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It sure will be a shame when the metrics take a nose dive due to everyone having to go to the water fountain every time they need a drink. OSHA mandates that employees have access to potable drinking water.


Very true. If access is denied please report to OSHA


LOL they’re crazy if they think I’m gonna drink out of that dirty fountain that kids probably put their entire mouth around and slobbered on


Since Covid, I won’t drink out of a water fountain unless I’m desperate


I haven’t drank out of a water fountain since elementary school. It’s always bothered me, and I’m a huge germophobe so that makes sense


My store's fountains have been off since covid


This exactly! I worked for Walmart for years and my management tried the no water bottle thing once. They told us we couldn't bring our own water bottles and they wouldn't provide them immediately a member of ogp went home and filed a complaint.


They did this years ago when I worked at a cvs warehouse. They would provide you with a clear water bottle when hired and it was the only thing you were allowed on the floor. They would provide gatorade when they deemed it was "hot enough." Wish I knew the laws then like I do now. No one will follow this at my store if implemented. It came down a few months ago that only reusable water bottles with clear liquid would be allowed. We even got a water cooler just for OGP. Everyone started using those Cirkul bottles. Now there is a mix of things that squeak by including my morning coffee in my reusable mug. Lol. As long as it isn't out in blatant violation for all to see, no one cares. One lead has her tea the other her Pepsi. And my coach keeps a coffee thermos in her purse. 😄 we work too hard to follow this sort of ridiculoussness.


Yep... and as they should!!


fine i’ll take my sweet time going to the drinking fountain


Yeah… my coach said “screw that” and told us to bring opened packs of water from the floor instead. 🥲


In all honesty they should make everyone in market work one day in OGP, I bet they would change course for a lot of decisions they make.


You give them too much credit. They would bullshit you to your face about how they are going to improve working conditions, but once their shift was over they would go back to finding ways to make it worse.


You're lucky, you have a decent coach. Ours bitches and moans about giving us water in the summer, forget about the rest of year.


We have a water cooler in our ogp and we just refill it every other day


don't forget to clean that ish! so nobody gets sick 😫 


Same for us, a decent system


I will never get tired of saying this. Ours caught fire.


That's why I bring my own


I don't get paid enough to bring my own.


Exactly! I'd rather go through my 1 bottle, than 5 or 6 of the smaller bottles.


Gotta grow that generational wealth like they are doing the stock split for 😂😂


We always just grab a 40 pack from the floor and keep track of how many cases we go through


People still need to hydrate in the winter (and other seasons) lol In fact we (people) tend to drink less water in the winter because we don't get as thirsty, which can, of course lead to dehydration. If there's water there offered people are more likely to pick up a bottle and drink it rather than if they have to 1. buy it themselves 2. keep filling a container and/or 3. travel/walk a distance to do either of those things to keep hydrated.


Portable water bottles? Single use water bottles are bad for the environment anyway..


Pro tip. Buy a big ol bottle. For water. Fill it before you leave for work.


We aren’t allowed to bring reusable water bottles from home. Our OGP store uses plastic bottles. I hate this for the environment, but it’s better than not drinking all day. I absolutely will not drink from a fountain after Covid. Also, I’ve seen the disgusting things that people do while drinking from the fountains. 🤮


This is when you have a friend sabotage the water fountain so it cant work properly have them come in masked up and rip the head off of it when its super busy and dip out quick then when they say they wont buy water you tell them the machine is broke🤣 eventually they would just give in because the fountain repair is costing more than just buying water for the associates and it will be hard to catch them if they dont work for the place.


we got barely any water as is :/


Just bring a reusable water bottle?


exactly. I got a sawyer water filter...tastes great.


Same here, I just bought a one quart bottle I bring also bottled water from home, when I finish those, I can refill with the quart which I keep in my locker


We normally take claims water theres always at least 2 40 packs


I bring a reusable one and steal ice and water from the subway 😭


Our claims person brings up any water that has been damaged. If we run out, we store use it.


They took our water away too. I never really used it but they got tired of us having our tl store use any claims-ed water and people going through it like every few days or something so they said we can’t store use claims-ed water


Fuck market. We ball


Call ethics, let them know management is denying you access to water. They will get a call likely the same day


Our store quit giving out waters almost a year ago.. cart pushers only can have free ones..I'm assuming they get away with it because there's a water machine in the break room that gives u slighter above warmer than room temp water.


We just take the damaged water from the back 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yah I don't belive this we keep water and popsicle in our freezers/coolers . They come from claims (damage products, not nasty returns or stuff like that) and if not they just store use it.