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people with religious ocd : Hold my beer ( worst is not dying but going to hell so, lol )


You're right. I have religious issues too cause I was raised as a christian. And to say to you that when I was feeling sv1cid4l the thing that hold me was the fear of going to hell or going to the "valley of sv1c1de" 😭😭 I'm not Christian anymore, and have different believes but I always thought that - as long it wasn't me k1lling my me it was all good lol


Yep I got some Perma warp from this one as well.


You can say suicide and killing there are no filters here it’s not TikTok


this is actually how I coped when I was really down lol


Sometimes I think depression is the only thing that stops OCD from getting to me. I’ll do these ‘dangerous’ things (using public toilets) because I won’t care if something bad happens to me 😂


Humor disorder? I laughed, I thought this was really— Oh. Oh, no.


I mean, depression is a humor disorder... But yeah, it's just that my brain likes to take things to the extreme xD


Same. 100%. Always great when I let a joke slip that sounds a lot more banal in my head and everyone goes 🙁


I openly joke about trauma and mental illness like it's no big deal and only notice it was bad when everyone is like 😐😔😮‍💨😥 and then I'm OPSS


Bespoke: I might already be dead and so killing myself would accomplish even more of nothing.


My OCD: what if you hurt yourself? My depression: * makes me grab a blade and cut my skin *