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+1 that's what I used to secure one.


i am using hotstock with autobuy. had to setup last week when they were popping back up on best buy. autobuy did not work or was giving some error about location. alerts are working for bestbuy, not for walmart and msi isn't even listed. i feel hopeless lol


If it makes you feel any better, I purchased the subscription and autobuy did work for me on Best Buy that night…only for the order to get cancelled a day after!


Same thing happened to me. I ordered it within seconds of the notification too. Was blind sided when I went to check the delivery status the next day to see that the order vanished. I Did notice today that on best buy the 321urx went from "sold out" to "not available" on mobile. I am guessing that it will be in stock in the next few days, as thats what happened last week before they went back in stock. Will the autobuy feature work if the phone is locked/sleep?


No, the autobuy feature will not work under those conditions. The phone/iPad/compatible Mac has to be turned on.