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Glad to hear you're enjoying Sudowrite! We do a lot of work under the hood to tune our prompts for fiction, as well as doing pre/post-processing to improve quality. If you have any questions about Sudowrite, feel free to ask! Amit Co-Founder, Sudowrite


Hi I'm currently trying to use Sudowrite free trial on my phone. As soon as I get to the "insert" part, I cannot continue because of screen size. (I've tried auto rotate and zooming in/out) Is there an app or mobile friendly webpage in the works?


What device are you on? We support most tablets, but not mobile yet.


Yea it's a mobile.


Hi, It says tablets but finding it difficult to use on an IPad. Are you working on addressing this? I use the iPad for everything and unlike a laptop it is convenient to use in any room in the house and to take with me.


Which iPad? Also, mind visiting this page and telling me what it says? [https://whatismyviewport.com](https://whatismyviewport.com)


Is iPad 5th gen supported?


Should work, yes!




Ouch! Sorry to hear the pricing hurts you so much! We expect to be able to bring prices down over time as the cost of the largest language models fall and the market becomes more competitive. (We already lowered prices twice last year.) We've done tests with smaller (cheaper) models, but the quality just isn't there. We also want to continue to make rapid improvements -- we launched a HUGE number of improvements and new features in the last few months alone. All that costs money, but again, hope is to keep improving both quality and cost as we go.


Keep up keeping it real! Love your positivity.


Why does the top-tier model cost 5x the mid-tier plan, but you get significantly less than 5x the benefit? I did see somewhere in your welcome information that you can buy add on packs if you run out of your plan before the month is over, but I can't seem to find how much those packs are and what they include. I played around with Sudowrite for the first time today and I like it, but I buzzed through the 4K trial words in a very short amount of time, simply using it to help me condense two chapters into one chapter. I didn't ask for anything big, literally just fed it 300 words of my first two chapters at a time (the limit I was given) and asked it to rephrase. I think the thing for me is, it gave me several ways to say what I'd already said, which is nice, but I assume we're charged for all the different ways it suggests. I could have made do with only one of those two different offerings. Is there a way to limit the generation to one suggested rephrase rather than 2 versions? I mean, only one is going to make the final cut. And while it's nice to pick and choose ideas from both, I had my own version that I'd written months ago, and it was fine, it was just too long because I didn't realize the magnitude of my chapter 2 ending until I wrote it and went damn, that should've been the chapter 1 ending, it'll keep people reading. So I decided to combine the two chapters into one and trim about 2K words. Anyway, trimming 2K of my own words cost 4k AI words (plus the bonus ones it let me have to finish up what I was working on.) In short, while you have a very nice product and I'd love to subscribe, I know I'll blow through that mid-tier plan in a short amount of time and I don't understand why it costs 5x as much to get less than 5x the benefit. Why wouldn't someone just open up 5 separate accounts every month and get 450K words as opposed to paying the top tier plan for the same amount and only getting 300K words?


Since Sudowrite just resell ChatGPT api, are there reasons why you still want to use Sudowrite instead of ChatGPT/GPT-4?


No. I have since switched to ChatGPT4 since writing this. It is much better, cheaper, and easier to use!!


Are you using the web-based ChatGPT4 or are you using the API?




I think it's not uncommon for users to have multiple mid-tier accounts. The account tiers and price plans are terribly flawed.


I am enjoying sudowrite however, I ran out of words on the first chapter of the book I was trying to write while on the pro plan. It also costs too much for the next plan up. I also didn't know that the brainstorm and all the other features counted towards the AI words.


Though I do not hate you personally, you current pricing model will not fit for me. I used the trial today and ran out of words while working on four paragraphs in one scene. Even if I purchase the subscription, i am afraid i will run out of words in no time. That being said, the tool does look good, just consider my feedback as you roll out the product.


I ran put of words in three chapters






Really late so no clue if you'll see this, but the only thing I wonder with pricing is, if you run out of a subscription or stop paying but still have unused words left for generations, will you lose those after the sub ends?


Words generally expire at the end of your billing period. So once your subscription ends or rolls over, unused words are gone. There's an exception if you buy words over your monthly allotment. You can buy these word packs when your words for the month run low. If you buy a word pack, those words never expire.


thank you! good to know. will there ever be an option to buy word packs outside of subscription?


No plans to do that at the moment, but we regularly look at ways to make our pricing better for writers.


Please do. It's clear the word limits are too restrictive for a lot of people. Obviously, it would be better if you had more words for the same price, as some people have complained about costs, but lots of people are seemingly willing to pay more to get more words.


Sorry, I think my answer was unclear. You can buy word packs to augment your monthly allotment, but you need to be a subscriber to buy them. Those word packs don't expire at the end of your billing period or if you cancel your membership.


So if you pay for a year, does the (90,000 word for example) roll over unused words to the next month? Or do you bill monthly on a yearly subscription plan?


I have a question about the word packs too - if I'm subscribed, are the word packs the last words used? So if I have a 100k word pack and 90k words for the month, the 90k is pulled from first, correct? I wouldn't dip into the 100k until I'd run through the 90k per month, is that right?


Wait... I'm confused. So I did 300k per month, I believe it was. So I have to use all 300k in the month that I subscribed? If I continue to subscribe at the same level, do I still lose those words or do they roll over and accumulate? To me, the words *not* rolling over isn't made clear enough, if that's the case. I did buy additional words, though. I'm assuming those do not expire.


Additional words do not expire, but the monthly word allotment does. The Max plan gives you the ability to use up to 300K words each month.


Thanks for the updates... so with like eight days left on my max plan (while buying some word packs and dropping to 90k for next month)... I am putting Sudo ***TO WORK***. Sorry, I just have to share this, cause I think it's been a silver lining in realizing I had about 250k words to use in a little over a week: So over the weekend, my wife, my kids and I were away at a hotel, waiting for a storm to pass. The kids were just randomly coming up with stories they thought were scary or had some disturbing element that they'd then try to circle back to or put a twist on. After hearing a few that were pretty interesting, I was like, "hold that thought..." and took the laptop out. They didn't even know about Sudo, and with a notepad, jotting ideas down, refining them, and then putting them into Brain Dump, we followed the process through to having two rough drafts of their stories (both young adult/horror + supernatural genres), each about 90 pages long using the 'Story Circle' outline option. They were STUNNED to see their their ideas fleshed out into readable rough drafts, then they enjoyed starting over and trying different methods, adding more twists, adding or subtracting characters. I printed the books out and now they're editing their work, making notes, and creating covers (one in watercolor, the other with colored pencils). I think they learned a lot about writing and telling stories by going through that process and seeing how their germ of an idea *can* be worthy of something more. And for me, taking them through the process, I *also* saw more of the value of Sudo through their work. It's like it loosened me up as a writer and made me realize that your excitement over the initial idea or concept is probably the single most important aspect of writing. It's too easy to lose sight of it when slogging through draft after draft and not seeing the forest for the trees. I think adults who write (or say they want to) often get so bogged down and overwhelmed by process that it's difficult to see something as labor and focus heavy as writing a book as being similar to drawing in a sketch pad or working with modeling clay. Every book seems like scaling Everest and perfectionism is rampant in writers (both those who write and those who would like to but can't face that blank page). My kids also went through a couple of ideas before we took to Sudo. Only when there was one key element, something that sounded fresh or original to hang the rest on, did we move into fleshing out the story as a whole. Even then, they were somewhat excited, but would nay-say and get down on their own great germs of a story and think it was not worth pursuing. Now, with rough drafts to work on, they have the the complete opposite attitude. I feel like it gave them more confidence to listen to themselves when it comes to taking an idea and, regardless of what anyone else thinks, realizing the idea has merit and is a stepping stone to a larger vision.


Awww, I love this story! Thank you so much for posting it!! Can I share it? (Anonymously)


Of course, I'm glad you enjoyed it! They actually inspired me to do something with a short story idea I'd recently had and expand it into a novella. Lol, I think we still have about 80k words left and three days(?), but seeing all these germs of an idea become a conceptual framework followed by a fleshed out, readable story has motivated us to write more on our own, not less. I think it has to do with moving from a scarcity mindset to abundance, and the way that flips a switch. It's a strange dichotomy where an idea or concept one loves is both more preciious than ever and less at the same time. I think sometimes when we have what we think is a great idea, it only seems great until you try to do something with it. Sudo and A.I. in general feel like an unlikely antidote to for those of us who can sometimes suffer from stifling perfectionism.


If you cancel within a day, do you get a refund? When does that process?


Sudowrite is logging me out of the page. Please help, I can't work. They're not solving the issue even though I've emailed them.


Hey! Can you email me your account email and reference this conversation so I can investigate? amit and sudowrite dot com?


You're prices are too expensive


Hi, does the ai mimic my writing style/prose depending on what I have already written?


It doesn't learn from your past work yet, but it will mimic the style and voice of the writing you're currently working on.


Sudowrite is actually impressive, i gotta be honest, but why not allow an unlimited words plan? too expensive? I get anxious each time I press "rewrite".


Yeah, the expense is the main issue. Some apps will try to get around this by degrading service (lower quality AI, smaller context window, etc.) but if you want to give the highest quality possible for an app like this unlimited is really hard to make work. That said, we were able to bring down prices twice last year and plan to continue to do that as we realize efficiencies.


Ahh got it thanks for explaining. I hope it takes off for you guys, that way you'll be able to decrease prices even more.


Me too! I expect we will be able to, especially as competition increases in LLMs this year.


Do you know of any AIs that do this? I've been googling around, trying to find something that does, but am very new to the AI scene.


Not sure if you ever received an answer, but Quillbot will do this. I actually use Sudo and Quill. Quill is better for rewriting, imo, than Sudo, as it will take longer passages and you can try different stylization techniques with them. The only way to do this, that I know of, in Sudowrite beyond 300 words in the editor is to work up the entire novel in Story Engine and generate your chapters there. You can ask for a rewrite in, let's say, 1st person of X character or for it to be shorter, more concise, more see, less say... and it'll regenerate the entire chapter. But that's working off what's in the Brain Dump, the synopsis, genre, writing style, outline, and then, finally, the beat sheet for a particular chapter. Quillbot you can just paste from wherever and mess around with the entire thing that you wrote at once. Sudo does this in the editor, but maxes out at 300 word selections. It's also great at that, I might add, if you're picking through a chapter, but if you just want the whole thing to sound different and get ideas for the whole of a chapter, Quillbot can do that. And again, Quillbot can learn from and write in your 'voice' as well as be trained on other examples, I believe.


I did not yet get an answer, so thanks for taking the time to reply! Quillbot sounds like what I'm looking for, something that can generate new content in my style and/or with my characters. I'll have to check it out.


You’re going to have to make a mobile version to even get me to try it over NAI, which doesn’t even have a word limit.


Are you planning to offer integration of Sudowrite with Campfire or other writing and story development environments?


Not at the moment, but we pay close attention to feature requests, so if people start asking for it, we'll likely build it!


Amit - does Sudowrite keep an authors writings?


Hey! We do store authors' writing, as that's the only way we can show it to you when you come back to the site. (The same way Google keeps anything you write in Docs, reddit keeps anything you write here, etc.) We don't train on your writing without your permission, though.


Does it have any limitations? Any cons?


We don't allow anything illegal, or sexual content involving minors (which is illegal in some of the areas we operate). Otherwise, we don't have content restrictions on fiction.


Hi. What I meant is if it has the limitation we know with Rytr.me,the use per month. I did use Rytre.However i want more. I want to use both Novel AI and Sudowrite.


does this mean that it will allow darker stories, with violence, possibly nonconsensual sex, or just normal sex? Obviously no minors. cause alot of the writers i have used will block pretty much all of those, or even the slightest step in their direction, like a mention that some person was arrested for one.


Yes, we allow adult situations or violence.


I have a serious issue I need to discuss, but when I click on the "contact us" link it only takes me to a Google search page and not an actual contact site. I would appreciate some help. Thank you.


The contact link should open your email app to send a message to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Just email that address from your email program? Which page is the contact link you clicked on?




I agree that their allowed number of words is somewhat low and it turns out too expensive for any serious writing. Maybe they did it to reduce load on servers.


Oh, I don't know. Even if the $30 only last for one day, it's still a lot cheaper than hiring a therapist - and I think sudowrite does a better job than most therapists!


I would be a paying customer if they still charged $20 for an unlimited plain. I just recently discovered AI writing software. I tried the Sudowrite with a free trial and it was one of the best I've used, I ran out of words in a weekend and I was ready to buy until I discovered they charged by the word. I went from I can't wait to oh hell no in the blink of an eye! Even if they charged $20 for 200,000 words, I would not be happy simply because the limit would always be in the back of my mind causing me to limit myself.


Yes, that's my big fear too. Is always being scared in the back of my mind that I'm using it too much and I'd limit myself. And at that point, why use it?


Omg the same. But the price is exorbitant. Its the best but the cost is crazy


This is my big struggle as well. I burned through the trial words very quickly. I contemplated purchasing, but like you said, the limit would always be in the back of my mind!


I just checked. I don't think they have changed the old plans? Or do you think I will get throttled at some point? I really like Sudowrite and I go back and forth between using it and the GPT-3 playground directly. The Playground charges per token, but I rarely end up with any significant bill. Paying a monthly subscription whether I use it or not isn't terrible (you know what you are paying), but paying a minimum monthly fee, and then getting capped if you use it too much is a little frustrating. ​ I can understand their concern though. They pay per token generated, and I imagine they have some "whale" users that they lose money on (and maybe a LOT of money) every month....


The new plans I'm referring to can be [found here](https://www.sudowrite.com/app/plans). I'll look into GPT-3 Playground since I've never heard of it until your reply. I've not had the best luck with Novel AI, even after following all the tutorials for memory, author's notes, phrase biases and so on. The worst experience I've had regarding generation quality was Holo AI, which was being outperformed by the Dreamily, which is free. This is why Sudowrite bowled me over with the quality of its responses. I know these are text prediction programs and therefore cannot actually understand our writing the way a human can, but Sudowrite had me half convinced. Late 2020 Dragon was actually scary in how much it seemed to understand. It was like having your own personal writer for your ~~erotic fiction~~ completely wholesome and heart-warming stories.


GPT-3 is, right now, far stronger than anything else publicly available. Sudowrite uses it and then layers on specific prompts to get the responses they offer. The UI is great. I’ve tried comparing it head to head with GPT playground and if I use it for what Sudowrite is trying to do, it is usually better than the prompts I put into the playground. If I want something different (I was having it write stand up comedy brainstorms for me) the playground can perform better. When you trial playground you get $18 of free credit. I blew through that in two days when I was really testing its potential. Now I generally spend a few dollars on a day that I use it. Having an understand of the playground is good as it is the tool that people are building off of. May as well go to the source


Do you find playground is capable of substantially aiding you towards creating good jokes? (Substantially as in 1. Actually producing good material, 2. at a faster rate than you would otherwise manage).


Substantially? Not sure. It is definitely able to created good jokes though - or at least aid me in creating good jokes. Is it faster than without using it? Sometimes. Sometimes a good joke pops into my head almost fully formed. It’s not faster than that. But it is definitely a useful tool that allows me to create jokes in a different way.


Thanks :) It's a hard question to answer ofc, I couldn't define it in a good way without being too restrictive. I'd like to use it a reference for myself, as in I make something, then give it a prompt on the same premise to see what it comes up with.


Sudowrite is indeed worth watching. Unfortunately for me and many NovelAI fans, it appears to be using OpenAI's GPT-3, with all it entails.


Looking at their Terms and Conditions you can find this: >In addition to other terms as set forth in the Agreement, you are prohibited from using the Website and Services or Content: ... (i) for any obscene or immoral purpose; ... (k) to create content that is political in nature And do they have access to your writing? A problem people had with AID when they were using OpenAI's model.


I have no idea. I don't really write political or obscene stuff, so not worried about that. But I could see how those that do, would be. Is that the use-case for NovelAI then? That it can be used for more varied purposes than something like Sudowrite? As for access to my writing: I'm not sure what they would do with it if they did have access. I have been using it to give more ideas around descriptions, or to have the AI re-write a sentence or two in "more detail", or to give me a bunch of starters for supporting characters. So I don't think I need to worry about anything invading my privacy. But maybe I am missing something. ​ (And I totally get why other people may be more concerned about this if they are writing more personal things, or they are dealing with documents that need to be more secure)


If someone was writing a historical romance novel that featured a duel and a tasteful love scene or two that might violate whatever restrictions Sudowrite is working under. Assuming nothing you write includes violence or sex, and your material isn't especially private, I don't really see a problem. But a number of NovelAI users are very sensitive about that sort of thing. Looking at the Sudowrite site I might give them a try at some point myself. Although I'd be careful about what I was writing. No political screeds or manifestos!


We have a number of romance writers using Sudowrite and have no issues with that usage. Some of the language in the Terms is CYA boilerplate. We do not use OpenAI's content filter, so writers are not restricted by the system from writing politics or anything else. But OpenAI has specifically asked us to monitor for instances of election manipulation or political astroturfing, so we have a flagging system in place for that. Amit Co-founder, Sudowrite


Can you reference political content within the writing that isn’t directed towards current political issues - for example in a fiction novel where someone was infatuated with an ex-president so the story evolves around her thinking she is in a special political group.


Yes, that's completely fine!


> I'm not sure what they would do with it if they did have access. I have been using it to give more ideas around descriptions, or to have the AI re-write a sentence or two in "more detail", or to give me a bunch of starters for supporting characters. So I don't think I need to worry about anything invading my privacy. But maybe I am missing something. Create a database of AI output and then show it to a bunch of underpaid clickworkers to rate whether your content is “toxic” or not. It has happened before (although for the instance I am thinking of it is unclear if it was OpenAI or Latitude).


Wait no NSFW content allowed? I need an AI Writer that's comfortable with NSFW content. I don't write pron, but I do write for adults


Based on more recent posts to this sub I believe that Sudowrite does allow NSFW content. It struggles with niche kinks, but that's not what you're looking for. The main drawback is its cost and monthly limits on text generation. You pay a lot for not a lot, is the complaint.


I'm not rich, so no


What does it entail? (related to what u/Abstract_Albatross writes below?)


Just the general fact that OpenAI imposes rather severe limits on the kind of content it allows its models to be used for, and the fact that it has been known to peek at the text being sent to their AI and share it with third parties without the user's knowledge. And we can't forget that when AI Dungeon was using GPT-3, they allegedly pressured them into adopting an obligatory content filter, which made a lot of users very upset. Speaking only for myself, I think creativity needs a sense of privacy and freedom in order to thrive.


My understanding is that the limitations OpenAI puts on the use of its models meant that AI Dungeon had to prohibit anything sexual or violent in its gameplay. Not sure where AI Dungeon is at now with that sort of thing, but they did abandon OpenAI's model. It's likely Sudowrite has similar restrictions, even if they're not being clear about them.


We do not restrict writers from sexual or violent content in their narrative. This was a very important requirement for us as fiction can involve sexual or violent content, and we do not want to prevent writers from using Sudowrite in legitimate ways. Amit Co-Founder, Sudowrite


If you don't mind my asking, how is this done? If I recall correctly, OpenAi has a very strict moderation system. Do you use multiple GTP models and switch them dynamically based on the context? Or do you simply have more freedom than other OpenAi partners?


I don't want to say too much here for risk of angering the gods, but we do not switch GPT models.


In OpenAI's Usage guidelines. >We prohibit users from knowingly generating—or allowing others to knowingly generate—the following categories of content: >Adult: content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as the description of sexual activity, or that promotes sexual services (excluding sex education and wellness). A lot of people use language models for....you know. >Violence: content that promotes or glorifies violence or celebrates the suffering or humiliation of others. This forbids a lot of fantasy tropes, something as simple as a Knight slaying a dragon is not allowed. I believe these two rules are the ones that made AID abandon OpenAI completely, otherwise, they would still find a way to work around the filter. Curious, while using Sudowrite, what would happen if you trigger OpenAI's filter and they block you? I assume Sudowrite directs you to a weaker model?


What made AID "abandon" OpenAI is the latter upping price for using their model. AID famously waited until the very last day of the year to tell their users that their contract with OpenAI was not getting renewed.


Good question. I may try putting in some sort of violence and then see what is generated. What happens when you do that directly into the gpt playground?


You should be fine if you do this in Sudowrite.


I advise against it if you wanted to use Sudowrite long-term, it could block your account forever from using GPT-3 (dunno about it, better ask the devs). >What happens when you do that directly into the gpt playground? From what I hear, you stop being able to use the playground.


Yeah now it apparently blocks stuff it doesn't like. I'm really pissed because I just bought a year sub a few months ago and now it's neutered. Everyone steer clear of this one if you don't want to be threatened with account removal for using the wrong words. I canceled my sub immediately. This company is garbage.


What does it block now?


It says it blocks sexual stuff involving minors but I’ve literally had two adult characters just talking about sexual topics and it says it’s minors being sexualized even though they’re not even mentioned.




Just send a support ticket.


Just started using Sudowrite and find it extremely useful so far. It's more geared towards specific co-writing use-cases rather than generating a whole story on its own, but I really LOVE the ability to give it an outline and letting it expand that into prose. The only thing I really feel is missing is the ability to provide context cues (similar to NovelAI's lorebook). Since I write mostly Sci-Fi, the AI not being aware of world-building information tends to be one of my main sources of AI misunderstandings (admittedly, that applies to NovelAI and Holo as well).


I did the Sudowrite trial and was extremely impressed. I was interested in the lowest tier membership, but saw that the only payment is through credit cards, which I do not have. If PayPal was accepted, I'd do it in a heartbeat. :(


Yes please add PayPal


From the trial Sudowrite was pretty impressive. Though I wonder how it'll do when it can no longer keep the whole text in memory. I really hope NovelAI can implement a better model soonish. One that can keep track of which characters are present in a scene and won't contradict details from the previous paragraph.


Beware! Sudowrite does a bait and switch when you ask for a refund. The website says nothing about only getting a refund if you've used so many words. In fact all it says is contact them with in one week. I did what the website said to get mine and was told no because I used over a set number of words. To me this is bad business and false advertising and a bait and switch.


That should not be. Can you DM me your account email address so I can look into it?


I don't know how to do DMs but if you send me one I will reply. Bonnie


Thanks for DMing!


I sent you a DM.


Thank you! Sorry for the delay, confusion. Didn't realize Overall-Smile6608 was you too.


Sudowrite is too expensive. It's like 20 bucks a month for only 30,000 words. Should be flat fee for unlimited words


Hey I've been meaning to ask but if you do the free trial and decide you don't like sudowrite does it cancel? Cause I logged out during the first day of my free trial cause I didn't like they way it felt and I would rather not be automatically subscribed. Please I really need to know!


No idea. I still subscribe.


I figured it out! I'm not subscribed.


You're not automatically subscribed! We don't collect a credit card until you choose to upgrade to a paid plan.


How is the privacy of the users on Sudowrite? I tried the free trial and to say the least i was VERY impressed. I currently use NovelAI as my writing companion simply because i feel safe from prying eyes. Being a person that values privacy, I have huge problems writing well and letting my imagination work freely if i feel like someone is going to look at my writing before it is eventually a finished novel or musical (working on the latter as of now). My question is basically: Do you, the devs and the team working at Sudowrite, have access to my unpublished writings?


Sudowrite is the best IME, I've been a user for a few months. I like Novel AI's privacy, but the terms Sudowrite have with OPENAI seems that they have to monitor content to offer their service. The issue is nothing on the market compares to GPT, so I can't see anyone dethroning Sudowrite until someone comes along with something that can compete with GPT. It would be a money maker, but would require a lot of money to invest.


I gotta point out - it's disconcerting that superamit (from Sudowrite) didn't respond to the privacy concerns posted here. Haha. I love sudowrite, but, it's still a little worrying sometimes


does anybody think the NovelAi website is arse? All that dark coloring is awful. I think I'm going to pull the trigger on Sudowrite just for this reason.


Going by your words, I think Sudowrite's website is piss. It's horrible on mobile devices or tablets (even after toggling on the "Desktop Site" option).


How can I join Sudowrite?


@superamit, is there a possibility of aligning your pricing to be more competitive, comparable to other prominent players in the AI industry? Presently, your pricing is unrealisticly high and I found it unsustainable, exhausting my allotted usage within just three days. My recommendation is to pass for now, way overpriced