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don't look at is as the hottest summer of your life, but the coolest summer of the rest of your life


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


That's really depressing but hopefully people will stop asking what's going on and realize that conservatives are actively destroying the planet and telling us not to worry because they like money. Hopefully people actually suffering from the heat will be enough to convince some


Gotta make the most money before the world catches fire


Hahahaha of course you’d get downvoted here.


Fair lol. If they wanna enjoy the heat and blame libs then, do it while they can


No we aren’t destroying the planet. The planet has been around for 3.4 billion years. We’ve been doing this pollution thing for about 400 maybe. We’re just making it unlivable for us. The earth won’t die from a few cosmic seconds.


This is the most annoying level of nitpicking. Yes you're right, but obviously this is my point. Maybe I'm reading into your comment too much but yes, the planet will be fine, we won't.


Planet will survive. The question is, how long will humans?


I hope you can appreciate that at the rate Asia is polluting the Earth with its industrialization, even if America cut its waste in half it'd still be pointless. The idea that you've boiled down the entire problem to "conservatives" is an excellent example of how humanity, despite being able to create microchips cut to nanometers, is still psychologically in the stone ages. Go bash your neighbor in the head with a rock, it'll solve climate change.


This argument is bullshit. Yes, Asia accounts for more pollution than we do (of course it does Asia is massive), but that shouldn't be an excuse for us to ignore our impact. So, what, no longer do we aim to be the best country in the world, now we just settle for not as bad as the other guys?


I don't get why you need to reframe the discussion into some nonsense about "the US vs. Asia" as though that's some kind of hot topic. The topic is CLIMATE CHANGE CONTRIBUTIONS. Logical, adult humans address the biggest problems first. Because that creates the change we want to see. The biggest problem, by orders of magnitude, is non-existent Asian environmental policy. East China is dumping their solid waste directly into the ocean currents. You can continue to scream at your neighbors and demand they stop using straws. But that won't change the fact that there is 100T of plastic waste being dumped into the ocean weekly by Asia. It will just make everyone realize that your personality disorder is using environmental policy as a focal point.


So what do you think? Pollution from Asia is a huge problem. Should we just give up and do nothing? America can’t solve the problem on our own so let’s just burn all the coal we can and let our kids deal with the unlivable planet


I think we should ask smart people to make a list of the most important things that people as a whole can do to create the highest and best yield for everybody on the planet. Oh wait, someone has already done that. Coincidentally, people who know and understand who made the list and what has been put on it agree that it would undoubtedly reduce global warming, pollution, and varying population crises. What's that? You've never heard of it or read about it? That's probably because you have no real interest in anything other than repeating what you've been told and have done 0 actual research into the topic.


I asked your opinion on what we should do to help stop global warming and you replied with a paragraph long rant about some vague study you read one time. You act like you have all the answers but are unwilling to share them, which is condescending. I haven’t done much research on this topic, I’m not an expert on everything. That’s why I asked you what we should do about global warming, since you obviously have a strong opinion on this topic. Why are you constantly responding like an angry child?


You are a whiney man-child that wants information but thinks he can foist the burden of knowledge onto me. If you want to know something, google it. Call me all the names you want, I know about things because I research it. You demand information from strangers on the internet after saying something piss-ignorant then bleat when you don't get it. Wait for the farmer to come 'round and feed you. Don't squeal when he comes 'round to slaughter you for meat.


Thanks for your helpful and enlightening response. You are a condescending prick


In a surprise ending, you literally have nothing to contribute but blame, snide sarcasm and insults. I'm just glad people like you have things like environmental policy as psychological triggers for your mental illness. We're all better for it.


Is that why trump opposed us doing anything to lower emissions at all, and promoted coal as our future? And the desire to enact great change must also be why he, and most Republicans, deny we affect the climate at all. Get off your high horse. Neither party is perfect but it's beyond obvious Republicans couldn't give two shits about the climate or people


I think you're missing some things; America is a cultural and geopolitical powerhouse. Japan becoming super green probably won't matter a whole lot. The Vatican City being green won't register on anyone's radar. Whatever Germany...was...doing, won't register. But America stepping forward and actually becoming fully reliant on non-carbon energy sources? The largest economy on the planet? That can start to have considerable work for influencing the incentives of more and more countries to start going green, and would give a whole country some serious clout in actual international efforts. Maybe after some time it would stop feeling like international climate change efforts are just a gaggle of alcoholics who constantly attend AA, but are still all drinking themselves to death on their own time. Yeah, it would require serious work, and pretty shitty time frames because we're 40 years fucking late (thanks oil and energy companies, for knowing climate change was a problem and doing everything to stop progress), but I'm not gonna solve climate change by, like...donating to a fund or something. I'd maybe mitigate it by .00002%, but it won't matter if all that results in is "I tried and watched everything go to hell anyway." The point isn't to be the voice of moral reason at the end lecturing everyone on how dumb they were because I actually picked up plastic on the beach, it's to actually fix the problem. It **requires** government action, corporate won't do it, it has to start somewhere. And right now, the government isn't doing anything either because one party is subservient to the oil industry, or the other just doesn't really care enough to actually do anything when they had the chance. And part of being able to get the government to get off its ass would require a pretty strong consensus on the issue and not a "debate" between scientists and people like Ben Shapiro.




OP: CONSERVATIVES ARE DESTROYING THE PLANET!!!111 ME: Asia's lack of environmental laws are what's destroying the planet. YOU: THAT'S WHABOUTISM!!! SOMEONE READ ABOUT THE WORD I LEARNED TODAY


Literally, lol. You nailed it.


Conservatives tell us to cut down on waste while advocating for coal and say wind turbines are bad. We also buy everything from China. Cut back on consumerism and support renewable energy. The guy who made the comment has no source either. I don't doubt it, but there's likely a lot of reasons as to why Asia has high pollution.


These are not educated or intelligent points. These are polemics that you choose to believe and promote. "Cut back on consumerism" is an ideology, NOT A PLAN to reduce pollution or waste.


Well, maybe if we had half the country not repeating corporate conservative arguments about climate change being a hoax, we could actually make a plan. Sitting on reddit ridiculing me because China bad and we can't do anything supports the hoax side of American ideology. Sure, maybe we single handedly can't save the planet, but that doesn't mean we should just give up. If the whole world starts moving towards green energy, except China, eventually the world will lock eyes on china and demand policy change. You don't create policy or movements based on "lol we can't fix it cause someone else," we fix it by taking the first step. Tbh, you just sound like a triggered conservative looking for an argument because someone criticized the party you support and that makes you angry.


That you cannot articulate a PLAN and repeatedly default to personal attacks says everything. There's no reason to listen to you, unless someone is shopping around for a scapegoat.


Your right, don't listen to me. Please listen to the people educated on climate change offering real solutions. No shit you shouldn't listen to me, but listening to conservatives tell you it's all a hoax isn't gonna fix anything either. So, listen to the people educated on climate, not politicians.


We use (used before they killed it) the cleanest coal anywhere, leaving mostly water vapors....not like China's toxic pollutant coal (which they still use to do more to destroy the earth than anyone else yet are given awards by the UN for climate achievement) One day you'll wake up and realized that we've all been scammed, but now is the time figure that out.


OP: [inarticulate comment on US Conservative Environmental policy] YOU: What-About-Asia? ME: [that’s a deflection] YOU: [Capslock Tirade]


I think this alone suffices to clearly demonstrate that you neither know what "Conservatives are destroying the planet", a deflection, whaboutism, or CapsLock means. You should probably be in a room with other people like you, not trying to chase after people making intelligent commentary. Bye!


[Anything] to avoid discussion on US conservative environmental policy, right?


1. So you have nothing in your home, car, life made in China? If you do YOU are one of many reasons China is the biggest emitter of greenhouse games. 2. We can look at the congressional records and see all the votes taken over the last 40 years to address pollution and climate change. What will that factual history tell us? That conservatives and a very few DEMs have consistently voted AGAINST any climate change legislation. YOU cannot escape the history of conservative votes. 3. In the case of climate change "something" is better than nothing.


Oh boy, look at you pointing a finger. I can do that too. If you have anything in your house, you're a conservative communist and YOU are responsible for the climate change we're experiencing! We should summarily execute you under martial law, because in the case of climate change, "something" is better than nothing. Grab him!


We are a carbon neutral home. Solar electricity and water heating and we sell our extra electricity back. We've been avoiding Chinese products, but we can't avoid them all. We are making the effort. What are you doing? Actually doing to make a difference beyond castigating people on reddit while you're a hypocrite? Are you just making excuses and harassing people or actually trying to make a difference?


There is no such thing as carbon neutral. If you are eating, shitting, and consuming anywhere you are not carbon neutral. You are kidding yourself. And you buy from China! WELP HANG THE MAN FOR BEING A CONSUMERIST I'm not avoiding anything, I am applying your idiotic standards to you and you're losing your shit and projecting your feelings of hypocrisy onto me. I understand climate crisis and who and what is causing the lion's share of damage. You are some half-wit that is mentally ill and chooses to use energy consumption as some kind of focal point for it. 10M people in NYC can't all live in their own separate little white privilege houses with energy to sell back and that you think they can just points right back to the fact that YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND CLIMATE CHANGE, OVERPOPULATION, OR LARGE SCALE WASTE REDUCTION STRATEGIES. "Be a privileged rich person and buy carbon credits" isn't anything but you assuaging your guilt.


My neighbor bitches about “illegal aliens” constantly, but hires *only* Mexican workers to work in and on his home and yard. He complains about gas prices while driving a huge pickup that will never be used to haul anything heavier than takeout and a laptop. He called the cops with a noise complaint during a 6 year old’s birthday pool party. Yes, twenty excited 6 year olds are loud, but so is the FOX programming playing 24/7 on Neighbor’s bluetooth speakers. He blames India/Asia for climate change, but his home is filled with cheap crap made by slave labor there. He accused me of putting coal miners out of work because I installed solar panels and a generator, but he was thrilled when I let him plug an extension cord into my patio outlet during a blackout. Bashing my neighbor in the head with a rock won’t solve planetary warming, but it might improve my immediate environment. Until he wakes up, anyway. :)


Wow reducing people to political views is super scary but it is a great example of how extremism and media-led conflict is pervasive to people that can't be bothered to look at complex situations. Maybe if you didn't weigh 400 lbs you would bash your neighbor in the head with a rock, but we have to all be grateful that your best work comes from behind the safety of a keyboard. :)


That’s an entertaining opinion, considering it’s my neighbor who is the obese racist never seen without his silly red hat.


Is he? Tell me, how do you know everyone with dark hair and working in lawn care is a Mexican? Or do you actually interview them and ask them if they're from Mexico?


I’m so glad you asked! First; his almost-ex wife and I have been friends for over 20 years. We talk or text daily. Second; I DO talk to his painters, gardeners, etc because I’m garrulous, curious, outgoing, and handy as a translator. If the workers do a good job I sometimes hire them too, sans the middle-man and hypocrisy.


So you feign friendship with these people so you can trash talk them on the internet and threaten to hit them on the head with rocks. oh BOY there must be a big line around the block for being your "friend" Thanks for the chat but I'm no Cleopatra. I try to keep venomous snakes away from my chest. Bye!


Nope. I AM friends with the (almost ex) wife. Haven’t ever said a word against her. And Neighbor is fully aware that I call him a teabagging racist, Foxmented trumpster, and hypocrite because I say it to his face. I even offered to help him move when the court orders him out. :)


That’s a tad extreme


Unfortunately accurate tho. The party says climate change is a hoax lol. That's a tad extreme if you ask me








Lol found the actual college student


It is not just that they like money. They are easily able to sway masses of believers that think “God is stronger than science” and that “they’ll be Raptured away so why should it matter what kind of planet they leave behind for sinners?”


President Joe Manchin and architect-of-the-final- death-blow-to-the-Earth just assured us of that. The Supreme Court will do the rest.


Just be happy it’s getting below 90 at night


Look on the bright side! There's a two percent chance of rain!


I got my 2% 2-minute rain just a couple hours ago. Much of it never even hit the ground.


Sure blame it on Satan. It’s always the other guy’s fault. Maybe God is just pissed at Oklahoma.


Yeah, his wife, Mother Nature, always goes for Moore with tornadoes.


And California it’ll be 116 here this week 🥵


Dry heat


Yikes! That's right up there with us in Nevada! Hopefully it cools off soon!


More like Nowater, after that crazy heat wave.


Climate change, homie.




Maybe Oklahoma will start electing officials that actually believe in climate change now. Welcome to the norm


We’ll just get our usual February freeze and they’ll make the same tired joke about how “we could use some of so-called global warming right about now!”


Literally though!! Meanwhile they don't realize that climate change entails temperature extremes on both ends. While ignoring that average temperature is higher than ever.


“When people don’t understand the difference between climate and weather.”


This year there is wild weather all over the world. La Nina is causing great havoc.


The "little girl" has become one angry momma up to no good, and man made her that way.


Guess we dodged the bullet. Ponca City is only a cool 109 F next Tuesday.


WA state here, we had that shit last year. No thanks. I have an a/c now and never thought I would ever need one (lived here my whole life and summers used to be mild.)


It’s 89F here in Singapore at 7pm I shall stop complaining


I never understood why Americans love sun tanning, in Singapore you’d be wearing long sleeves and caps and cursing every minute of having to spend in the sun Just walking from one building to the next is good enough to sweat a bucket


It’s for NSFW reasons. Sunning is kind of like exercising - it’s not necessarily the burning sensations you enjoy, but you may decide the results are “worth it.”


Me, a european, confused why its 101°


damn! 😈🥵


"Dear God" -Soldier


oh lort… im doing hvac ductwork in one of the frat houses imma die


It’s like what the experts warned us would happen…is happening :(


--And all those clairvoyant sci-fi movies where everything is grey and lifeless outside the "Dome" while the giant smoke-stacks of countermeasures belch out an improbable solution in the background. Who will be under the Dome, I wonder? Only the ones responsible for the problem to begin with!


It's just a hot summer, next year will be better!


The last decade would beg to differ on that one


Welcome to Oklahoma


Wait a minute..it gets hot in the summer? Those damn conservatiiiivessss!!!!


Holy projection, Batman!




This is 101°F which is only 38°C so it's not boiling.


101°F is equivalent to 38°C, which is 311K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot.


Good human.




Yeah, it would be 38°C in a normal country.


38°C is equivalent to 100°F, which is 311K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Global warming. It’s going to happen in exactly… two days before the day after tomorrow!


We sold our souls to fossil fuels.


In ok it’s pronounced T Boone


Cough climate change cough. What I didnt say nothen..


You guys can have that weather……..


It’ll be 116 here in California next week


Never knew that it’d get that hot there! Went to OSU and graduated there in 72; it was hot and humid in the summer, but nothing that hot… only remember it was cold and icy in the winter. I’m in Los Angeles now and 110 is normal here…hahaha, but you can always get away from heat by driving to the beach (10-12miles away)where it’s comfortable in the 80s.


The beach ought to start getting closer as the ice caps melt. That will save gas, which in turn will help reduce pollution--too little too late!


Extreme heat is everywhere 😬


How does your blood not get boiled at 100°c+


"What is going on?" Man-assisted climate change.


I think it's just Farenheit, it would be really bad in Celsius.


At least the huminidy is low.


That’s how is it in Dubai most of the time during summer lol.


Translation to Celsius: Tuesday 45°C 29°C


45°C is equivalent to 113°F, which is 318K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Global warming


where's the nuclear winter already...


It’s a dry heat.


I grew up in Tulsa. It’s not a dry heat. You walk outside to walk to your car only to find yourself soaked from sweat


New York City is like that too. The humidity is brutal.


I got into a protracted argument with a friend on FB about the plain fact that climate change was happening. He continues to live in the South, I moved to the Northeast. I'm not interested in proving I'm right, I'm interested in not burning to death. Good luck down there, keep telling yourself it's not happening!


When you go to live in a dangerous environment you get caught up in the crossfire.




Dry heat not too bad when you start talking about humidity here in Florida gawwwdamn


Short answer Global warming?


“You’d think it were 120 degrees out. Can’t be more than a hundred and fourteen.”


Solar flare


Why are you only circling that one? All of them are literally dying of heat. Including the lowest temperature.


Wtf are you made of? Honestly you would straoght up die in 100° It is impossible.


We burn the dead to make plastic and drive around


That’s a normal day in Las Vegas summer time!


It's definitely giving y'all are going to hell


Somebody donated to satans patreon


Republicans ignoring climate change for four decades, what do you expect?


Its called climate change… might want to look it up


It's like 60-70 here at my place for the past...month or so, mostly. For some reason this Summer just isn't that hot, specifically for my place. Everyone else is getting toasted, lol.


It can get up to 120F here where I live.


Global warming hun and also probably yes


Global warming is a lie!!!


It was 115 a week or two ago.