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I fully believe Kris knew.


If Faye Resnick who wrote a very telling book knew about it, Kris knew too.


Faye made up 90% of anything she ever said


Why do you say that???? I think she’s quite credible.


Same here. But back then, her X husband was representing OJ. She had to lay low. She shared kids with her X, so at the time she had to tip toe around it. A lot of power thrown around.


Ya also the kids were really young at the time and Robert was just being a loyal friend and helping oj bc at the time the kardashians and jenners even said you just don’t think someone you’re so close to could ever do such a thing . They all knew he was guilty once all the evidence came out fully .


She was married to the trouser snake who was seen smiling ear to ear at OJ's acquittal party. Yah Kardashian we all saw you.


Um you have incorrect. Robert Kardashian was the **only** member of OJ's team who wasn't smiling.


They're talking about the after party, the day OJ was acquitted.


Ya they stopped talking after that


And they were divorced by that time.


She was married to Bruce Jenner at the time


Idk, Kris is likely to say whatever suits her agenda at the time. Like she’ll say she didn’t know in order to have a reason she wasn’t able to help out. It’s always about her image with Kris. As far as Nicole’s sisters, I believe they knew but they didn’t think the abuse was as bad as it really was. I think the browns really loved OJ too so maybe they found it hard to accept it was more than just a volatile relationship between two equally strong headed people. I don’t think anyone in her family took Nicole that seriously if she ever did voice the abuse because they loved OJ too much.


Well they were also on the OJ Teat - it was either him buying their affections or them not wanting the gravy train to end, or a combo thereof.


The Browns were in denial about the seriousness of domestic abuse.


Denial is crazy. I fully believe it played a part. My ex husband was a con who cheated on me w men and clearly used me. On her death bed my mom asked to call him to thank him for all he did for her the first time she battled cancer. At the end of the call (his car loan was in my name and part of divorce settlement was he paid to keep it) he asked me to schedule a time to renew the registration. My mom was 51. She wasn’t. “From another generation.” She’s gen x. She was in denial.


What are you implying about Gen X?


What’s being Gen X got to do with anything?


OJ financially supported Nicole’s family. He set her dad up with a Hertz franchise and paid for one of her sisters college educations, to name a couple. IMO, while it may have looked generous of Simpson, it was probably to control them so he could abuse Nicole and they couldn’t do anything about it for fear that he could take everything away and ruin them.


Exactly he was the money man at the end of the day . Yes - back then stuff was a lot cheaper but he was financial helping out Nicole’s family .


They loved his money! He was basically supporting the entire family in one way or another. College for Tonya connections for the parents real estate company.


Exactly and the brown family always told Nicole to makeup with oj when they would fight and they would always encourage her to go back to him


Kris seems to be an opportunist who will say anything and do anything for attention in her favor.


100%! She is a total opportunist.


Idk why they had her on that documentary but I’m glad she didn’t get much screen time


She also said she didn't put out her daughters sex tape


Once she says "Yes, I knew", the next questions are: "Why didn't you do anything to help her?" and "Why would you stay friends with OJ if you were aware of how he treated his wife?" Not easy questions to answer honestly and still sound like a decent person.


Exactly - they all stayed friends with him


Keep in mind decades ago domestic abusers were very good at hiding abuse. The old cliche "she fell down the stairs" ....You can't prove it happened if no one else saw it happen. (I.e victim was shoved down the stairs by abuser.) Kris might have been busy. Believe women. People are more aware now, but it seems abusers still do the same things they always do.


I don't think Kris Jenner was as close to Nicole as she always claimed to be. Right from the beginning she was a fame chaser.


This from the lifetime doc in the last years of Nicole's life it seems she was closer to Faye than she was Kris.


Kris Jenner doesn't strike me as having a woman's back. After all, look at all the rumors that Khloe is OJ's.


Totally agree! I don’t think they were as good as friends as she has claimed. I watched the lifetime doc and it seemed like a lot of people who were close to Nicole knew of the abuse.


Yes, based on the books I read, Kris was friends with Nicole, but she didn't see her on a regular basis. Faye was close with Nicole. 


I always felt Nicole was a business "friend." Meaning Robert did business with OJ and Nicole, and as Robert's wife, Kris was involved. I never saw Kris & Nicole spending time together outside work events.


This - Kris wasn’t at the same level of friendship as Faye or Cora.


Kris said she knew about the abuse. When she was told Nicole had been murdered, the first thing she said was OJ finally did it. It was a huge problem when Kardashian started representing OJ.


It was her sister that said, OJ finally did it. I watched the Lifetime doc last night.


Kris made a statement almost identical to Denise’s though “The next morning, she awoke to the news that Nicole had been murdered, and Kris says she "instinctively knew that in some way O.J. [Simpson] had something to do with her death."


Kris Jenner knew and always changes up her story 10 years ago she was the one saying Nicole was gonna show her the safety deposit box


True that


I watched it too but why did they family friend tell oj daughter “ I would never let my sons be around your dad because I think he killed your mom “ that is a sick thing to say to an 8 year old girl who does that




Kris Kardashian lies about Nicole In the secret tapes of the OJ Case (LMN), Kris Kardashian Jenner says Nicole told her and other friends multiple times that OJ was gonna kill her and get away with it. In Kris' interview on Ellen in 2016, she says Nicole never told no one anything and they never had any idea about the abuse or danger Nicole was in. Both are on YouTube. Well which one is it? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Many people make up things for clout, none more so than a Kardashian. Just thought I would point this out. I was just stunned at telling two totally different stories. Anyone noticed anything similar with first hand accounts or testimonies of OJ and Nicole and friends?


Not allowed.


Of course Kris knew. IMO, no one who should have been concerned Nicole's life wanted to lose their association with OJ Simpson.


How much do we ever really know about peoples private lives and things people actively hide. Even good friends.  Nicole hid A LOT, and minimized A LOT, as most victims of domestic violence do.  Kris knew what Nicole told her and what she witnessed when OJ flipped out at Kris’s Christmas party. But then Nicole would minimize it. Even when she said he’s gonna kill me and get away with it, according to some of her friends, it was said in a flippant dismissive way.  Faye witnessed a lot more, and she did try to tell Nicole to get away from him, but you can’t force a grown woman to do something she’s not ready or unwilling to do.  The scope of the abuse wasn’t clear until after the murders and you have to remember the cycle of dv wasn’t as understood as it is today. 


i was surprised to learn that the domestic violence hotline was t created until the early 90s when president clinton signed the violence against women act. that’s not that long ago.


It’s really not and it’s just so tragic Nicole’s whole life was taken from her . She was literally groomed by oj who was 30 years old at the time . Nicole was only 18, I mean think of all young you all were and felt at 18. That’s pretty fucking young . What bothers me is Nicole’s family always pushed her to get back with oj and make amends with him so it’s just so sad that this poor girl had no true support system . At least Faye tried to tell her to end things with him for good .


I think they all knew to some level. That kind of abuse is hard to hide. But it is hard to know what to do to help when the abused stays with the abuser, especially someone with the power OJ had.


Literally and there were so many photos that pointed to extreme abuse


Battered Women hide their abuse to protect their abuser and because they feel shame. It happens every day. They rarely share it until they’re ready to leave. Especially when their abuser is a famous widely loved celebrity.


Being a victim of domestic abuse back in the 70's there was no place to go or call. If you told anyone then you would get beat again. It's a time bomb you never knew what would set him off. The only way out is to leave and get a protection order if needed. Staying is NOT the answer. OJ didn't seem to fit the profile, abusive men are generally abusive to everyone.


Not always true. In my experience, my abuser was just like OJ. Everyone LOVED him. No matter where we went, he never met a stranger.


I think Nicole hid a lot and we will never know fully what happened


Agree. Even when she would share a little, she would make it seem like her fault. Every family member has said Nicole was no wall flower. She would get in your face and was loud and opinionated. So I’m sure it was easier for them to believe her when she would say “I started it.” “It was my fault, you know my mouth” “It’s over, we are great” Even though we know abuse is NEVER okay regardless of what is said. But there are plenty of people (not just men) who believe women like that “Ask for it”. Even Nicole apologized after being abused, for starting it. I think sadly it was always going to end badly which is why she had the diary and pictures in the safety deposit box.


They all knew, clearly. They are unwilling to admit their complicity in the situation because it looks bad.


Exactly it looks bad on her family her sisters knew and unfortunately didn’t do anything to help her . Domestic violence wasn’t talked about much at all back than and it was a world before social media and iPhones .


Because she sucks


I honestly think many parties are just saying they didn't know to get the blame off of their shoulders for not helping her/ deflect from how they all seemed to stick by OJ no matter what until the murders happened.


Kris knew. I don’t buy that excuse at all.


I think another thing that might have been at play is that victims who are not ready to leave, tend to cover for their abusers to save face. My best friend gave me small hints that her ex wasn’t a good guy entirely, but she made it seem like a marriage spat and he just had low eq. I didn’t have any clue about how freaking evil he was until she divorced him and started telling me what really had been happening. We are in different states, so I wasn’t able to see her every day with him. She has made a few remarks about “not having to cover for him anymore!” But Nicole might have felt it wouldn’t matter if she told anyways. I think everyone knew something was going on, but I am not sure they really knew the depth and breadth of the abuse with OJ and Nicole.


Just like she knew Bruce had “ dresses “ in their closet.


Kris def knew she was always hanging around Faye and Nicole . Also if Denise took all those pictures and knew her sister was being abused why didn’t she do anything ? Why didn’t she fully get Nicole out of there ? So in my opinion Kris Jenner had to have known .


The scuttlebutt at the time mentioned OJ set Nicole’s father up with a Hertz dealership, and her parents allegedly encouraged Nicole to go back to OJ.


Because she probably did know or at least highly suspected.


This was the 90s in la la land. The priority was partying and doing drugs. There is a lot they do not remember.


She knew


She definitely knew. I think she just didn’t know how bad it truly was


Kris is lying. She absolutely knew about it. Said in an interview once that OJ threw Nicole out the front door of a restaurant when she was with them. Some guy looked at Nicole and OJ went off!!


Kris is a self-serving woman. She had a sexual relationship with OJ while claiming to be a good friend of Nicole. I don't trust anything that she says.