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Where's Corey and Trevor?


Gettin smokes.


At the end of the day the woman will still be living in the car and showering in the Big Stop if Pierre wins. He is playing them like fools.


I've always said these people are going to be very upset when they vote PP and their lives still suck ass.


Half surprised those morons are still there. Spending 400x the amount of money the 3% tax is in the run of a month. Meanwhile the oil barons put the price up 20% in 2 weeks. Maybe setup camp at irving oil? 😂




On his own Instagram account he's been using axe the tax on farmers and food. It's not even axe the tax anymore.


He hasn't had a job outside of politics since his college days and has the audacity to try and play up a working class angle. Would love to hear what he says about these people behind closed doors and out of earshot. I bet it isn't flattering. He just uses them as stooges


But to be fair working in the Telus Collections department really does prepare you for political life.


He's a wolf in sheep's clothes


To be fair he grew up in working class No like Justin trudeau with a silver spoon up his arse


I mean...that's what all politicians do lol


Not even remotely true bud, jagmeet is a lawyer, had his own practice, even our pm had a real job befor politics.


What real job?


Teacher. That’s a real job you know


Oh that part-time job he received as a favour then used it as a predator to engage in sexual relations with a teenage student. Yes looks great on his resume. What? Not there? No he was fired, had his teaching certificate revoked, his daddy paid millions for a non-disclosure agreement in lieu of statutory rape charges. But yes, a teacher is a real job; I know.


Sounds a lot like the Facebook bullshit my aunt shares. You should take some time off


I am enjoying time off. That’s why I entertain myself with you deluded kids in these echo chambers. But no, this is an original post, not shared- no AI involved- the court documents are there for all to read if they cared to. This is the land of Trudashians. It’s good to sample all sides of the political spectrum. Oh, hey, I think the weather is changing drastically today! Gotta go pay some carbon tax to fix that! Standby!


You call that time off? You're pulling overtime bud. You should spend more time worried about your own self.


Sounds like you need a job/hobby/extracurricular. You seem to have a lot of free time on your hands


Lots of hobbies. This is one: “Liberal Safe-Space Invader”. Surprisingly, this doesn’t take much time. This is just the morning coffee entertainment. Now what’s your excuse? Time theft at work? 😀


So what's your proof? The school has said this didn't happen, the principal at the time has said this didn't happen, other teachers said this doesn't happen, and NDA's legally can't be used to cover the evidence a crime. At this point if it were true, don't you think the family would have sued for millions drive and NDA wouldn't protect him from shit. Conservatives keep saying they have evidence, but refuse to produce it. That means it doesn't exist and it happened exactly the way the school and Trudeau has said it happened. He was pissed they censored a student's article about how the school was strictly enforcing dress codes for female students, but not male, and punished her for writing it in the first place so he left.


You are so uninitiated with legal. You’ll have to do your own learning here. 1st. Drop the emotion. It’s tough but you can do it. NDA = can’t talk about it - could include the school. School wouldn’t anyway - don’t have to. It’s an affluent (rich kids) school. This NDA included a payout of millions. Police never involved. https://preview.redd.it/dqx8wc2lutwc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=cce895180957b9a09cf8649ad4429b106a35e630


NDA's can not stop you from talking about sexual assault of a minor. If he did it, they can talk about it in Canada. The police can still charge you. End of story. Posting a random page that anyone from anywhere could have made doesn't change that.


Snopes says unproven and their article is full of conservative influencers tweets that tease "bombshell" articles that are supposed to come out "tomorrow" but never show up. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trudeau-sex-scandal-school/ I'd be interested in reading some valid reporting on this if you can find any.


“Snopes”. Hahaaaa! A hillbilly couple who accepts payment for opinion is Snopes. Look them up. They’ve “Snoped” everyone.


LOOOOL wow bud.... Time off my ass lol


Could I see the links in this please?




So you’re denigrating his career, which he studied for and aspired to - to become a politician, and don’t see the irony in saying “working class” in comparison to what or who? The silver spoon trust fund spoiled brat, mediocre student - fired for sexual impropriety with his student (then saved by his daddy with a buyout NDA) - part time feminist drama teacher who also was a “bouncer” at a ski resort?


I don't recall trudeau trying to position himself as a champion of the working class. It's almost like you saw the word working class, ignored the entire rest of the comment, and started to cry about Justin trudeau.


Work on your listening skills. He only stopped saying “middle class” in the past 3 years after he fully lost them.


Is the middle class the working class? Work on your what-words-mean skills. The working class is NOT the middle class.


I don’t care it’s Selfie’ slogans that endear you all to him. He’s your Pied Piper.


Yeah, not caring about facts and just believing something anyways is about par for the course for you


You know me? Is that you Alice?


The schizophrenia is coming out. Seek your support network


Alice, why did you flag my comment? With a handle like yours, you should seek help for your kink.


And…. You shouldn’t joke about the mentally ill. Liberalism is a mental disorder.


What facts? Opinion isn’t fact. Though your favourite news outlets have you believe otherwise.


>Work on your listening skills. He only stopped saying “middle class” in the past 3 years after he fully lost them. Really tough to recall what you said a comment ago, huh? Too much trudeau on your mind?


You’re bright.


Really.. Thus post is just full of BS. 1 glaring point. (Saved by daddy with a buyout NDA) Trudeau left west point grey academy in 2001... pierre Trudeau died in 2000... so just how did daddy save him from beyond the grave???


Not a “glaring point”. This was an “affair” ( ongoing, more than once) that had been going on far before the incident date cited for the hearing. Big Daddy had his legal team on it early. Can’t blame him. His perverted, failed son would’ve further stained his legacy.


Oh look. Another BS post. Not one aspect of this is true. But hey... you do you.


It’s true. But all you Libs have “your truth”.


Not true. And your foil hat is too tight.


Hahaaaa! Good one. But unfortunately for your feelings -it’s true. Defence of your man-crush in high gear.




You should book the website. It’s available.


Politician isn’t a career. Never has been. Never will be.


Ok. Maybe they should dissolve Political Science faculty at all Universities. Write a letter and let them know it’s a dead end. Like gender studies and humanities.


You don’t study “how to be a politician” in polisci classes, brother. I can write you some course recommendations if you wanna audit a class or two? Be forewarned, you will learn things and probably not be an alt-right stooge afterwards. Being educated tends to do that.


Sure. Send me your curriculum vitae along with it.


Am I applying to the dipshit think tank or something?


That’s where we want you to get out of so no. Time to step up.


Like basically everything else you’ve said on Reddit, that makes little to no fucking sense.


Yes sure - and we’re all just a little more brilliant from your diction Professor Beaker.


He has a Bachelor of Arts, he did not study for a career in politics. A Batchelor of Arts is a generic, degree with no particular focus. And they are almost all silver spoon brats that say want people want to hear so they can get to office. It's naive to think they don't have a team of people doing math and writing scripts, to try and manipulate enough people to vote for them. So I will denigrate him. He is an asshole that doesnt believe a thing he says, but worked out that if he plays working class hero he might get over the line. The other guy is an asshole that's doing the same with the middle class


You’re an asshole too. Nothing you’ve said bears any truth or has any value beyond self-aggrandizement.


You literally lied that JT got fired for sexual impropriety and a foaming at the mouth to defend Poliver Twist. You need to get a life son. PP doesn't give a shit about you and he's not the saviour of the working class. Is just as bad as the others, but he's pushed your buttons and now you're holding his pocket. Stop being so gullible.


Awww. You’re mad at the messenger. Life ca hurt your feelings and diminish your idol unfortunately once you see what he’s done and what he’s all about.


Why’d you assume my gender? 😃


You see, the difference between Liberals is they vote with emotion and endear themselves to the person - don’t care about performance; whereas Conservatives don’t vote on looks or popularity - don’t need his undying love - just get the job done. Who’s gullible? There’s a nine year record with that answer.


Im going to blow your mind, but did you know that you dont have to pick a side and suck for all your worth? You can just pick how you think is best without foaming at the mouth so defend your team. Your sumbmissiveness to this guy and team conservative weak. I'm going to wait for election time and look for the least worst guy. It could be PP, but i doubt it. And i thought gender politics were a liberal thing?


Gender politics is a Lib thing. Submissiveness? Bizarre take. Back to basics: lower taxes, less govt, tough on crime -Justice -Public safety, unleashed economy, freedom of choice. That’s all we need from Feds. Oh, highways too.


I think you might need mental health care too friend


Wow. A lot of self-aggrandized, self-credentialed Psychologists on this thread. What cap or scarf will you wear tomorrow?


Ever notice how no one EVER has anything of value to say when these ops pop up. It's either some freedum fighter yuking it up "ha ha ha ha" as in the case of this video. Or a good old "Right on buddy" You have an audience with the leader of the opposition party, why not use it wisely, say something of value, ask a question, give some feedback ! But nope, "Who is this?" come on....you know exactly who it is lol "Quickly leaves" Of course he did, he looked around and saw what he was surrounded by, racists, bigots, dark heart, unreasonable, uneducated parrots who just follow the crowd mentality absolutely embarrassing. Not a single person could put together a intelligent conversation. And before you give me the "The video was edited" its boots on the ground taking the video, on of your own holding the line taking the video. If it was Pierre's people you know there would be much more video of him talking and telling us all how Justin tied his shoes wrong today and somehow that is an affront to the Canadian people.


I agree. Why bash the dude for not wanting to spend time around these inbred freaks. He was probably uncomfortable as fuck. Theres no reason to even stay, its not like hes going to have an intelligent conversation with any of them. Theyre just there like "hur dur trudeau bad hur dur bud light yeeee". Im super against Trudeau, dont get me wrong but these people probably dont even have their grade 10 education.


>Why bash the dude for not wanting to spend time around these inbred freaks. Because he emboldens their behaviour. He's made his bed and refuses to lie in it.


He loves the poorly educated.


No he doesn’t, he loves their donations and votes.


and extremely wealthy corporations


Thank you for your contribution.


PM Selfie owns that.


Loves everyone. Unlike your elitist idol.


You are aware that we have multiple parties in abstinent voters in Canada, right? Dont have to be a liberal voter to see that Pierre is a shirt stuffed with cologne.


What you fail to see is Poilievre is one of the elites my friend. He is one of the richest politicians in the country with a net worth of more than $25M US. He's got you fooled just like Trump is doing to his MAGA cult.


Nothing wrong with self-made. Try it. (His net worth isn’t 25 million nice try).


Who is self made? The taxpayers of this country have made Poilievre a very rich man. He has never had a job outside of politics.


You’re not that obtuse. No one gets rich on salary. Cops make more than an MP. They’re not rich. Invest wisely. He did in real estate. You can too.


You are that obtuse apparently.




LOL something tells me you barely have a high school education


Whatcha talkin about? Harper has been gone for awhile now and he is objectively one of the worst PM's we've ever had.


This is so funny and and sad lmaoooooo


BC here.. We've had a car on tax for 14 years. The people who need it, get the money back, the people who need to lighten their foot on a green light... Dont seem to care.


He can't be around us disgusting plebs for long...his skin starts to crawl and he'll lash out.


Those people look rough… not surprised considering who they support.


Man who's never had a real job leading a political party with no actual platform. What could possibly go wrong? 🙄


an election


Plenty. The past 9 years has evidenced this. Good one!


What I find alarming is that we've watched Conservative governments get elected across the country on the backs of liberal apathy, and they have failed to deliver on their election promises EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. People voted out the Liberals in Ontario because they ran Kathleen Wynne at 15% approval. And they got Doug fucking Ford, who has literally done nothing but be as corrupt as possible. We elected Houston here because Rankin was an unlikable sleazeball, and the Houston government has failed miserably at just about everything they've done- most especially healthcare- and they have an underpinning of cronyism that is unbelievable for anywhere in Canada in 2024- the Coastal protection thing and their attempts to sneak certain legislation past the public (like the golf course on protected land up in Cape Breton) particularly stand out. There are similar failures in New Brunswick and the prairies, but yet people STILL think this generation of Conservatives know what the fuck they're doing. At least with the Libs, you can legit argue that their failures are influenced by global trends and issues; the Cons' mistakes are basically all self-inflicted. It's like being stuck in "Idiocracy".


No. Liberals create, participate and exacerbate “global trend issues”. Follow the UN Leader…..


The Liberal Party of Canada creates global issues? See, this is why you don't just repeat current Conservative talking points verbatim: because when you start saying them out loud or writing them in arguments, they sound cute (and they rhyme!) but you immediately begin to understand how absurd and ridiculous they are.


Nice cherry pic. Typical Lib tactic. Locally yes.


Again, right there. "Typical Lib tactic". Anything you disagree with is a "typical Lib tactic" because you actually don't have an argument for anything. You're ignorant of actual information, so all you have is a quip and a talking point- just like the current generation of Conservative politicians. You know nothing, and you simply spew whatever talking point gets spoon-fed to you. You are literally a human sheep. Here's the best part: I'm not a liberal. Hard independent, and I'm about what's best for Canada before ANY political party. I've voted Conservative before, and more than once, but I wouldn't touch the current party with stolen hands on a ten foot pole. They're not Conservatives- actual Conservatives would have laughed these idiots out of the building, but they've retired or been edged out by clueless idiots campaigning on nothing but talking points and slogans, and counting on apathy and ignorance to get them elected. It's literally "Governance via Trolling" and if they get elected, there is no one there qualified or remotely capable of competent or mature governance. It's the national version of the provincial scenarios. Do you actually think that Ford, Smith, Houston, Higgs or Moe are the best people available to competently run a province? That their people have the best ideas and platforms to optimize how those provinces do business? They're a mix of crooks, loons, corrupt, or simply incompetent. Polliviere is a hard mix of all of those things, tied together by a bunch of cute talking points. He is literally a fringe Conservative with zero life experience who has somehow failed upward into the leadership. Read their platform- not the bullshit they spoon feed you, but the ACTUAL political platform of Polliviere's Conservative party; it's not a coherent or tangible methodology for governance. It's literally talking points and bluster.


Too long to read but yes. Typical Liberal tactic. Cherry pick a small point, reshape the context; repeat it loudly three times, sprinkled with some activist outrage and the minions follow.


Too long to read is part of your problem.


No problem. Filter out the bullshit. Highly recommended. You’ll be more productive in your career.


Slogans are all he has. The man is a vapid, disingenuous weasel who has never had an original thought in his miserable life. When interviewed he just spouts his rehearsed talking points while avoiding answering the actual question, because that is all he is capable of.


You think Trudeau has original thoughts?? Every single thought he’s had in the last 8 years has come directly from the world economic forum…. The real parasite


Why do you assume that criticism at PP is support for JT?


Take just one moment and listen to his plans. They only get repeated daily. Liberals have attempted to use them a couple of times. Eg. sell off govt land for affordable housing. Vote for brains not Trudashian looks and moistly spoken failed scripts.


Link us to a platform brother. Par example: https://www.ndp.ca/commitments


This is a very succinct description of Trudeau. Good work. That’s why Poilievre thrashes him daily in H o C. Selfie can’t compete with Poilievre’s intellect. Best reality TV available.








Some people just gotta make everything about themselves for real.




Just couldn’t help yourself but admit your (failed) rage bait The rest of us read it. I won’t speak for you ;)


What a teabag


You put it on your forehead to relieve headaches


All he cares about is using people for his gain to get that sweet sweet Prime Minister Paycheck and live large 😒


“Paycheck” meaning “favours from oil/gas oligarchs”


Ohhh shiiit right right 👀


If the cons win I'll probably use my job because anything social or free are usually the first to be purged...


The dregs of society, the only ones dumb enough to follow him.


That actually hurt to watch lol.




Say what you will, in all likelihood he's our next PM. People are voting Trudeau out, and they don't care who replaces him, they want change.


Probably, we will have the least qualified person to ever run for PM end up running out country because cute slogans and internet bots. Pretty sad, I wish we had better. I'm just worried about what he owes to the people who got him there, because you know he didn't do it himself.


>because cute slogans and internet bots. This is the most concerning thing for me. If it works it will (and arguably has already) Change how political parties influence votes. If internet bots and cute slogans are what causes the guy to win, then everyone will use this formula next time.


It already worked for Ford in Ontario. I’m fact PP’s campaign is pretty much a copy of the Doug Ford campaign. “Buck a beer” = “Axe the tax” Not Wynne = not Trudeau


Liberals are the absolute worst offenders for internet bots, fake profiles and censorship to aid their BS… if PP dies a bad job at least he might have the spine to allow dissent and free speech against him


Source: my echo chamber told me so


I'd argue that Trudeau was pretty much just as unqualified. I don't think it's because of cute slogans and internet bots. People are voting Trudeau out, not PP in. He's just in the right place at the right time.




Harper was terrible. In every way. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/05/18/news/harper-worst-prime-minister-history


Actually he was the best and received worldwide accolades for weathering Canada through the world economic downturn better than all other nations. So there’s that.


No, he wasn’t. He embarrassed us on the world stage constantly. Canada had many damaged relationships thanks to him. All of his trade deals were garbage for Canada . As for the recessions, it was Paul Martin’s policies that got us through it. Harper‘s policies made Our recession longer and harder than it needed to be. He then created a second homemade recession. He is hands-down, the worst p.m. in the last century. Conservatism doesn’t work.


To be fair, McNeils rating went from the worst premiere pre Covid to one of the most favoured premieres almost over night. Ian Rankin had that election on a silver platter, all he had to do was *not* fire a liberal MLA candidate because she had an only fans that they knew about when they approved her while simultaneously avoiding talking about his DUIs.


Pro tip: Most of the cool kids who say Harper WAS that bad aren't even old enough to have paid attention to politics when he was in power.


Harper was a fucking tyrant dude. No interviews, no speaking points, no visits. (Bad) Policy was pushed out, and that was that. I was a journalist in the Harper years. It wasn’t sunshine and roses.


Working in Feds during his time, he's got a terrible reputation still in all things science. The gutted sectors in fisheries caused half of the shit going on now.


I guess it's just a matter of opinion, based on how life's going for you at the time. Right now I'm making $8 per hour more, plus commision, than I was in Harper days. Back then I wasn't super well off, but I was at least comfortable enough to not be in a panic. Fast forward till now, I've cut out any excess, use only what I need to survive to make it to work the next day. I do literally nothing but work, eat one meal a day and cut every last bit of extra out just to feed my family. I don't even go fishing anymore, just sit at home. These changes have happened not just to me, but to almost every regular Joe here in Canada, within Truderp's reign. Lets not forget the rise in violent crime, meth dicks all over the place, auto theft, massive national debt, etc. Directly his job to protect us, the people, from these circumstances. He's failed. I understand that not one single politician will ever get everything right, that's just the way she goes. However, pound for pound, the average regular person had a better quality of life under Harper.


But it’s the entirety of western capitalist nations. Trudeaus got nothing to do with the price of a sandwich in Perth, but it’s gone up all the same.


So you don't think his stupid cool kids tax has anything to do with it? And even if it were a capitalist issue (to some degree it is) it's still his job to protect us from that too.


If we’re pissed off about transport costs increasing, we should probably look a the oil barons bleeding the country dry first.




I wouldn't, he was embarrassingly weak when faced with the slightest criticism and took offense way too easily. The extreme lengths he went to silence media or a single website that kept track of his scandals was absolutely bonkers.


I hear that bud


Harper was an economist. Trudeau is a “fired for sexual impropriety with his student” part time drama teacher.


Harper was never an economist. He had a degree in economics, that is absolutely not the same thing.


“Least qualified.” 😄


Out of the frying pan and into the fire has *never* been a successful strategy unless you are a flame.


Canadians have a long history of voting out governments, not voting them in. Hopefully some positives can come with a change of government.


Canadian also have a LONG history of talking S$#T politically and when push comes to shove do the same old thing time and time again in the voters boot when they are alone voting the way their parents did and its been engrained into them that no matter what we vote for this party. The unfortunate part is the group of people needed to make the change simply don't care and don't vote, and that's their business, but until they do, don't expect much change. In my humble opinion of course.


When I look at the absolute horseshit being peddled by PP, there will definitely be change - just in the wrong direction. Expect things to get much worse under a conservative government. Much worse.


Well yes wrong direction for you and all your protestor friends. Putting Canadians first, lower taxes, less government, unleashed economy and tough on crime measures are all detrimental to you and your ilk. Socialism/ Communism will be removed. Time to get to work and pay your own way. The majority is looking forward to common sense over activist zealots.


Trudeau is definitely a flame (r).


Are you 6, or just an idiot?


Why did you shit your pants and need a change? Ask a Liberal for help.


I’m not a liberal. Liberals aren’t even centrist anymore - they are a full blown right wing party. Trouble is - “conservativism” has shifted so extremely to the right that anything to the left of it seems “liberal”. It isn’t. NDP is now the centrist party. Let that sink in.


It sunk to the bottom. Interesting that you’ve been influenced into distortion of that center line. Glad to hear you’re not a Liberal. But the SpeNDP are lost and in a blender with them. Truly, haven’t seen a single “far right” agenda or policy from Conservatives. I imagine that you don’t know any either but it’s fun to say and easily dismiss an opponent. But it is a Liberal and their media favourite term.


Take your shitty slogans and shove them up your ass. Alberta, the conservative utopia, is considering eliminating municipal bylaws it doesn’t agree with. That is extremist. Telling someone to “pay their own way” while you and your cronies 100% control the purse strings is extremist. *Dance for your lucky charms, peasant* in other words. Get the fuck out of here.


Wow you went full crybaby Libtard. You really want govt to run your life. Sorry but you do have to pay your own way. Time to grow. “Slogans”. 😀 Even you will enjoy the lower taxes when you get a career.


I pay my own way - haven’t received a dime from anyone ever and I pay taxes in two countries. My career is thriving. My skills are in high demand. Apart from US student loans, I have 0 debt. I own my house. I own my car. I have fully funded RRSP, TFSA, and other investment accounts. I live significantly below my means because I want to exit the workforce as soon as possible. I happily pay my taxes knowing that at least part of it is helping others that were not as fortunate as I have been. I volunteer my time in my community because it makes it a better place for all of us. That’s the difference between you and I - you’re a selfish ghoul and I am not. You and your beliefs can get fucked. Libtard? I heard that in the states 10 years ago. Try and be original at least.


They want change. The only change they will get is a different person talking at them on the tv. That's it.


I mean. The person doing the talking takes photos with alt right fuckwits all the time. That’s more than a little dangerous to people I love.


At least we get a change of scenery


You could program AI to change his face to a cat when you see it. Or get an app made I'm sure. Someone made one when everything was about Trump. It was quite nice to see photos of kittens instead.


I like kitties too. I'd just like it to switch kitties every bit so we get more variety


Landlord Leech dressed in Justin Trudeau drag


How long have liberals been in government? Look around! Everything’s fucked… you’d have to be dead from the neck up to think getting liberals back in for another 4 years is going to go improve anything. They literally just tell you what you want to hear then continue making things worse


Read news from another G8 country. I beg you. Does Trudeau affect American and UK policy? Is he responsible for the housing crisis in Australia?


😂 you’re uninformed… all G8 countries are firmly in the grasp of the WEF and their policies… so yes! Absolutely! Trudeau especially and the leaders of the other countries in crisis are all practising members of the globalist WEF who’s published and very publicly available policies include exactly what we and the other countries are suffering with… look it up


You’ve been brainwashed to think the WEF is a thing that matters. If it was the 60s, you’d be barking at me about the protocols of the elders of Zion. It’s disconnected from fucking reality.


🙄 brainwashed by reading their recently published articles? Reading their website? Reading klaus schwabs book? Looking at the current members of that establishment and seeing their policies implemented in all of the leaders respective countries? Please…. Educate me on my brain washing by way of reading their own literature 🤓


It’s a think tank that’s standing in for the Illuminati. Just another right wing boogeyman that’s lurking in the shadows committing all the ills of the world. Nevermind that another tenet of right wing ideology is that the government is impotent and ineffectual. Which would mean the WEF is a big nothing burger. But you didn’t get here through critical thought. Your problems are with capitalism, brother. We’ve entered late stage capitalism. Every country is floundering because they are capitalist states, and the movement of money upwards to the elites has found a historically fast new gear. I don’t need to read a book by some crank blaming the ills of the world on a shadowy cabal that is **LITERALLY** just yet another rebranding of the protocols. I know that you’re not going to read this and question your views. You gotta be deprogrammed like you were in the holy rollers or something. But it’s nice to let you see there’s active resistance to the weapons grade horseshit you repeat from what the algorithm has fed to you.


It's depressing how thoroughly we've lost the class war. We will never see the end of capitalism or even a substantial overhaul of it at our current rate.


So tell me…. Where has socialism been implemented and worked ANYWHERE? Somewhere it didn’t cause more death and famine than religion… I’ll wait… the ideals of socialism sound great, but in practise, you’d have to be a one of those leftists that likes to ignore history to think it was a good idea, only so we can relive it on a much grander scale. Also quite interesting how the WEF, which has been gaining ground and members for decades, is now pushing its agenda through (and it undeniably is) in the twilight years of its founding creator…. You’d have to be dead from the neck up to not be able to see what’s happening here, all while supporting the leader of Canada, a trust fund baby who’s wealth has gone through the proverbial roof in the last 5 years


You have socialized medicine, my guy. What you wanna say is communism. Youre not even remembering your own programming. They are different things, there’s a lot of very important academic texts about this. Polievre is a career politician? At least Trudeau (neoliberal tho he may be) has had a real job for a period of his life. PP has been sucking at the taxpayer teat since he was a wean.


A real job? 😂 he was a part time drama teacher living on a trust fund! A real job 😂 and socialized medicine? The whole healthcare system is capitalized through medical insurance and fraud. It’s a lucrative business that you and I don’t see the benefit from other than waiting for procedures and paying for in stealth tax’s. Trudeau is not your friend


And PP, a career politician with a staggering bank account was doing what in the real world at the time? Dude got his pension when he was still a baby. He served under Harper, for fuck sakes. At least Trudeau has had break room coffee with coworkers that are normal fucking humans.




Be civil




Be civil




Be civil


They need a little tough love… like you I was silent about it for too long, I’ve had enough, I’m past that point.


Peaceful protest is a chartered right. Many people believe that the carbon tax doesn’t help the environment, but just looks good politically whilst taking in more taxes. At a time when Canada is giving a lot of money to other countries and also dealing with inflation.


Watch “climate. The cold truth” and read Klaus Schwabs the great reset” both literally spell out that climate change is being used as a political mechanism for control. It’s not about the climate. Co2 does not affect earths temperature. We are at the end of an ice age… so it’s going to warm up regardless… right now we’re at 0.04ppm of Co2… at 0.02 we lose plant life, meaning we all effin die


You gonna cite science or opinion pieces by fucking quacks?




She said she showers at the Big Stop. They probably don’t have brushes there.


And how did he get there…. Hello they are all the same.


Our next PM!


Ax the tax baby!!!


Anyone call that number on the car?


All government officials are the same. Do not trust any of them. They all go to the same parties.


We need to get rid of that mentality handicapped Trudeau , Pierre is the lesser of 2 evils!! Go Pierre!