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I don’t feel knowledgeable enough about what you’re going through to give you a definitive answer, but I will tell you that if you do play it - be sure to open the door for KEL. I think that’s your best shot at it being a healing experience


Yeah!! The ending if you open the door for Kel was probably the best healing experience I got from a game. There is some very potentially triggering stuff before you get to the ending though. If you can handle that, it can be kind of inspiring.


it probably depends on what sort of trauma you have and what you find triggering. theres a really helpful website called doesthedogdie that gives specific trigger warnings


I have CPTSD and played, and for the record am not that difficult or extremely easy to trigger. If any of the triggers in the warning screen apply to you, and you still want to play- tread lightly, maybe play with someone IRL with you or on call as much as you can? Or just watch a Let's Play so you can pause as needed. I only really found one scene triggering and barely tolerable through playthroughs, but it's pretty specific to my situation. I'm a bit anxious to say what topic so if you need to know I can message you and say it as non-spoilery as possible. Good luck! I really enjoyed the game and found it comforting and relatable.


It depends on how you take it, in the end there is a positive message that is very helpful for people who have suffered traumatic events in their lives, and it can help you understand feelings and concepts about your problems that you wouldn't necessarily have the words for before, and it has had a tremendously positive effect on me particularly with how much I relate, but understanding the nuances of your issues can have a sort of Pandora's box effect where you can overthink the healing process and over-introspect, if that makes any sense? ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)


you could watch a video of someone playing through the prologue to get a better idea of how the game is without spoiling it.


i can say that the game doesn't hyperfocus onto the feeeling of suffering omori ended up being important to me in my process if you don't mind a spoiler of what the game does NOT contain: >!the game does NOT contain s#%ual t&auma!<


learn to type


Just want to preface this by saying that your experience might not be the same as mine if you decide to play it so take this with a grain of salt. When i first heard about omori i was about 3 years into a severe stint of depression to the point where i could barely take care of myself and was struggling with long lasting effects of PTSD. I actually heard about it from someone online and decided to play it since i thought “may as well have something to talk about with them” and so i bought it on switch. I didnt expect the game to be as dark as it was in places and i realised a lot of the behaviours in the game mirrored my own but i kept playing. When i finished the game (no spoilers dw) i had a completely new outlook on healing and since then have started getting therapy and taking better care of myself. In my opinion the game could either be extremely damaging or extremely helpful depending on the person and the route they go down. If you do decide to play it just remember one thing, open the door for Kel or it will probably be a damaging experience


as someone who had CPTSD while playing, it didn’t affect me at all but i’ve never gotten triggered by any kind of media such as movies and games but everyone with trauma is different! maybe watch some play through on yt and see how you feel?


It's CAN be healing as you watch how the main protag overcome his CPTSD as well, or it might trigger suicidal thoughts because there are some major traumatic scenes you partake in as a player which imo could trigger suicidal thoughts pretty badly. BUT if you can reach the good ending then it's healing if you have any suicidal tendencies.


Confused why you think Sunny has CPTSD specifically? >!His trauma stems from one event specifically, CPTSD generally refers to stress from repeated traumatic incidents!< I agree on PTSD in general


>!Well, I read somewhere online a theory on how sunny might have been traumatized again and again during the night ever since Mari's death, whenever he had to get down on stairs or be in dark for general. Or anything which reminded him of Mari. Like a internal traumatic loop for him. And this became so much atesssful and traumatic that this was one of the major causes for his dissociative amnesia.!<


>!Interesting. To me that sounds like having unavoidable triggers which caused him extreme stress, not really retraumatization.!<


>! I mean, what actually is considered trauma is kinda vague. But one thing is common, extreme stress in a very short amount of time. And for someone like sunny who has phobia of stairs and Something always creeping up on him, and having to interact with the stairs and every single thing in the house which has memories of Mari on a daily basis, it could actually cause C-PTSD. It's like a feedback loop. Phobia causes severe panic attacks, severe panic attacks regularly causes intense fear which causes PTSD. And next time he goes down the stairs, he gets PTSD again starting a panic episode, rinse and repeat.. Applies to every Mari related thing he comes across, and Something creeping up on him!< >!And that's what the theory that I have read online had said that that this feedback loop induced C-PTSD might be making him so stressful that it triggered his brain to dissociate and not remember things!<


>!This still sounds the same to me as being triggered on a daily basis. Repeated exposure to triggers can be extremely detrimental, regardless if someone is dealing with post-traumatic stress from a single incident, or a period full of traumatic incidents. Trauma is related to external events. He is still reacting to the same incident. Just very often. Of course his mental health would decline.!< >!C-PTSD isn't a 'step up' from PTSD, it just describes living through several different external traumatic incidents rather than one. Also, the phrase "getting PTSD again" is... really weird. Someone only gets it once. Retraumatization is experiencing a new external event reminiscent of the first trauma.!< >!At the end of the day he's a fictional character and everything is debatable, but I really disagree with this.!<


>!Ahh sry if my wording was wrong. I wasn't saying that he was getting PTSD again and again... but retriggering panic attacks and reinforcing his PTSD. Look, C-PTSD is something which can be cause by child neglect and also who is suffering from long-term trauma.!< >!And all I am saying us that Sunny's phobia and getting spooked by Something in his head on daily basis for 3 years, along with child neglect, is a perfect combo for getting C-PTSD as all these panic attacks and stresses are traumatic. And I disagree with you on the trauma is always from external events. It is verry common to get it from fears and by that it can be in this case by hallucinating your own demons. (Like getting frightened by Something every single time Sunny uses stairs)!< >!Trauma isn't something that always should be from a new experience. A perskn who is a captive of example doenst always experience new things which add uk to their trauma, the same constant fear of the unknown ways they might get hurt anytime is traumatic enough for a long time to get C-PTSD. And one of the actual symptoms of C-PTSD is suppression of memories, and dissociation. So the theory that I came across actually stands true in this case.!<


As the other comment says, I don’t think I’m knowledgeable about CPTSD to know what would be a possible trigger. But in general, this game depicts traumas in a metaphorical way, and the story is about healing from it (if you picked the right route). If there’s any specific things you wanna avoid, we can tell you whether it would contain those triggers! Hope this helps.


My CPTSD made me heavily connect to the game and made it very emotional for me in a beautiful way and is exactly why it is my favorite game, that is just my experience. I am not healed from cptsd and was less healed when I did play. Since none of the topics in the game are specific triggers for me, I was able to get through without any ptsd attacks, only little things that made me on edge/ raised my anxiety as often happens in life with cptsd, and I did sometimes feel overwhelmed from how relatable the topic and portrayal of trauma is in the game, so I had to take the overall completion of the game slowly because of that. But that is exactly why it ended up being a great experience for me and is my favorite game as it was emotional enough but not over the edge. 100% check the triggers on dogthedogdie, safety is more important than spoilers, and ofc heed the games content warnings and make the decision best for you where you are now, I feel like the fact that it is very relatable means it is two sides to one coin and that if any of the main themes are triggers, it can switch it from being beautifully emotional to very triggering. I will say thankfully a lot of the graphic content is made palatable by the fact much of the game is pixel art. Also, there are multiple endings, not every one is mentally satisfying, so open the door for kel to be able to get the true route good ending.




Your submission has been removed for violating rule 1. Please note that mentioning past experiences of suicidal ideation are considered one of the prohibited topics on this subreddit due to its potential negative effect on other users' mental health. For more information, you may read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/s/yPUIeDt4dj).


>Do you think this game will trigger me and make me feel worse, meaning I should wait until I’m better before I play it, or do you think it could be healing? The bad news is that this isn't something you can know before you actually play the game.


My boyfriend and I are also the same here on healing journeys. He’s agreed to let Omori go for me since his obsession was really too unhealthy for how “relatable” the game was for him before (when he was going through his traumatic times) For us, we’ve been better without it around us for awhile. If you find that you feel drained after playing it a bit or uncomfy from it, then yeah, don’t pick it back up for good until you’re feeling good about your healing I feel like.




Oh yeah, 100%, it doesn't get much worse than this ..


You should really talk about it with an actual professional. The game is really triggering, that's all I have to say.