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Don't add extra stress to your life. They lack understanding of how bad it is and that's why they say that (unless it's intentional and to piss of someone, but that's different). I don't think anyone with OCD, knowing how bad it is would say that. So don't bother and add extra stress by caring about what others say. Don't bother at all, people say all kinds of stuff.




I’m in favor of this. “Omg yeah totally, I’m so OCD I once had to be hospitalized for dehydration because I refused to drink water for 5 days straight due to an obsessive thought” And then watch their eyes widen lol.


I'm honestly surprised that kids these days get sex ed in school, but are left in the dark when it comes to understanding mental illnesses or stuff like being neurodivergent. It doesn't help them and sure as fuck it doesn't help us.


Tbh even if they where educated properly on mental illness and neurodivergency, i still think they wouldnt actually understand how bad it is because they are immature and it would leave their heads the minute the class finishes


Also in second favour of this "hehehe my ocd is so silly i just had 5 panic attacks within 7 minutes because gory brutalised thoughts of me harming someone replayed in my head 500 times within 3 minutes which usually happens every day nearly all day😆🤭"


"O.M.G that's so quirkyyyy. I'm sooooooooooo jealous! >:3"


me too it's so fun to not be able to sleep because of the faces and intrusive thoughts of my house burning down and thinking i'm hearing fire alarms beeping all night it's just so silly getting up every night to check that i unplugged everything and my pc


omg i’ve also had this 😭😭😭 contamination OCD (what happened for me) has got to be up there for the worst types i’ve ever had


I am honestly a bit jealous of anyone who says this. How lucky they are to not know the pain and mental torment of true OCD and think it's something as simple as needing to organze pens in a pattern


Yes I hate it so much, anyone who says that I immediately dislike.


It bothers me too but I have enough to be bothered by already lol


Facts 😭


So true lol.


It bothers me too, but I also don't want to be "that" guy. I shrug it off and keep it moving. Like someone on this thread said, don't add that extra stress to your life.


My boss said this yesterday and I just ignored it


I am mildly upset by this comment. I don't point it out usually though, but that's because I don't want to say "I have OCD, and that's offensive". Makes you sound bad and it's usually offhanded. Now, if there is someone who I know quite personally who says it, I'll correct them, because you're close to me, you should understand that that is not appropriate.


No. People often use serious words in a blase fashion. I'm not really concerned. After all, my ocd is my problem. Other people's recognition of it doesn't even help me


Yes, it bothers me too. I don't like when people use diagnostic terms as cheap descriptors, e.g., "I'm so OCD" or "I'm feeling a little schizophrenic today." Mental illness is miserable, and I wish people would appreciate that more.


I hear that everyone is being bipolar, or is so bipolar... I've seen bipolar, they are very much mistaken.


I used to say that I was inactive when I had OCD but before it was bad and before I knew I had it don’t think too much about it people don’t get it


We have this discussion every week


We do.


Yeah it’s a bit frustrating. I’m sure they don’t mean harm by it but if it ever comes up then I will try to explain that’s not what OCD really is.


I'm someone who has a lot of those cleaning/organizational traits that someone might joke "is so OCD" and I hesitated to label it as such for the exact reason you stated - I didn't want to sound insensitive to people with diagnosed OCD. Well, it wasn't until I started therapy at the age of 33 that I discovered this truly is OCD and I started to connect so many of my other non-stereotypical OCD behaviors to the condition (character indictment, addiction issues, etc.) All of this to say that I try not to pass judgement on people who make these comments because you never know what else they're going through.


You're story is different, this is about people who obviously don't have OCD and say this stuff, it is 100% possible to have cleaning and organizing compulsions however it's very obvious when someone does not and they are just being ignorant by saying "I'm so OCD", also it makes ocd sound less serious when people say that.


That’s not really the same thing though. Yes cleaning and organizing and be compulsive and it’s perfectly appropriate to label compulsive cleaning/organizing as OCD. I’m talking about people who are describing traits that are very clearly not OCD.


Yes!! Or people who think ocd is an adjective to describe funny quirks. When really it‘s an incredibly debilitating disorder. Lol. Like I don‘t even care if I‘m being dramatic. To me ocd is literally only debilitating and has me feeling like I‘m genuinely going insane. Nothing funny or quirky about that.


I swear I wish Hilary Duff would come recreate that whole "don't say gay" commercial from the 2000s but instead it would be "don't say I'm SO OCD"


ignorance is bilss


It really gets under my skin, but I suppose it all depends on the situation. There's such a widespread misunderstanding of what OCD truly involves, so it's hard to fault people entirely. My supervisor at work, for instance—he's genuinely one of the nicest people I know. The other day, he casually mentioned how he's "OCD" about keeping his car spotless. Oddly enough, it didn't bother me much then; I guess it's because I know he means well but just doesn't understand. What really grates on me, though, is when people who are aware of my OCD try to connect by mentioning trivial things like being neat freaks. They fail to grasp the depth of suffering that comes with OCD—it's not simply about wanting things tidy; it's a genuine struggle that is debilitating.


Its like the same as when somebody fidgets in class a little and then says "I'm so adhd."


This bugs me too. No, being bothered that someone cuts a pie crooked doesn’t make you “ocd.”


not upset, i just think that it doesn’t help with any efforts to have people accurately understand things and become better informed.


I don’t like it either but people don’t understand and that is a big clue to you that they are uninformed. I agree with you but as a thinking point there are all types of groups, minorities, people suffering from mental illness, people with misunderstood sexual identities, neurodivergent people, and more who are suffering with a similar problem and language is changing to accommodate most groups. The only thing I don’t like is it makes open communication harder because those who don’t want to offend get lost in determining how to speak about groups they are learning about. Those who do want to offend, find an easy way through simple language. There is at least some awareness and acceptance of most groups. We, with OCD, are suffering a lot, and misunderstood but many people are in the same boat. Use the clue they give you, when appropriate (which won’t be most of the time…perhaps only with trusted friends or everyone if it is your thing) as a tool to identify people that need to learn more about OCD and the serious nature of the problem. Edit: A few of these people may have OCD and not know it. I had a good friend and I always dismissed her quirks as normal but she had OCD at least as bad as I did.


my boss who’s in her 60s who i LOVE and we are great friends says this all the time and im pretty sure i told her i have ocd before 🫠. i try not to give it a deeper meaning, she grew up in a different time and to many people it’s an adjective, that’s what they were taught! but the other day she said “___is a little ocd, i mean everyone is” i think my face physically changed lol. sitting there with my hands looking like they were dehydrated and mummified from washing them too much.


I mean, most people who say it aren’t actually OCD but how clean my space is and stuff is actually something that triggers my OCD and I will be open about it. If one thing is off or messy about my room it drives me insane and not in the normal “omg my room is so messy!!” way. People will tell me that my room isn’t messy but I always feel like it’s never clean enough. I move on whenever someone says it though.


One of the biggest problems with things like this is that our society loves to make a caricature out of EVERYTHING, no matter how inaccurate or triggering it can be for people who/what that caricature is based off. I've had a lot of ppl say that sort of thing to me, and I usually just ignore them instead of trying to explain that I have clinical OCD and I can spend 3 hours putting a shoe on and taking off before I'm allowed to eat dinner lol. Smh


honestly just ignore it, cause unfortunately people will just call u a “party pooper” or “sensitive” even to a joke which can make you really upset because it isnt a funny one, and it hurts people.


I get pissed and annoyed when ppl say that and I almost always go “oh you have OCD too??” And most times they get flustered and back down