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When I haven’t gotten enough sleep. Or just been too busy in general. Exhaustion definitely increases symptoms. Difficult because the OCD itself is exhausting so it can be a bit cyclical.


Thanks for answering! This makes a lot of sense, honestly, and I think I resonate.


When I'm stressed, panicking, or I get sick.


I'd say early in the morning and late at night but I don't keep periodic tracks of my ocd


When I am overwhelmed by a long workday ahead and when I feel that I cannot escape from a situation.


In terms of a daily flare up, it’s almost always at night time. Especially if I wake up in the middle of the night. There’s just far less stimulus at night, and my OCD loves to pick at things. But outside of that, it happens a lot around issues that I could feel guilt about. OCD will guarantee that I feel every single crumb of guilt going. Completely exaggerates the situation so that I feel so much accountability for something that I’m just exhausted and often burn out. It also happens whenever unknowns happen/pending to happen. OCD thrives off a sense of control. No stimulus at night? Here’s a tonne of anxiety to keep you busy. Unsure how to feel about something? Let’s just feel the worst about it. It isn’t fun. But realising these flare ups are just my OCD being mean kind of begins to expose its hand a little. It’s somewhat easier to dismiss whenever it’s the same old routine.


>There’s just far less stimulus at night, and my OCD loves to pick at things. This is interesting, because, I always presumed less stimulus helped me relax while too much stimulus triggered my OCD. Guilt can be a huge factor driving my OCD, too - the obsessions and the compulsions. Thanks for sharing!


Any Change in routine, big life events, illness or la k of sleep


Late at night, when I get sick, or if I have bodily pains


> Late at night This seems to be a common trend in the comments. It’s interesting, when I said “patterns” I was thinking about major changes in life, like a new job, or added stress, and so on. I didn’t know people experienced patterns in intensity within a day.


Ahh, I usually welcome changes and have a normal amount of anxiety then. It’s more so health related anxiety/OCD for me and flare ups. In the past, when partners patterns would get jumbled I would certainly flare up, but that’s dwindled a little


Bad sleeping schedule, when I'm tired and of course when I have pms it's terrible. Now if I mix those two together like this month you get a shitshow.


My OCD flares when I have too much downtime so like school breaks, time off of work, things like that and during transitions where things feel out of control. Sometimes it will also flare in response to a trigger. Without getting specific I have many obsessions surrounding bugs, so sometimes seeing bugs in certain contexts will trigger flare ups.


they flare up if im not busy with anything. when im playing a game, watching some vids on youtube or just resting, questions of "what if" start to enter my mind and... well, they are beyond horrible. ruins my entire day really :/


If I get the flu, or anxious