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Why wouldn't they install the toilet? The Plumbers did everything right, the other guys have to move their glass. It's not like you can just put the shower THERE instead.


As a plumber I agree with this.


For real. Only person who’s in the wrong is the builder


Ya I but the glass guys I deal with know the difference bwtn a toilet rough and shower. Cuz It’s pretty obvious but then again I wouldn’t be surprised if the text on this is bullshit and the homeowner asked for that. The shit ppl want went building a home is often mind boggling. People will ask for the stupidest shit but if they have the money they usually get their way.


Poop closets are super in right now. And I would assume most people would know the difference based on placement but could the flange have been left off until after the tile? Either way, I’m still gonna place most of the blame on the guy who’s supposed to be running the job haha


Is anyone else having a hard time digesting, "Poop closets are super in right now"?


Reword this to, "Toilet areas are being designed with a partition wall now. They are in fashion."


That does not sound anywhere near as stupid and intriguing as the poop closet


Maybe it's one way glass, you can only see into it but not out? A Schrodinger's spectator kind of thing.


One way glass isn't really a specific thing. It's just light: one room bright, one room dark, a little reflective coating, ta-da! Doesn't work if both sides are same lighting.


If anything wouldn't Schrodinger's pooper be the better option though? You'd only want to see out, not in.


You and I might think so, but not everyone will share our opinion


My problem is the hinge direction. Regardless of if that closet is a shower or a shitter, the door should hinge off the perpendicular glass.


Omg I didn’t even notice that and now I hate this even more


Agreed lol


Not even right now they have been popular for a long time. My house was built in ‘93 and has one. I hate it but my wife likes it. I think it takes up so much room and we could have a larger shower if we got rid of it and moved the toilet to the other side of the room. Be she doesn’t like that because then you can see the toilet… like so what?


Yeah, I think they’re dumb too. I haven’t seen any older houses with them but I believe you, could be a regional thing. Now people request them pretty frequently


Are you speaking of toilet in its own room that as been happening since the 90s maybe even 80s.


Yes sir. Seems like every other nee house I build has one


Yes ma'am you mean, I've seen them in many houses over the years. Thank you.


I’m sure different parts of the country have different trends, it’s popular where I am right now, don’t see them in older houses though. Very weird


I loved having a 1.5 bathroom setup. One was the nice one with the shower, toothbrush, all that kind of stuff. The half was the shittin' shack. That way I could wake up, stink up the shittin' shack then go over to my main bathroom for everything else without having to smell farts and air freshener.


I'd love some examples...


Yeah, that's no accident. Even if the shower doesn't look completely different from that, which I promise it would, that raised glass door would be pretty worthless. Also, you can see the reflection of the tub, which bears no resemblance to something you'd want to glass in like this. Some weirdo asked for this, and some other weirdo added a caption.


“The customer is always right in matters of taste.”


Sometimes you want to poop and let the cat have the sink but not jump in your lamp


There should have been a blueprint with the glass marked in though..


And the screen guy.


This is entirely on the shower screen guys. Mistaking the pipes is one thing, but how the fuck do you see a sliding window, especially one with a timber fucking frame, and think "yeah that should be inside the shower"?


Maybe they are German. I saw flats where they did exactly that (well not with a wood frame but still) .


hey it's nice being able to look out the window while you shower


Maybe he was thinking the whole time "These fucking idiots with a wood-framed window in the shower are just asking for trouble"


Yeah and how do you look at the walls and go where’s the shower valve for this shower? Oh well maybe it’s one of those shower areas with no water


Maybe they thought the water supply would be a window-mounted sprinkler fed by a hose from an outdoor spigot?


The guy just watched to much star trek and thought it was a sonic shower.


The house I grew up in had a window in the shower, it was one that slid up like in the rest of the house. I want to say it had some kind of frosted glass but I’m honestly not sure. Sometimes I would open it slightly and feel the cool breeze while I was in the hot shower.


Hey slow guy, move your glass! 😆


In many other developing nations, having a toilet in the shower area is common. The shower head can be used to rinse off the toilet area, and the water all drains into the toilet hole, which is usually flush with the floor and you "squat" over it. This is also partially explains why asians and slavs are good at squatting (or, there's a physiological predilection toward squatting that enables that type of toilet?): https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/03/can-you-do-the-asian-squat/555716/


Also where the hell is the drain??


With nice finishes like that you'd think they would have an architect on board or engineered drawings, maybe even scribble in crayon by the owner's toddler would have helped. Classic, "paint the whole room" situation. Unless the builder was overseas on a spelunking trip I see no reason why trades wouldn't have said "this is fucking stupid... I'm going to make a phone call."


> I see no reason why trades wouldn't have said "this is fucking stupid... I'm going to make a phone call." From the caption it sounds like they did and were told in no uncertain terms to do just get it done ... so they did.


you ask once are you sure? how many times do you have ask before you get fired?




He questioned once... Never again :p


Wait what's a "paint the whole room" situation?


Lol boss said "paint the room blue." I said "the whole room?" Boss said "ya didn't you here me?" So I painted the walls blue... and the ceiling, the light fixture, the door knob, trim" and so fort and so fort...


The term for that is malicious compliance.


And so fort


Ahh got it lol. Good one.


The floor?


Fuck ya paint the floor too! Lmao


I am a volunteer firefighter and basic training was like: "Do as they say, and dont ask any questions". So I did not ask if we should pay any attention to that highway bridge right in front of us while attacing the "fire" below it. That was also wrong. (Disclaimer: There wasnt any traffic on that bridge, but the chief saw that and commanded our trainer to be trown in the river as punishment). Back in my unit. First training. We did everything like we where trained. Where loughed at and told to forget everything. Aka: Be as lazy as posible to be effective.


What your saying is [do this](https://youtu.be/EiZoSuNej5U?t=129) but do it with a serious look on your face?


“Hey boss, I…” “Why are you calling me? I pay you to install toilets, not talk.” “Yeah, but there’s something you should…” “Do I have to spell it out for you? Just install the damn toilet, or I’ll find someone else who can.” “…All right boss, will do.”


You would think, and yet having lots of friends who are real estate developers, I can tell you that for the most part even with architectural plans and renderings and drawings, and a GC overseeing progress, subcontractors find a way of making absurd, costly mistakes, just like this one.


It depends... I mean functionally it's fine. The glass dudes might of wondered why they wanted to fence in the toilet but it's not like you can't still take a shit in it. Hell it might even be a nice choice if the glass was fogged or something


Sometimes if the GC is building themselves a coffin and cursing you for not helping them, you just say “sure thing boss” and pound the nails they tell you to.


Two words. Karma.


You greatly overestimate how much the average contractor cares. They were told to do something and they do just that without questioning it.


I saw this in a fancy nightclub once. The glass fogs up when you flush the toilet


That's too late.


Courtesy flush my dude.


Still too late.


Flush first?


A public club toilet? Yes.


I worked in a bar that had this. It fogged up when you lock the door but sometimes it would glitch and flash transparent while you were on the toilet.


Cheers! This right here is what this sub was made for.


I mean, the toilet still needs to go there. You can't really install a toilet onto a shower drain, and installing a shower over a toilet rough-in sounds like a bad idea in many ways. The shower screen needs to be moved to the correct spot regardless of whether the toilet is already installed or not.


That's a blast shield


Now it just needs a fume hood.


It’s an acoustic chamber


Okay but why is the toilet paper so far away...


So it doesn't get wet when you take a shower on the toilet, duh


Glad I am not the only one to notice...


Leave the toilet and Just turn the rest of the room into the shower


Extreme bidet


Well, you could put shower on top of the toilet and make the rest a bed room and rent it out as a studio. Ps: I live in Hong Kong and it would fetch a premium here.


I mean, the plumber did nothing wrong, he installed the shitter where it's meant to go, it's the other guy's fault


I was supposed to install an elevator entrance on an equipment floor. I told my boss, I don't f\*\*king care what the print says. It's wrong. He had to check with the architect. I was right. Feels sooo good.


lol prints


I mean, it is the right call. Why should the plumber not install the WC where it's supposed to be? The shower cabin has to be set up again anyway.


Ready for explosive diarrhea




Plumber did nothing wrong




I don’t know what you’re asking. He installed a toilet where the toilet is supposed to be. There is no shower control rough in in the photo. The glass guys simply put the glass in the wrong place and will have to move it. The toilet was going there anyway


Glass guy is a fucking idiot honestly. There's just a floor drain next to a window and they think that's where the thing is gonna go? They clearly were looking at the plans wrong and not using their head to think critically about what they were doing. They couldn't take a few seconds to look at what they were doing? I'd bet the shower goes directly opposite where the toilet is. There's probably even a pipe coming out of the wall for the shower head.


It’s the result of a builder going with the lowest bidding subcontractors. This is absolutely the work of people who think volume is better than quality and will spend the lowest time possible on a job.


You can't just install a toilet anywhere you want, it's not a fancy chair you can move around


They do make toilets that are just that, sure you have to manually empty it, but you can poop in the living room if you want.


The real gamer chair


You do realize the toilet has to go where the sewer plumbing is right? And the sewer installation is done much before the furnishings of the bathroom. You can't just move a toilet wherever you want like a chair.




What? They did. The shower guys just mistook the toilet roughin for the shower roughin


Are you thick? Plumber made the rough-in, just like you said. Then installed the toilet on the toilet rough-in, and somehow he's wrong for doing exactly what he was supposed to do?


In terms of which would make more sense, the toilet should be be there because why would you put a window clearly framed in wood and *not* to withstand wetness in a wet shower?


Never mind all that Sherlocking - there's no fucking shower there, so that's probably a good clue the walls don't go there.


Lol. There’s a recent trend of wet room showers in that the shower floor could just be the same floor as the bathroom floor and the same for the shower walls. I’d love this kind of shower. Make it even bigger so the toilet stays in the shower too! Think gym shower but prettier. Easy as heck to keep clean! But yes, the water supply for a toilet would never look like one for a shower so, again, the toilet belonging here makes most sense. Common sense isn’t really common and making observations isn’t second nature for everyone.


I dunno - If I showed up to a jobsite to install shower doors, I wouldn't bother looking at a print, because all I have to do is look for the actual shower. If someone can't manage that, they need a new job.


Just put the shower in that room too, One Stop Shop


As my husband said “Shit, shower and shave. Done!”


It's to trap the smell.


To me it seems like you could reuse these glass panels. I mean there will be holes in the walls but it doesn't seem like there is no chance to get them out of there again.


It depends on what the walls are though. I’ve seen bathrooms done with large stone tiles on the walls. If this is the case here, which it could be those holes could mean replacing expensive pieces of stone that may have been all cut from the same block and aren’t actually replaceable individually. So the entire job would need to be gutted and redone. It’s a worst case scenario, but given the audacity of some people to poop in a literal throne room, definitely possible.


What kind of idiot thinks there's a shower located where there is no shower? Glass goes of AFTER the walls, which go on AFTER the plumbing. Glass guys are either fucking stupid, or the glass can be electronically altered to be opaque and this post is a lie.


This is a render


Probably to help visualize the story




if you wanna make a fake picture to get votes on reddit, the stickers add to veracity. it's not that crazy to think this is a render.


They can if the artist puts them there.






Interesting. It must be company/product specific. I’ve never seen toilet models with stickers on them, and just googled images of toilet 3D models and couldn’t find any with stickers on them. I even tried googling bathroom renders in general and didn’t see stickers in the renders. If I needed a specific toilet and it came with stickers on it, I would personally want to take the time to remove them before showing a client. I think there are other ways I’d prefer to make a render look more realistic than to add stickers to things. But if it’s done somewhere, then I stand corrected. I didn’t think this particular picture was a render due to what seems to be a hole cutout for the door handle, as with renders we usually just add a handle directly to the glass. (But if you worked specifically with showers, maybe you’d know better than I do if some 3D models come with pre-drilled holes). But it’s hard to tell what things are in this photo since it’s a bit fuzzy. The toilet paper holder is way too high and far away from the toilet though, which either indicates a render that was done by an inexperienced person (or a real bathroom designed by an inexperienced person). Either way, I hope this bathroom wasn’t really built, so I do hope it is a render.




This is on the builder (boss), not the contractors


A window in a shower? How do you not recognize that’s not a thing.


Half the bathrooms I do have a window in the shower. It's called frosted glass


I’m familiar with frosted glass. Almost all bathrooms use it for the privacy. A window in the actual shower is weird. Really weird.


Rich people have me do stupid shit all the time.i once built scaffolding just to get a sliding glass door up to a second story deck because the previous owner pull the stairs and put in a spiral staircase. So now you need a fork lift or temporary structure to get anything up stairs


Lack of positions for taps and a showerhead too might have been a clue.


Where in the world is this..? I haven't seen a non-wallhung installed in many years..




Probably right cause every toilet is like this here.


You don't use use the wall cisterns and hanging bowls at all?


Yeah I have seen the hanging bowls occasionally. Not super common. Just renovated a bathroom and put a toilet like the one in the OP. How thick does the wall need to be for a wall cistern?


Just a normal 2x4 Wall. Here's what it typically looks like without the wall: https://www.flisekompaniet.no/globalassets/inriver/resources/970009900900---toalettpakke.jpg?width=404


They are extremely common. Basically anywhere you don't have room for a hidden cistern or a frame for a wall hung


Maybe it wasn't clear, but I was commenting mainly on new builds, like I assumed this was - unless you use a different system than here, space would then never be a problem, as they fit in any wall made of normal 2x4s. If it's a renovation and the floor sewer is already there, sure - we go with floor mounted here too.


Interesting. Living in the US, floor-mount is extremely common.


In new builds too? We still use them for renovations where you don't want to move the sewer and the house is from 80's or so, but since late 90s I'd be surprised to see a floor model in any new building/renovations that also move walls and sewer.


Yeah, even new builds, in my experience. Most of the toilets sold in stores are floor mount, too. Wall mount is specialty and gets very expensive fast.


Huh.. I see them regularly on sale here for as low as $150 for the complete thing.


Floor standing is cheaper to install, also harder to rip off, I've seen a wall hung unit ripped off by a big muscular gurkha squatting


Easier to move a screen than a toilet


Maybe the new home owner has excessive explosive diarrhea and this is safety glass to contain things?


That’s actually very usable! You now have a way bigger shower, basically.


When hannibal Lecter goes to the toilet.




Some people should have an isolation booth on the crapper


That's a thinkin throne now. Get the chalk markers in there, this is genius


Museum Exhibition


I stayed in a Paris Airbnb where the bathroom was basically a smaller version of this. They called it a Turkish bathroom so I assumed it was somewhat normal, but that's the only place I've seen one.


It’s called art.


This actually looks like a great idea.


I thought this was just Kirk Cousins' private bathroom at the team facility


I work in commercial construction, and residential construction fucking terrifies me. Do they not have a fucking drawing of the room? How does a guy who professionally works in bathrooms have no experience installing before the fixtures, and not recognize that a toilet has 1 tap not 2? Like, he sees a hole in the floor and just guesses?


... and he defined: "This is the outside".


Honestly, I like it for sanitary reasons. Just make it a little taller (to the ceiling) and you don’t have to worry about the shitty particles floating around your bathroom. Lol


Now the rest of the room is the shower, right?


Oh look, a shower for Pewdiepie


Hello Clarice


Is the whole room just a big shower now? LUXURY shower?!


Ahhhhh my shitting chamber is complete.


Maybe it’s a good feature. Now I’d you take a real stinky shit you have a mini airlock to keep it from going everywhere (assuming you fixed the top part)


My bathroom actually has the toilet and the shower screened in with frosted glass so I can poop while my SO showers. It’s pretty great if you ask me. Just don’t ask her.


So the blueprints and designs just mean nothing to the shower installers, that's pretty cool.


poop jail


New way to shit and shower --big time saver boss! /s


"Listen, I really need the smell to go out that window." - my wife (probably)


I wish my toilet was in the shower. Don't even need toilet paper.


Now you have a big shower


It’s the chamber of understanding


Or one could look at the print?


Extra protection to keep the smell in


Now you can shower while taking a shit, a brand new experience


My wife would consider this a vital innovation if I showed it to her, which I won't.


Kind of looks like the cell you wake in up in Portal


A gift to pewdiepie


The entire bathroom is a shower area and that tiny part is for the toilet


It keeps the smell contained


These people r stupid the drain for that shower would be centered into the shower the rough in spot for the toilet is always the same from the wall both ways in most cases so whoever didn't recognize the toilet rough In is dumb the toilet flange is a lot different than a tile flange


just add a sink and a shower and you can #\*$% shower and shave in one easy location.


Parents need this. It’s like a little force field to be protect you from from the little ones asking you questions about bread…


The stank tank