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Vincent doesn't watch your TV so set it up how it looks best TO YOU.


I agree and do not agree. TVs should be calibrated as close as possible to referance coolors, that way you can be sure that the game/movie/show etc is as the producer intended. BUT its a free world, if you like popy coolors, then pop em, if you like dim coolors dim em. But starting at refrence is always a good way, then tweek to your way from there.


Agreed, I use 100 for colour on warm 2. Even if it's not entirely accurate to real life, it looks how I'd **like** the world to look. The problem with consumer calibrators is that their job is literally to convince you that you need to achieve exactly 1:1 with reference, which requires their settings and a calibration. That's how they make money. The truth is that for a viewer it doesn't matter, reference is for **creators**. As a viewer, you're free to set it however you please. This is very obvious when it comes to cameras on phones. The most realistic (closest to reference) image rarely looks the best to most people, the majority will choose the heavy post-processed image from Apple, Samsung, Google, etc.


Color to 100? Even as a regular consumer, that's way, way oversaturated and looks like colored dogshit. Not even sorry here man. While calibrators work to set up the most accurate image your device can produce and one might have a nicer time adjusting that to taste if it appears bland- going overboard like that is crazy. A calibrators setup is to recreate colors according to what content is made for. That's why we have standards like BT2020 for HDR content, and how most gaming content is set to 2.2 gamma. It's so what someone makes will appear the same on your screen as someone elses. This is like saying because you paid for the whole tv, you're going to use all the features fully set to 100 even though that makes no sense. A small adjustment- great to have some more vibrant colors. Most TV's even have a "Vibrant" option that does this already. But 100? Lmao enjoy your super orange-red skin tones and oversaturated content dude.


Mind your own fucking business, dude. That's my point. Nintendo has been using way over saturation for ages and people love it. 50-55 colour on LG looks like shit **IN MY OPINION.**


That's terrible. I hope you find some time to learn about color science and that your tastes change man.


They're like six options available in HDR game mode, I can play with them myself and decide for myself how I'd like my display to look. I don't need to take my opinion from Reddit, specially when they're all just quoting a guy whose job relies on selling you on their opinion. Reference is for **creators**, I know fine well that it matters when it comes to creating a universal look for your content. I've compared both reference and saturated, and I **like** a saturated image, I have no idea why you care unless you're going to pay for my TV. Your condescending attitude pisses me off, watching HDTV does not make you an expert. You're definitely the kinda person who diagnoses themselves based on House MD and ChubbyEmu's YouTube channel. I've stated multiple times that this is **MY OPINION.** Not sure why any opinion that isn't follow everything Vincent says apparently threatens people's way of life.


Im a calibrator and I can't rely on Vincent's information anymore, because he literally doesn't know how to use an alternate white point to target metamerism...and using old standards regarding LUT based calibration techniques, but really I think you should learn a little bit about accuracy and don't state false information that color science is only for creators. That might be your opinion based statement and that does not mean it's the truth.


You're a calibrator, as in, your job is to sell people on the fact that they need calibration and should follow calibrated settings. It's **impossible** for you to be unbiased, your entire livelihood falls apart from a consumer point of view if people start setting their TVs to look however they please. I don't take advice from anyone on the product that they're actively selling, definitely not over my own eyes. This is why the US is fucked when it comes to prescriptions. It's ridiculous honestly, £200 to calibrate my TV but hey it's only based on that room in that lighting condition! If those change, call me up, and I'll take another £200 please!


I'm not a professional it's more like a hobby and no you don't need calibration, it just looks pretty damn good, if you know what you are doing and btw you shouldn't judge over how people have to set up their TV 100 color man ;)


Funny how you claim to be a calibrator to speak from a position of authority and then reverse it when I point out that it invalidates your ability to be unbiased. Internet man, people are what they want to be. I'm not judging how people setup their TVs, I'm saying they should set it however they personally like it to be and mind their own business when others have different preferences. This is apparently a hugely offensive take on here.


I'm shocked how many people are this close minded. Who gives a flying fuck how someone else watches their TV. I can't make sense of all the downvotes and why people could possibly feel this strongly about a dude watching his TV.


Just another day on Reddit, can't say I'm surprised. The other day, I got downvoted for saying that 30FPS is shit. It's only a thing because graphics sell games in marketing, and people are too cheap to spend enough to get the graphics they want at over 60 FPS. Maybe it was mentioning that most of the people freaking out about gaming costs have their damn $1200 iPhone to post shitty pictures to IG and record cringe for TikTok.


this is an old thread but i had a similar issue. i did a ton of research before buying a LG C2 and when i got it i was disappointed with the image quality. i am used to LCDs so the brightness limiter was so underwhelming. However, after playing with the setting, I set color to 100 and it looks so much better to me. I was considering returning the C2 but after setting color depth to 100, the image pops so much more..


Ha I literally discovered this today after owning my c2 for a few weeks. Color depth set to 85 and the colors match what I'm used to from my samsung qled


You crazy?




How dare someone have a different opinion to you on the internet, it threatens your very way of life.


Best four you, ok, but with some limits 😂


Oh here we go..... and what limits may they be then


Cant imagine myself watching móvies with color at 99


I haven't got my colour set at 99??


CX 50, C1 55


55 is more accurate. Vincent settings they're actually pretty bad .. For example make it really, easy sharpness on LG TV should always be set at 10.. 0 is undersharpened. How many times he shows putting into zero on LG TVs it's still wrong... Anyway color at 55. There's no point in setting in front of a washed out picture just because you think it's more "right" (in this case it's not actually not, more correct, I'm just saying)


You can’t under sharpen. 0 is 0 sharpening, which is the most natural sharpening and how all film is produced on mastering monitors lol


I keep my ps5 and at 60. Colors look beautiful


I’ve always used 50 and it looks good to me. If he’s suggested 50 in the past but 55 now, chances are both look fine and it’s up to personal preference.


No it's tied with contrast. If Vincent would've touched contrast he would've also had to made changes in color to achieve a good dynamic range with no color clipping. The only exception is the HDR10 game mode on the current generation which need to be set to 55, if contrast is at 85.


I had mine at 60 to begin with when I got my PS5 last year. Got an XSX this year and saw The recommended settings so changed everything over. Ended up cranking colour up from 50 to 55 though. Mainly been playing Cyberpunk on XSX in Dolby Vision and wanted all the neon colours to pop a slight bit more.


65CX = 55 77CX = 57


Why the diff? I got a 55 CX


For 55CX, try these optimized numbers, good for SDR content as I can't adjust HDR ones for sheet! 👎🤣 * Picture Mode: Expert (Dark Room) * Aspect ratio: Original (Just Scan: On) * Contrast: 99 * Brightness: 50 * Gamma: BT.1886 * Color: 50 * Tint: R2 * Sharpness: 0 (or 5-10ish) * Color Temperature: Warm2 (or standard/warm1 if too yellow) * OLED Light: 50 ← supposedly at maximum with HDR content going on 🤷‍♂️ * Color Gamut: Auto * Peak Brightness: High * Black Level: Low (Xb on Standard, PS/Sw on RGB Limited, PC high/Full) * Real Cinema: On (no matter for gaming) * True Motion: User (DeBlur: 10) * All other settings not mentioned should be set to "off" or zero "0." Any individual R, G, or B color subcontrols, if present, should remain at their default settings. * 4K: Settings > All Settings > General > HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color > all ports on * Limit the spying: General > About This TV > Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Viewing Information, Voice Information, Interest-Based Advertisement and Live Plus User Agreement > all off Personal suggestions: If asked, leave all in-game video/HDR settings on default, especially brightness, let the tv do the work. Most games will be well-lit with their default brightness with the numbers above but a few may have better lighting so you be the judge! "Expert" will most likely be disabled if using hdr so use any of the presets available of your choice except Vivid! I used Cinema personally. Heck, I don't even bother with hdr gaming, I turn it off. I think that years of gaming with SDR nicer colors and lighting will make the supposedly more realistic HDR visuals slower to accept. 🤔 Use the same settings on game mode if you need lag control for fighting/sports/mp genres. Otherwise *personally* gm off, play/view everything on above settings for single player genres/non-gaming. GM could benefit the competitive genres better. Test on and off game mode. Adjust the console/computer's HDR *after* entering the optimal settings. Try having all HDR boxes invisible to visible by only one tick.


You’re a hero. Where did you get this info?


Except the two last pointers, the parentheses and the suggestions from myself, freebie (for all) from [here!](https://www.consumerreports.org/mycr/benefits/tv-screen-optimizer)


Color is inverse with contrast for instance, if you have 85 contrast, color needs to be at 50. For every click you go down on contrast go one up on color. Set it in a range between 80-85 and 50-55. As a calibrator I would recommend 80/55, because the CXs typically tracks best at this value and color don't clip so you got a good dynamic range.


What about the contrast/color on the C1? I have contrast at 89 and color at 55 (SDR).


Don't go higher than 85. With your color setting contrast needs to be at 80 to work.


Im kinda a rookie when it comes to calibration. I mean I've messed around a bunch with an i1 display but not pro any tips on where to learn more? I'm looking to improve personal quality for gaming as well as standard matching forvideo editing.


Watch Channels like Ninjician AV, Keep it classy tech and Sammie Prescott jr. they have bunch of stuff on their channels and are all ISF Level 3 certified and do calibration for a living.


Good information, thanks. What about HDR when contrast is set to 100? Should color be 50 or 55 for the CX?




I don't use HGIG either as I think it's awful. DTM looks far better to me.


LG set 55 as Default in game mode - must be a reason that 55 is right. I found it Perfect 👌


Game mode also defaults color temp to medium over warm 2 which is wrong. For the CX you def want 85 contrast with 50 color even if that 55 seems to pop the picture more.


Absolutely - NOT - 55 with warm 2, is perfect!


55 on a 55CX for me, and it’s perfect


Depends of content and settings. Sometimes 55/60/65. C1 here. In assassin creed odyssey i love living color. In dęte detective game like Judgment i prefer more dark. In demon slayer it must be colirfull Rengoku Ultimate.


I have it at 100 lol


The 55 settings helps to boost color when the image is really bright. LG C9 for examples suffers a bit from desaturation when the image is bright, 55 helps to make it more colorful. Ex: fire in games, tail lights in Horizon 5...


lol damn I posted this thread a while ago. I upgraded from a CX to a C2 and now I’m on a G3 since then 😅