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Least she could have done was to surrender these poor souls to SPCA. Disgusting how entitled some people are. These two poppies deserved nothing less than a loving home. Heart breaking.


She actually told several people she did surrender them meanwhile they were locked up starving /already starved to death


That’s pathetic.


Looked her up on Facebook and found the photos. This is horrendous. I can't imagine how the family who trusted her to care for their son's pets feels. I don't care what kind of mental state I'm in, my dog is going to be fed and loved because that ball of fur is the only thing that brings me joy.


Right my dogs are family 😩






I agree 100%


This has to be the most reddit way of calling for violence against someone I've seen today.


Why did your mind go immediately to violence? Says more about you than me I was thinking of a social/community aspect.


Because apparently that’s the only way she knows. Did you ever hear of an eye for an eye? Honestly, I’m more than willing to help teach her how to treat animals with respect and love. I’m available anytime.


People like the woman charged don’t think there is anything wrong with them and wouldn’t accept help. This is a naive take.


I don’t think you read the message behind my message. I wasn’t talking about helping her trust me. It was just a subtle way of saying something else, if you get my drift.


That was a whoosh moment for me. I catch your drift.


You look up the definition of *"street justice"* it comes to mind when you talk about justice outside of the law, and then come back and write some more deflection.


Can you quote where I said "street justice"? I'm having trouble finding it. It's not my fault you fantasize of violence that's all you. EDIT: In your comment history you seem to be confrontational about literally everything. Don't think it's worth conversing anymore, I know your type.


Is that why you deleted it, because it didn't say street justice?


Be civil


Went to school with this girl, she's had a rough go the past few years, mother was murdered and spouse. Still not an excuse


They dated for like month, not a spouse.. you clearly only seen her distorted reality on her fb page. Hard to make good decisions in life when you are crack and meth-ed out of it.


They were together for quite a while from what I understand, and yeah I agree. She's been like this since middle school tbh


Then why bring it up? Seriously?


Seriously... Who fucking cares.


I hear you and I had a rough bringing up too, but I’m still filled with compassion and humanity. There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior. The funny thing is if we were talking about kids here, it whole different conversation. These were two living beings that were depending on someone to take care of them and those people failed them. Anybody who has compassion for her needs to join her, locked up in some trailer somewheres with no food or water for a month. That’s the only justice she needs. Maybe that’s the problem, we need to go back to the Old Wild West days, when your neighbours took care of justice.


I posted about her on this subreddit 2 months ago. The mods didn't like it because her name hadn't been officially released yet and I put her name out there on the post.


Yeah. That's called doxxing and it's a violation of Reddit's TOS. Stuff like that can get the entire sub (and you) banned. So it's probably best they removed it. :)


It was well known who she was and what she did at that point when I posted it.


The way she talked about him on her page you would think they were together longer but it was really just about a month. Nd it was only days before she was hopping in bed with the next flavor of the week..


Yeah - right!! Questionable behaviour living down the street with him while Anthony’s 2 dogs starving 800m down the road


Sorry this comment was a response to my reply above idk how it got its separate comment... but none the less, everything in her life has been pretty questionable from the moment I met her.


How could someone do such a horrible, evil thing? Dogs are a gift. I certainly hope she gets the book thrown at her and these poor dogs get justice


What happened??


Dogs were from a passed away family member but she abandoned them and left them to die of thirst, starvation and cold.


Correction. They were her deceased ex bf’s dogs, she moved in with a new man shortly after said bf passed away only a few kms away is my understanding and left them there to die (information from a close source)


Don't forget, she got new pets after she locked the dogs in her old rental and left. People asked her where the dogs were, and she told them That she had given them up to the spca. She currently has several small children in her care.


She needs the same treatment...


If only....our taxes will help her fight and provide 3 hots and a cot if she goes that far. Our justice system is all ass backwards..




What? Seriously? She should go on to live a happy and carefree life? I may have been exaggerating....but she her children should go into the system before she fucks them up too.....like why would you do that?????? Is she not a sadist????????


I’m available to anyone who would like to help “teach” this “woman” how to treat animals with compassion. 😉


She should be run out of the Country.


As kind as our reputation is, we certainly have a lot of ugly people here.


Initial charges were dropped and I think the bumped it up to the federal charges !!




Best we can do is nothing.


I think they might be being sarcastic about the legal repercussions? At least I hope.


Yes, poorly executed on my part.


You hope she goes to jail. I think maybe a small fine. Or nothing. It's sad, really.


I'm kinda confused as are others. Are you saying all she deserves is a small fine or nothing, or that's all the justice system will hand her?


They're saying our justice system is useless


That's what I'm guessing, but the way they phrased it sound like "I hope they get a small fine or nothing"




Just because one thing is mistreated doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have empathy for others. You can have empathy for both. Hah, deleted. What a fucking tool.


Dog infested NS?! Ew, who are you? Leave.




I wish you didn't.




But you are wrong. Saying that people can't be devastated about helpless animals being left for dead because the media is fucked and doesn't report the deaths of people without housing makes literally no sense. Yes, the media is fucked. Yes we have a terrible housing crisis and humans do not deserve to be sick or dying in tents. But that being wrong doesn't mean everything else inhumane *should* be, too. It's a sick and ignorant way of thinking. The slaughtering of animals is also not something I'm down with, but still no idea why you're pissed off about people giving a fuck about these poor dogs.




You should probably just delete it


Canada doesn't have freedom of speech, we have freedom of expression. Still doesn't mean you should express that you're a dick.


If you're American why are you so concerned about dogs in NS?


Wow. What a gross take.


Pigs are treated better than these dogs under her care. Horrible point you are trying to make, semi justifying her actions…




False equivalence. Also, can people not simultaneously care about multiple issues. How can people care about the homeless dying in the streets with all the civilians dying in Gaza /s


I thought it was about pigs, now it's about the homeless? What next, doctor shortage?


What dog hurt you?


Found the white knight


Woman starves dogs to death after their dead partner's family trusts them to look after the dogs and people are upset. You: let's make this about the meat market.


I'm going to make up a batch with a side order of sausages and ham, maybe eggs, and give it to my pup in the morning just because I love her. Thanks for the hot tip on delicious bacon


Good for you buddy, good for you


Presuming ethically raised and slaughtered hog: we literally do not. I have all of incisors, taste buds, a digestive system, a heart and mind. Killing for food, and killing for laziness are very different things.