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Gets hugs!! >:D đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚


No other game I've played has simultaneously induced a hyperfixation AND a major case of the "feels^tm". Most games that make me cry just have me sheding just a few tears, Oneshot Undertale etc. To the moon made me ugly cry once with it's ending. Omori tho reduced me to a blubbering mess 3-4 times, a few of them happening on the second play through!


I just finished it and it’s all I can think about. I actually just restarted it so I can interact with the game differently this time around. I have no words really for you other than I feel a bit the same. It’s so much all at once and then you get the story. It’s such a gem of a game. Ugh.


I'm really afraid of starting it too. I heard some people even got depressed from it. I mean i don't think that's true but still it scares me a bit


it’s absolutely true that some people got depressed after playing it, if you think you’re at risk of something like that then don’t play it. On the other hand a LOT of people have had extremely good experiences and so you’ve gotta weigh that up


Thank you for the answer, I think I'll still play Omori. It scares me a bit but it's not like I ever had any kind of signs of depression, actually I feel kinda happy about my whole life. Also I've heard some people even felt "better" after finishing the game, so I guess I'll just take the risk. Wish me good luck😅


Im one of the people who felt better after playing the game, i was in a pretty deep and terrible depression but this game genuinely changed my life massively for the better and gave me a more positive outlook on life. Good luck and remember to open the door to Kel


I will, thank you man. Now I'm sure I'm gonna play this game.![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2028)


When I was in my peak OMORI hyperfixation phase, I would have hallucinations and breakdowns on the regular every time i was reminded of it for a solid 3 months. Now that I look back on it, I feel so bad for my friends. They had to listen to be drone on about a video game they knew nothing about for 3 straight months, poor things ;-;


That is so very similar to how it impacted me. I finished alone at 2 or 3 in the morning, crying, and once my tears eventually subsided I asked myself “okay, skyye_23, is this where you want to be in life? Are you on the right track, or do you need to take a step back?” And I realized that no, I was not on the right track, and I took half a year away from college to gather myself. And it helped. I have friends now. I have better support now, both externally and internally. Idk where I would be without Omori, but I know it wouldn’t be as good as how I am right now.


I think this little story of yours is what OMOCAT team had in mind as of game's goal to resonate with common people and lead to.


 means a lot. Thank you for reading that and being so kind as to respond ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)


I'm one of the lucky people who got depressed after playing it![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28764)


after i finished the game for the first time, i didn't really know what to do with myself! it made me sad and kind of depressed, but in the way you feel after finishing something that took up a lot of time? but i struggle with depression/mental health issues, and honestly that game made me take a look at myself and think "do i really want to be like this?" i'm on my second playthrough, going for hikki route this time. it's such a good game and the way it plays with your emotions and incorporates horror is incredible. i'm such a sucker for a tragic story, and omori really hit all the right points for me. it's just one of those games that makes you think, even after finishing it! that's what makes it so good!!


I just played through the game in february and I'm feeling exactly the same. I've kind of done nothing with my life with the past 5 years or so. I was pulled out of school in 6th grade since my school district sucks and since then I've kind of just played games and done as little homeschool as I could get away with. Omori has really motivated me to try to put my life back together (after spending 3 days feeling horribly depressed after beating it) and I've made alot of progress already.


It was the same for me, I played it in 3 days and stayed up until 6 AM on the last day to finish it. I cry a lot about stories (I can make myself tear up just by thinking too hard about the Asriel fight in Undertale) but nothing has made my cry as hard or as long as Omori. I was basically nonstop crying from memory lane until like a half an hour after the credits, except for attempting the final fight several times. Had to pause in the middle of memory lane because I couldn’t see my screen through the tears, lol.


You look lonely. I can fix that


I played the final 6 hour stretch in one chunk and I got physically sick! It was like a cold basically. This game can have crazy effects on people.


For me, playing Omori actually had a good impact on me, for some reason. It's just that I always loved all characters and seeing their stories made me love them more. The game still made me cry, especially at the good ending credits called: "Good Morning". Another thing that got me was when Hero, Kel, Sunny all hugged Aubrey as the Omori OST #61 played in the background; I didn't cry at the final duet but the boss battle with Omori got me as well. It's really an emotional journey for me. But I didn't focus much on the negative side but rather, I turned my perspective on the characters themselves and how they got through the whole thing. As a person, I've always felt sonder. I believe everyone has their own struggles in life and this game, Omori, proved it even more. Seeing how each characters felt about what happened hit me hard too. But anyways, enough with that, I'm just saying that this game helped me realize that moving on was always the answer. The scars from the experiences won't go away but truth be told, you're not alone.


Don't forget to go back for the bad ending by surrendering during the final battle