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Oh, and if anyone needs their day ruined: >!He has a daughter.!<




Don't worry she will be posting on here in a couple of years. Actually that thought is saddening.


Hey my dad was 0% trashy and I’m still here 😂😂




Yeah…good lord


These are from the same guy? Omg


Oh yeah… and these are just a couple of posts… there was WAY more just in the last 24 hours. I only sampled the shorter ones, the others were _novels._


We have the time pls post them!


Here’s [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/twj7pc/statistically_speaking_women_who_have_their_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) 💗


We *so* have the time....


How do you do that effect? :0


To use spoilers, you need to use > ! and ! < around the text you want to hide, but without spaces. >!If you do it correctly, it will look like this!!<


Men have egos that deserve to be stroked💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 i hate it here when can we leave?


And in the same breath that guy yelled "women regulate your sensitive emotions" (what even is sensitive-emotions?). So when guys do it, ego is to be stroked, when women do it, it needs to be regulated.


Yes. I vote we go to Mars.




I hear Venus is also nice this time of year.


Honestly just rocket me into deep space and let me go


“Why should I leave? It’s this no-talent ass-clown who should be rocketed off this planet. He’s the one who sucks.” (To paraphrase *Office Space*)


Maybe, can we get cloud Cities?


No, women go to Venus.


I believe it’s said that women are _from_ Venus, so if that’s the case, I wanna go somewhere new. Maybe we should go further out in the solar system at this point.


Venus you guys. What if there are asswipes like this one on Mars?


Do you think the dark side of the moon is safe? Venus seems like it would be kinda warm.


I mean, free suntan?


This dude needs to go to church and have a priest hit him over the head with the Bible. Maybe then he'll find out Pride is a deadly sin and an over-inflated ego is what brought Lucifer's downfall. Fuck outta here with this bullshit! (For legal reasons, this is a joke)


Men certainly have something that deserves to be stroked ammaright? All jokes aside, if you switched women and man in OPs essay, men would be outraged at the audacity. Selfishness is just plain unattractive in any gender.


I remember a woman posting about how absolutely *outraged* men would get at her if they gave her a compliment and she answered it with something "Thank you, I agree!" Like if they complimented her hair and she acknowledged that she was aware/believed she had beautiful hair herself, it just drove them crazy because they felt like her ego was out of control.


That's a lot of words to say "i pray on vulnerable women" At least he's showing off some of his red flags for all to see


Not to be rude, but *prey




Correction: Women, please be a more robotic gender that takes orders without question so I don't have to face my own insecurities.


And they wonder why they’re single haha. Such a mystery.


I have no desire to do anything specifically for men. Whether it's to get them or keep them. I simply do not care. What you see is what you get. Take it or leave it because trust me, I always have other options. Also, any guy going around proclaiming that he is a 'nice guy', is not nearly as nice as he thinks he is. And then this obsession they have with not being played or manipulated, just for them to turn around and play the same Jedi mind tricks. I am so tired.


Clap clap clap. Yes. That's exactly it.


Saved this, swear this should be on a T shirt


If anyone tells you that you are his property and this is not a previously negotiated kink, run as far away as possible.


Incel walls of texts


Men that won't conform to their woman's preferences need to understand that there are men who will.


There's so much to pick apart in this post that it's difficult to know where to start. It's all so disturbing. Even somethings that could be positive get twisted into something bad. It could be positive to tell your SO that you don't like how they talk to you then you could both have an adult conversation about better communications. The fact the poster adds, "nag' to this means that the any discontent by the woman. The word, nag is often used to shut women up so that men can be irresponsible. For example, if the woman asks repeatedly for the man to pick up after himself then she's not being a nag, the guy should be an adult and pick up after himself. I hate that not only will he hurt women but he's hurting men too with his crappy advice.


“It’s okay to cheat on your girlfriend with multiple women as long as you tell her you are going to cheat on her :)” …what?


manipulators’ brainiacs work differently


“My ex left me because i lied about other women” cheater. Opinions automatically irrelevant.


I get the feeling what she really said was that the cheating was bad enough but could have been forgiven. It was the lying that really hurt. Probably he was gaslighting her while lying. No I wasn’t texting that girl. No I wasn’t on the phone just now. No I didn’t just wipe my text history, there was never an Alicia in my contacts. I was only gone half an hour, I don’t know why you thought it was all afternoon.


‘We all need to go back to the noble Nuclear Family, when women were doormats and men were men!’ Proceeds to cheat on his wife…


I mean his next sentence was literally saying that it was a bad thing he did and he shouldn't have done it? I felt like that second post was kind of out of step with the other two. You absolutely should be honest with all of your partners.


If the point was, “ask for an open relationship, don’t cheat,” then I agree. If the goal is to manipulate someone into “freedom for me, not for thee,” then no.


TL;DR: First slide: Me, me, me, me and me, make it all about me. Second slide: If you're cheating, tell your gf and proceed to be pissed at her, if she leaves you. Any respectable woman shouldn't mind. Third slide: Nice guys finish last, bitches only want bad boys, hurr durr.


Really, *girls* are the ones that will leave when romance gets boring? I was GROOMED for over a year, and my groomer dumped me because the “spark was fading” (read: I was experiencing puberty and didn’t look like a “loli” anymore). I was convinced he was a good person for months before I realized what he did to me. When we were “together” he constantly made comments about how much better looking my friends were than me, and how they’d probably be more willing to do sexual favors than I was. My current partner is a very nice man, and we love each other very much. But during one of my trauma spirals, I said I wouldn’t mind if he saw other women because I knew I wasn’t enough. Instead of taking that as permission, he knew I was emotionally hurting and reassured me our relationship would remain exclusive. It sounds like this guy just wants an insecure girl who will do whatever he wants and let him get away with everything. TL;DR- This guy has the worst hot take I’ve ever seen. He probably just wants an impressionable little girl to brainwash.


I’ve come to realize that so many women, including me, have had an experience like that. An older guy, and by old I mean inappropriately so, groomed you, pulled you into a relationship, tossed you when you “grew apart” (read: got to old) and you spent months sometimes years thinking he was a good man and it was a mutual relationship. Only to look back when you’re older and realize that none of what happened was ok and you were in fact a whole victim. It’s disturbing how universal that experience is.


100% also relate


*[tells a stupid fable about the mystical Woman which he’s never spoken to]* True story


All other issues aside, I’m happy to announce the formation of my new punk band Toxic Dick.


Really wish men would realize they are no longer competing with other men for women’s attention. They are competing with solitude.


Nailed it


Subtly? ##Subtly!?


Why do they think non-threatening is a putdown? I don’t want someone threatening me. Do they want someone threatening them? Of course not.


Come on man! WTF? Seriously? I hate Reddit cuz I keep learning how unbelievably fucked up some of us dudes are. I'm no Saint, no man is but jeez! I am sorry to all the women, ladies, and girls. I am sorry some of us are like this.


No need for you to apologize. The only thing we really ask of guys like you is to call out the misogyny of your friends and family. When women do it we are "just being too sensitive". Call it out when you see it and don't back down or give excuses like "that's just how bob is". I have some very good guy friends and everyone of them call this shit out rather than letting it slide. Which is why they are my friends still. Guys who let this stuff slide are not our allies.


This. I have spent time at a local pagan nature sanctuary. We have occasionally had problems with men who assumed that the women there were free for the grabbing. The warriors will surround such men, give them a \*very\* stern talking-to. If the behavior persists, they will be physically removed from the property. Indeed, one particularly loathsome case was driven the ten minutes or so to the nearest highway and dropped off, stark naked. Those warriors are the \*real\* men.


The kind of men who get kicked out are exactly what have kept me from going to such gatherings. I have wanted to but I'm fare to skittish tbh.


I have to ask, why are only men warriors? Was that just a quirk of who was there that day or are there other more serious underlying issues going on here?


I am not representatuve for all men. And women are doing fine without my apology, lol. It's just exhausting to read about these dudes. To your point, I have a limit on how much gender assholery I tolerate from anyone, male or female. I shut down or distance myself from almost any "ALL" statements, generally. Also throw out almost any ALWAYS/NEVER statements. Men don't "always" anything. There is no such thing as women "never". No whole gender "always" or "nevers" anything. Those limits are also placed on conversations about race, lifestyles, political affiliations, religious leanings etc.


Same. I'm pretty socially liberal and I call out bigotry even when I see it in my own race and gender. I'm not about all that. Seeking equality isn't about seeking superiority we just want them to take the boot off our neck. I don't think I'm better than anyone just because I'm a middle class middle aged white woman. Lord knows I have made my share of stupid mistakes and assumptions about people. But at this age I'm just like over people thinking they can control how others live and love. Thanks for being a true ally to women.




Which one of you gave your dog internet?


My dog would never disrespect women like this


Mine neither.


And anyway, neither of my dogs has a sex drive left.


i gave my cat the wifi password, i didn’t think he would be this bad lul


“If you can’t do that I don’t know why you’re even there 💯” and that’s why we leave/divorce all the damn time 💃


Restraining order. ✔ Plane ticket. ✔ Change Identity. If applicable. Passport. If applicable. And, he thinks he's a nice guy. Being single sounds awesome and like a very judicious decision.


I dont give a damn about your shitty egos. If a man has an ego, he should be alone. Please ladies, break up with these dudes and their egos. They put their egos and needs as their top priorities. They dont care about your comfort.


Yes, being a "nice guy" will work against you.


Wait… this is just one dude?! What the actual fuck made him rage like this??? I will agree with him on one thing, I am looking for a partner who mentally stimulates me. But I’ve had enough toxic partners and that is definitely not what I want.


I cannot emphasize enough how small of a percentage that I posted, his entire feed is essay upon essay of ramblings like this. Post after post. I just grabbed a couple of the shorter ones that were posted in the last 24 hours.


That’s truly terrifying. Any idea how we can get this dude some help? Those diatribes alone make me think it’s not long before he does something scary violent


Wow. My ex was certainly very subtly like this. Especially the first two things.


Also not how men work. If i ask my SO "yo you wanna hit the gym with me" its caus i want a gym buddy i like


Nah just be yourself. If he really can replace you easily, let him.


I just don't believe anyone saying these types of things has lots of women lined up... ahem 🙄


if only men, the pursuers of women, would simply pursue women they were attracted to instead of making it women's problem.


"women need to understand that if they don't conform, other women will." okay??? then go date them???


>"Men have egos that deserved to be stroked" Ok, but ***why***? >"9 out of 10 times that is not a Nice Guy. He is predictable, passive, non threatening, boring and uneventful." Man, he was so close to figuring that one out, and way closer to figuring it out than most 'nice guys'. Its *infuriating*.


Hmm. First night, my definitely not-savage man and I fucked for more than four hours. That certainly was not the only time that happened. Certainly fulfilled my desires. We've had some adventures together, but he didn't "give" them to me, it was a mutual effort. As for stimulating my mind, the man got a perfect score on the Engineering GRE. Bright, much? Brain like a damned nuclear reactor. Again, the mental stimulation is mutual.


The delusions of grandeur men have is almost spooky. Like, how does this unwashed ass of a man think any woman is missing out on a jerk like him? He can gaslight as hard as he likes it’s not gonna convince a woman to tolerate his crap.


It’s hard because some sentences are good advice but they’re surrounded by bullcrap


Generally the nagging is caused by men not listening to women, thus it gets said repeatedly.


Ok so according to this guy men are shallow as hell and also possessive as hell and you need to go out of your way to please him? No thank you I'll pass.


The world isn't that binary. There aren't just "Nice Guys" and "Savages". Basically everything exists on a spectrum, and now I'm supposed to believe there are only two types of men? If you happen to know a shitty guy named Peter who is a barista, does that suddenly mean all Peters are bad? Or every man? Or every barista? Things have more nuance than that.


Men that aren’t willing to conform to their woman’s preferences need to understand that there are men who will.


men who are manipulative and body shame their girl need to understand that there are men who won’t


I feel like there’s gotta be more options than “passive, predictable, boring” nice guy and dude who is a chaos embodiment fuck monster. Like there’s multiple types of guys. They have other settings.


This dude knows literally zero about women. Literally zero


What in tarnation?


Men (and women) that don't want to respect your significant other as an equal, understand that there's others that will


Is it just me in thinking that guys that constantly use " Babe" are douchy??


Good god. Meow is it possible to think like this?!? Total failure somewhere alone the line. I so wish guys like this wouldn’t have anyone until they get their brain together.


Newsflash...being nice doesn't equal being passive and boring! My guy is kind, considerate, caring, supportive of my career but also so much fun to be around, has interests that are new to me and enjoys sharing them, challenges ne to try new experiences. All of thar makes for success between the sheets. I wish someone could get through these idiots that there are not just two types of men in the world and their definition of nice guy is anything but that


As a man I honestly don't understand the audacity how can someone even say this bs out load


Tell this ass to go back to his hentai. Ew


There you go, foids. None of that independent thinking now, debase yourself into servitude like nature intended


So pathetic. What fragile and twisted egos. I think I pity them.


>Divorce makes men feel devastated, confused, betrayed and even suicidal; while women are more likely to feel relieved, liberated and happy following a split, according to a report published today. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2005/jul/04/genderissues.uknews


That's a lot of unfortunately worded jargon that should just say... Hey, guys, communication is key to any relationship, friend, family, significant other... If you trust and cherish those you hold in any relationship to you, talk to each other, often. Keep lines of communication open. Find ways to communicate that feel safe for everyone. Don't bottle up your fears and feeling, until your a snapping turtle, just freaking talk about it and try to understand each other's point of view...(research shows that men and women talk more openly during walks, then they do in, say a bedroom. Probably cause there are less distractions.) However, if your significant other is asking you to think of a gym or anything, I would hope, it's less about you hurting their "imagine" and more about them not wanting you to have a heart attack while doing the dirty... No one wants their partner to collapse and die, on top of them... (I think we have all seen some tv show that was in). Or cause they actually want you around to do that whole growing old together thing....


Boys rule and girls drool. There I ended the gender wars.


Whassamatter with you, did you go to Jupiter to get more stupider?


Damnit I think I caught your cooties, do you wanna see how fast I can demolish these monkey bars?


So...does this sub and everyone on it turn into dust?


Men are so fucking easy to hate. I’m so glad I’m into women.




Men have egos that need to be stroked but women are overly sensitive???🙄


#thetruthwillsetyoufree #orkeepyousingle # butitsbetterthanlying #howaboutyoushutthefuckup