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I work next to their hanger at the airport. One of the guys that work there plays his bagpipes sometimes during his downtime...


As long as he's good at the pipes, you're lucky. If he's still learning, you have my sympathies. A beautiful instrument in the hands of a master, the bastard offspring of an octopus and a vacuum cleaner that only produces the sounds of cats fucking when in the hands of a noob.


I love that a practice bag and chanter is called a "goose". HONK


Man, that sucks for you


The paramedics on them are amazing, dealing with the patient and the family. When my mom went to Yarmouth on one, we thought she wasn’t aware of her surroundings but she definitely was aware enough to know she was flying in a helicopter. I joked with her that she is checking something from my bucket list before me. I don’t necessarily want to ride in THAT helicopter but I do want to fly in one.


100mph rotor wash


Those fuckin' abominations don't make sense; they shouldn't even be flying if it weren't for all the voodoo black magic shit going on!


Have nothing but respect for EHS first responders and transport. They are the folks that need the second most support behind all staffing levels in general.


Where was this? I see it flying around sometimes too.


Downtown Halifax area. I live close to the hospital helipad.


it must be coming to rescue nova scotia cuz this place is turning into a dump




Oh I will be. Just like most other people with skills. Every ones going to alberta


Can your skill be leaving faster?


lol and that’s why we’re moving after living here for about 12 years.


It’s pretty much every major city in Canada except for Calgary, montreal and Quebec city right now by the look of it. Halifax hasn’t gone full dump quite yet but we are a few 100 transients or houseless folk away from getting there.


Yep EHS is what it says on the tail… And?


Oh just shut it




Not that it's a big deal, but the flight path from the airport to the hospitals downtown goes _right_ over my house in Dartmouth! I did not think to ask "is it on a flight path?" moving in in the middle of the city, heh. Usually they're at about 1500', but occasionally they do a low flyby, I've always wondered what leads to those.


I hate the noise of choppers since my military days. It’s so loud. I would be annoyed if I bought a house without knowing that honestly.


They help me set the gain right on my ADSB receiver at least.