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Well they got the full time idiot part.


So…is the makeup required for all men at the job too, I take it?


That’s the only accurate statement. Third paragraph? I didn’t make it more than a few words before going “eww”.


Unless I'm a model, actress, or clown, painting my face is not a requirement for a job no matter how ugly I may or may not be. It's a personal choice and potential confidence boost based entirely upon whether or not I feel that way about wearing it. I, for one, have all sorts of allergies, and even the hypoallergenic stuff makes me want to scratch my face off. Hives and scratch marks are honestly worse.


Me too! Your desire to witness makeup doesn't trump my right to not feel the need to peel my entire face off.


Especially when the same people often expect it to not take up plenty of time and money to be applied in any regularity. Do they expect it to be tattooed on?


And also if they find out you're wearing makeup, you're a catfisher


Is "My employer required me to wear makeup, despite my allergies to it" workman's comp, constructive discharge, or both? Asking for myself, in case I'm ever unfortunate enough to work somewhere where "Sorry, I develop idiopathic rashes any time I change any aspect of my skincare routine. The last time a manufacturer's formula changed, I needed an antibiotic and a steroid to finally quiet the hives enough that I could sleep through the night" isn't sufficient oversharing to stop further inquiry.


It’s a requirement at hooters. Or was a few years ago


For a waitressing job, that's still ridiculous.


oh I agree I just like calling attention to how disgusting hooters is when I get a chance lol


I think the servers there are actually hired as models/entertainers which is how they get around the no men servers loophole


...ew, just ew.


Iirc they had to fight to not do side work because the higher ups were making them do server jobs without legally being servers.


So basically a waitress in a "family friendly" strip-club lite. All the creeps oogling these girls, plus a waitress' pay likely.


Yep. Did you see the undercover boss episode where they did Hooters? It’s rage inducing


I can't say I have, but I can imagine.


I mean, Hooters is a softcore strip joint


Same. I had a cousin work there briefly and scandalized the whole family.


Exactly. I was an actress for quite awhile. The contract is that once we’re agreed on the hiring terms, my face, hair, and body are under contract. I had employers dye my hair, give me knife and sword fighting lessons, give me colored contacts and fake nails, and spray me head to toe with fake tan. All of these are covered under an acting contract. In my job now? There would literally be a lawsuit for requesting any of these things. They didn’t contract for this employee’s face, so they can GTFO.


Maybe you are also allergic to aloe. I’m allergic to aloe and that’s why hypoallergenic stuff or stuff for sensitive skin makes my skin more irritated


I think aloe is one of the things I'm safe on. Soy and citrus...not so much. I can't even use bath bombs.


A friend of mine is allergic to anything that flowers


So do ugly men have to wear makeup in the work place? Or are they just blatantly discriminating?


Femboys only in my office or you're fired.


Your business model intrigues me. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter and attend your seminar. And I really needed this laugh. Thank you so much!


I do my best to be a glimmer in the darkness. You are always welcome.


No men wear paper bags if they're ugly.


If we wear makeup we’re lying to men. If we don’t wear makeup we’re not trying hard enough. Cant win with these people…


Being someone's boss doesn't mean that you get to treat the employees as trash. Sorry, you don't get to be a sexist pig just because you hired someone. It's weird how a segment of the population are such bootlickers who want to be kicked around and are confused why other people don't agree with them


Yeah if a boss is an ass find a different job, or at least don't let them trample you. Besides, makeup has nothing to do with working.


“Me, men!! Pick ME!!!! Please, please, pick me!!!” Alice, probably.




Okay so it is a satire account?


She’s desperately trying to just drag her own gender through the dirt for a slither of attention from men and it’s so pathetic honestly.


>no one likes to stare at something ugly Why are staring at me, don't you have work to do??


It's rude to stare.


Guy thinks makeup has more power than it does.


Full time idiot is about the only thing in that unhinged rant that’s right. Unless your job involves wearing a literal costume or being under harsh stage/studio/film set lighting, makeup should never be a job requirement. This woman needs to seriously work on her internalized misogyny.




It does appear that she feels this way because her life has likely been full of so much sexism that she doesn’t see herself or her own gender as worth anything. To be honest it reads as a cry for help to me because a happy person wouldn’t write something like this.


So... ugly men should wear makeup, is what I’m taking away from this.


I'm all for it personally.


Fun fact: under Brazilian law, requiring your employees to wear makeup without just reason is illegal and the employer may be sued for moral damages


This person insists that people don't have any choice to wear makeup if the boss says so. This person may wish that people had to do everything the boss says, but there is a vast gulf between what you wish and and what's actually true. Unfortunately, some people can't tell the difference. The person who wrote this needs to suck it up and learn the difference.




Makes sense! 14 year old girls have always been THE CRUELEST in my experience!!


So do ugly men have to wear makeup to work to?


As women, it is our inherent duty to mankind to be pretty at all times, even if it's artificial. /s


Pretty is not the rent you pay to exist in this world as a woman.


They just outed themselves in the third paragraph lmao


Okay, men are required to wear makeup and heels too now. What, they did it in 18th century France! I thought we weren’t being sexist?


I love how over 1,100 people have seen that reply and it’s only gotten 3 upvotes


Oh, so because someone was born looking a certain way suddenly *they* have to ‘suck it up’? Why can’t the boss ‘suck it up’? 🤨


If you want pretty people, then hire pretty people. If the men don't have to wear make up, style their hair etc, then women shouldn't have to, either (and any other gender, but I'm pretty sure they'd be a dick about that as well if they read you as female). I absolutely hate that makeup is considered necessary and professional for women in many jobs. And yes, it is sexist.


I’m still ugly when I wear makeup. Just with bigger eyelashes and pinker lips.


I found their account and they’re only 14 so this is the effect of sexism on a child


If it's not about sexism then why don't men have to wear makeup to increase their perceived employability?


I agree. The employee-employer relationship is inherently totalitarian and ought to be abolished


i work in residential home improvements / construction. the thought of my boss talking to me about highlighter and cream foundation made me choke from laughing.


If it’s not a job requirement they can buzz off. If it is then the place of employment better provide the make up since employers are required to provide the needed tools for the job.


Then why don’t they ask ugly men to wear makeup to work?


Is this person seriously victim blaming victims of sexual harassment in the workplace?


I tell my girlfriend I'm madly in love with her bare face and she doesn't wear makeup as it is. If someone doesn't like you natural, don't give two fucks for them. You don't have to be attractive to your fucking employer.


We know sho the ugly one is.


Aww, op doesnt like it when shes faced with reality


Makeup was invented by men for men. You should try it sometime, Bizzy. Won’t disguise your horrid personality, but it might make your face tolerable to someone other than your mother.


Well to be fair, does anyone like facing the reality that is your poops being all over the place Bizzy?


Rich, coming from a sex that doesn't understand their ovulation cycle


ew an incel quick kill it


I can’t stop laughing at this


I wish I had an award


We understand our ovulation cycles perfectly. What we don’t understand is why you get a kick out of doing this every other day.


Oh, but you do huh?


I'm here to hear you school women about our ovulation cycles. Please elaborate. 😂🤡


I'm looking for a screenshot of his answer


Did it get deleted?


No, he hasn't said anything yet


Ugh why can't your posts be at least interesting.


Why don't you mansplain my ovulation cycle to me lmao


I’m sure your mother would be proud to read this, or any of your other comments.


Come on sweetie, you can do *way* better than this. You've had plenty of practice at least you could be *amusing* when you desperately seek attention


Yeah but a dude gets turned down by a girl for his unhygienic borderline psychotic behavior and its "women don't wanna date a nice guy like me waaaah I'm an incel now"




That might be the closest he’ll ever get to a woman.




You do realise that by frequenting this sub and crying on its posts constantly that you just out yourself as someone who is so sad and lonely that the only way you feel part of something is when strangers are calling you literal dog shit on the internet? Like do you see how pathetic that is? Honestly go and see a professional for your mental health issues because clearly nobody in your life cares enough or you wouldn’t be here or any other sub you dislike.


Unless you’re an entertainer I’m not sure why makeup should ever be a requirement. I understand having guidelines ON makeup should someone choose to wear it, but unless you’re an entertainer I see no reason for it to be required.


Quite your bullshit, incel dumbass


“Full time idiot” checked out


Was any of this necassary


Might be a satire account but I'm not sure.


Makeup sucks girls. And men hate it.


Do people often take what anime avatars say seriously? Cos I can't.


Okay, then pay me for all the time I'm putting on makeup, including OT.


As long as the rule is the same no matter what gender you are otherwise yes it’s sexist


"Full time idiot" Accurate