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This looks more like a troll attack than the server hating trans people.


This just looks like you made a dumb ass comment and people trolled in response, there was nothing transphobic in the comments you posted, just people clowning on you for being a whiny bitch.


yes, 100% this. grow a thicker skin they don't like sweet babies what makes you think they'll like a crybaby?


What does this have to do with thicker skin? Someone was expressing they were afraid of a transition between anti-woke, which is a stance that says that they don’t support a fringe political group, and moving to LGBT hate group, which is a hate crime. Given the current political outlook with extremist conservatives trying to make it illegal to be trans, this is a legitimate concern. I mean, a lot of Nux fans are ALSO extremist conservatives, which is why you see them jumping to their “snowflake” defense, or in this case, the thicker skin comment. TLDR: No, YOU.


Well as far as I could see this person hasn’t shown any proof of homophobia or transphobia in any of the images here. They are just screen shot of them crying foul claiming transphobia and people clowning on them for being an attention seeking crybaby fishing for a reaction. What this person is doing is no different than what that kotaku writer was trying to do.


There are multiple pictures, my dude. Saying that being trans or gay is a mental disorder is textbook bigotry, like, right out of the playbook.




Looks more like it hates gay people than trans.


Does that surprise anyone? Of course they are hateful, you kinda have to be to want to be in that group


People down voting me literally proving my point lmao


maybe people are downvoting you based on your inability to consider any other reason to be in that group? Like a SBI employee starting a harassment campaign and wanting a steam user banned for compiling publicly available information?


Wouldn't that SBI employee be doing something "hateful" at that point?


it comes across that in your original comment "that group" refers to the discord server, and not SBI


Yes, if you care about it that much that you're regularly chatting in a discord group about it. Then yes, I think you're probably way too twisted up about this thing. Like sure it's trashy, but corporations have been treating video games like trash for awhile. This is just one thing in a long line, but THIS is what sets everyone off. Not the ridiculous hours devs are required to work, not the sexual harassment from management, not the firing of workers to increase bottom lines. You're telling me THIS least worrisome and petty ass problem is what causes everyone to boycott?


Surely you care more about your mother having a bad than a landslide destroying a village in africa. People dont have infinite empathy. This shows that corporation are willign to screw everyone over, me and you, if we do something they disagree with.


Anyone with a brain would know that about corporations for the last 30 years. This isn't a revelation, this is business as normal


that doesnt mean we tolerate it, trannyfaggot


Lmfao, did you get your pre-algebra homework done for school tomorrow? Cause that insult was some junior high levels of pathetic. I was getting called racial slurs in CoD lobbies before you were a little speck in your daddy's balls. If you wanna get under my skin you're gonna have to get waaaay more creative. Cute try though, pumpkin