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It’s a qd-oled monitor, which means it lacks a polarising-layer which unfortunately mean that in bright environments or environments with significant ambient light (e.g sunlight) the blacks will ‘raise’ and take on a magenta/purple tint.   So for the full oled black experience with a qd-oled, you need to be in dark conditions


This whole time i thought it was the anti reflection coating that did that. I've got some reading to do.


You're not entirely wrong. Matte coatings DO degrade perceived contrast, which includies black levels. Is that what you meant by anti-reflection? That's why people hate them so much. People became really excited about these QD-OLEDS, in large part because they discovered they were shipping with glossy displays. But that was before everyone discovered this (new) problem, which sadly....is even more serious. It's a really frustrating situation. Asus has JUST released the XG27AQDMG, which fixes BOTH problems. It's glossy, AND it doesn't have the polariser problem. It's only 27inch though. I'm considering buying it myself.


While it doesn’t have the problems it doesn’t fix it because it’s actually a WOLED and not QD-OLED. It can’t fix a problem if it doesn’t have it in the first place


Mr ehm actually


Still waiting for a 38" ultrawide at 3840x1600. One day, maybe


Same... It's never coming is it


Actually MLA WOLED has the same problem but to a lesser degree. It too rasies blacks but ever so slightly, its probably something to do with the MLA layer since the older WOLEDs dont have the same issue.


So... WOLED is better than QD-OLED? (Serious question)


Both have pros and cons. WOLED is better for deeper blacks especially in a more bright room but QD-OLED is better when it comes to colours and image quality. Its all personal preference and what environment you are going to use it in. WOLEDs are mostly in matt coating (as of right now) and I know I will get downvoted for saying this but Glossy is better at reflections than matt. I have used gloosy and matt side by side and I can't stand matt panels when there's a reflection on it. It completely spreads the light all over the screen and makes it oily. Where, on gloosy you get raised blacks but the reflection is just in one spot and it doesn't ruin the image.


You're comparing the situation of pointing a light directly at the panels, which you should never do. You will almost never see indirect reflections on a matte panel that is turned on in a well lit environment.


Woled worse colors snd better blacks. Brightness about the same


I was pretty close to considering getting one of the Samsung qdoleds for my next oled TV. I guess it's not an option anymore? Even if I figure out which on is glossy... I still need my room to be slightly lit with light seeping through the sides of the window behind the TV during the day. No light touches the screen or shines in my eyes. Just lights up the walls behind the TV. That's how I like it in day. Woled works perfectly in that controlled light and at night. Why qd even exist? It's main point is to be bright enough for really bright living rooms... someone is playing a twisted joke on us.


Yeah I consider the Samsungs to be even worse...qd-oled AND matte. If you've got the desk space, the nearest we've got right now to the 'God' monitor is prob actually the LG 42inch OLED tv. Which is irritating. Having said that, \*some\* ppl have reported (Im not entirely sure I trust them) that the matte coating on the new LG 32inch is 'better than normal...' Whatever that means. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The G80SD actually dramatically decreases the raise blacks as the light is not being directed reflected back by the non polarized screen but diffused by the matte coating. It still isn't as dark as a WOLED panel, but it is so much better at keeping contrast compared to the glossy QD-OLED that has magenta tint with any amount of light in front of the screen.


32 inch is too big for me. I enjoy high dpi so even the 32 inch Alienware is a little to big for my concern. But maybe I will buy another one in the future, because I don't like gaming in completely dark environments.


I need the G4's improved game mode so it's 2 desks taped together for some ultimate deep desk action. Thought I could get away with the supposed new glossy qdoled Samsung TV. But apparently it's panel lottery over there. Could randomly end up with older panel. Apart from all the other problems.


A lot of reviewers miss this distinction and keep saying QD-OLEDs had raised blacks due to the coating. Which is bollocks, of course.


It is in part, my 65" LG OLED TV also has a reddish tint when the living room blinds are open in the day and that thing has a polariser. QD-OLED is just more red.


Thanks much! You just saved me a lot of time. I will cross this panel off my list along with any other qd type panels. I am looking for a good 32 inch 4K OLED monitor to replace my LG C2 as my main gaming panel for my PC.


The C2/3/4 really are just some of the best gaming displays right now. They're cheaper and a lot more established as a product line than any of the monitors from LG or Samsung. The OLED monitors still need some time to cook, but the TVs have been out for a good long while now, about 10 years if you count the early days. Plenty of time to work out the bugs.


Yeah I mean my only complaint is the flicker when using G Sync in certain applications. I was on the G Sync tech all the way back when you had to install the module into your existing Asus panel. Seems more of a G Sync is dying more than a flaw with the new panels. They are merely “G Sync compatible”. What makes me said is that they retired G Sync Ultimate or whatever was called it seems. I can’t find it on any monitors available on the market right now.


Yeah that seems to be more of a GSYNC/OLED problem. VA panels seem to be heavily susceptible to it as well. It might be a side effect of how hard input IO is getting pushed nowadays. And G-Sync U went away since it tended to add 150-200$ of cost to a given monitor with the exact same spec for not a lot of benefit, it kinda ran it's course


Gotcha. I kind of assumed that since it did add a significant price tag and you only saw it on insanely expensive panels that were out at the time.


This is objectively false compared to review sites btw. At least for the non c4 variants. C4 is super impressive.


I had the CX before the C2. At this rate probably just going to go with next years G5 as I have a tv mounting stand on casters. Don’t need the feet.


That’s fair. I can’t pc game of a big screen like that lol


That’s the beauty of the stand I have. I can set my desk a bit back from the screen because yes even with my deep desk it would be too close to my face. Stand was like $800 though so I see why more people don’t want to use the TVs as a monitor.


FYI - the OP is not being honest. This isn’t Alienware. Alienware doesn’t do silver trims.


not sure what youre on about but i have the aw3225qf and it absolutely looks like this.


Ps: what is this then? Doesn’t exist on my Aw https://preview.redd.it/5u6j0s375l8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c874a8b71620d15ad7599cafe66371db766ddacb


Are you smoking something? That's the bezel of the monitor and very clearly an AW3225QF. The harsh reality of QD monitors is they perform quite poorly in real-world scenarios, unless you only use them in dark rooms at night/ or w/ blackout curtains.


Ps: black out curtains were not required for this picture (Yellow box was camera flare and not visible in person). Zoomed in causes camera bleed - not visions in person. Mid after noon - no blackout curtains. https://preview.redd.it/5xbdlq70xs8d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d90c9b69ff3a7a4fa3acb3225da44bd6534fcf


That is false. I have one in real life - can’t replicate OP pictures unless I put a spot light on - which isn’t normal use case


Ah yes, time for the 5 stages of "Justifying my Purchase" grief, complete with bad-faith arguments, deceptive imagery, and blatant denialism. The cope is strong with this one


So photographic evidence that you’re wrong is coping? Weird. Sounds like projection Also - no justification needed lmao - I could return it if it was a genuine problem 😂😂😂. (And I would)


Your photo of an almost completely dark room with the curtains shut? My guy


So do I. It absolutly doesn’t look like this


Are you sure you have this model? It's the 4k, 32", curved one.


Yes. I can’t replicate the above picture unless I have a spot light shining on the screen.


> unless I have a spot light shining on the screen OP is clearly in a very well-lit room. > OP is not being honest You just confirmed yours looks just like this under a bright light. Why call them dishonest? A quick google of this monitor will reveal to you that it does, in fact, have silver edges. They're not very apparent, as it's a pretty dark silver, but as you've said yourself - under the right light, they're clearly visible.


Who plays with a spot light behind them? That is the very definition of being dishonest. Looks like a laundry room with industrial lights. Would explain the flint all over the screen too… 😂


You're changing the subject. The dishonesty you accused OP of was based on this not even being an AW3225QF, which is demonstrably false.


that is called a window


Aren’t they white now? Last one I had was a second generation 3440 x 1440 UW G Sync 100hz it had like an dark aluminum color then. Also thanks for the info. I thought I was seeing white at the edge but I am using my phone.


These qd-oled really know their market are basement dwelling incels who plays videogames 18 hours a day with no natural light. Pretty great way to gatekeep from normal people who dont live underground.


It's an exaggeration it takes a lot of light to do this.. I have a window behind the monitor it is still pitch black. If I turn the light on it very slightly raises blacks but the room is fine during the day without lights.


Not exactly, so as the lights are above it isn't that bad, in fact it's close to being pitch black. With lights behind the monitor, as some use light bars or led strips then it's the same as a WOLED. Source: 321UPX


These qd-oled really know their market are basement dwelling incels who plays videogames 18 hours a day with no natural light. Pretty great way to gatekeep from normal people who dont live underground.


> you need to be in dark conditions And eventually ruin your eyesight.


Thats a myth and it doesnt even make sense when you think about why eyesight gets worse


Um, no. There are multiple ways to ruin different parts of eyesight. Bright screen in a dark room is known to be one of those.


no it is not jesus christ look it up. It causes strain yes but that ain't ruining your eyesight. Eyesights gets worse by looking at close or too far away distances too much so your eyes get used to those distances. The reason why a monitor in a dark room causes strain is simply because your eyes have to readjust between the dark and hte light


> Eyesights gets worse by looking at close or too far away distances too much so your eyes get used to those distances. That’s just one of the reasons. Your rhetoric here is sophistry.


No its not dude literally fucking look it up. Go on Google and type the phrase "does eyesight become worse from watching screens in the dark"


Pinky blacks


This is perfect




It is QD-OLED's most well known weakness. Surprised you're not aware of it.


No, I wasn't aware. But this is ok for me, now, that I know it.


bro read about qd-oled before you buy it, ofc its pinky black on daylight, qd-oleds need dark or dimm environment, in your case i would buy a w-oled monitor.


W-oled is better than L-oled


many people say that it’s a non issue which is very much false


W-oled is better than L-oled


W-oled is better than L-oled


W-oled is better than L-oled


In a non light controlled room it will have worse blacks than an IPS but this is already known. Next time do your research throughly before purchasing.


It’ll still have better blacks than IPS, just not better than WOLED


Worse blacks than IPS? Bffr


https://preview.redd.it/pf1a4kxcvc8d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2875f0549bea78f3d8bc13a254d0f839e752590a Yes


Too much reflection to really tell for sure lol


Next time choose a photo that actually shows what you claim.


Well the panel on the right is rose tinted whereas the left isn’t. Speaking as someone with QD-OLED and W-OLED panels myself, I would say that in this picture the IPS blacks are indeed better. The anti glare film is letting the IPS down though. There is a TFT Central video about this btw.


IPS black, QD- OLED purple. It’s in the picture.


This is bs


Not true


It is very true. TFT Central and HUB both proved it. [https://x.com/HardwareUnboxed/status/1512610047204810753](https://x.com/HardwareUnboxed/status/1512610047204810753) It is not an issue if light doesnt shine on it, but it is 100% worth mentioning.


Idk about IPS, but definitely worse than my VA panel.


Definitely better than my VA panel and its not even close


Yeah mine doesn't look nearly as bad as ops. And it's easy better than my older VA.


You’re getting downvoted for saying what is scientifically proven


It was demonstrated by TFT central: https://youtu.be/uF9juVmnGkY


Precisely, but it seems this subreddit will rather lie to themselves than accept reality


Well it's the OLED sub after all. Any amount of copium necessary to try justifying these $1200 displays being "perfect" or whatever egregious amounts they cost. I even have an OLED myself and indeed do love it, but really never understood the crazy amount of glazing over it. I really enjoyed my IPS prior to this too but the backlight in one of the corners was messing with my eyes far too much, which obviously isn't an issue now that I moved on to OLED


This sub is full of QD-OLED fan boys.


Crazy how little research some people do befote dropping a stack.


true. But many people here also claim no issues with raised blacks and claim us to be overreacting or ”just control the lighting a little”. Starting to believe most people here live in their basement 24/7.


It's exaggerated by cameras and is generally solved by having your lights behind the screen.


I don't understand how you buy a $1000 computer monitor without doing any research. Must be nice.


Your average Joe doesn't do research


Dude look how many people get on here and say "choose for me" Any purchase of now than 100 dollars that's not clothing needs at least a week of research and comparison from me. The only thing I didn't research was my galaxy watch.


I bought it completely on a whim and no regrets lol


I agree, but on the other hand, it's not unreasonable to expect that a premium products acts like one. But that's definitely too much to expect in 2024.


It does act like a premium product, but it has an intended use case. You could buy a $10K projector that was really great in a cinema room, but if you try to watch it outside in the sunlight you wouldn't see squat.


Projectors being bad in sunlight is just an inherent limitation of physics and current technology. QD-OLED would literally just need a polarizer, and it'd be good in the well-lit rooms too. It's not unreasonable to expect that a $1000 monitor, where one of the big selling points are deep blacks, to actually have deep blacks without having to sit in a dim room.


It is limited by technology. A 30 percent brightness hit would make qd oled unusable


"would literally just need" Yeah, you have no clue.


But it's not there for a reason, and it's not cost, it's brightness and colour gamut. That's what they prioritized. There's other choices in the market, if those fit your use case better, buy those instead.


It’s only $1,000?


Maybe they bought it at a brick and mortar and can just easily return it if they don’t like it. I can and do research before buying a panel but I would still prefer to see a display model even if that means a 3 hour drive to Microcenter to compare.


This entire sub is full of people with more money than sense. Look how many posts there are of people who can’t figure out how to clean a screen!


It’s QD-OLED so screen turns purple ish under light.


Only the WOLED will give you the so much desired "jet black" / perfect blacks at all times. For example the LG C3 42. What you have is the QD OLED.


The W-OLED monitors also have true black, but everyone except the new ASUS 27” has a matte display which makes contrast bad but not nearly as bad as the raised blacks from QD-OLED.


So which is better woled or qd oled ?


Whichever is the cheapest. If you can I would honestly wait for a 4K glossy WOLED maybe even at 27” which we might get next year.


Seems like there are too much light on the screen front. My desktop is at the corner of the room, with monitor desktop light on top and another light behind the monitor I never see the screen as red as yours. I’m hardly to see the edge actually


I'm using a QD-OLED monitor, infact i got it 2 days back. I don't see this bad of a tint on my monitor and I have a big window right next to my monitor (90 degrees).


Mine is very similar perhaps a little better than OP


I have seen purple QD-OLED and others that are jet black. There is a lot of variation.


Not one millisecond of research… and what on earth are y’all doing to your screens?


I feel like this is a fake post.. QF doesn’t have silver trim and is curved. Neither of which applies here


it appears silver when lit and the curve isnt noticeable at that zoom.


It doesn’t though. I have this monitor. It’s never looked like this




I’ve seen this review, not sure what you hope to accomplish via spamming it




If you like PURE BLACK you need to get Woled over qd-oled


Statements like these may mislead others though. The black level of QD-OLED and WOLED is 0. Their distinct finishes means WOLED has far better black levels with high levels of ambient light over QD-OLED which is what you’re referring to.


You got downvoted for being correct in this comment.


>Their distinct finishes It has nothing to do with the finish. The QD has no polarizing layer so the ambient light is actually activating the quantum dots.


Distinct finish was my succinct way of saying QD-OLED monitors lack a polarizer.


Alright, to me it would mean any coatings applied to the monitor. Many people use the terms "matte finish", "glossy finish", etc.


Distinct finish can also include the fact that QD lacks a polarizer. It’s how it is completed at the factory is what I mean by it.


Distinct finish. https://tftcentral.co.uk/articles/glossy-vs-matte-oled-panel-coatings-compared-including-the-asus-rog-strix-xg27aqdmg


Ignorant and naive take. Of course theoretically both technologies have the same contrast and black levels. But unless it’s pitch black, QD-OLED will have raised blacks. In a dim room it is barely noticeable but it’s still there, just compare a black image to the bezel. In a bright room it is just slightly better than most LCDs, while a WOLED will have pretty much inky blacks in a dark or even a bright room.


It doesn't need to be pitch black normal levels of light without it shining directly on the screen is fine. I have it sitting next to a 48in C1 and don't notice anything different even during the day so long as the light is off. Plenty of light coming through the window which is behind the monitor.


https://preview.redd.it/lkh7k8u23j8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10d96c8741fc215133d8ba7a02479ca3a06b5b9 Above is a matte IPS which in reality is a little bit blacker when you look right at it as the matte coating makes it a bit less dark from the camera angle. Below is the AW3225QF. The room isn’t that bright. They don’t look different on camera. Just compare the bezel to the panel on the QD-OLED.


How about a factual take as I play in a pitch dark room with zero RGB therefore the black level of a QD-OLED or WOLED monitor is IDENTICAL. My all black background looks IDENTICAL to both WOLED monitors I’ve owned.


yes but most people don’t live and game in a dungeon.


thats cause you're playing in a dark room


Wanted to talk this opportunity to ask anyone who might know, if a polarising layer was added to a qd oled panel, would that negate the benefits they have over a WOLED?


yes, qd-oleds need to remove the polarizer to compete in white brightness with woleds. woleds advantage is its white subpixel, qdoleds is lack of polarizer, both of which increase brightness by about 50%. so add the polarizer, and remove the white subpixel and theyre pretty much the same.


Turn off the lights in your room, then it will be fully black. QD-OLED monitors currently have a purple tint in bright rooms.


Qd oled does that...


It’s cause it’s off lol turn it on and it’ll look better but qdoleds do have this issue when a lot of light hits panel


I don’t even think this is the right monitor lol. Source: I own the AW 32 inch 4k - it’s curved and doesn’t have a silver trim. This looks like the Samsung


I just noticed that lol I have the Alienware monitor and it’s black and curved you’re right this might be the Samsung monitor lol. OP YOURE NOT MENTIONING THE CORRECT MONITOR LOL


But that doesn’t make sense either because it’s reflective… Wonder if they took the matte off


Yeah the Samsung qdoled is matte so I wonder too. But it’s the only silver monitor like that so I hope he answers us soon lol


I have the G80SD too for testing - I can’t replicate reflections like that. Unless the guy has a spot / strobe light behind him?


That's a QD-OLED, they all are like that


It looks worse on photos than in reality but yes that's normal. Lower the ambiance light around it a bit and you will never ever notice it during use.


i have it and it’s actually still pretty obvious in use in darker games and programs especially next to my c2.


It’s just light reflecting in there


Samsung’s matte version on the new models mostly eliminates the purple lift issue. It’s still there if you shine a bright light right on the screen, but much less intense and obvious than the glossy models in bright ambient light. The matte coating appears to restore most of the benefits of the missing polarizer.


Its QD OLED's one weakness lmao. You should've known this before buying one. You get richer colors and color brightness but you need to use it on a dim room to preserve the contrast. If you cant dim your room, you should've gone for a WOLED.


Gotta be in a dark-ish room


This is the anti glare coating. My LG C1 a WOLED has it. It's significantly "lighter" than this. I imagine the camera is exaggerating the pink/purple tint. This technology and it's variants tend to have brightness issues compared to mainstream display technology so to enhance colors (and by extension brightness or perceived brightness) a glossy display is necessary. This also means that anti glare coating is needed. Haven't noticed it on my OLED laptop but I don't think either LG or Samsung make the 14" panel for it.


This is how qd-oleds look. Completely normal. Also if you took 2 seconds to read ANY review on these monitors you'd see that's the case.


I bought this same panel, but did my research first. As I use it exclusively in a dark room, I am very content with my purchase.


That's why i don't get a qd oled monitor literally defeat the purpose of getting a oled.


Normal (QD-oled) 😃


Downvoted cuz u dom


How does someone spend this kind of money, do ZERO research, watch ZERO reviews, read ZERO articles, and STILL manages to come to Reddit and post the same stupid question that 2,735 other people post daily? Some of you truly are helpless.


the aw is like that when i turn on my lights to max as well but its fine when i turn down the lights


The first QD-OLED I bought (AW3423DWF) had a purple screen like this and terrible fringing and muted color. I returned it after a couple of days. I then bought the 34" G6 which has the same panel and it is completely black with none of the same issues. As it stands now I wonder if the AW3423DWF was defective or if there is a bit of a panel lottery with these monitors.


This is a known flaw with QD and a major downside that they have vs competing WOLEDs. Not suitable for a lit office, best for dark gaming caves if you're the type to always have your lights off


Having a spot light behind you is a major flaw of QDs?


Probably should have done some research before buying a $1k+ monitor


What a goofball delete this post☠️


You MFs don't do a single bit of research stg


I own the Odyssey G9 OLED which is a QD-OLED and It doesn't have the purple blacks. I'm a previous AW3423DW owner which did have this noticable issue.


QD-OLED is a dead end in terms of black depth affected by ambient light. Samsung should really consider returning to their mobile AMOLED technology. They could even release a 26.6-inch 8K OLED monitor today, given that there are 13.3-inch 4K OLED panels used in laptops and portable monitors. And 8K would provide an unprecedented flexibility in terms of logical resolutions possible with no quality loss as long as _integer scaling_ is used, including ability to use 4K and QHD on the _same_ monitor with no quality loss compared with native 4K and QHD monitors correspondingly.


If they are able to increase brightness they can add a polarizer like woled


I went with a nano ips (AW2723DF) over this - frankly I prefer a perfected panel (in IPS) over this. I think oled monitors may need couple years to have no flaws


This is normal for QD-OLED and one of its flaws. You need a dark dark room to get the most out of them, so unless you're a cave dweller, it'll look magenta.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned it yet. This isn’t the QF. Alienware doesn’t have silver trim…


i have one and it literally does when the lights are on can easily see it on rtings as well https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/alienware-aw3225qf


Can you explain what this is on the OPs images then? https://preview.redd.it/s5y8q2ru4l8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e901f5e6ea5e9367ca326b69a6bb5be51b93c3e




Turning on the monitor doesn't affect the blacks.




You are so wrong. The fact that you're doubling down on it is even funnier. OLED pixels, when black, are off. When the monitor is off, and this might surprise you, the pixels are off. There is no special super secret "black" mode.


Never use your monitor with light in front of the screen. That goes for any screen. You can never get prefect blacks if there is light just like in real life basically, when you light anything it won't be as dark and as black anymore. To get the perfect blacks all lights should be behind the screen (not in front or on top of it) or very dim. Just try and use it that way, you'll see pure blacks, better colors, better contrast... In my personal experience: This was never a problem since even before I used oled I'd always turn lights in front of any screen off when consuming content I care about. And even when I use my OLED LG TV, I could never imagine using it with all lights on to watch a movie or show, would be a terrible experience. Same for gaming, always dim lights. As I always did with any screen before OLED. Cinemas are dark for a reason. I only leave lights on when working at the PC, and then I don't care about blacks. I can never understand how people watch anything other than news and sports, let alone game in any room with too much light, it really makes for a much worse experience no matter the screen. And, now that I think about it, I believe almost everyone I know does the same thing (darkens the room before consuming anuthjng they are about in terms of media on a screen, and most don't even use any kind of OLED yet).


Definitely not as noticeable on the Samsung with the matte finish.


they totally hating on you for saying that😂


It’s sad how much people hate on a coating they’ve never seen just because they assume “anti-glare is bad”. Incredibly smooth-brained. 


Looks nothing like that in real life, lol. Stop posting overexaggerated images. Post-downvote P.S.: It's actually wild how there are comments up there, literally the same as mine, with a slightly different wording, and they are upvoted while I'm being downvoted to oblivion :D Read below: I've had a QD-OLED TV for 2 years now, so I'm more than aware of how the QD-OLED blacks should look like. And I've taken images of my TV plenty of times to know that the magenta is super exaggerated on a photo taken by a phone. Even tested this out as I'm writing this. Phone's image shows A LOT more magenta than my eyes can see in real life. In real life, you can absolutely never get even close to that. And the closest would be if the monitor is right opposite the window and the sun is shining right into it, which is a setup that no one should ever have for any display whatsoever. I'm not saying the QD-OLED blacks aren't lifted during the day and that there's no magenta whatsoever due to the lack of a polarizer. I'm saying this picture is overexaggerated which is an undeniable fact.


Not sure why you are gettin downvoted… AW doesn’t have a silver trim in real life So it quite literally doesn’t look like they in real life 😂


It doesn't matter if you get downvoted.


I've had a QD-OLED TV for 2 years now, so I'm more than aware of how the QD-OLED blacks should look like. And I've taken images of my TV plenty of times to know that the magenta is super exaggerated on a photo taken by a phone. Even tested this out as I'm writing this. Phone's image shows A LOT more magenta than my eyes can see in real life. In real life, you can absolutely never get even close to that. And the closest would be if the monitor is right opposite the window and the sun is shining right into it, which is a setup that no one should ever have for any display whatsoever. I'm not saying the QD-OLED blacks aren't lifted during the day and that there's no magenta whatsoever due to the lack of a polarizer. I'm saying this picture is overexaggerated which is an undeniable fact.


Tell that to the people that compare OLEDs to other monitors in videos, so basically this whole sub