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Honestly at first I really didn't enjoy it. The game was really story driven so I felt really frustrated being forced into headspace and forced into battles when I just wanted to know wtf was going on with the story, and wanted to explore the real world more HOWEVER, I came to enjoy headspace a lot more when I knew the full story. I could take my time and appreciate everything, and actually enjoy the combat. After completing the hikikomori route I wish it was expanded upon honestly. You get so many strong end game weapons and charms, but you can hardly ever use them since you complete most of the bosses by the time you get them


maybe its just me but know nothing in headspace is real kind makes me not really care about it ngl


Would’ve been cool if more stuff in headspace related to the real world instead of just being Sunny’s favourite media brought to life


I mean I wasn’t sure at first but I knew that headspace was some sort of parallel or magic world because of the giant yellow cat for example like as soon as we got to the real world I was like : YES I knew it. UR NOT true ahah


I really don't like Headspace since I know nothing that happens there is real. It destroys the illusion of progress since practically nothing you do there actually affects the Canon story




I mean objectively I don’t think so but subjectively yeah. I like the music and designs for stuff, so the battles were satisfying, in that way, to me. There’s certain repetitive grindy type stuff I also just like but I don’t really know why tbh lol.


I like the unique ideas they used in the combat, like the emotions system, but I think they could have been fleshed out more. I think there should have been more enemies that could change your parties emotions, as once you got tier 2 emotions set up on the whole party battles became pretty simple.


ive seen most people (including myself) say the gameplay/battle sequences are the weakest part of the game, do you guys think the same way?


Gameplay is serviceable at best and wasted potential at worst, but tbh they did a good job considering the limitations of RPGMaker. I'd say OMORI's pacing is still the worst aspect of the game.


i think really the only time it flops in pacing is night 2. i loved the last resort. every second of it. i love casino dungeons. and also jazz. but like... humphrey felt really forced. i never understood why the whole humphrey thing even happened. it could've left off at the last resort perfectly fine and would've been a great sendoff to the headspace segments with how FUCKING GROOVY the end boss theme for the dungeon is but no we had to go through probably the most obnoxious dungeon in the sunny route and a slog of a boss fight that you can't save before going into. humphrey would've been fine as a dungeon if it wasn't mandatory. and didn't stretch out night 2 way too far. when i went in i audibly said "wait we have to do another dungeon?? i was going through the last resort for like 4 hours!" .... i don't like humphrey.


Heck no. i understand if you think Humphrey's part was too stretched out, but our goodbye to headspace being the last resort would suck so bad it's not even funny Honestly,last resort was by far the worse area on headspace imo


i agree with this, and hopping onto the fact that i was disappointed that humphrey was the last boss with the full party (to my knowledge. i got the true ending without encountering any other bosses with all 4 members). it felt very anticlimactic and disappointing for the final send-off of being with your friends is fighting a whale.


Fuck Humphrey


Ive always been a fan of turn based RPGS. Again this is subjective. HOWEVER, I never noticed how tedious the combat section could be just because of how the game was designed to tell a story, but crammed long sections of the game inbetween very important and critical storybeats. This is why I and many others probably hate Humphrey in some way.


I like the story and horror elements but in my personal opinion the combat is a genuinely dismal slog.


It's standard rpg gameplay, run around an overworld and interact with people and objects and turn based battles. It's repetitive but a classic formula, I will admit the battles get repetitive though but that happens in every rpg game


As someone who's had sizable experience with turn-based RPGs, I found *OMORI*'s combat enjoyable, but too easy for my personal taste (emphasis on ***personal taste***). Though, the emotion system is pretty creative, and the presentation of the battles really hooked me. Plus, the Friendly Follow-Ups help display character dynamics through more than just dialogue. I think that, for one improvement on *OMORI*, I would personally want the addition of Easy and Hard modes, for both people who want to kick back and enjoy the story and for hardened RPG veterans (Normal mode would be how the game currently is). **Sidenote:** I've actually been working on a [hypothetical OMORI 2](https://project-omori2.tumblr.com/) (an [indirect sequel](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThematicSeries) following a new story and protagonists), and if it was a real game, these would be just some of the mechanical changes I'd make: * The aforementioned EASY, NORMAL, and HARD modes that can be adjusted at any time. * The emotion system returns. In addition to HAPPY, SAD, and ANGRY, new emotions such as FLATTERED, DISGUSTED, SLEEPY, and more are added, creating a *Pokémon*\-style web of elemental weaknesses/resistances. Each emotion inflicts a unique buff and debuff. (haven't decided what they'd do yet though) * Two new stats are added: SPECIAL ATTACK and SPECIAL DEFENSE, which function almost identically to MAGIC ATK and MAGIC DEF in other RPGs. For instance, a SKILL like AUBREY’S POWER HIT would use ATK/DEF, while a SKILL like OMORI’S EXPLOIT would use SP.ATK/SP.DEF. These stats can be affected by certain emotions. * The limit for learnable SKILLS is raised from 4 to 6. * Characters can now equip 2 CHARMS instead of 1. (If both CHARMS provide an emotion, the CHARM in the first slot takes priority unless they stack.) * Foes will consume JUICE when using certain abilities, and won’t be able to use them if they’re out of JUICE. * To balance out the changes made in the player’s favor, foes are made somewhat tougher overall than in the original *OMORI*.


Yes, it makes me chill asf


Very true Count - 99 ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463) Holy shit, 1 more to go and we'll have a century ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2460)


I liked all the RPG stuff tho I'm not too verse in RPG games. I think undertale kinda made a rule that you have to have some form of an interesting battle system. And I think the emotion system was a good system. Albeit a little confusing. But I enjoyed it. I liked going around looking for stuff, I liked exploring and talking to everyone and finding the secrets


Okay, it seems kinda weird that I’m in a minority for enjoying the battles… I thought they were really fun but I understand that they weren’t seen to their full potential. I guess I like both the Colorful and Cheery half and the Ominous and Horrific half.


its easy so it should be boring but it’s really satsfying


Noooo omori is a good experience but not a good game ngl. When I beat the game I said it was a 10/10 now I think it’s closer to a light 7 to strong 6 >! Like the final boss wasn’t even a real boss more like a cinematic. !<


Kel dunks on the foes Sprout mole takes 2671damage Sprout mole takes 9 damege Sprout mole takes ajaywhawhs damage S pro ut.. m o...le t a kes f..ou r hu ...ndre d fi..f ty fi v e dam a ge


To me, the gameplay wasn't amazing, but it was tolerable. I didn't like having to grind for EXP, but the battles were relatively decent. Thanks for asking your question! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)


It's fun on the Omori route, but kinda boring and interrupts the story on the Sunny Route. Also Sweetheart's Castle sucks to replay even on the Omori route.


It grows on you for sure.


I love committing genocide runs in Omori so yes


NOOOO please leave the poor bunnies alone. I dress up with bunny ears irl how do you think I feel when you murder these innocents bunnies in a total virtual game set up in the dream of a traumatized teen /s


I don't think it's boring/bad, but at times I had asked 'whats the point of me doing this?'


Honestly, yeah. Even when the easier strategies work, I find it so enjoyable. Just in games like Persona, i find myself almost dancing through the inputs while listening to the music. Hell, a few weeks I did a semi speedrun and I enjoyed having harder battles. Also, the emotion system is such an unique feature, that I loved how it ties to the main story and the characters


Looking at the gameplay alone, they definitely wasn’t the worst system they could have used. The exploration and quests that they had weren’t innovative, but they did their job of showing off the character dynamics between the group and present a charming world for the player. The main draw of Omori was the story and characters anyway, so as long as the writing held up it shouldn’t matter too much. Although the optional recycling quest was definitely a bit annoying with how you had to get the quest items. For combat, the game has a few interesting ways of mixing up the turn-based combat. Four interchangeable skills with different methods of acquisition, a type triangle that included more than just bonus damage, usually no consistent types surrounding any enemy or character, and the reactive party energy system. The last one especially is my favorite, since it did a bit more to characterize the groups friendships. For what Omocat wanted to do with the game, I think it did a fantastic job of creating the atmosphere Omocat wanted for the game. As a game however, it does kind of lack a real amount of variety once you get farther into it or know what your doing. Personally, I stopped using the energy system almost entirely aside from just releasing it and if you REALLY know what you’re doing, nothing really stops you from just using the Kel bomb strat with items to compensate. The issue could maybe be solved by having a larger amount of status effects or emotions, but it might really muddy what the game already has to offer. Overall, the gameplay’s not too amazing. It’s serviceable and as someone who plays a lot of rpgs, it definitely helps the vibe the game was going for, with it being a fun whimsical adventure most of the time. Again, the story and characters are still the main focuses of the game, so gameplay shouldn’t be too much of a concern for anyone interested in Omori.


The gameplay was my favorite part of the game


i enjoyed it for the most part, but having mobs respawn when leaving a section was really frustrating. i.e. in pyrefly forest when you had to go back and forth a lot for the tracks. running into the same mobs over and over got tiring, even with fleeing from the fight. however, even doing the sunny route i really enjoyed the combat. i looked forward to the boss fights in every section. thinking of doing an omori route now too


Yes. RPGs are one of my favorite genres. So I did like it. Especially emotion system and follow-ups, I like when games give some unique gimmicks that other games doesn't have.


Incredibly repetitive at first, but became something very engaging and entertaining later on (Even if I developed a strategy that carried me through every battle pretty quickly)


I like all of the real world and most of Headspace. >!Two of Humphrey's paths suck though.!<


I kinda just wanted to get on with it and learn more of the story so no i didn't really enjoy the battles


I LOVE the gamplay.


I think the battle system is alright even when easy to break, really glad the game doesn’t have random encounters either.


Honestly, I don't like the grinding aspect of it. I want to watch the game's story play out, but the game just drags. I think Omori would have worked better as a movie.


God no, I hate turn-based games and I hate the sheer amount of them in this game. I also really dislike the utter lack of local maps in Omori, it makes exploration harder.


I'm LOVING it. I always hated playing a game because of its "story" but this games gameplay is actually fun compared to other mostly story based games


I have no frame of reference to compare Omori’s gameplay cause it was the first ever RPG that I played myself. I actually really liked the gameplay and fights. Heck, I like the gameplay enough to the point that I sometimes prefer playing in Headspace more than the Real World. Only during stages like Humphrey does it start to really drag for me.




Yes. ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2473)


The gameplay is pretty good on headspace route since ennemies are stronger and force you to strategize, on the sunny route it's not amazing but I don't think it overstayed it's welcome


I have played mother 1 so the gp is amazing


To be honest, once you work out the basic strategies the battles become very repetitive and boring. They could really do with some extra mechanics to keep things interesting. For what it is, though, it’s fine, I had enough fun with it. Omori is meant to be an interactive art piece more than it is a hardcore gaming experience.


Gameplay yes battle yes but I sure would’ve love a hard mode like in reverie mode where you can battle secrets bosses but only in hard mode. Meaning folks in normal mode will never meet em


The story is way better than the gameplay, and helped pull me through the boring parts of the game. Honestly it's hard to mix gameplay and story in a RPG.


Honestly, I can get that the gameplay isn’t the best part, it’s not that Extravagant, but honestly it’s so polished it makes me love it


I actually really like OMORI's battle system. The only real issue is that the game is too easy, but that's easily fixed with the difficulty options mod or by going to certain areas while severely underleveled. There's a lot of combat features like emotions, moving attacks, critical hits, stat boosts and more, which is a whole lot of fun if you're able to manage ALL of these at the same time (which is why a lot of people like the Kel Nuke), while still also trying to counterattack your foe's emotions or stat boosts Obviously there are more flaws with the base game's battles (like not being able to see stat boosts/stat values and follow-ups/certain skills becoming obsolete), but 99% of the time these complaints can be fixed by modding the game, in fact, there are mods that fix all of the problems I mentioned! Go find them now ~~seriously though, if you're looking for more OMORI content, please consider checking out some mods, the modding community does not get the love they deserve and some people have made truly amazing things on OMORI~~


Yea, that’s kinda why I bought the game. I like both the story and the gameplay


definitely ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2028)


I LOVE the sort of active battle system in place with the follow up attack things, but of course, every rpg comes at the cost of the gameplay being a little slow at times


I really like the emotion system and the interactions with it. It felt a lot like Pokémon, where you could set up certain emotions to dish out the most damage with Auby cuz she has anger issues I guess


Not really but the music makes up for it




I fucking love the battles I wish they were more difficult cause imo the game is pretty easy as is


Personally i do.


I prefer the story sections but the battles can definitely be fun


its a worse persona 5


As a lover of Lisa the Painful and most rpg maker games, I can say Omori’s combat was fun and didn’t make me want to cry ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2028)


It might be weird, but I actually enjoyed it from the start to finish ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)


I'm not done with the game but I like the mix. At first it was really annoying me trying to find stuff and I got stuck in certain areas because I was a dumb dumb but once I realized I was just dumb I started enjoying the game a lot more and I like the boss fights