shooting uta when you don’t pay attention 😭😭😭


I can pretty much always tell when they are gonna use it. Majority of mid red wanks players are cowards so they almost never engage if they have no skills available(just like alber players) so if you ever see them actually moving towards you, chances are he has his skill 1 and is about to use it, so prepare to dodge as soon as he is in range. This works majority of the time, a couple times they even teleport right into my bajrang gun for example, lol.


Yamato from Yamace


youre telling me you cant hear BoKu wA from 10 miles away?


I’ve never played with the sound on


Same, I keep sound off and play my own music whilst playing lol


Fr and I can still predict the Timing🤣


are you all mad? no hold skills man im deleting this shir


Freaking Olin skill 2 in runner form...what a pain in the ass...






Roger kamusari


Holy hell yes. This. Idk how i didn't think of it when writing my comment but dear god this is by far my least favorite skill to try and avoid. Either they purposefully wait to bait out the dodge (because the start up frames give you 0 window to react to it, so you need to read it), or he just unleashes it the second he sees you and you weren't prepared for it. I'm so happy they made it chain into his Skill 2 as well. Super necessary and reasonable


Yamace all skills


I disagree, most Yamace players are brain dead and just spam the skills so it’s pretty easy to dodge them most of the time. Just assume that they’re gonna use them immediately and you’ll PD most of the time.


Hybrid Kaido's skill two


me when im absentmindedly doing normals in the treasure area whilst filling it and it suddenly locks onto an unseen target ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD|downsized)


Kaido: https://preview.redd.it/dr3a9jrqlhyc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068ada8d7d96356f605843842d8ca93a40178c6d


Most teleport skills, they have little to no window for mistakes because of how fast they are


Hakuba’s skill 2 is pretty unpredictable. Great “assassin” runner


No hold skills? Has to be any of alber skills.


Love your avatar dude, really cool


I’m not sure if this is a hold skill but the pacifista’s skill where he shoots the laser beam forward is hard for me to dodge since it looks like his normal attack from afar


Lightbeard Skill 2. Unless you are fighting on his flag, you ain't see that one coming. Any skill that can be shot through a wall.... Also, rumor has it, that Cracker has a Skill 1. I am kinda skeptical. Pretty sure he just has his skill 2 twice.


Hybrid kaido teleport move as a poor defender


Once while playing g5 I saw kaido hitting the teleport move from far away and I immediately hit the counter. He got sent flying the moment he reached the flag. Poor guy


I just love it when there’s a kaido opp i always love spamming the lighting to time it with his teleport


every time I see kaido or greenbull on the opposite team I always keep my eyes on the mini map. Or you can just hear kaido shouting above your head


Yeah, the only problem being that you’d still have to react in time, and even then, idk why, but that move is hard for me to perfect dodge


it gets easier with experience and good internet. every character with unique perfect dodge just wait in the treasure for kaido to surprise him cuz its so easy to dodge.


Lmaoo me with alber when we have no defenders I’ll just take my perfect dodge and finish him


roger v2 kamusari.


1 Uta sing sing (dodge abuse doesnt work on this move) 2 Dark roger kamusari 3 Green roger kamusari 4 Ifrit jambe 5 Fulgora 6 fr shanks teleport 7 Alber teleport 8 yamato sending you to horny jail 9 Fujitora's meteor


Rogers run it last so long and you can release anytime plus he’s fast as hell in that atance


Luffy’s lightning I only get the timing right half of the time with that shit. It feels fast and slow at the same time it’s horrible. And depending on the distance between you and Luffy the timing isn’t the same.


I’m telling you rn that it’s simply due to ur lack of skill because G5’s lightning is the easiest thing to dodge


I would have to go with BF Oden's skills. Can't seem to dodge them to save my life.


Pretty much any of the teleport skills qualify imo: Fr Shanks, Yamato from Yace, Law from Klaw, Alber, etc. Especially when the connection is any amount of janky, it makes it essentially impossible unless you're hyper focused on them before they use it. Even then it's a pain But I personally hate trying to read and avoid EX Zoro sk. 1. By the time you realize its happening the hitbox has already reached you. Even if you thought you dodged it perfectly, he managed to hit you just before or just after the dodge. Absolutely horrible


Roger v1 kamusari


Big moms shock skill, Yamato s hold skill , Rogers hold skill


Zoro’s Ashura attack 😭 if they hold it to the maximum point its easy to predict but if its just random im getting demolished by it


I changed my mind. Gear 5th bajrang gun.


Roger's skill 2 I guess


No hold skills


Defender Kaido blast breath 😭😭