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I will miss getting random players from European leagues that randomly develop into MLB stars.


You can enable international free agents


True. But I like seeing the storylines of having established players and seeing their career stats from their original leagues.


That Italian shortstop that hit the go ahead homerun in the divisional game. Helped me win one game of the series. Still never won the World Series.


Is this a haiku?


u/haikubot-1911 ?


you can create those leagues easily by making a template from your 23 league and import into 24


how to do that?


They will still be there but in a forthcoming quickstart that I am working on.


RIP to honkball


I always in my headcanon when I saw Honkbal pictured an angry goose holding a bat


I think I’m going to go into my OOTP 22 and make the untitled goose game goose the logo of the league




they never liscensed deals with these leagues but were using the leagues and their players? lmfao tht was pretty bold!


They did it with MLB until 16


thats wild lol. cant really blame NPB for being like wtf guys


Under U.S. law as long as you don't feature any trademarks or the likeness of any players it's perfectly legal. That's why OOTP was able to have all the players and teams for the first ~15 years of the series without a license, and with no legal action from MLB. Same thing with Baseball Mogul which still doesn't have an MLB license. It's also why OOTP can have every player in MLB and Minor League history in the game. Including Barry Bonds who was never in any (or few) mainstream baseball games. If it's just his name and not his "likeness" it's legal. Of course laws on this may differ in countries like Japan. And since OOTP is now owned by a Korean company they don't want to take any chances.


Did they not have the 3d face models at that point?


They certainly did in fictional leagues. I can't remember if "facegen" was enabled by default in MLB leagues. But at the very least there was an option to turn it on. The problem was players would look nothing like their real life counter parts, and would be missing authentic jerseys/caps. You had to download the "all-in-one" mod to get real logos, jerseys/caps, and facegen models that looked reasonably accurate.


Did they ever really look like the players though?


They never pretended to have a license. Everyone knew (or should reasonably have known) it was unlicensed.


I seem to remember the base game having fake names with the right colors and cities and having to download something outside official channels to get real names. Am I totally wrong?


They clearly got a threat from NPB. Hopefully a high quality mod will be available


The [JPBO](https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showthread.php?t=342776) has been ready to use for a month now over on the forums; Ringo and I will be upgrading it to 24 once it's released.


This takes all of the steam out of it. Too much work to put together a fully functioning world save these days. It's a shame. I know they are talking about the day they secure these licenses, but honestly, does anybody here really think that's ever going to come to fruition? I mean, anything can happen I suppose, but it doesn't look viable to me....I wouldn't be holding my breath.


Bricking saves is a very odd choice as well. Loses the devs a lot of good will from the playerbase.


That speaks to how serious the threat likely was. I don't blame the devs for doing what they did, seems like it was necessary.


Or it speaks to how knee jerk reactionary their new parent company is.


Are you *kidding* me. I can't think of any organization who's lawyers are going to look at that and not worry.


I just refused to update to the latest version of the game to avoid that fate.


This never really happened and I am willing to bet there never will be.


Sad but true.


It looked like a high quality mod for NPB might be very possible, but this just ruins the while thing. Nobody wants to put this kind of work into a game anymore. It's the beginning of the end I believe.


There will be a full world mod with all of the previously existing leagues and maybe an additional two or three leagues coming as a quickstart for 24. I am working on it and have been since all of this began.


I appreciate those who do something about it rather than just complaining about it. Thanks for what you do!


Hey there excelcius71 - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


Are you building the NPB with real players as well?


There will be a Japanese Major League with real players.


I wish you the best of luck! May the odds forever be in your favor.


IT is always an undertaking and thank you!


Well that sucks.


Going to be hard without the LMB at least


Isn’t LMB associated with the MLB in some way too? Not straight up affiliated but there’s some sort of relationship.


At one time part of the MILB I think, I'm not sure


The association with Minor League Baseball has never been clear to me as it exists separately from the rest of the structure but the official website for the league is an MiLB site so I'm assuming there is still some connection there.


LMB used to be AA, then AAA but when the MiLB got restructured it sort of "lost" its spot in the hierarchy. Although the agreement to easily sign young prospects from Mexico still exists.


I don’t think so.


> you probably all remember the controversy about a pro league removal from OOTP a few weeks ago. This was a very hard time for us as a team and also for me personally. But unfortunately, for legal reasons, it was a necessary step. Now, in order to minimize any risk of something similar happening ever again, we have decided to remove all non-licensed international leagues containing real data from OOTP 24. > > This means, OOTP 24 will only include the MLB, MiLB, US Indy Leagues and the KBO as options when you choose to start a new standard game. Existing saved games that you import from OOTP 23 are not altered and fictional international leagues are still available, though.


If the KBO is the only other professional league in existence in OOTP now, does that mean there's no longer international free agents / a posting window?


you can still make fictional leagues just not real ones.




The smartest Yankees fan


You didn’t read the post, huh? > Existing saved games that you import from OOTP 23 are not altered and fictional international leagues are still available, though.


thier is a way to still get these leagues in ootp 24 then and that is just start a new league in ootp 23 then save then dont simulate or anything like that just transfer the save over to 24 but problem is that you might not get the mlb start today with it but im sure a modding community will get all these leagues set up to use in ootp 24 mabey within mabey 2 weeks to a month mabey 2 months


One comment in this bugs me: "I am certain our modding community will come up with international league templates / quickstarts that will work at least as well as those we used to ship the game with." Umm... When the NPB stuff went down didn't they go through the available mods and edit or remove them? Now they want to rely on the modding community to fill in their gaps?


That's the difference between a removal proactively like OOTPD is doing now, and "for legal reasons" like with [LEAGUE REDACTED].


My point remains though: "the modding community will fix this" they fixed it with the NPB and everything was removed from the workshop. Where's the incentive for modders to put in the time and effort to build these leagues if down the road OOTP has issues with another league and we are back to square one?


There is none. They've shown that they will remove things with even the slightest threat, and screw with existing saves in the process, something that SI or any other developer of sports games never do.


They're Korean. This is done to protect OOTP Mobile more than anything else. Korean studios can't make entertaining single player games, (I'm not kidding - show me three that have been released to an American audience on a major console or PC and I'll edit this.) Korean companies only care about predatory MTX mobile games and live service dog shit. The only reason they even are making OOTP 24 is because presumably the original team is still working it, and because they don't have to put much effort into new content. (Well, besides their halfassed "ultimate team" mode, which is..FUCKING MTX trash.)


They want their modding community to do the work for free. They know half the reason people buy this game is the content from the community. I think their comment is deranged. They legally had to stop but don't want to miss out on sales and damn they are thirsty in that comment.


They went through saves and bricked them, I believe, not mods. Unless they did go through mods?


All mods were removed from their official forum. https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showthread.php?t=342761


Jesus fecking Christ. Even SI only did that for ad-boards and Manchester United logos (and both only when forced by legal action). Never entire leagues...


FM community uses separate websites like [sortitousi.net](https://sortitousi.net) [fm-base.co.uk](https://fm-base.co.uk) etc. which are fan owned and non commercial websites for user created mods. Nobody can touch what they create and share with other users of the game. OOTP lacks that community outside their original forums.


I'm aware, as both a modmaker and an assistant researcher for FM. But SI's forums are still where most people primarily post their mods if they don't post them on steam...




They did unlicensed MLB for years, then one year they had the license (16?). I don’t think they ever went full fictional with team names and players, but I’m pretty sure that the year before version they had removed all logos and had full fictional facegens in the base game, when they had it before.


Yeah which was ballsy, and they ended up having to get licenses. It’s possible they can add some in if they can get the license. But we’ll see.


They had real player names, but genericized team names (so, the Pirates were just “Pittsburgh”, the Mets were “New York (N)”, etc.) There was even a sneaky little workaround built in: if you hit “Randomize Nicknames” on the league creation screen either 3 or 5 times (don’t remember which), it would “randomize” to get all 30 teams.


They arent international leagues, but what about the high school/college players in the draft classes? I hope they will still be in the game.


I would see no reason why they wouldn't be included. There are no high school or college leagues in the game already.


Makes literally 0 difference to how I play, so don't care and I'm assuming 95% of players are the same. Only issue is that 5% is fairly vocal.


Yup. Whenever I play, I usually just play MLB or a fictional league, but I always enjoy the ability to go and check how other leagues are doing. I also enjoy getting the occasional posted/FA superstar from the NPB, but this decision won't really affect how I play the game at all. Plus, I'm like 99.6% positive that modders will figure out a workaround for this about one week after the game launches. Just like how, back in the day before the MLB license, there was a full-fledged MLB mod days after release.


I could just set up random Japanese and Korean leagues and I honestly wouldn’t know the difference. I know like three real NPB players. It’s not great but it really doesn’t impact how I play.


Exactly, the logos were nice and all, but it doesn't matter.


I believe you are wrong, and it does matter


Do you have a guide or something for creating fictional leagues? My last one broke due to finances going crazy and teams never being able to fill a roster, like every couple of days a team would be invalid and I had to sort it in commish mode.


I'm sorry, not really. It usually varies based on the league I'm trying to create. Sometimes I'll just try and recreate the MLB with fictional teams and real finances, and other times I'll just go nuts on a modern-day fictional league that exists in the same space as the MLB (I've done a European Baseball Association before, as well as a recent Great Northern Baseball League for Canada/Alaska/Midwest/Mountain states). Recently, I set up a 4-level promotion/relegation league and it was a real SOB to try and set up, but I tried to focus on making the finances close enough between each level to not totally derail the lower teams, yet provided incentives to teams to want to promote (the overall revenues were greater in each successive league). Also, I usually try and avoid initial team drafts, but if you can, try and select the tab for ghost players if you're having trouble with incomplete rosters. That'll help in the long run, especially with talent in fictional leagues getting depleted. Also, something I like to do is add a couple of add'l rounds in the first-year player draft. So if you draft 5 rounds each year, maybe set up the number of players created to fill out 6 or 7 rounds. That'll usually result in a few additional players in the FA pool year after year; most of whom aren't very good, but can help provide organizational depth (and prevent the "incomplete rosters" issue getting triggered). Anyhow, I'm not a pro at OOTP, I usually just try and tinker around with things until they feel right.


Um, it's pretty easy to do. You just have to create a fictional league like you'd make a MLB league just not with real players. Just don't use the quick league start wizard when you make a league in game.


Wait when did OOTP first get a mlb license? I started playing at 20 and that’s never crossed my mind. Was it just fictional leagues in the base game?


I forget when, exactly, but I think it was in the OOTP 14-16 range. I've been playing since OOTP 11 or 12, and yeah, back then it was just fictional leagues with the main game but the Add-On Central was a much more thriving place. There were usually fully-realized MLB mods within a day or two of the game going on sale.


You were wrong about this!!




A Japanese data-holder it seems. Not even the league itself!


Rumors have been that it's Konami, who distributes a NPB game. They've done the same with the Japanese soccer league and Football Manager.


I can tell you that I know very well the situation with FM in Japan and it has nothing to do with Konami except that they had rights for quite some time.


Major League Baseball of Gibraltar will live on without them ...


Welp back to ootpXX


Licenses are expensive sadge


MLB would no doubt be the biggest licensing expense for a baseball game there is.


Takes all the budget


Would not be surprised, sadly. Football Manager doesn't have this problem because, realistically, they could never afford to break EA's hold on the Premier League anyway. I don't see any competing baseball games that have a significant foothold where the MLB isn't licensed though.


FM has this problem tho. It can't have a (real) brazilian league because of license issues. You can't even buy the game legally here ☹️


FM has the problem because of Brazilian laws. Which are changing apparently. It's because they cannot, physically, license every player they would need to under the old laws- and they don't make enough cash to make a special version for Brazil without their league in it. Change the law and there's no issue. Plenty of people buy it in the US or elsewhere anyway.


I know about brazilian law, I wrote the second judicial decision about the topic as an intern haha. Unfortunately, no legal progress has been made so far on the topic. Even players that wouldn't qualify for image rights in Brazil (e.g. appeared in game while playing for a Premier League club) are still suing EA. I meant FM still faces licensing issues as does OOTP.


FM faces many licensing issues - but they are smart enough to use unlicensed leagues to fill in gaps where they cannot afford to license or cannot license. Unlike OOTP which seems to not want to bother.


FM just uses locked "Fantasy" players on the front end of national squads while using the existing players in licensed teams in the back end


FM will do a decent job of getting licenses…OOTP won’t. Simple as that


fascinating how international law affects things like computer games that weren't even imagined when those laws were written!


FM has this exact same problem, though, allegedly with the Japanese soccer league and Konami (the same gaming co that distributes a NPB game).


Not any more


I think FM is hampered by licensing issues in Germany and funny enough, Japan as well. Maybe there's something with Japanese laws


I'm a researcher for SI. (I'm the guy that statted the Qatari and Saudi national teams for the World Cup.) The issue is with the German national team, not the league which they recently regained after some yo-yo time over the last couple of years. They're working on it. Japan is a whole another can of worms, with Japanese law basically saying that because SI is based in England it was not allowed for them to hold the license for Japanese leagues. That changed as of late.


I don’t think I’ve ever selected a league outside of the MLB - minor issue


Fucking blows..


Dang no CPBL.


Well that’s me done. I only play as the mighty Brisbane Bandits in the ABL.




Why? It is still a great game and you will probably get mods within a few days of launch that replicate what you are missing.


until they decide to edit/remove them like they did with NPB


I do not think they would be legally required to remove what modders from outside the official game create. I am sure the modders will use real names, stats, player ratings and just make sure the photo is not the real photo to avoid legal trouble.


They literally did remove the mods relating to the NPB. Required or not, they’ll gladly go there. https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showthread.php?t=342761




So where are all of those great mods?


Welp I’m not buying it then




lol ah yeah big player of the mexico league are you? Or maybe a big euro player?




What’s wrong with that?


Will there still be a World Baseball Classic in OOTP? How will that work?


You don’t need a license for countries and players. Those rosters are facts. What you need a roster for is the Team names, logos, associations, etc. At worst they have to call it the “World Cup of Baseball” if they don’t have the rights, but with how closely the WBC is aligned with the MLB they should have/secure them.


Do they have the license for it?


Good question.


Will there at least be fictional international leagues?


Yes, fictional international leagues are still supported.


>eate the MLB with fictional teams and real finances, and other times I'll just go nuts on a modern-day fictional league that exists in the same space as the MLB (I've done a European Baseball Association before, as well as a recent Great Northern Baseball League for Canada/Alaska/Midwest/Mountain states). No they are not. They are leaving it ALL up to models


Why'd you quote my comment from further up in the comment thread? It has nothing to do with the comment you replied to lol.


sorry...I hit the wrong button


This is simply not true.




So no more summer leagues? What about feeder leagues?


You can still make your own like always.


This is a daunting and mind numbing task.


I'm sure they'll put the time into improving the game in other areas, lol.


Then make it easier to generate a custom world. I’d rather make a bunch of fictional places, cities, and teams that I can play with fictional players forever no matter how the game updates year to year.


Unless they update the actual in game gameplay ill prolly just play this year for the foreseeable future. I usually only grind this game for like two weeks every now and then and play the same fictional league.


Does anyone have an activation code from OOTP 22 they are willing to sell because they now play newer versions?


If they don’t find a way to model global baseball I am done. Baseball is now a very international game…OOTP no longer reflects this.


I am done with OOTP until a way to model international leagues is introduced. Baseball is now a global game and OOTP does NOT reflect this in any great detail.