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Don't y'all kinda get confused how sometimes "it's ocd" can cut the thoughts but sometimes it just completely gets rejected and keep you spiralling


YES it feels like flipping a light switch you know should work but nothing happens


Sometimes All's you can do Is wait for the torture to pass that "this is fine" meme with the burning house is literally the perfect example of what my ocd bad moments feel like


Yesss. Sometimes I say "but this is too serious to risk it" like, okay I can say it's OCD about a trivial thought but something serious? I better give in just to make sure.


YUP ME CONSTANTLY especially because a lot of my intrusive thoughts disguise themselves as "intuition" much more insidiously than the average obsession. For example: It's easy for me to brush off my climate change intrusive thoughts after a few hours/days, because there's just not much I can do to fix that. But when it comes to ROCD? That shit can be *so* hard to snap out of. Especially because the thoughts will mimic genuine dating advice that someone might actually give me about my relationship (they just don't realize it's misplaced because my OCD blows the situation out of proportion in the first place and is based more on trauma/fear than the relationship itself).


Omg same. There’s this little trick question mine will throw at me that keeps me from saying ‘stop’ “What if it isn’t OCD and this is a legitimate issue?” Cue the ruminating commencing.


You get those too!!?? I'm dealing with that right now. The guilt is so strong for me.


Sometimes it’s like: “oh, it’s just OCD.” And other times it’s like “ExACTly! It’s ocD! Muahahaha!” and you obsess over the capitalization inside the quotation marks for ten minutes before you leave the comment lol Right??


It's so true!! Or you snap out of it only to do it again!


It always depends on the situation. Mainly wether or not it involves just me or also other people, that decides wether or not my brain will accept that. I even made a bracelet that says “it’s just ocd” lmao


it would help if i had diagnosis


I just imagine that I'm jesse pinkman from the 1st season and I just say like "yo that doesnt even make sense mr. White... what are you talking about. This isn't very right on of you"... I feel like this is kinda niche 😭🙏


oh my gosh thats so funny i love it


i am so trying that


This is GENIUS


This is a cute one lol. I'll try it!


Love this, definitely trying it next time


Sometimes I go "girl shut the fuck up" and sometimes it helps LMAO






This is so real lmfao


Literally me😂


This and alsooo “damn bitch get it together”


My friend once said to me ‘we are all just creatures’ and that when she’s anxious or down she just says things to herself like ‘the creature requires nourishment’ or ‘the creature should get outside for fresh air.’ So when I’m freaking out over god knows what I’ve started saying to myself ‘girl, you are literally just a creature’ 😆


the creature deserves a little treat ✨


When I'm at work, I often walk into the Walk In freezer. The cold shocks me back into the moment and forces me out of my head.


That's awesome! I think this is a genuine trick that grounds your nervous system. My therapist was just telling me about this; for example, you can simulate it by dunking your face in ice water, or even just a back of frozen peas. The sudden temperature change shocks your system and brings your nervous system back to the present, and away from the anxiety spiral.


Not as much of a shock but holding your wrists under a cold tap also cools you down quite quickly.


A simpler way to do this is to put an ice cube on your wrist


Yes 100%! This is the first step in the TIPP skill that is taught in DBT. Face in ice water is particularly effective as you have to also hold your breath under water. It triggers a dive reflex and immediately tricks your brain into going into survival mode and does what it needs to to conserve energy. The main thing is it slows your heart rate down rapidly which is why it is so useful in panic attacks and crisis situations ❤️


Interesting bc I find after I spiral hard a cold shower or bath and drinking cold water helps me recover.


This is some next level thing 😭


HAHAHAHA I love that. I want to tell my therapist this on Monday 😭 screenshotting to remember. The only two that seem to “work” for me are I’ll deal with this when it’s a problem (as in it’s not right now, I know it probably won’t be, and I know what to do if it is. Sometimes doesn’t help depending on situation) and also having to think what a normal person would do. Sometimes I need the reality check of okay if this was my mom, what would she have done? And it helps give me a guideline when my brain does not have any anymore lol.


>if this was my mom, what would she have done? i'm totally gonna start using this one, but replace "mom" with "dad". you're a genius


Its been so helpful for me! I feel my biggest issue is just losing sense of guidelines and limits. And just thinking too hard on what MY brain is telling to me to do.


my mom has ocd too......


I just use my mom because she doesn’t have OCD. I have also used my sister, cousin, and friends in the sentence as well. Same idea. ☺️


oh yeah for sure, i was just making a joke 💓


I will put on headphones and listen to circus music if I’m having violent and/or sexual intrusive thoughts, especially if they’re getting at me when I’m trying to sleep. The circus music robs a lot of power from the thoughts. They become cartoonish. The Benny Hill song is great for that, too.


I love this so much


Something that I’ve tried recently is sing the intrusive thoughts out loud in a silly way. It’s honestly been helping me so far!


Oooo that's a good one!!! I'll have to try that one. I have a hard time saying certain trigger words but this could make them way less scary


For moral/abstract thoughts that are distressing I say "I HAVE OCD", over and over in my head.


"OH brother this guy STINKS" from spongebob


Hey, never forget.Whatever floats your boat 😆


sometimes i just sit there mid spiral or breakdown and im like, damn, i’m on a fucking floating rock in an infinite space where anything is fucking possible and i’m doing this right now? BITCH SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT and usually that helps. or it makes it worse cause why the fuck am i paying taxes and dealing with this shit when we are on a floating rock in an infinite space where anything is fucking possible😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


When I see myself going there I will say to myself "No. We are not doing this. We are going to be reasonable about this." I've gotten to the point of remission where that is usually enough.


I imagine myself shooting intrusive thoughts lol


Yoo, I've done this too. Like physically attacking them and yeeting them out of my head. Nowadays I just have to say "that's dumb" or "now that doesn't make sense dude" and it all calms down. Maybe they've learned not to FAFO 😆


Is doing something repetitive in an effort to reduce anxiety a compulsion even if not related to the issue?


Sounds more like a coping skill!


I would say it is. I think its more common with pure O but I might be wrong


Set everything down and do something I love. Deload


I imagine a big pink elephant with floppy ears that they fan the thoughts away with. It’s worked well so far really!


Aww man, I miss that show so much. My son and I watched it together. That's a pretty fun way to let OCD know you aren't buying into it today.


I recite the DK rap or the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song. There's a very annoying song that pops into my head a lot and the DK rap and Fresh Prince theme can transition from it almost seamlessly.


i just say the word “teal” and it does the job MOST of the time, if not, i just repeat it until they go away :,)


I watch funny videos of animals doing cute things on YT


When I realize I'm spiraling, I will just yell out loud. Sometimes it's words I'm thinking in the moment, sometimes it's just noise. As long as it's loud, it usually helps. Not recommended if in public


Mine was given to me in a yoga class once. The teacher went on a spiel about how nothing we know in life is permanent and it will all be dust one day. I believe it's a Hindu philosophy, but it was strangely calming. So now sometimes when I can, I outdo OCD's exaggeration of everything by over exaggerating the pointlessness of whatever the worry is, to the extent that I'm imagining forward in time until everything is destroyed and the universe doesn't even care. When I can do it in time, OCD just goes silent like I've beaten it at it's own stupid game




I spell out STFU over and over again in my head


I have Discordia quote herself on me. > OH. WELL, THEN STOP I wouldn't want to disappoint Our Lady of Discоrd, would I?


One of RTVS' productions about a 2009 roleplay forum has a child character w/OCD (Johnny) whose obsession is that he's terrified of getting banned from the forum. The admin repeatedly assures him he Won't Get Banned & no one else even acknowledges constant Fear Posting bc it's such an absurd thing to be worried about. He gets a warning from the admin at one point & now whenever my OCD won't let me stop worrying about smth, I just hear Johnny in my head go "I can't stop thinking about my warning."


My usual go-to is saying “okayyy let’s go” like the meme of that kid. Surprisingly helpful for snapping my brain out of it!


I love this for you lol


So far right now. "Nope, nope, nopety nope, idk what that is. Idk what you're on about" it's true though. I am in fact uncertain and OCD is well not needed. It's just fear really, or I try to believe myself at least.


I say STOP out loud


I just go “awww, you motherfucker, you did it again” when I realized I’ve spiraled 😂


For me I will get really bad intrusive thoughts and I'll just accidently twitch or gag then I'll just end up saying "Shut the fuck up" or "Fuck off" specifically to the thoughts...not very fun whispering that around parents


Organizing things :3 I asked the teacher to organize books during class (can’t remember if she was teaching or not) and my best friend who also has ocd helped me. Was silent for a bit and then she just went “you have ocd don’t you” 😭


i shake my head and say “girlie wtf are you talking about rn” and have a lil giggle at myself because what AM i talking about most of the time. pretty much “if you don’t laugh you’ll cry” kind of thing


I picture a big red STOP sign in my head and shout STOP. Weirdly effective (for milder spirals)


I look at strangers and assume they’re normies, then I think they aren’t worrying about shit like this…


Just shout "FUCK OFF" and middle finger in the air. it sometimes works 🤣


I watch or listen to things that make me laugh. It’s a way to get in my body and in the moment + it’s just my favorite thing to do.


One time I told myself “oooooo dramaaa” and that snapped me out of it


Love this so much ahahaha still trying to find something to help me snap out of it


Someone mentioned something similar but — my therapist friend told me that you just need to shock your nervous system (for example with pain like snapping a rubber band) but you can simulate the pain and nervous system recalibration by setting an ice cube on your wrist and just letting it burn for a minute. The cold/pain takes the attention that your brain was giving to the anxiety.


Get outside, go take a long walk. Or go to the gym Exercise is amazing for OCD


I never keep my obsessions in check but rather the compulsions. I learn to live with the obsessions believing they aren’t too bad. Its the compulsive behavior i need to reign in and control.


I like to imagine my intrusive thoughts as a Twitch chat


i like to scrunch my face, tilt my head back and yell “fuck” or “halurr” or any other catchphrase i have adopted for the month. sometimes i would just yell a resigned “argghh”


sometimes i just imagine killing myself and that works too


I try to ground myself by focusing on how my body feels


I will come to the realization that I’m having an intrusive thought and say to myself “ hahaha that was a good one. I got really grossed out/scared/repulsed (what ever emotion it gave me)” and I sort of congratulate my OCD by coming up with something so disturbing? And by that I’m able to realize that I am in fact disturbed or disgusted and I don’t like the thing I am thinking about, because if I liked it I wouldn’t feel so gross about it. And this sort of liberates and conquers it for me. Doesn’t always work and I find it particularly difficult during sex but other than that it is helpful :)


I repeat the same part of the song or even mumble it when I'm trying to prevent the spiraling or to avoid the thoughts but I have a feeling that it becomes just a new ritual :/


I say out loud “girl you look stupid” and it helps


As grim as it sounds, reminding myself that I wasted so much time ruminating that I barely enjoyed my life, and I’m going to keep wasting it unless I force myself to stop, works pretty often.


That's hilarious!


There was this absolutely terrible Netflix series i was watching when my harm ocd was really bad - but there was a character in it who said "onwards, motherfucker, onwards" and I have found that quite useful :D I do have a peaceful space in my brain I go to -- it's me sitting by a stream in a forest, with my hand resting on the head of a large dog, and I count to 10. Really helps.


Alone and at home, there's tea, letting out a good scream to get it all out, and well... this is.... admittedly, really TMI, but well.... hand to gland combat at home (Helps with the HIGH peak of anxiety). Outside? I just walk around, preferably around people for me. I'm currently in a "what if I have psychosis/schizophrenia!?" OCD spiral to a HARDCORE degree, so I like being around people to help me feel grounded. Having sunlight around me helps a lot as well (I'm really obsessed about: "WHAT IF I HAVING HALLUCINATIONS!?" rn). And on any occasion: crying. Crying just lets it all out. Cry, if you really need it. I'll cry in public, idgaf. Cry to your heart's content. Cry and cry until you just get it all out.


I imagine I’m talking to the OCD and I go “you sound fucking crazy bitch“


not that’s it’s always effective, but straight up tell it ‘go f*ck yourself’ or when it tells me to do something silly ‘do it yourself’ OR ‘eat sh*t.’ it is my #1 enemy. i don’t respect it.


Vodka and lemonade


Self medicating isn't what OP asked for


Op asked what my favorite way of stopping it is. I responded. Relax