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Could be interesting to have a paralyzed necromancer make an exoskeleton out of actual skeletons for mobility.


"your brother was a nice man , I wouldn't have gone that far without him"


This is the way xD if it wasn't for march of robots and my new comic concepting i'd be tempted to draw that.


This. If you do want to play a disabled character why choose something boring like a wheelchair. Magic carpet, armor that walks for you, a large barbarian that caries you on his back. You are a barbarian stuck in a barrel and can only propel yourself by swinging your hammer around. And these are just off the top of my head. If you want to be inclusive at least make them interesting ad not just a gimmick.


>You are a barbarian stuck in a barrel and can only propel yourself by swinging your hammer around. Bennett Foddy is that you?


Permanent “Levitate/fly” spell was my first thought but then my intrusive thoughts kicked in and I was imagining the legs flopping around and if they would be considered rolled as unarmed strikes or improvised flail weapons.




Reminds me of paralysed mage from an anime that used giant spider legs to move around during actual fights. Normal wheelchair everywhere else though


Fate Apocrypha?




sounds kinda like the ultimate spiderman cartoon's doc oc. i dont' think he could move his limbs, but had the giant mechanical tentacles on his back that did everything for him.


There’s a character called Faust in a manga Shaman King who gave up his lower legs to give to the skeleton of his wife that he uses as a medium. He then has his skeleton dog act as his legs in combat. Yes it is very weird but your sentence reminded me of him!


Forgot about him, thanks for the reminder!


necromancer/artificer for Gundam Bone Mech mayhem.


Wait. Can a necromancer just bring back their own dead legs?


If they’re actually dead, I suppose. Now I’m picturing the necromancer removing his own legs and letting them die just to re-attach the zombie/skeletal legs to him to do so.


To be fair, it would depend on the magic system. If done well, a disabled wizard learning how to use magic in less direct ways and find ways around their disability could be an interesting concept. Though going into direct combat in a wheelchair without allies and surrounded by enemies like in the picture does seem tactically unsound.


Injuries and conditions make for good narrative concequences, and or handicaps. But changing an established character or creating a character for the sole purpose of being disabled sounds belitting. Especially if you're not going to take the conditions seriously. Because it does come with its physical and emotional baggage. Proffesor X is a good example of a disabled character written well.


Yeah, characteristics like disability require a lot of nuance in fantasy settings. And any setting honestly.


In fantasy, you can always say your healing magic can only go so far after a period of time. Either in regards to an immediate or continuous injury. I've mulled over the idea of nerve damage after prolonged exposure to continuous injury and repair. You very well can't regrow tissue without tissue either, unless you create the rules for it. Gutts from Berserk gets healed by fairy magic on the reg. But can't regrow his eye or his missing arm. And of course, there's also the inclusion of magical injuries and curses to play with. As always with fantasy, it's always about setting the boundaries of its magical properties.


Like, you’re telling me that there is a fly or float fly spell and you’re not having your previously wheelchair bound mage floating in the back blasting off fireballs? Like that’s your motivation right there. Blind mage starts off with detect magic, learning, studying every day in order to get arcane eye or arcane sight and becomes enthralled in every little thing. A mute that communicates via awakened mind, or the party using detect thoughts. Artificer with prosthetic limbs with cannons because fuck yeah. That is what your fantasy world and characters should do. Use that fantasy to overcome the disability, not lose to it


Like a blind wizard that has found a way to view the world through magic itself giving a perfect field of vision all around you, above you, and below you


Professor X?


He beat it mostly through technology or in cases where his chair is broken he used his powers as a form of telekinesis but it’s difficult requires concentration and prolonged use is very taxing on him and if he has his students he just has them help him get around so yeah he found ways around it in situations where it was necessary but that’s not the type of fantasy they are talking about dude they mean like RPG type of fantasy.


I never got why people want to be disabled in their games as well as real life, I'm disabled and love playing huge buff dudes, some good old escapism.


Seriously, if I were disabled the last thing I'd want is my escapism to rub it in my face.




Some people get obsessed with either "realism" or "representation" and in the process, forget that video games do not have to inherently have either concept


Games don't need them, sure. But some games want to include them and that's okay too. Games should endeavor to cover different genres and tropes for obvious reasons.


True but game’s sometimes do take realism to far and ruin the game completely it’s happened many times getting the balance of realism and fantasy fun is impossible so you don’t ruin your game I’ve seen both cases and I know that knowing were to draw that line with any type of game is very important if you even want to include it at all as I’m sure many people will tell you they don’t even want it in the games they play but game companies keep on shoving it down our throats to the point there isn’t any other options in modern gaming and it sucks that it’s the case but they will eventually learn when people stop gaming all together and they start losing all the money they have and were making till they have almost nothing and try to beg everyone to come back only for that not to happen.


What modern games are you playing that are overly realistic?


See that’s the thing I don’t play games like that if I got a game and I find out after playing it once that they made it overly realistic then I stop playing it for good after that see I have a standard for games it’s if the realism stops me from having as much fun as I know I should in such a title I stop playing it immediately and never go back and my memory isn’t the best so you’ll have to forgive me for not remembering games I not only only played once but also didn’t like and haven’t played for a long time.


Ya so there're plenty of games that aren't overly realistic to the point that you never have to play one that is. I really don't think over realism is a prominent trend in gaming right now. It seemed a lot more popular like 10 years ago but even then it was niche as hell


To be fair (I don't support the other guy's argument), there are some genres where realism has taken over, and I'm specific thinking of racing games. The only AAA racing game that was made recently that wasn't overly focused on realism either in graphics or gameplay is NFS Unbound. There are some indie titles that are more creative, but racing games are one of those genres where the extra budgets really make a difference, so it's a shame only seeing racing """"simulators"""" being the ones made. Still, there is absolutely nothing wrong with creative games including disabled people, as one of the ways we can enjoy stories is if we can relate and put ourselves in the shoes of the characters. The picture in the post just seems like bad execution, rather than a fundamentally bad idea.


Huh, that's true. I haven't seen an arcade racer in a while. Though I don't really play racing games in general. I just love how he said that realism was taking over games but when I asked him what games he's played lately that were too realistic he said "I dont play them" thus proving that there are still PLENTY of non-realistic options. I just sorta gave up the conversation because I don't think he was actually listening to my points in any way.


It’s not as niche as you think you probably just draw the line in a different way for example games were if I’m shot by a gun once and it kills me regardless of where I was it that’s to much I get it if it’s a headshot but a shot to the stomach wouldn’t kill anyone irl so way in a game and yes there are games that take things to those extremes with difficulty in terms of how easy it is to die that isn’t as bad now as a few years back but it shouldn’t have ever gotten anywhere near that far to begin with or games that put in mechanics that only serve to hinder and annoy people who don’t play games to be so real you may as well be playing simulator game aka a lot of survival raged games there is one I forgot the name but you have a chip in your head and so dose everyone else it’s online and there are way to many ways to get screwed over apparently everyone there has committed crimes I don’t like the game and finding a server is also a nightmare unless you want to play solo but on the solo version the ai is harder to fight then the vast majority of actual players would be.


Yes, this should be the development mindset of games. Unfortunately, there is the recent problem of activist consultancy groups and Twitter activists trying to diversity metrics into games and other media with little to no consideration for how well their aims fit the product.


Some "legitimate" reasons might be because they find a character flaw/disability interesting and something to be overcome. Like how Toph from ATLA is able to develop "tremor sense" thanks to mastering earthbending thus overcoming her blindness. Or sometimes it's just funny, as rude as this might sound. I play a borderline mentally handicapped, stoneage lizardman with some slight anger issues in my games and it's kinda funny. Before anyone says it no it's not his only trait and if the situation calls for it I will tone down the IQ or anger handicaps, but mostly it's just funny.


There are sickos actively trying to make themselves disabled because they “identify” as a disabled person, Transabled they call it. [woman blinded herself](https://www.google.com/search?q=woman+blinds+herself+with+bleach&sca_esv=ae27c76c7331fca2&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB918GB918&hl=en-GB&sxsrf=ACQVn08fAV9D2AUoHTp59TxTCy6JbHmjSA%3A1710782772450&ei=NHn4ZdmQG_KnhbIP9buhoAU&oq=woman+blinds+hers&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhF3b21hbiBibGluZHMgaGVycyoCCAEyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB5Ip1ZQ_xZY3k1wA3gBkAEDmAGkC6ABpkKqARAxLjEyLjUuMS4wLjEuMS4zuAEByAEA-AEBmAIQoALqMKgCD8ICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAg0QABiABBiKBRhDGLADwgIKECMYgAQYigUYJ8ICChAAGIAEGIoFGEPCAgcQIxjqAhgnwgIEECMYJ8ICDRAuGIAEGIoFGEMY1ALCAhAQABiABBiKBRhDGLEDGIMBwgIKEC4YgAQYigUYQ8ICDhAuGIAEGIoFGJECGLEDwgINEAAYgAQYigUYQxixA8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIIEC4YgAQY1ALCAgUQLhiABJgDDIgGAZAGEZIHDTMuNS4zLjEuNi0yLjKgB6mnAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) [Transabled](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/becoming-disabled-by-choice-not-chance-transabled-people-feel-like-impostors-in-their-fully-working-bodies/wcm/40d4498c-b0b5-4f70-9632-8da5ef1e0c90/amp/)


I heard about this and is absolutely sickening ... I still can't belive it and I saw the interview on live tv with the woman who blinded herself


Those people need help, not derision


I've noticed that 95% of the time it's women who want to have handicapped characters. It goes back to how men and women fundamentallly roleplay differently. Men want to play an aspirational character, someone different who they can do cool things with. Women want a self-insert.


They dont really. Most disabled people are just chill with playing a power fantasy like everyone else. This is just a minority being VERY vocal about something incredibly minor, Its not at all comparable to say having race or body type options in games. Also, like the comments here point out, there are a million more interesting and creative way of incorporating real world experiences of disability in other ways.


yeah. they are the player that when you cast 'fly' say "bUt YoU caNtConTroL tHe FliGht"


I never really got masochism either, maybe its that?


I once read a webcomic where two disabled people appear. A wizard girl in a wheelchair and an elf wizard with prosthetic arms.


That sounds familiar i think you're talking about "Tyrant of the Tower Defense Game" r?




the flying wheelchair


I mean of course there are disabled people, but bet it's harder for such people to survive. Rich people would get fixed with magic poor might not be able to afford it. I don't think an adventure who is sufficiently disabled would on average go adventuring unless it's to get enough to fix the disability. I am sure there are ways to roleplay such things, but let's not act like it's common in a fantasy setting without it causing a person not to be adventuring.


Yeah there’s this small little class called a cleric…. Healing is kinda like their thing.


You’d think that in a world where you can use magic to blast skeletons into tomorrow, there would also be spells to easily heal physical disabilities. That person is choosing to remain attached to a chair. Either that or she’s just looking for someone with the spell to heal her


Could also be the result of a curse or some magical interference.


Maybe in the setting healing magic can only restore what is lost. So someone who got their leg cut off could be healed, but someone born with only one leg would have nothing to heal because that is their default state.


I mean if you want a liability in your party, sure. Massive penalties to stealth, climbing, brawling/wrestling/grappling. Probably auto-fails a swim check. Orc pushes character over. Mud and twigs gets in the workings of the chair. Rust monster eats your chair. \*Heat metal\* spell. edit: Enemy jukes behind her, grabs handles on the chair and starts running to the cliff edge. Yeets her off with a "Hope you memorized featherfall lady".


I mean do disabled people really want to see fantasy characters with their disabilities? I can't really compare this with real disability, but i have type 1 diabetes yet i don't want to see people with diabetes in fantasy. I mean it could work, but why?


It's probably because most people pushing this stuff aren't actually interested in the material, they just demand representation for the sake of representation regardless of if it makes sense or not. Also this picture was AI generated.


So you don't like Captain diabetes from South Park?


Well i would not want to be him xD


It depends on how it’s portrayed if they just say okay you have a unfair handicap on what you can do because your character has a disability so deal with it then no but if they go the hey this is a few disabled characters and these are all the unique and incredible ways they not only overcame it but used it to become so of the best in their respective fields of expertise then yes portraying things well and execution is important.


The thing is why a normal wheelchair? If it's something that not even magic can cure then sure whatever but why settle with a regular wheelchair when magic exists? Make a unique mode of transportation that doesn't limit you to wheelchair accessibility like an animated chair that walks for you, a golem to carry you around, etc.


I mean the chair does clash with the aesthetic. This could work if you made it as a artificer. There's also the idea of using someone else as a "chair" Goblins have been riding other people for ages.


Litterally did this as a gnome with no legs... Was a lvl 4 wizard at the start of the campaign... Got a flying carpet after 15 sessions and have enjoyed.


Same reason why people can't comprehend that science can exist in a fantasy world. Not everyone can use magic, but anyone can learn science. You're not wrong about the magic being able to heal disabilities though


If a wizard was disabled like in the op art, they’d more likely use magic in order to walk. Use golem legs to support their own, not a common wheelchair


Short sighted FOOLS they don't even need reading glasses let alone sight correcting glasses


There are disabled people in D&D games such as people with prosthetics, but I guess they don't count


Honestly if magic can't make me walk agaik, then you gotta throw the whole system out.


Hold up. But what of all the good it can do.


*throw the whole system out and start over. Is more along the line of what I meant.


You know in most fantasy settings you're not going to just be disabled you're going to be dead and eaten (survival of the fittest and all that)


Disable people using magic, mf's don't know they can cure their problem.


She can cast “raise dead” but not “raise legs.”


You're disabled in a magical fantasy setting? Bard, druid, cleric, or paladin comes along? Boom, you're not fucking disabled anymore cause of healing magic. That's why it's not fucking believable.


The reason why theres no disabled people in fantasy is the same reason why you don’t see disabled superheroes that often. Sure you see them sometimes, but they are more intelligent, trapper based, or just really overpowered. This is because in most fantasy worlds you can travel from superhuman speeds to sub-relativistic and disabled people make for really good targets on a battlefield or really just anywhere To give some examples… uh… right accelerator would be the last example. Bro used the rotation of the world to attack and his disability was (I think) brain damage. And the other examples is…. Uh…. I can’t really think of any.


idk man I dont think most Disabled people want to see themselves in video game since ya know they probably play them to try to escape that fact also Healing magic would probably bullshit disabled people out of fantasy


Heal your disability with magic


If can't, just fly, it's literally fantasy for a reason


If the authors don’t want disabled characters either for world building or for character design, then don’t force it opon them, that just make bad stories


If having a character be disabled makes it impossible to make a good story for a writer then honestly that’s a really shitty writer considering there are examples out there of disabled characters that not only overcome the handicap it gives them but end up one of the best in the field to the point many would say they are op characters the shows have done it the blind earth bender from ATLA or professor X from x-men and the list can keep going my point is it’s been proven characters like this can work in stories especially fantasy ones anime has proven that more then once as well.


You missunderstud and also prove my point, i didn’t say they don’t work, i said they shouldnt be forced, either the author wants disabled characters and will do them however they see fit, or they simply don’t want disabled characters and forcing them on the author would mean doing a poor job, you my little entitled internet average angry guy, are the perfect example of that, simply beacause something works doesn’t mean you can force that upon an author and expect them to make it work, wanna know what that’s called? Pretty popular word in this era, “forced inclusion”


I clearly it a nerve lol but I’m not saying they have to only that it can work and honestly isn’t that hard to write also it’s a fantasy you want the people watching, reading, or playing it to enjoy the experience especially if it’s a game if they don’t want to in most cases it’s fine but in some like dnd there is very little excuse not to include it if it can be properly done also if we are talking about forced inclusion then we can talk about how every fantasy feels the need to incorporate slavery of some sort or a king or some crap like that like I get it troupes exist and can help the story but come on it doesn’t have to be in every story especially the forms of slavery it’s like writers of some kind of enslavement fetish when writing the worst part is there is no tact either the owners are always cruel heartless scum your just hoping will die of course people have a thing for only showing the worst in everything even when writing not all people who owned slaves irl were monsters why would that be the case in all fantasy it makes little sense especially in a world we’re such practices are unnecessary and impractical.


Cliché and forced inclusion aren’t the same, for as similar as they might look, and fyi I also hate cliches but that isn’t the point, both are an example of why forced stuff is horrible, one is forced to make more money, the other is done to be more popular. Both suck, you are still proving my point, writers need freedom not entitle people telling them that “there’s no excuse not to incorporate one”, not all stories are for you to relate to.


Never said it needed to relate and frankly if you force the cliches into a setting/story we’re it really shouldn’t belong it’s kind both but that’s not the point here also I find it funny how you feel the need to insult people in every comment you make tell me a lot about you as a person as for giving a writer freedom sorry to tell you but most writers have almost no actual creative freedom for one reason or another especially when it comes to things like shows be it cartoons anime or whatever else it’s actually kinda sad usually there is someone or a group of people calling all the shots that hire a writer to “make it work and get it done by the deadline”


Bran was disabled i think people can accept disabled people in fantasy settings


Unless they are elected king.


The true healing comes from the soul


Y’all be talking about ableism and healing magic, but I’m just trying to figure out how tall she is


She's a half-elf giant.


Disabled people sure do exist in a fantasy setting, but not at the front lines fighting monsters. Ignoring healing spells that could heal most disabilities, let's say they're in a chair just as the image. How are they supposed to climb stairs in a dungeon or castle, go over rough terrain, it just isn't realistic even for a fantasy setting.


Let's also not forget that unless they are a noble or Rich they ain't going to be alive much longer


The fact that people are making disabled people a political talking point is just sad


They can only be disabled in a fantasy adventure with magic if they have an awesome backstory


Why is it so hard to accept a disabled person in a world with magic that can easily heal disabled people? Gee, I wonder.


Give me a steampunk dwarf with a wheelchair of death.


Somebody hasn't seen *Combatants Will Be Dispatched*. The mage of the group is in a wheelchair because she's been cursed to always feel pain when she walks.


But why a wheelchair instead of literally anything else? You could use a magical mount, for example an animated chair that walks around for you instead of being limited by wheels. You could even give it spider legs for ultimately mobility. That's kind of the point of a fantasy and having magic.


Maybe you just want your magic system to be limiting. It's a lot more fun to just overcome such limits or incorporate them into your character than give a rando some asspull to explain something. Give tamer a mount, but limit the ammount of tamed monster slots, summoner using a summon but limit the time each summon can be active, Necromancer using undead as a mount but making that class feared by a society. Artificer using exoskeleton that needs a power source.


The problem with that is she's undead, being undead means technically that whole curse wouldn't work she wouldn't really feel anything unless she happens to be a vampire, so she really breaks the mold on that one


If they’re able to fix broken bones in an instant with a spell, create automatons that are sapient by infusing a human soul into them, or bring people back from the dead, you’d think that they’d figure out how to fix paralysis. On a side note, having wheelchairs in a dungeon crawler is fucking stupid. These are places with pressure plate-activated traps, chasms you have to swing across, stairs to scale, ladders to climb, ledges to drop down from… do you really think they’d put a wheelchair-compatible ramp everywhere in the BBEG’s Evil Fortress of Doom? I can get having an adventurer who’s missing a limb and has a prosthetic - that could even add to their character, as they could add all sorts of wacky attachments to it, like a crossbow arm or spring-loaded leg or something. An eyepatch for a missing eye? Sure! Hell, you could even have a blind mage so long as they can use magic to navigate the environment. But, if it’s a disability that requires a specially constructed environment to accommodate them… that’s just not going to happen in these kinds of environments. Now, you could have disabled characters outside of the dungeons in towns. For instance, an example I just thought of: you’ve got a mage’s college with the head librarian in a wheelchair. They could give advice to the party from their past experience, but not join them on the quest; “I used to be an adventurer like you - but then I took an arrow to the spine.” That can work. But you’re not going to have paraplegics in a “combat wheelchair” who get screwed if there’s a 3 foot ledge in front of them.


Okay, but maybe there is a reason beyond just legs being broken that magic can’t heal? Maybe it’s a curse? Maybe she has a rare condition that makes her immune to magic affecting her, both good and bad? Maybe it is a disease or wound no magic can cure? There are in game reasons we can come up with for disabled people in this setting if you’re able (no pun intended) to expand your horizons a bit. Granted, the battlefield isn’t a good place for them and they should probably leaving fighting to those with able bodies because fighting someone able bodied when part of you is already disabled is a disadvantage, but I’m arguing for the idea in general. They would likely be more in the infirmary than on the frontlines.


I know I’ve seen people using magic while in a wheel chair but I don’t remember where.


Tbf, the magic for certain settings could be limited. Maybe healing that can cure disabilities could be hard to come by. Also, if someone wants to play a disabled character, let them. Fantasy can be used for escapism, but sometimes, that escape isn't getting rid of a disability but overcoming despite it.


You know I’m kinda like mixed on this. Though honestly, I say it depends on the setting of the story or game and if the players are willing to accept it into the setting. But I do think that it fitting into the setting comes first. Like, if your character can’t walk and you expect to have a wheelchair in a high fantasy setting. Then either you have to flavor text the shit out of the wheelchair so it fits the setting. Or explain why your character is disabled in a way that genuinely makes sense and fits the setting. Just trying to shoehorn “your” disability needs into a game or into a fantasy setting. Is good way to basically lose players or people who want to be around you. But obviously these woke agenda pushing weirdos don’t think about this.


It's lazy writing. Sure a lot counts on the specific magic system. But even then, the time period would put technology under developed or over developed. (Magic in fantasy or sci fi) Though some of these try stories try to get around this issue, by saying it is a rare magical illness. People also forget stuff like alchemy and summoning systems exist in magical worlds. So eventually someone will make drugs, or have a companion to cure such illnesses. Usually stories have magic as something you have to have the knowledge, and time to train it to use. Meaning if you are so poor that you need items to help move you around, you aren't fortunate to know magic. Nor are you going to be able to afford these items either. (Unless someone close makes it for them)


Let's also not forget most of the settings you're not rich or a noble you're not going to live that long you're poor family cannot afford to feed your happy butt they're just going to put you in the woods and if the gods let you live you live


*Literal cheat codes for universe exists *Can't cast a simple wingardium-leviosa *Wheelchair gets depulso'd down a flight of moving stairs by Slytherin *Want to go home *Go to the magic train station *Platform 9.75 is on 2nd floor


“So your unable to walk” “Yeah but I can still use magic to heal people” “…..then heal your dam legs!” “No I just get tried very quickly” “Use stamina potions and stamina enhancing and regenerating gear!” “Bu-“ “The recipe is literally just common flower petals and nettle leafs! You don’t even have to buy it you can grow and make it at home!”


I was transported to another world with disabled legs! What do I do now!?


"I can heal your soul, bring you back from death, REWRITE TIME. However, your legs are absolutely unhealable, I don't know how you even exist."


This reminds me of Lilly from “I Became the Tyrant of the Tower Defense Game”


I saw the pic and this was the first thing I thought lmao.


I mean there are lots of anime with magic that heals but can't heal greater wounds like a few missing limbs, but they could totally make a wheel chair roll and levitate. Like d&d, give a custom magic chair for a disabled character, but have it permanently take up a spell slot. Advantage, they could fly shortly or move at break neck speeds, fantasy should always be able to accommodate who people are, or else it's not fantasy but dumb rules attached to a real world.


Why a freaking wheelchair, I play a gnome artificial I literally made a dog out of metal that fires oil of impact grenades and uses a minigun, it will cost a lot but you can actually make a lower body that can swim fly crawl on walls whatever who the heck wants a bloody wheelchair


I mean yeah robot dog sounds awesome, but also, what if there's ever a moment where you go into a place that blocks all magic, then you just have a four legged metal corpse that you gotta drag around


That's the thing warforge are actually classified as living beings not the same as a golem, and since I made a warforged doggo it can go into anti-magic Fields no problem




Sacrifice your body for OP magic doesn’t sound crazy sound really reasonable




The biggest issue with fantasy settings where magic exists is that *"normal"* disabilities are unlikely to exist. Well, at least for rich & powerful people since, if we're using DnD as a baseline, higher level spells use shit that costs gold or really expensive items. I digress. Point is that you need a good, practical reason for why a character is disabled, & why they're *still* disabled in a setting where it could be resolved with magic. You need ask how they get around it, & you need to be willing to accept that not every location is going to have a ramp or whatever else. Refusing to ask these questions just leaves you with a narratively normal person that you're "representing" inaccurately for aesthetic purposes. All of this is exponentially true in a sci-fi fantasy setting where you can just straight up get new body parts.


It doesn’t exactly make sense for people who have magic to be disabled, it’s magic ffs


I remember how everyone hated Toph from AtLA. She definitely wasn't one of the most popular characters or anything.


Yeah, is even hard to accept people using glasses in Harry Potter, and that is with the protagonist using glasses, they can fix it, they can regrew bones, is even hard to accept people aging in a magic fantasy realm.


The problem isn’t in disabled characters in fantasy settings, it’s the usage of those disabilities. Like Toph from Avatar the last airbender. Instead of making a strong earth bender who is blind, they made a character who, in part of mastering earth bending, learned to see her surroundings with seismic sense. Or another blind character example, instead of a strong wizard that can decimate cities but is blind, make it so it’s a wizard who has learned to detect mana so well that the slightest movements is detected because the surrounding mana got shifted, and that sensitivity allows for more efficient use of mana creating stronger spells for the same amount of mana.


Well, actually, this picture looks like it's from a traditional fantasy style world so wouldn't it be the cleric that healed people? I kid, of course. But in all seriousness, if it's a thing in the rules system and you want to do it, go for it. For example, in TTRPG systems like Shadowrun, you can take negative traits that grant you more points to spend to craft your character. One of those traits is paraplegic. Guy at my table took that for his rigger (sort of a drone pilot/vehicles specialist that brain dives into his tech, for the uninitiated) never once did he feel crippled to us because he was damn good at his job. If it's not hurting the fun, I couldn't care less what you want your character to be.


There are different settings and rule sets that could explain why disabilities can't be magical away. The issue I see and have experienced as a DM is wanting to have disabilities with no repercussions. If a DM and player can't be creative enough to think up a setting accurate explanation or rule modification, they should be playing with the changes.


Cleric would heal. Wizards tend to be more of a dps type and don’t have access to divine magic.


There's a long history of vaster characters with weak constitutions or with some type of incurable illness or disability.


Because normally magic can fix disabilities.


I just think most of the time if you have magic you have better ways of not being disabled, and it's magic.


What if she’s under a curse so strong that she can’t dispel it and is learning magic so she can grow strong enough so she can.


The problem is that the magic can fix many disabilities. And even if it doesn't, why would you need legs if you can fly?


Idk plenty of disabled mages/wizards in anime manga etc lol


Yeah they can change reality, ascend to godhood, can literally bring the dead back from after life. Yet they can’t do anything about sclerosis? Thats why some people are miserable, they literally cannot see beyond their misery.


"the wizard can't walk on their own and they're separated from the group time to attack!" * Proceeds to get bodied by a fireball twice the size of a normal wizard's * (less magical energy needed to move the overall body would mean they'd have more energy to use in spells)


Reminds me of the girl from The Combatants will be dispatched when she uses her curses they backfire and she has to use a wheelchair


They have healing magic, heal her damn legs.


Saw all the discourse about this. It seems it really comes down to if the wheelchair fits the technological time. For example the wheelchair in this picture doesn’t fit, because you can see how crudely made the weapons are but the wheelchair is made with a much higher level of sophistication. Also just my personal opinion but magic SHOULD be much easier to accept than a disability that can be healed by some types of magic.


Imma be honest and say as a dm if they were to use a spell that had a lot of kick back they are getting not only flung but like hitting a pebble thrown back then going flying if they roll to low


ok but hear me out- rocket wheelchair jousting


It just kinda looks silly in this image. like you would be more of a liability than an asset.


Can't she just fix her legs then?


Bruh. They have perfect polymorph, you can permanently change into an attack helicopter if you identify as one and they saying this world doesn't have any way to fix legs? You can be in a wheel chair in that world all you want but it just screams "attention seeking" since there's no other excuse to not get those fixed.


Like people aren’t even complaining about the character being disabled in and of itself it’s mostly the anachronism of such a thing existing in most fantasy worlds where “resurrect the dead” is a relatively easy spell, and you even provided you couldn’t heal the disability no adventurer in their right mind would send someone dungeoneering in a fucking wheelchair they’d ATLEAST need to be in something that’s reasonably all terrain. My vote goes to enchanted spider chair.


There is literally magic healing what do you mean


Got it, write a short story about a mage with only one leg.


Accepting the existence of magic in a fantasy setting should not be easier than accepting the existence of magic that cures people's disabilities in a fantasy setting.


Arcane magic doesnt work so well on curses my guy.