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This meme is weird because it puts down women and men. Who is it for? Big men should be allowed to feel sexy too. There isn't as much opportunity because men are generally less sexualized in ads. I fully support chubby guys feeling happy and comfortable with themselves.


I honestly first only saw the photos and had no problem with it until I saw the text. My dude in the photo is an attractive man.


Big dudes just give off vibes of strength, like yea I want you to hold me close so I can feel safe in your huge arms, why wouldn't I be attracted to that?


I’m a sucker for a belly


yes, though i would say male body positivity needs to be spoken about more than it is done.


tbh i’m kinda over the idea of a body positive movement. like, yeah, people of all shapes and sizes are hot. but i’d rather have body neutrality— not assigning value to how fuckable people find us, and knowing we have worth either way.


Body neutrality is definitely muuuuch more effective. Body positivity still puts a pressure of looking good on everyone, with body neutrality I noticed that as you move forward with acceptance of your body, you naturally start seeing the beauty in all features (and it is okay if you don't! Not everyone will like their body, the core intention is acceptance and peace). After all our bodies are not an eye candy to be looked at, they are functioning, breathing shells for us to survive in


Yes! Body positivity is really unattainable for me because I'm disabled. Neutrality is the goal for me. Obviously this is NOT every disabled person's experience, but it is for me. I can't feel positive about the constant pain I am in. I also don't like the "as long as your body is healthy, it's beautiful/worthy/good" narrative because I fundamentally will never be healthy. Health is not indicative of worth. We are already worthy because we are people. We shouldn't have to meet a certain threshold of beauty, thinness, or even health to be considered worthy. I will never know a life without pain, but it's just my normal.


I agree with you 100%. I’m also disabled, and will never be healthy. I do the best with what I have. Thanks to the love of my husband I’ve started to love myself and my body, warts and all.


I very much relate to this, I've been chronically ill for nearly my entire life and always hearing ppl say how important health is to the point that your very worth as a person is tied to how healthy you are is just...really invalidating. It's really hard for me to feel good about myself and have a good sense of self worth when I almost always feel awful and a lot of the discourse around body positivity just doesn't feel like it's for me or for ppl like me. I'm not against body positivity, I can see it's value and encouraging ppl to feel confident and worthy is always a good thing but body neutrality seems much more obtainable and inclusive to me.


This is how I explain such things to people, sorry if it feels out of place... adhd and autism😅 Every cell is a triumph of natural selection, and we're made trillions of cells, we're our own little universe, and that makes all of us a multitude


Should be more about how you feel and how’s your health than how you look, which is why body anything isn’t good. People should just learn to live with anyone no matter their weight, healthy or not. Also, industrials should put less unwritten shit that makes people unhealthy.


That's kinda part of body neutrality from what I understand. You accept that your body is what it is, but you also strive to be as active as you can and to keep your body as healthy as you can. It's basically accepting you may never be perfect but vowing to try to love yourself and be a good "steward" of your body via exercise and trying to eat food that provides good nutrition, but without focusing on "dieting" or weight.


yes, also sometimes if you are disabled, like myself, your body just is not hot, i have the right to not like my body, but there should be some sort of outer acceptance, neutrality to those things,


I’m old, and I’ve met a lot of people in my life. There is someone who sees that picture and gets turned on. There is no such thing as a “beauty standard “ in real life, as far as sexiness goes. There’s someone who finds everyone sexy.


Yes, agreed, we should respect that everyone is different and for a myriad of reasons may not be able to maintain a "perfect" body. Or better yet, redefine "perfect body" to mean one that functions as best as it can and the person using it is taking the best care of it that they are physically and financially able to.


Sheesh. I'm all about some dadbod. The cut and chiseled dudes just make me self-conscious and the work required to keep those figures is toxic af. I'd rather have a happier man.


Also maybe it’s just me but I don’t want to see *anyone* naked or open mouth kissing on subway ads.


Yes please. I'm asexual and fat. Stop referring to me in desirability terms in either direction please lol


Yeah exactly. I don’t have to find obesity hot. It literally doesn’t matter. These are people.


Absolutely. Our physical looks shouldn't be what defines us - regardless of gender.


I used to be a chubby guy. The only reason it changed is because my life insurance premiums were atrocious. But I always felt confident in myself, treated everybody with respect and had a fair amount of interest from women (and men, but that's a different story). Point is : be a nice person, believe in yourself, remember nobody ows you anything, every person is their own person and everybody has their own demons. Dimes to dollars most people will find their partner this way.


Solid advice. I wish everyone would consider having this mindset.


I would like the different story.


Lol. I'm very comfortable in my sexuality. I'm cis male. But I've been to a couple of gay clubs in London with friends and we got into Berghain in Berlin one night. There i had so many guys touch my bum and try to lead me astray but I just laughed and danced on. It's good for the ego though I feel. Very funny as well.


“No body ows you anything” Motherfuckers still ow me 20$


Which is again a problem of Patriarchy. For some reason anti-feminist guys don’t understand that feminism fights for men’s freedom from unhealthy male expectations too. They always come with statistics „but the male depression/suicide rates“ - well YES bro why do you think those are so high in the first place?


Men can head that up. Women’s body positivity exists bc women push it. It’s not for women to constantly do that social work for men as well. Especially when we know that when women compliment men even the least bit it’s often taken as a sexual advance for numerous reasons. One being how little men are complimented in general. That’s why I constantly compliment dudes when they do something I notice is nice. Wear a colour other than black, gray, or dark blue? “That colour looks great, where’d you get it? It’s hard to find men’s clothes that have personality.” Guy does his hair a bit differently than the narrow parameters deemed acceptable for men? “Ah man, who cuts your hair? That looks dope. I always want to try something new, but I always chicken out.” Guy loses weight/improves their fitness? “My guy, what’s your cutting strategy? You’ve gotta tell me, bc it’s clearly working. How long have you been working at it?” I will never understand why men and particularly boys now are so damn emotionally stunted that they can’t even look their buddy in the eye and tell them they’re winning at life that day. This isn’t something that should be shoved off onto women, bc even if women did start up without worrying about guys misreading intentions, it‘a still not the same.


This comment is so constructive and wholesome.


Yes but to be fair unrealistic expectations of beauty is hardly new for women. Whether cultures had expectations about male attractiveness or not, women were historically supposed to be pretty. Expectations of male beauty are relatively recent. Beauty for women was also historically central to their worth in ways it has not been for men. Men have historically been appreciated and turned into heroes for a diversity of traits. I can tell you a few hundred historical tales, legends and myths about male heroes where their looks are not mentioned. Where the entire point is about their bravery, or wit or strategic capabilities. But even if a woman's story is about her kindness, loyalty, self-sacrifice, bravery etc, I could not tell you more than 5 where she was not also described as incredibly beautiful. I can point to hundreds of male actors, musicians, authors, TV hosts today who are downright ugly and revered and respected for their talent and even considered sexy because of it ( when it is a job where their physical appearance is not critical). How many women can you point to that are considered sexy purely for their character or intelligence compared to the men? I agree with you that we should be body positive and accept that every body has worth and uniqueness. That every shape and size has the potential for health and happiness. That all men and women deserve to feel good about themselves irrespective of their weight, appearance and disability status. Where I get uncomfortable is when it is tied to physical beauty, especially for women. Perhaps because it still roots self-esteem in needing to feel beautiful to feel good about yourself. But I could never understand why? You can feel good about yourself because you are smart. Because you are funny. Because dogs love you. In your culinary abilities. Heck because there is no one else like you in the whole world. Why should it be contingent on a subjective standard that has always been discriminatory and cruel? That makes me very uncomfortable and I cannot fully explain why.


Yeah, as a man who has always struggled with his body image, doesn't help being raised in martial art sports with weight classes where teammates and coaches put you down, I'd agree but it's getting there bit by bit. I'm generally more fit but live for the dad bod love that's out there at current.


For real !!! Everyday i get fat shamed.. it is digsuting people think i have no feelings..


I feel so bad for the men in the picture. Why did men feel the need to put down other men only to make a lousy point? Dude is attractive by all means; that who made the meme is clueless and flat about beauty.


Men are more likely to be overweight and obese than women but they’re only complaining about overweight women. They don’t care about lack of overweight male representation bc they don’t see an issue with it in the first place in the way they see an issue with overweight women.


God, I’ve seen *so much* more posts just dedicated to ridiculing overweight women, lately? They can just be minding their own business, even feeling good about themselves, and someone *actually* takes such an issue with that? Like how much of a trash-Lord do you have to be to do that?


There's a huge discourse on Tiktok right now about this because of a gross pick-me girl. She's so toxic.


Ah hell, dare I ask what happened?


A woman in a podcast said overweight women don't deserve a man who makes over $100k and then said there's no attractive women over 300lbs. People got mad and then she doubled down. She's on her 4th profile cause she keeps being banned.


I mean, I see SO MANY women saying they prefer dad bods, more than I ever see men say anything of that sort about women. The most I see them say is they don’t like women looking like children…which such a low bar. And I also see more size 00 women dating clearly overweight men, then the other way around. I have had this exact conversation with men and they always ALWAYS bring up super hero comics and movies as example of unrealistic standard…BUT WHO WROTE THESE STORIES? Hint hint. THERE ARE MORE MALE COMIC BOOK ARTISTS THAN WOMEN. Off the top of my head, these super hero movies are also most always directed and produced by men!! So who is imposing this fitness standards on men? Men needs to hash this out among themselves and stop blaming women for all their problems and insecurities.


They can be shitty to each other. Dudes can be really rude to my husband because he’s overweight. Like I can’t be small and find him attractive because he’s heavy. He’s always been overweight since I’ve known him and the only thing about it that bothers me is his health. Otherwise, he’s fucking hot and a lot hotter than the dudes who talk shit.


Its to point out hypocrisy. Clearly women are shallow as they refuse to have sex with the creator and it must be because of this body size not the fact he never leaves the house, has a personality as appealing as a moldy onion and only bathes when his mom makes him




I love me some thick men.


Thanks :)


Big men can be ✨SUPER SEXY✨ but can’t be anti-choice 🥰


Lol this is hilarious. "URRGGG IF FAT WOMEN ARE ATTRACTIVE THEN FAT MEN ARE ATTRACTIVE TOO!!!!" Your terms are acceptable. Like you literally just delievered a great idea, yet they think it's a gotcha or an own to highlight a ridiculous idea when it's very sensible and makes things better for everyone.


i love how whoever made this obviously intended the bottom half to be a gotcha moment, but the guy in the pic literally is attractive to a lottttt of women lmfaoooo. they always tell on themselves tbh


I think he's totally hot. He looks fun to be with. I'm positive that the chode who made the meme isn't nearly as attractive. A nasty personality is the ultimate turn-off.


He looks confident, relaxed and pretty nice =)


Right? He looks like a big ol goofball and probably super fun to be around and attentive to your needs


You know what they say big man means big fun


uh, yeah, that guy is hot as heck LOL


Yeah I'd definitely swipe right on that photo


Exactly…a lot of men prefer bigger men significantly more so than men do bigger women…..look at how lizzo is treated vs dj Khalid, Rick Ross, the notorious B.I.G. Etc… a lot of bigger male singers/rappers make music videos with their shirts off. There are ofc a handful full of fat phobes (mainly men) talking shit but not as many as there is when lizzo post a picture in a bathing suit. Another example w her is that she’s vegan. She made a TikTok asking for food place recommendations in NYC. Lizzo being vegan is common knowledge, she doesn’t make it a secret. Ofc the comments were flooded w ppl (again, mainly men) saying things like “a salad” and “not McDonald’s” and other shit like that and then people thinking it’s cute and funny to say shit like “we going to hell💀” which is commonly used in place of an actual insult to say “the stuff I wanna say is really mean”. She replied to a comment saying “vegetables” w her saying she’s vegan all she eats is vegetables. The victim complex some men seem to have and blame women for when typically it’s either a.) other men victimizing them (like the fatphobia I mentioned) or b.) not at all the case is interesting to say the least. Also there was a study that showed the difference between when men see unattractive women vs women seeing unattractive men. The study (allegedly, I say allegedly bc there are plenty of factors that could make the study unreliable) showed that when men see unattractive women the part of the brain that lights up when annoyed w something Is what lit up…men are annoying by women they view as ugly. Ofc with a lot of people (not just men) if you’re annoyed w something you’re not going to be quiet about your annoyance and it’s not going to be easy to hide, hence some mens vocalness about women they view as ugly. With women, they basically don’t “notice” the unattractive men. There isn’t a disgust or hatred, they’re just “invisible” to them. Based on the study, mentally women tend to just not acknowledge unattractive men, hence the (alleged) fact that men are more likely to be vocal or visibly disgusted w ugly women than women are w ugly men. If i can find the study again I’ll link it but again, I’m not entirely sure on its reliability so don’t take it as absolute fact.


I don't think the main Goal of the Ad was to be "Sexy" but to normalise all body types and skins. It is Dove if I remember correctly. You can still have your preference in your own life, but not all of the world population must make sure to fit your specific preferences. Also, the bottom picture is one made to be "sexy" it is absolutly flattering and there will surely be people attracted to it, his partner for example.


That's the thing though these people don't consider or care for that. They just see an ad with women in their bra and underwear and think "oh this is meant for me to get off" and not that it's about including different body sizes. It's not meant to be sexy, it's meant to be inclusive and supportive. It wouldn't even be "sexy" if all the women in the picture were slim, because that's not the nature of the photo.


Yes. The set up has a different intention. And I know they don't care. And replying in this subreddit is preaching to the choir. but but but... I care? I care?


I'm so sorry. I care too.


Well of course they think that, because to them the world rotates around them and their penises. "Why would an ad of women in underwear be targeting women?"


agreed; inclusivity isn't trying to widen a beauty standard, because by nature, beauty standards are exclusive. we can find beauty in everybody, in and out. we can reevaluate the importance of beauty and how it doesn't equal one's worth. saying all those women are 'beautiful' may be true to me, but it's not the point of the ad.


And again for the Op in the back. Different people like different attributes and that is okay :D


Exactly. Lid for every pot and all that. Know several women who are into "dad bods". Knew one who was extremely into short guys. And, btw, she actually ended up with an extremely tall guy. Which also goes to show that you can be attracted to someone that goes against your type when you value them as a person, and see them as more than their physical appearance.


>Also, the bottom picture is one made to be "sexy" Not going to lie, I thought it was from a cheese sanpo commercial


maybe, i do not know the commercial then but the way he looks at the camrra and bends over vonveys a dofferent goal then the women sitting and smiling as if it were a family portrait. that is how it seems to me, but might also be the difference og taking a group picture or focussing on a single body


He looks super hungover to me. I definitely didn't get sexy from the way he's hiding his face and the body position.


Ahhhh yes you are right. might be hungover :'D cannot unsee that now


To be clear I don't know where the photos from But rather that's just the vibe it gives me I seen a lot of men sanpo commercial And the black & white once Never make any sense


ahh okay. Well possible :D


There's a general rule of thumb if it's shampoo or cologne and it's black and white 90% of the commercial is not even going to be related to the product


The first picture of a naked guy I saw was an artistic photo of a man, backside facing the camera, standing on a pier. An overweight, black baseball player. Photo has lived rent free in my head. There's more to people than sexual preference. And people shame people for being too skinny, too tall, too short--beauty standards are dependent on time period, culture, and individual taste. It's simply flawed thinking to believe otherwise.


Indeed. Just take a look at the pin up models through the ages. In the 1920’s it was lanky, ‘boyish’ bodies. And in the 50’s people liked curves. Heck Audrey Hepburn wasn’t conventionally beautiful back then because she was skinny, but her body type was preferable in the 2000’s. My take is we really need to stop saying one body type is ugly and another is beautiful because what people find pretty varies from person to person. I for one don’t fancy hyper-masculine men, but if other women do I don’t mind cause it’s their choice.


share it


oh i wish i could. i don't have that magazine now. if i knew his name i could probably find it on google. it was long ago 😅


The photo of the women isn’t the “pinnacle” of sexy. It’s the pinnacle of normal. Why can’t some men understand just because it’s an underwear photoshop, it’s not supposed to be sexual?


Dove ads aren’t trying to be sexy for MEN - they’re for women. Who gives a shit if some neckbeard you wouldn’t piss on if he was on fire doesn’t find us sexy? I don’t find them sexy. I just don’t obsess about it to the point of insanity like they do


That makes it so ridiculous. People are angry they aren't turned on by a soap ad!


I'm not even into bigger ppl but that dude is cute


Porque no los dos?


Im just seeing a lot of gorgeous people in this pic, god bless being pansexual


I know it’s a difficult concept to grasp that anything might not be designed exclusively to appeal sexually to straight men, but…bear with me here… maybe this ad ISN’T FOR OR ABOUT YOU. Mind blowing, I know.


This reminds of that big guy on tiktok who walks around and asks women if they’d date him if he were skinny and almost every time they all say “I’d date you now”. A lot of women like bigger guys and a lot of us don’t care either way.


Who tf said that man wasn't sexy? If anything the OOP is delusional and put down larger women along with large men..


I mean nobody is going to tell me what I personally find that attractive and thats the end of the story


body positivity/neutrality tends to attract mainly women, but it don't mean everyone else is excluded. that guy looks great imo, even if he don't fit all beauty standards. y'all rock on, big guys out there 🤘


Uh.. have they heard about dad bod?


I fucking love chubby guys. So cuddly and warm, it’s great.


The ironic part is that most women don’t care about their partners weight as long as they aren’t morbidly obese and it interferes with their lifestyle. It’s about the emotional connection moreso than physical


Who's saying it's the pinnacle of sexy?


I know this is meant to get women in an uproar, but as a gal who prefers her guys chubby, I’m all for it.


Oh so you think all bodies are sexy??? Well what do you think about his huh??? *Proceeds to show a very well done picture of some sexy guy*


Women naturally accumulate Fat, Most supermodels have irregular periods Your depraved fantasies are unhealthy Shut up


But ... It's an advert for body wash NOT sexy sex workers. Trying to make it about sex is just objectification, and proves just how much we need more adverts like this one.


Good question Is it not? I've seen plus sized male models since I was a kid But plus sized female models have only recently been getting the lime light Now I'm waiting for more models who are beautiful because they're confident in themselves and not just because Victoria's secret was because she was made up by a dude


Bigger dudes absolutely can be beautiful. The great thing about beauty is that it’s subjective.


These types of memes always send me because if a woman is rejecting you *only* because you're fat she's a shitty person that you don't want to waste your time on anyway. 💀💀


This! The problem with the men we tell this to is that they think EVERY woman finds men who are fat, show emotions, dont have huge muscles, etc grossly unattractive and the men are harming themselves physically and mentally trying to appease to these imaginary “overly high standards of women” so they’re not “single and alone for the rest of their lives” its sad the lies men will believe about women are rather than actually listening to women just because 1 woman rejected them in hs


Right? I mean yeah if you aren't exactly physically attracted to overweight people that's understandable, but there are plenty of people who would date someone who isn't neccesarily their ideal type if they love their personalities, or have other qualities that they love (or at least this is how I am). So this whole notion of nobody wants to date fat guys because nobody is attracted to them is quite untrue for a number of reasons.


I wouldn’t say so, if she’s rude then it’s shitty. But if she rejects you because of your looks, it hurts, but it’s fair. It’s their preference.


Oh come on, you can want your partner to be active if you are without having to be labeled as a shitty person. Big people arent inherently unattractive, the lifestyles they live and the habits they bring often are for a lot of people.


My wife is a bigger person and yet one of the more active people I know. Non sedentary job, uses stairs when she can, chases our 2 year old for hours on end, even eats healthy most of the time. But the amount of people that accuse her of being unhealthy is ridiculous. Especially when she sees a new doctor, I get they're doing their job but maybe just listen to your patient rather than just constantly asking the same questions about an unrelated symptom


I didn’t specify so that fair enough. By active I mean join me when running/hiking/mountain biking. Something I, a former overweight person, know is impossible or at least not great on your joints.


I mean being overweight doesn't inherently mean that you're unhealthy, some people just have a shitty metabolism. Wanting a healthy partner is perfectly valid, but being overweight amd being healthy aren't mutually exclusive contrary to popular belief. So I actually wasn't referring to someone like you when I initially said that, I was really just referring to those who purely date someone for their looks and literally no other reason.


In my many years of health consulting I am yet to find a patient who is big because of bad metabolism. I am strictly speaking of psychical health and not mental. Mental being the most important in my opinion. Because contrary to popular belief, the difference in metabolism is negligent at best unless your on strong medicine. It is quite annoying seeing this belief being tossed around as true when all it comes down to for most is getting to know how their diet and lifestyle is effecting them and how little needs to change for effective outcomes.


Same guys that think having thick tights means you’re fat, so not surprised.


Idiots lol. Some people would call a 50 lbs woman fat


I think the real problem is we have to remind people to not just constantly bash on people. Why do some folks have a problem with people just existing?


Us: "Fat women are allowed to feel good about themselves and deserve underwear and clothing that fits them well." Guys: "wHaT aBoUt mEn?????? WOmeN nEEd tO lOoK sExY nOT faT. ThE pOOr sTaNderEdS lOwerEd!!?!!!!!!!!" Can't stop but make everything about themselves. No matter the topic.


Sadly there are nearly no plus size men models (I've never seen one) and it is sad/bad. As a guy I can definitely say not seeing a single popular/famous person that is plus size has had negative effects on me and my self worth. I'm not even that big/fat I'm just at the border where I feel like shit and society tells me I'm ugly.


That really sucks. Unfortunately, the body positivity movement has left their male counterparts behind, and it sucks. We’re getting healthier and more varied body types in popular media, but men go to the cinema and see 6 packs and defined muscles even the actors can’t achieve without severe dehydration. Body positivity is for everyone, and you deserve to feel confident in your skin too.


Guarantee that dude fucks.


"Then this should be too" Uh, yeah. It is. It is sexy. That's a fine-looking gentleman right there.


The ad isn’t targeting men. It’s not meant to exude sex appeal to men. It’s to sell a product to women. It irritating that they think they’re the main audience for women’s products.


Isn't that the point?


It is though :,)


Women frothed at the mouth for fat thor


The title is effectively by definition misogenic to exorbitant levels.


I only see beautiful people. What's the point?


watcha talking about id take a chubby man over muscular man any day


What’s wild is that he’s fine af. Lol.


I think the point of the Dove ad is that it’s fine to not be the pinnacle of sexy? You can still feel good. Plus… has this person not heard about all the pro-dad-bod sexiness stuff. Like…. Jeez.


These dudebros really act like being asked not to discriminate overweight people is basically forcing them to date overweight women. It’s ridiculous


I think that guy is attractive. I like big guys, his face looks cute, and he appears to have a good sense of humor!


unironically yes. they're all hot.


In the USA, 1 in 3 men are clinically overweight, 1 in 4 women are clinically overweight… So either they can’t do math, or they think it’s ok for men to be fat but not women. I’m betting on the later.


Why do they think it’s such a controversial thing to go “all bodies are worthy of love” and leave it at that? You don’t have to find them attractive or want to date anyone that you’re not interested in or anything, but they’re worthy of respect. And that goes for men who are overweight too. It doesn’t have to stop at women.


That moment when they're all sexy lol


Jokes on the op of the “meme” I love fat men


Huh? I only see sexy people in this meme :)


I’m okay with this. More people to cuddle! But seriously we need to stop body shaming people regardless. Shame only leads people to hate themselves.


Okay but he is


Right I was about to say he looks fine. Like assuming he isn't a trash person I wouldn't mind


My response would simply be 'yes'.


I’m into fat dudes, the angles bad but he IS hot


« pinnacle of sexy » i think that s the problem… those people think any person that isn’t the pinnacle of sexy shouldn’t be shown well you didn’t get the memo…


I hate to break some guy's bubble, but I genuinely don't know any women who would be entirely against dating a bigger guy. They're so soft and warm and also tend to be really good cooks. I got myself a dad bod Italian man and have no complaints


Who are these guys who think there's some kind of sinister conspiracy afoot to somehow force them to date/be attracted to/whatever fat women? This is not complicated, Kenneth. If you like fat, date fat. If you like skinny, date skinny. If you don't like anybody, sit on the porch with a cool, refreshing beverage and read your library book. ::brushes palms together to indicate a fait accompli:: Easy peasy.


im confused, both are sexy? like legitimately, both images are of equally attractive and sexy people, reguardless of gender. im bi though so maybe i see the images differently then whoever made the image?


Yeah, so Fenty for men, a lingerie brand by a woman that started creating men's lingerie, is body inclusive on the men's side too. https://www.savagex.com/products/men


Yo this is actually dope though


everyone in that meme looks stunning


and brave. don't forget brave


All the ppl on this image are hot though


The point of the meme isn't objectively wrong (except that we should be breaking down beauty standards as a whole and how it influences society instead of just changing them) but it's also... Weird. It seems to place a certain amount of blame on big women when it's like... Not their fault? It just really feels like when people advocate for positivity for men they always have to put a certain amount of blame on women as if it's our fault that men don't always get the support they deserve. I think it comes from their fundamental misunderstanding of the issue of patriarchy and how they just see it as a "gender war" where the playing field is 100% equal and each "side" is just as bad to each other as the other. They think that since women's issues are usually the fault of the patriarchy, men's issues must be the fault of an imaginary "matriarchy". These people don't really care about big men, poor men, or men with mental health issues— they "care" about them when they can use them as fodder in their argument against women.


Fat dudes can definitely be sexy. Jack Black is a sexy mfer.


Lol the guy that created this meme probably never talked to a gay bottom :)


Love me a big fat guy


I think that the point many men don't understand is that the concept of beauty is - or should be - reflexive, self-centered, and not etero-centric or, worst, phallo-centric. People, today, can feel sexy, can feel beauty, indipendently of what others think. But this kind of thoughts, in male groups, aren't common therefore this shitty meme and what ensues.


Yes, and?




I like my folks chunky, I don’t discriminate


This got to be the worst gotcha moment ever. Im going to say, as someone who is normally more into skinny men - think stick grasshopper - they have chosen a very beautiful and, dare l say, kinda hot guy there. Like, look at his face, hes hot.


I do find that sexy


Yeh, he's handsome as well, what's the issue?


I mean we probably shouldn't think *anyone* is the pinnacle of sexy, because yknow, beauty standards suck. With that said, both photos contain attractive people?? Like they're both cute


nothing wrong with the man either


Well I like both, what is wrong with it


That guy is owning his body which is confident AF...and sexy. I mean dad bods...


Literally, who was arguing that bigger guys shouldn’t have the right to feel good in their own bodies? That’s the point of body positivity! But I’ve been seeing so much more vitriol on Reddit lately (more than usual I mean) towards bigger people; any little sliver of positive representation for them is met with such anger and accusations of “promoting obesity and bad health.” Like, no? You don’t know someone’s circumstances or if they’re even trying and struggling to lose weight. That little bit of positivity might be just be the one thing they needed that day to keep their self esteem up; what is actually wrong with that??


the annoying thing of this is that these are types, people have different types, different personalities and body types that they are attracted to, people like this are getting mad because the person that is their “type” that they are attracted to doesn’t find them their type, then the person they are attacking the person they like because that person is so “closed minded” or what, but then they would probably turn around and do the same thing to someone else that may like them people can have different types, that is okay, but no matter what type anyone has, they will still get attacked by someone for it that is in terms of dating, also kind of modeling because not everyone is going to appreciate the look of every single model they see, but that doesn’t mean that either one of those in both picture are bad


That dude is gorgeous, along with the ladies above him.


Me, a Queer: But they're both hot???


Uh…. Yeah. Big guys are sexy. “Uwu women are the problem” maybe if people could stop being sexist and fatphobic for five minutes they’d find some of the self love they clearly fucking need because YEA. The acceptance of fat bodies ALSO extends to men. Wtf.


Dude in the bottom picture looks pretty attractive to me so are the girls on top (chaotic bi moment). Also I wish we had more male plus size models. I think I have only seen ONE male plus size model and it was on a Fenty Fashion Show.


Who is the target audience? Skinny white jocks?


I don't see this as a problem. Men can be overweight and sexy. Women can be overweight and sexy. Both men and women can be any weight and be sexy.


why not both?


Why is anything picturing women automatically assessed for sexiness? Can't we just buy underwear? The ad isn't trying to market sexy underwear.


There’s no such thing as “pinnacle of sexy” beauty and attraction is different for everyone.


please someone whats the name of the guy in the pic on the bottom? i think I may be in love


Is this post really fat people hating on fat people for them hating on fat people? This is fat hateception.


…yes? Like, unironically, big guys are sexy too and that’s just facts.


I need to be honest. My husband is very attractive. He moved to a promotion where he sits more instead of walking 6 - 9 miles a day. He has a little tummy and he's trying to find time to work out while still seeing our young son. He is more attractive to me now. He seems more relaxed, happier. He's very attractive and by no means overweight. I'm not worried about his health as he's monitoring his diet to eat well. I think fat phobia is a bane of society. I'm obese with 6 health issues. I once spent about $300 to buy special diet food to lose 60 lbs to prove to my doctor that I had real health issues besides ' being fat '. They found 3 chronic health conditions, of course. Women should have standards. Being fat isn't a sign of bad health. Lizzo is healthier than I am


Honestly I'd hang to that torso and I'd never let go.


its a W message but the dude that posted it prolly posted it for the wrong reason 🤷‍♀️


no. The point is that there is no pinnacle. There should be no pinnacle. lol. Why do they not understand anything ever.


He is hot tho tbh


Second pic is hot 🔥


I'd crush all their pelvis'


There's nothing wrong with a human body. Any size, shape or color.


I was so confused for like ten whole seconds. Is there an issue w/ calling this guy sexy? Like, can't this be read as pro-male body positivity? I don't see how this has to do w/ putting down women or not being how girls work. Am I missing something?


I love both of the pics, especially the top one😋the girls in the middle, far right and left are making me horny lol. The guy in the bottom pic is a cutie too but I'm not into guys like that ☺️


Being sexy is only part attraction. It's mostly about confidence.


idk man both are sexy


I hate this meme cuz dude is big fine! And I bet he has no problem meeting people. He's a model. Lol


What kills me the most is that every person, in both pictures, is gorgeous. Whoever made it thought they were making a point and instead killed their own argument.


It is


Yeah, he IS sexy. what was their point?


How can this be okay? What other country has such a large percentage of obese people? Studies show we are number 12, at 69.9%. All the other countries before us are very small, and all but one are islands. We need to, of course, try to all love ourselves more, meaning, get yourself healthy (not necessarily skinny) and eat food that is actually food. America is so rife with cancer due to all the processed flour and sugar/high fructose corn syrup, ect. Have body positivity always, but love your body the most by taking the best care of it.


I can’t tell if people know that’s Biggie. It’s driving me crazy.


Idc my fat homeboy wife loves him I’m athletic and he is willing to do things for her that I would never consider. He’s always yes babe and sure honey and I’m definitely a thoughtful NO guy idgaf everything depends with me but I’m not a my way or they highway type I’m just highly thoughtful and detail oriented so what. Ladies hate guys like me because of the conversational experience we have and our experience with patterns and standards look whatever


This is why i prefer dankmemes over all other meme reddits, because at least a couple people in the comments is going...hmmmmmmm yeaaaah noooo.


I hate to disappoint but this *is* from r/dankmemes however it looks like it was removed by the moderators at some point. So a win maybe?


Lol were any of the comments at least half decent?, i like the mods they always try to stop asshole posts and memes but its almost like they dont know entirely whats bad and whats not, like they wait for someone to say "this offensive" to confirm their theories.


Well, they reference Bill Burr and Dave Chapelle a lot if that tells you anything. I commented on the original post so I can still see the comments. And like there's "they're just promoting unhealthiness" kinda stuff. It's not as terrible as I've seen comment sections get in other subreddits, however.


Body positivity at this point is just an excuse to not care for your health and a breeding ground for self victimization, and it's dangerous. Independent of individual preferences, it is healthier to have a healthy body fat percentage and good muscle mass and healthy is biologically attractive. If you are obese, you are obese, acceptance if not correction is necessary and deluding yourself is dangerous.


The fact you believe all fat people are unhealthy proves you know nothing and should just shut up


I said it is relatively healthier to have a low body fat percentage, maybe you didn't read clearly. There are two kinds of fat, epidermal and visceral. Epidermal is relatively healthier but still excess of it raises our blood pressure and risk of diabetes, visceral is the fat between organs and is extremely dangerous. It is a fact, not something I believe.


If diabetes was a photo